THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 WEDDING BELLS IN SNOW CREEK HBBMAN LAWSON BUYS LICENSE TO MABBY ONE YOUNG LADY, THEN CHANGES HIS MIND AND WEDS ANOTHJER Herman Lawson of L&waonville bought license the other dlay at Danbury to marry one young lady of the neighborhood, went home, and got married to another girl. License for taking unto himself the other girl, was bought later at Stuart, Va, Whethe r after purchasing his flakes license, Herman chan&cd his mind, or whethe r the first young lady changed her mind, is not known. However, it is a fact, as tncj records in Register of Deeds Smith's office will sfyiVi yo>;-g Lawson failed to wed the first chosen girl, and did wed the sec ond. Both of the young ladies in volved in this unusual marital situation, are -reported to be a3 fine girls as there are in the county. Whether or not the first young lady will sue for breach of promise, or whether she laughs is not known yet. Young Lawson is a prominent and popular young man, a son of Jesse an Lawson of Lawsonville, and a brother of Frank Lawson of Daribwy. Stone —Venablo. Winston-Salem, N. O. Mr. and Mrs. E, F, Stone of Pilot Mountain N. C., Announce the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Frances to Paul Willis Venable. The wedding was sol emnized by Rev. E. E- Calvin at the Baptist parsonage in Ben nettsville,) £s. C-, Wednesday even ing November 24th, 1937. Mr Venable Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Venable of Dan bury, N- C. After a brief wedding trip they will be «t home 728 West End Blvd . Winston-Salem, N. C. Elmer Fag? In Hospital Earner, young son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Fagg, Whp Is at tbs Baptist hospital is Wimfton auem, la reported *■ gctflting *long fln«. Hi recently submit t»d to SB operation for appendi citis. At the beginning of the Civil War 128 different people in Stokes county owned over Two Thousand, Four Hundred staves, valued at over $1,100,0000)0. Sfend SIOO and I will send you correct list showing how many slaves each party had and the assessed valuation. This will be of interest to most every family in Stokes county, i guarantee list to be •cciusts. I . T. SL PETREE, •, '• dV; '-'■■J- . -Stil Jt s¥* j Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, December 2, 1937 In Race For Judgeship I 1 J. M. Sharp, Candidate For Judge of the 21st Judicial District, Com posed of the counties of Caswell, Rocking-; ham, Stokes and Sur-j ry. 1 ! Mr. Sharp's first work in ntokes county w°o about 1903, when he will be i:membered by many of Stokes' citizens whj were interested in eduti. jion, as 'j, conductor of Teacher's Insti tutes. At that time he wa3 president of Sharp Institute, and was se lected by this late Judge John D. Humphreys, who was superin- tendcn,t of Schools of Stok'is county, to conduct the Teacher's Institute in Daiibury. There was ia strong friendship between he and Mr. Humphijey*. and when Mr. Humphreys was a candidate fo r Judge, Mr. Sharp did valuable work for him in Guilford and Stokes counties, and bided materially in securing his nomination for which Mr Hum phreys' friends are very grtateful. Mr. Sharp has given the bcit efforts of his life for bet'or op portunities for the masses, and has So conducted himself among his friends aM neighbors in his own county, and has served the Democratic party so well, that the leading officials and party management has the following to say about him: J. M. ShJarp was born on a farm in Rockingham coun'y and Worked on the farm until he reaches his majority. At an early age ha began fighting for better farm conditions. H« WM a pru>:« mover in organizing the FVrmerfl Protective Association oi North Carolina. a long time he wtm secretary-treasurer and lect urer of said organisation. H« is a self educated man, having worked his way through school a*d college He taught school for several years and h«a actually practiced 'law for 30 y**rs. He is thoroughly familiar with oourt procedure "and practice from the Justice of the Peace Court to the Supreme Court of the United Stto|Uee. He served in the State Senate from 1025 fto 1029, and was one of tfale sponsors of the law for st(at« supported public schools and has always fought lor beitir Public School He w«s the ' ingham counjty when Hgicut'cn' was being, caused to dose the public schools for two years dur ing the depression, and Do cu,t f|i,laries. (aided ma terially in preventing