THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. WEDDING DATED FOR FEBRUARY 7 NUPTIALS OF I.I'CIEN \Y. COBB AND MISS MARIAN NEEDHAM TO OC( UR AT SAX JOSE. CALIFORNIA BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED BE FORE LEAVING FOR FAR WEST. Miss Marian Needham left Sat urday for San Jose, California, where on February 7 she will i.o united in marriage with Lncien VV. Cobb, Jr., of Rosjburg, Ore gon. The wedding will take pl?c* a.t the home of Mrs. W. E. Cox. a sister of Miss Needham, in Sun Jose, and the officiating mini.«t;r •will be the Rev, Z. J. Needham. of the M. E. church, who is im uncle of the bride-to-be, and wlv performed the marriage ceremony at the wedding of her paron' "Rev. and Mr s. J. !"!. Needham year? ngo. The '" : ' i he a» home '' '•--V-.- ■ O ':i': i Pi I) >. 1 ) •• \> . 70! V. h j -y day. Miss N>-'hrr» i«* a -*ti ;r• ••• •" Rev. and M-s T. n. Noedhtrn >.* Danbur;*. Her fa'her i> the 1 >vtd pasto' - of the M. E. church of th ! ? plaro. She Is a young lady o'' very exceptional qualities of rain ! and character and of uni'su-d w«>nr*l rhnmvSht is z.> £«sdti i! .•• of Oregon State college at Co>-- vrd'is, O"o v on. a rr ember m' Gam!' a Phi Th '•• • . 1 »*.-» T " nomics, an I an h :»"> >.vy ci on ' .r. • • v - ! Mi. fi •> p.roov; v. ■ poc*. is v • *.* l'] .of"i »' . ' university r.t ■' d-T.i, Or"! >• . has hr 1 j ■ r.-,» h* " '• Stanfo.d. I'o'o .M o, '""ah. Ho is in:- > -ate 1 in r'nhy: \ ' i r. nching. P.rt o v ('• "n"*uve f r •! • f.-r Via? >l:vi '. c? ~...* ~, t j, -me o r F) .t. ' . Ilnr-T r* Pino II >V ! the P: " 11-i'l missionar • ro^vi,'. Mis. TO - .: Preston i r>"cai.h"'" c this sor-k-'v. Delicious rof** ' • i monis wore served by (Us h ■' » ' >s?es. Bil s Prin^r^ Is Thrent? i- i" ' Pill Pringle, of th" Guilfo-l ( College section, got a I'tter on his front porch demanding SS.OMD on pain of death or destruction. He carried the letter to th"* Sheriff o f Guilford who is Icok ing for the attempted kidnaper o>- blackmailer, q Mr. Pringle, who is a son o" the late Dr. A. J. Pringle. «>•' Lawsonville, Stokes county, formerly resided at Lawsonville. The Greensboro News in publish ing the item, says it was under stood Mr. Pringle was *eir to a s large fortune left by his father in land in Stokes county. Volume 63. LET TURLINGTON ACT STAND M. E. CHURCH AT DANBURY MEMORIALIZES LEGISLA-. TIVE CANDIDATES—WANTS NO CH\N«ES IX TiSi; LR}l OR LAWS. The M. E. Churcii al Danbury. of which Rev. J. I>. Needham i. pastor, wants the Turlington anti-liquor avt lot alone. At knit Sunday's meeting of the church members and friends, resolutions memorializing our Stokes representatives in the legislature were adopted. It i« asked that there be no changes made in the present North Caro lina laws which forbid the man i facture or sals of liquor in the State. J The resolution follows: "Whercaf, i( lias come to o\a attention that O.TOJ'S are h-iir; naJe to have . : iin of ti*i- A' . ! ! > ■ ■ v I " v i i*>*t f . • : n ca \»:vi ' i® * 1 ' *. 