THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 DUKE POWER CO. BRANCH OFFICE OPENED AT KING WITH C. R. CARROLL IN CHARGE—KING FARMERS TRY WENDELL MARKET—OTHER NIJWS OF ' KING. King, Sept. 15. — It is estimated # that about fifty per cent. of the tobacco crop in this section has been harvested. Grows r s are ex periencing some difficulty in cur ing the weed since the recent continued rains set in. Grove r F. Stone celebrated his 51st birthday at his home in Five Forks Sunday. A number of rel atives and friends were present to enjoy the occasion. Old Richmond defeated Lewis ville in a game of baseball play ed in the King park Saturday, the score being 4 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Wright have * returned to their home in Pitts boro, spending a few days with relatives in Walnut Hills. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Kiser, of the Sinai section, were among the throng of shoppers here Satur day evening. O. L. Rains is having his tene ment house moved across Broad Street and remodeled. C. O. Boylo, Jr., will occupy this home when completed. The Duke Power Company have opened a branch office in tho Chevrolet building on Main Street. * Their increasing business in this section has made the opening of this branch office necessary. C. R. Carroll will be in charge of the office. Worth Kirby left Monday for Chapel Hill where he will enter college. C. F. Helsabeck, planter of the Antloch section, was here Satur day on business. Prof. J. T. Smith, of Francisco, has purchased from Cladie S. * Newsum his home on west Main Street and will move his family here. It will be remembered that Prof. Smith, former superintend ent of Stokes county schools, re sided here at one time and the people of King welcome this ex cellent family back. Hobson Preston and family, of Clio, S. C., are spending a few days with relatives and friends here. The following births were re corded here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lewis, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bennett, a son. and to Mr. and Mrs. Reid * • I Bennett, a daughter. C. D. Slate, Jr., returned Fri day from Roanoke, Va.,! v/fwhere he went on a business trip, j Claud Kapp, Spencer Tuttle and' Ellis Conrad carried a truck load of tobacco to the Windell market near Raleigh last week. They re-1 H port a $25.00 average on the K Windell market. These gentla- Bjf men are the first growers in this ■ section to market tobacco this I. saason. Hi The condition of Bryce Cromer, is suffering from an attack, I of typhoid fever, is improved. is the first case of typhoid to flr' 1 * & * ) * >ear&nce ' n this sec "| Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Sept. 16, 1937. Tax-Payer Protests ! At the Appalling Slaughter of Game I Mr. Editor: As a citizen and tax-payer of I j ' Stokes county, N. Carolina, and! lone who believes in conserving! the game interests of the State,! I I wish to protest against the ; wholesale slaughter of the squir -5 rels, one of our most valuable - game animals. As an instance, I - refer to the record of one of our t local hunters, Mr. Tom Petrce, who after preparations extending i over 30 days prior to the open ; ing of the season on Sept. 15, - bought up most of the shells in t this section and was in the woods at 2:10 A. M. on the 15th. By 2 - hours after sunrise he had shot - or maimed 000,000,001 squirrels. , | Some of our best mathematici ans here calculated that if this i i Nimrod had killed two more, his - record would have reached this i appa'ilng total: I Killed or rr.air.ied.. 000,000,001 s If he had killed cr J maimed 2 more it would have been this ... 000,000,002 -' Total 000,000,003 i Yours for the protection of • the State's resources. s TAX PAYER. | -»■- No Storm. j ~ i • | The people of Danbury and the J community were much depressed f today when the elements sudden • ly turned dark, after a bright : j sunshiny day. It was well known the equinox j disturbances were not due till " | about the 21st. Nobody could understand the ! gloom until it was found that Lon " Sisk was coming in with a l° ad lof cured tobacco. . Tobacco Is Selling /Good Down South E. J. Davis, proprietor of Ban ner warehouse of Martinsville, Va., and who als 0 conducts a! warehouse at Fairmont, N. C.,, | sends the Reporter a statement .' of how the new crop is selling at Fairmont, as follows: First Week Pounds Sold for week, 2, 054,364 Amount paid out $525,852.71! Average $25.59' Second Week Pounds Sold for week 3,115,196 Amount paid out $814,834.27 J Average $26.15 Total Pounds sold for season 5,169,560 j Amount Raid out $1,340,68693 ; Average for Season $25.93 tion for a long while. Three graduates of the 1936 j class of King school are attending Appalachian State Teachers' Col lege this year. They are: Misses j Evelyn Turner and Geraldine i j Redding and Grady E. Stone, Jr., • all of King. This is Miss Turner's i , and Miss Redding's second year! at Appalachain, and Mr. Stone's i first year. He attended Chapel i j Hill last year. 1 