this calam ity. He has always supported i the cause for greater eduoartaon- Jal advantages fo r the masses. He is learned in the law. He has the humian touch. He knows the problems of the ordinary man and is his friend- He is honesr, 1 sympathetic and fair. He gfcve two years of h'a Nfe to his coun tiy during the world w>r with out a penny of pay. He is a loyal Democrat land has fought the battles of the Democratic party in every cam paign for 40 years, and has never held any lucrative office at the hands of said party. He holds !nc office whatever, either State icv National. He possesses the rare qualifica tions for Superior Court Judge An experienced pr» ciitioner, learn, ed in th t law, just, humane, and upright. ikf' rves the vote anj con fidence of the people in his cam paign for the position >f Jvjgc of the Superior Court of th» 21 si Judicial District. We recommend him to the voters in the Juno Primai J l.'.Jb. H- R. Scott, President Rock ingham Couny Bar. Jo e W. Garrett, Atty,. Member North Carolina Legislature. Eugene Irvin, Auditor of Rock ingham county. R. J, Lewellyn. Attorney, M. T. Smith, Clerk Superior Court of Rockingham county. J. L. Roberts, Chairman Board of Education of Rockingham county. C. H-. DeJton, for 10 years Chairman Board of Commissioners of Rockingham county. Mrs- John Lee Wilson. Supt. of Welfare of Rockingham coun ty. G. W. Williams, U. S. Commis sioner and J, P, J. H, Allen, Former Supt. of Schools of Rockingham counity. .. T. S. Wilson, Dental Surgeon- 1 Upton G. .Wjtoon, Writer and Journalist J. C| Laster, Supjt, of Madison High School. T. J. Garrett, Member Bdard of Education. J- E. McLain, Supt. of Schools of Rockingham county. L- M Sheffield, Sheriff of Rockingham county. - i W. A. Johnson, U. D., Former Supt, of Health of Surry county. | E. B. Ware, Attorney, Member Dem Ex. Committee. C. E, Brewer.' Attorney. I W. H. Foy. PP6B. High Pbjnt Paper Box Co, Resident of Relds rill e, N. c. E. S. Powell, Chairman of Toung Democrats of Rockingham county Gi P- Dillard, Chairman Democratic Ex. Com. Rocking hlatn county. W. M, Bennett, Member Dem. Ex. Com. J. Mai comb Sharp, Member of Democratic Ex. Com. H. C, Martin, Member Demo cratic Ex. Com. William Cummings, Member DemocrtatSc Ex. Com. W. I. Witty, Umlm Demo craic Ex. Com. J, R, Lewellyn, Member Demo cratic Ex. Com. | W, N. Poole, Member Demo cratic Ex. Own. J» A. Oardwell, Jtarixr Demo cratic Ex. Com. Mm. C, B, GhrraU, Mrs. J. Mataonfc Sharp, TJL fimothera 1938 POLITICS WILL BE LIVELY BADGETTMAY AN NOUNCE FOR SOLICITOR OF THIS DISTRICT—SHARP I N THE RACE FOR JUDGE HANCOCK AND REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN WILL BE IN- TENSE WILL McDONALD , ENTER FOR |CONGRESS— COAN A DARK HORSE. News reaches D»nbury this week that W. R Badgett of Pilot Mountain will probably be a candidate for solicitor of the 21st j district against Ralph J. Scott of Stokes, A+. D. Ivie. Jr, of Rock-j ingham, A. B. Carter of Surry. | Mr. Badgett is a prominent. 1 practicing attorney of Surry' county and is quite well known' in Stokes. I It »s a'so understood that C:J well will have a candidate tor solicitor o f this district which is composed of Surry, Stokes Rock ingham and C'swelL Allen Gwyn of Rockingham is the present incumbent of this position, but as he has announced for Judge, he becomes automatically elim inated fi oi:i the solicitorial race. For judge of the 21st, Mr. Gwyn will be opposed by tho present incumbent, Judge E. C. Biven& of Surry, who w(is ap pointed by Gov. Hoey lately, and by Atterney J. M. Sharpe of Rockingham, The campaign for the U, 1 S, Senate between Senator Bob Rey nolds and Congressman Franjc Hancock will doubtless be in- I tense, as these two young politi -1 cal warriors will certainly cj,rry ( the bat,tie into every county of " v W J Ul | the SKlsite, Each has strong fol- j lowing in every section of North ] Carolina, ' j The contest for the seat of Hancock in congress will, too, be no doubt a hard fought one, with j A, D, Folger of Surry a n d other! I candidates jn the race, including Rex Gaa3, possibly, and Fred 1 Hutchins, both of Forsyth* | 1 ! It is believed by many that ' ex-Mayor Geoy W. Coan of Win-, ( ston-Salem, may come in as a ( dark horse. Mr. Coan is at * I present chief of the WPA in the j I and has doubtless very strong backing, | Stokes has her own Ula* Gr«ce ! Taylor, on* of the rising stars of 1 female Democracy in the State ' 9 f and should