'V'.'i. - * tbO i'AIHl'• facture. or ti:mnportation intoxicating beverages; and "Whcrsas, ths Turlington Ar' is the principal liquor enforce ment law of tliis State and i.i designed to make effective th State-wide law, which forbids the manufacture, sale or transporta tion of intoxicating brvcrapy; and -«"• r" ■. I • ; v. . v., ?. •".! vir.'vvlU" ' ' -'i i w.\s er • d : • on Nov. " • .!•*•"* r/iioi-ty o; 1 'i • i ->c::l oC tlio 1" ! • ~|t *,•• ♦ to the T ;M' '! .' ' C ■•if.' i tl : on a.'ld V •' • . .•: y f-uloM? 1 1 y ' f ■: . Ik- » re- : e I v ' ' of I h's CO.' the North (' '.ro'kvi Le.~i:' it-r'• rer.rrsra'irc ?■ C >un' ••• r.nd '• • nroi!°lv o-• •■>-.-> any an-? • r cforts a* irprnl or modifica t'on f' o'ir p"eser.t liquor la"" and ".i'". 1 t !, o law known r (h? Turlington Act. "He it further resolved, that s copy of these resolutions be sent to each member reperesenting Stokes County at Raleigh." Mrs, Doyle Well A grain The friends of Mrs. M. IT. Doyle will be glad to know thai she is now well again after a:> illness of several days at her apartments in Walnut Cove. Mrs. Doyle has been trans ferred to Winnton-Salem under the n«nv FERA sit-up, and will act in the capacity of director of rehabMitat ion in Forsyth and Stokes. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, January 31, 1835 BUCK ISLAND EVER SELLS HIGH FRED BENNETT MAKES FANCY AVERAGE Jl ST BE FORE THE MARKET CLOSES -EIGHTY-SIX AIN'T BAD, WHAT DO YOU SAY ?—THE SUN SHINES SOFTLY ON TIIE RIVER HILLS. The monotonous chant of the auctioneer must soon cease un* i' a new crop is made, but before the 1934-35 season closes Fred Bennett of the Buck Island hills, slips a load in nvd carries o'Y the honors of the market. At Brown's Warehouse this sale was made by him a few days ago: "00 at .C>S ISO at .51 23S at .•!') "» at Fred Psuji.'ti is i .".rso't 1 . l:-oy and th • ol !.!> dad. (>!! Wafer. Frc 'hi •• ! ; v. to cu-e • ' ; •• p ' a r 1! ■ .•"t. i : :: ; ' 'I Fred s .? 1: '■yv.i kn • .'■*. J.'uds bd -id a'.we; ■ : :i; J-,i u. '»* rvl'C'" 1 in t!i? d i "s the s*.'n .'•hire .., softly, or the glamour of the on the hi.'l:; rc3t ao . bcwitcliing. In taking off the j prize for the best load grown n Peter's Creek township for the • 1934 season naturally I feel ,\ . pardonoble pride. Many of my friends have asked me how ) done it. Ths answer i. it tak"-. ig-.ttt •)'. :o rro-.h'.e? r ally f!,"> ■'■ a; :-o, and the fir-U -itcn . . ■ the plant b®d. Get healthy cn :u« the il !.:rd . f flti: :k) rM it in on t ! ; • an! f'-m Ui.;i't l-. barn." Mr. Bonnet' w:u in town to day sr.i' king a big black cigar ■ fi>:c.j in the south-west corner of ■ his mouth. lie vas not what yo\' • would call intoxicated, but was ju.. % ! cor.:fortnbly drunk and s?em ed to love everybody. He earned his bill i:i !>is overall nor!"« ' and cus-ed nuthoriia'ivcly. M-. B met' denied !sat there hi! over be a any deprc.rii n, hi ' ' ' ii«l !** i' nul l h n i reved to 1 lis v.