QUESENBERRY GETS LIFE SENTENCE! ■ I I SLAYER OF CHAS. H. JESSUP ! SENTENCED AT STUART, j VA,. COURT LAST WEEK— I TO BE TRIED ALSO FOR ROBBERY—HIRST RAY SENT | UP FOR FOUR YEARS— I DEATH OF E. L. CLARK. ■. i A number of Stoks citizens attended the trial of A. D. Ques enbeny at Stuart, Va., last week and heard the slayer of Chas. H. 1 Jessup sentenced to life impiis onment in the Virginia penjtent ' iary. ' i Quesenberry, who is also to be /tried for robbery of Chas. 11. Jessup, was quickly hurried away to Roanoke after the trial had ended. This precaution was con sidered necessary owing to high ! feeling usaaist h!rn in both Pat rick and Stokes by fri:nds of C. H. Jessup, who v >3 nwd red by Quesenberry. Commonwealth's Attorney F. P Burton said a check for .">300.00 , and $300.00 in ea3h which Je.s sup was said to have ha.i in his 5 possession were missing fi jm bin [ body. Officers found S1OO.0) on I Qucsenberry's person when !;e was arrested. At this term of Patrick coun ty court, Hirst Ray, a Peter's ' CJ-t-k township, Stokes county, : N. C., boy pleaded guilty of fel ' oniusly wounding Leonard Hud son, and was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary, i Paul Laper was tried on a charge of grand larceny and also sentenced to 4 four years. ,' E. L. Clark, 66, prominent citi ' I i zen of Stuart, died suddenly Wed [ nesday, Sept. 8. Germanton News Germatjton, Sept. 15.—8i1l Flynt is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Flynt in Liberty. Those that visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Meadows and family Sunday were: Mr and Mrs. C. S. j Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin j Freem«n of Greensboro, Mrs. J. I M. Southern, Mrs. Ola Meadows 'and children, Medley and Moir, of High Point, Rev. Younts and Buck of Rural Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis and daughter Ann Brown, Mr and Mrs. Joe Carroll, Mrs. Blil Redman, Mr. and Mrs. OHie Flynt and family, Misses Lela Mendenhall and Trudie Mae Shackleford, all of Germanton, Mrs. Hobin Johnson and son Keith, of King, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Flynt. i Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eaton and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Southern. || Miss Edna Perrell and Mr.', Glenn Frye, of Winston-Salem, 1 , visited Mr. and M>'s. Frank Men- , I denhal] Sunday evening. jl Mr. and Mrs. Grey Slate and ] children of Basstett, Va., spent 1 the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. , Bob Slate. ERNEST ROGERS DIES SUDDENLY WAS IN THE FIELD PULLING | FODDER WHEN THE ! SUMMONS CAME—HE WAS A ! PROMINENT AND V." LL-TO DO FARMER OF LAWsON ! VILLE. j Ernest Rogers, aged 58, a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Lawsonviile, died suddenly Wednesday about 11:S0 A. M. He was in the field puliing fod der when the summons came, and when pick* d up by nearby relatives he had bunches of fod der in each hand. The interment will be today at Aaron's Corner cemetery, at 2 P. M. Elders J. Watt Tuttle and W. J Brown will conduct the fun eral. The deceased is survived by his wife, and six children by his last wife; and by nine children by his first wife. Gone After Zeb Smith . 1 Sheriff Taylor has gone 'o . Rocky Mount, Va , today to bring . Zeb Smith to Stokes jail. lie L now held by the Virginia author ' i ities. He was to be tried at the last term of Stokes court in sev 'eral cases, but failed to app-ar His father, W. H. Smith, who was his bondsman, accompanied the ' Sheriff to Rocky Mount. Martinsville Booster i Club Coming i . 1 The Martinsville Booster Cluij ' will tour Stokes Thursday, Sept. 23. There will be more than 100 • in the party, accompanied by a band and distributing souvenirs. Danbury is dated for 12:25 P. M. New Citizens. Reid George and family have moved here and are occupying the Smith home in east Danbury. i The Georges are cordially wel comed to Danbury. They have two of the cutest kids. King Items. I The following patients underwent tonsil operations in the Stom; Helsabeck Clinic last week: Miss Mona Lee Bolejack, of Rural Hall, William Blaylock, of Germanton, Owen Cline of Wtnson-Salem, Bet ty Lou and Boby, children of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Taylor, of Gap, and Olene and Elwin children of Mr and Mrs. Frank Bennett, of King. i James F. Smith , i Honored On His * 82nd Birthday I A surp'se birthday dinner was, tendered Mr. James F. Smith last Sunday at his home at Meadows, on his 82nd birthday. A large crowd of friends was present with full baskets of good things to eat, which were spread on a long tabl? in the yard. Many happy felletitions were expressed, with good wishes for many other! like occasions for bim. Rural"Rehab" Program Will Continue Under I Farm Security Set-Up 2 The rural rehabilitation sup i ervsscd lwan program will con-' . tinue as heretofore, undir the . newly established Farm Secuii'.y Administration, of the U. S. De partment of Agiicuiture, 11. 0. 