-onld , a-, it o." . ' -J • :v Sin'lv JlU^r ''-»-o, cjftj^ti Cn:* Citizens of Sandy Ridge we.;- in Danbury Tuesday scekin? a nurse to attend the bedside o" U. A. Blair, who is seriously i'l w'.th a heart affection at his how at ; Sandy Ridfre. A few days ago two of Mr. TA iir's sons were hurt in a:t automobile accident, and were taken to a hospital. It is learned that they have since been brought back home. i i "j Church i . 1 Services next Sunday as fol • lows: Rethesda, 11 A. M; Pine Hall, 7:30 P. M. ! The public is cordially invited i to attend I RABIES RAMPANT UP IN SURRY DOGS AND COWS GOING MAD, AND PEOPLE TAKING PASTEUR TREATMENT OVER 1.10 CANINES VACCiN iATEI) DANBURY DOG ' NOT WORRYING. Up in Surry, according to th last issue of the Mount Air- Times, four persons will have ;.■> take the Pasteur treatment ft" prevention of rabies. A cow . wa ed by R. P. Nunn. o r Pins PJ !ge. went mad, and those who haw bsen drinking the milk ;nn on pins and needles. The News s.ays hydrophobia is widespread throughout Sut ry, and over 150 dogs at Slat Mountain. A Vest field and A.- bury sections have been cinatcd. .Mad do.-s are r. > le ported in the Brim ;-.:>.d i •' • . sections. At Danbury \v ■ more doas '»••• canines ai ? r. ,--i • ing recen 'y c • thing wti . : i ! bull do. health, has • insideiably i out the f> . • pop'.datio: . bull which is white eoiove.l, -v a very short tail and crop. ;• ■■ ears, goes around with a moa'a ful countenance, as if he ha i 1 lately lost his best friend. But a'l the dawgs in town don't tak.' mrtch stock in his sad h ok». which they say if decent : vo. ■ There are mors dv.vgs here wi:h -r : on them, one-eve i, > ,'nni i ■, ' • evrr tv- '• !:•• • "i Coir-o ■ for' irn Those ci'irc" ' • • r houres and 1. y ;• a-j • )'■ '■ pailo are r.'.r.i;, to r.i.e a v ' tharks to the sad 1 'a " ' •!' ! Mrs, «?. J5 1 ' *» -t, ; - n r s -U f-i ■' Mrs. R. J. -itt ■ T*Ui;. A C' ' W.-di: ./ o'clock. In the a' • (•: *.he vi -e pvc . ! -'c: ' 1 . . *•' '' '".'.viar !u'! i> 11- : r J or s bu.ji.te.-.s '.e- -"n. A Ml' • ■ ''C'-TIIV * nrc v i ■ had been arraaged, consl.-a ins o" paries of !aue:s on S'.oh' 1 ' 1 * , County. Th.? rr-? or Coi-vfi st.-vos v. ••• akeleiia,', by Ma; Jnnio Ma - 'in. Mn. A. G. Si k gave an tr-re~ting description of two VTH hr.own landmarks o r S'.ok" . Cascade and Piedmont Springe. Mrs. Frank Martin's paper . ; the historical Rock House brought the program to a close. 1 During the social period, a Valentine contest provided rati -h interest and amusement. Mrs. A. . G. Sh.-k was winner of the priz\ a lovely box of stationery. ,! The hostess served a salad 1 course assisted by Mrs. J. F. 1 Martin and Miss Elizabeth Mar tin. LAUREL FACTORY MAY RESUME DANBURY INDUSTRY IN YESTIGATED BY THE NEW DEAL—POSSIBILITY OF RE HABILITATION AND EM PLOYMENT OF CONSIDER ABLE LABOR. Messrs. Woodruff and of Greensboro, and Powell, of Winston-Salem, State and district officials of the ERA. were in Danbury Tuesday officiating a: the formal demise of tlie relief office here, which has been trans ferred to Winston-Salem. These agon's of the govern ment, working under the regime of Mrs. O'Berry at Raleigh after, attending to the details of th-> consolidation of the Ftohes-Fo. • ■ syth headquarters. invc ; -ti^ai: ' the inactive plant of t'ae Novelty Convrny hi' e. with th view of ' faa-'o--' bc-i' ' i t ra'nity. Under th? ovor-y-or.;'.- ion tliis little iac;ory il i. suggested would sive employment to some 50 or more workmen. The Laurel Novelty Company t under the manasjment of W. 11 I Joyce formerly manufactured rustic furniture, principally oi ivy, consisting of chairs, seats, tables, settees and much fancy n well as substantial b ic-a-bac. .... i . ..... * . • . . c '\'.nt Aahhv -n-Sriu?) MR- Fannie Ruth . vhh :. r.ii- ■. id- . Ja !' r ■ i ' "i •• v. • 'v.-. ■ ■ a.. ! M ; . ' ' •• muo'c at King and other place The • a is the sc-n of Mr. r.n-i, Mrs. Sid Ashij'irn, OL t'-.e M* Olive section, and is a youn-: farmer of excellent character and fine promire. Many friends of the young con lo in tlie county extend be-: wishes. Missiottnrv Society To Meet With Mrs Dr. MoreficM The Reporter is requested to announce that the Danbury ladies' missionary soe'ety will meet with Mrs. Dr. R. 11. More field on Wednesday afternoon Feb. G at 2:30 o'clock. G. Thomas Martin, of Mea -1 t!ov>o, was in town Wednesday. ( Number 3,276 RELIEF OFFICE MOVED TO FORSYTH HEADOIARTERS V ERA TRANSFERRED TO WINS TON'-SALEM ll RANCH STATION TO JSK MAI.NTALN i.n SEVERAL OF TISM PERSONNEL STOKES OFFK'E IIOLI) TH.'IR JOBS. In accordance with the plana for consolidation of reHef offices in the State, the headquarters of Stokes relief has bvn removed to— Winston-Salem. Mrs. Minnie O. P-.>vl\ who h's been FEU A chief in I his couoty fur more than a year, with of lice in the Martin buil«lin.Qß, has , been transferred to Forsyth and in the new set -tip wi'L hold the position of director of rehab ilitation of farm?, in r .isyth and St( rie.«. t;.C.O T O RI *"■> BEING cml".! i.j r.'v. .Vi, 1 • J! • • • • • .urn^vHi, #* : .: ; M > •.. i . « . X. K. I'oppe;. T: •• branclt (itliL'o ,m .)■ maiiit'iinc J here will remain in the Mai tin building. It is also understood that Daa Heath, Paul Lewis and N. E. Wall will be retained as farm , foremen. C. C. McGee, bock- - keeper and Mrs. Walter Kin:;, , stenographer. will hold their !>osit:ops. but will u tnsferreJ" to Forsyth headquar ers in Wtas ' .i • vo r !c. :vd lavs T "er x .I-Uk and • therc - trouble, i.. • . 1 • [:"'UQ'.id ■ « •£' I'oro ' * r 4 kns 'y for .» .! of itt "• '• v • ' several i found excellent . 'oiv " '' nn 1 ,ast 20 P.-mvV. Of Fat l ost Her Prominent Hips, Double Chin. Sluunisliness Gained Physical VHJOR— A Shapely Figure If you're fat first remove the cause. Take one half teaspoonful of KRL'SCHEN SALTS in a glass of hot water every morning in 3 weeks get on the seal.s and note hov many pounds of lit have vanished. Notice also that you have gain ed in energy—your skin is clearer —you feel younger in body KRUSCHEN will give any fat person a joyous surprise. Get a quarter pound jar of KRUSCHEN' SALTS from any leading druggist anywhere m i America (lasts 4 weeks). If this* first bottle doesn't convince ytnr this is the easiest, safest and surest wav to lose fat -your I money cladly returned. I