1 i Palmer, county supervisor, jn 1 charge of all rehabilitation 1 f work in Surry and Stokes coun • tiy3 announced today, early this - week, from his office in Dobson, ', N. C., following assurances re- Y ceived lrom George S. Mitchell, - Regional Director of the Farm Security Administration in Ral t eigh, N. C i Mr. Palmer stated that the i Br.nkhead-Jones Farm Tenant - Act, which the Farm Security Administration will administer s provides for continuation of t;-_ t rural rehabilitation and farm I s debt adjustment work which he 'repress nts in this section and 'that he has been instructed to l - carry on substantially as befoie, 'under the new agency. o, i Rehabilitation loans accom nr panied by farm and home man agenicnt advice from county sup ervisors are made by the gov ernment to financially distressed far n , families who hold out hope of making a comeback—whether iS on their own land or on rented e land—but who are unable to se cure proper credit from other i sources to make a crop or to pur chase needed livestock and equip ment. i In addition to the rural rehab ij ilitation program which will be f. continued as a" Jnjvr'mt phase 0 of the new agency, the Farm a Security Administration will con duct the tenant loan program, as '. provided in the Farm Tenant Act, for the purchase and improve ment of farms or selected tenant farmers, and will complete un p finished farmstead projects, in r eluding those started by the Ue settlement Administration and those turned over to that organ e ization from their agencies. I Land use planning and sub marginal land purchase acti'i- I | ties, further provided for in the I Bankhead-Jones Act, have been . i 1 entrusted by the Secretary of Ag riculture to the Bureau of Agri -3 cultural Economics. This means i - 1 that former land utilization work > and that to be carried out under the new act will be continued ■ through a land utilization divi3- > ion under the Bureau of Agricul- 1 tural Economics, while the Farm Security Administration will con-' duct the tenant purchase ana 'rural rehabilitation programs and)' , complete farmstead projects now under development. Thus, the i fu; ns of the former Resettle i : ment and those addci. * the Fa \ T-nant Act have been divide .•'tween the Farm Security ainistration J and the Land Us T ogram of the Bureau of Agricultn *al I'con- 1 omics, accc 'in,? to th' received by Mr. Palmer uom the Regional office. | There aro > than 10.000' j Negro Jews in the United States, j Number 3,314 COUNTY AGENT CONDUCTS TOUR FARMKKS VISIT FARMS LV I STOKKS AND KO(KIN(,H\>I —INTEREST INC! I) E M O N- I STRATIOVS—LUNCH AT CCC i CAM!*. by county a ■ ;k::t bkown. On Thursd'.y. August 20. it group i). Stokcu coi'-'ty fanners •spoilt the !ay »i.i:«« « j, a rt of Stok yiic! Hi couuti;s observing a'tu :! demons!rations of impi ovvd fai ruing ]. :«ctis_-e.-'. The group assembled i-i front of the Bank in Walnut Cjvp at 8:30 A. M„ ar.'J from this point the i touj* was started. Eleven farms wore visited on which a variety of practices wore obse:ved ,in •" crops, permanent pas >■' . -icing, meat'ow strips, . •' >g. contou- tillage of (oh co i;"i«i cii'p ;;nl f " :;i cit'li mcnt. T!ie group was in charge 'of the county and assistant ;..cconipaned 1;y Mr. A. C. of the soil conservation service. Th: /Lsi st,p v.*;.s made at 'lie farm of B. 13. Walker near W. I ■ i I nut Cove, whe' e the farmers ob- served an excellent fi-Jj ol certi fied Southern Beauty corn. Here it was pointed out that bettor corn can be produced by the use of good seed and proper lertilizn tion. The group observi d a new type of machine used foi seeding winter legumes. * 5^ From Mr. Walker's farm the tour proceeded to the Soil Conser vation Demonstration Area in Rockingham county where four -.0r.icß".. I'.oi, ( „uo , .it od, which farms are enrying out ideal soil conservation pracctices. Some of the piacticos observed were terracing, strip cropping, meadow strips for cor.trolli;!,; surplus water and contour tobac co tillage on terraces. Th. i.u n 'rs the opportunity to see an excellent permanent p.i turn together wit), a field of -.e;ice.i lespedeza on the farm of M>, p. H. Webster nw the Ro king ham. Stokes county lino. Through the courtesy of the Madison CCc Camp, lunch was seived to the group in the m >.s hall. From the CCC Camp Mie tour proceeded to the fa«m of Mr. C. S. Martin neai Dillard and observed a meadow strip in th? process of construction. They : also observed good terraces and .contour tillage of corn on ter races. A brief stop was made at the farm of W. J. Flynn to see a field jof srricea lespedeza that he is using for hay. At the farm of J. A. Joyce ari inspection was made of a good permanent pasture. Mr. Joyce also showed the group an excell ent field of tobacco on his farm growing on terraced land. He told the farmers that he was convinc ed that good tobacco could he i grown on tH-races with no detri mental effect providing the tobac co rows are run with the terraces. JHe had a very • convincing (Continued on page 4. )

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