Miss Taylor definitely decide to eater she may be ex t pected to receive much more than 1 a complimentary vote from her own county, as the is widely' known and deservedly popular in p o|ther counties. \ | Services At Baptist | Church Next Sunday | Rev. Mr. Dav»port, who is p»at»r of Danbury Baptist church requests the Reporter |fo an- 1 nounce that then will b* wtiw I at this church mmU ftuikf nm. i ' Ilng and nighl, and tl|f ttm psfe- 1 be * juiim m * j 1 A. B. Carter of Surry Enters Race For Solicitor Attorney A- R. Carter t.a ; Thursday /definitely made the de » cison to become a Candidate for the Democratic nominatioi fjr Solicitor in this district. He will enter the primary to be held next; June when the Dniocrats 3 select candidates for the vrious * offices of the state and district. 1 1 Mr. Carter already been t (] assured of a strong following in all four counties comprising this c I judical district* the counties be- v Surry; Stokes; Rockingham 1 and Caswell In Rockingham I t ! there are two candidates for, j Judge while the present solicitor; Mr. Gwyn; is from that county. i With this situation existing in that strong Democratic county Mr. Carter has the assurance oi" many political leaders of that ' ] county thgt he will receive a big vote for Solicitor. With the increasing Democratic vote in Surry county Mr. Carter goes into the contest with a de cided advantage, since he is as sured of the Suny vote. He is likewise receiving favorable reports from Stokes and Caswell ! counties. Mr. Carter is a son of Judge W. F. Cai ter of this city, was * ejucalod at Davidson College and P studied law at Duke University. | lie was granted law license in ' 1 1928 and since that time has " j been jaesoci 'ted with his father. Judge Carter, a member of the Presbyterian Church of this cityi active in the work of the Club and other civic orgain?za tiona of the city and hp.a been been a n "ctive worker in the Democratic ranks, —Mount Airy News, (Political Advertising.) Mrs. J. P. Rhodes Dies. Mrs J. P. Rhodes, 80, of Law itonville, died last week at her home after a prolonged ill ness. The funeral was con ducted a t Snow Creek Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Elder S. H. Reid of Walnut Cove, and Elder J. A- Fagg, of Winston-Salem. Burial wfcß in the church cemetery. Surviving aw the huaband; two sons, W. W. Rhodes, of Danbury, and J. R. Rhodes, 0 f Point; four brothers, S- M SreJ ton, of Lawsonville, J, U Shel ton, of Walnut Cove, J. p S|»l- Con, of Leaksville- om. sisttr, Mrs. Cona Jones, High. Point. FOB SALE—MODEL A FORD pick-up, 29 model, in good shape Will sell at reasonable price. BERK PRIDDY DANBURY, N, c. ROUTE 1 King: News Some nice porkers ar e being butchered in a«d around King. >P.ui Unvil'e f s co f; 0 r d t j h'» hDme 00 West Main street by uu **■. hi* Mend* will Number 3,325 NELSON BROWDER BUYS KING DIRT PART OF JAMES SCHAIB LAND BRINGS $3,000 — OTH ER NEWS OF INTEREST FROM KING. King, Dec. I—Lfist1 —Lfist rites for J;>mes Preston agej 20 who w?.3 accidentally shot by Klr by while rabbit hunting was held at the firs.* 8a,);,.". church Thursday morning at eleven o'- clock and burial fj'towol ii> the church cemetery. The service was in charge of Rev. Herm >n Newsum and Rev. Brown. The deceased is survived by the parents, Mr- and Mrs. N. E. Preston of Clio, S. C., formerly of King and several brothers and 1 sicters , L. Newsum, farmer re lir; tv.-o miles south we'it of town, .. ..i arrested and placed in Di.nbury jail last week on a charge of threatening the lives >C his family, He was luter re leafed on bond. Mi:;.? Kstellc Alley of Winston- S.ilom HI .;it Thanksgiving with her par ntr, Mr and Mrs J. M. Allry in Walnut Hills Joseph Fulk harp- nod t■ > >. very gainful ccident Tuesday. \ ! of mul s which be was driv ing while hauling in coin from the field became frightened and ran away. Mr Fulk jumped from the wagon sustaining a spr ined L ankle, and shock. Miss Laura Boyles of Ashboio, spent the Thanksgiving holiday;: with hep parents in North Side. A number of relatives fiom h're attended the funcr.~l cf ( Ro'ocr Southern a t Camden, S. C., Friday. r A acre tract Part of tho J :l ms Schaub farm was sold at public auction here Saturday. Nelson Browder was the highest bidder at $3,000.00. I The following births were reg - istered here Last week: to Mr, t and Mrs. Raleigh Wall daugh •|ter, to Mr. and Mrs Ernest Tut* " | *le a daughter, ,to Mr. a „d Mrs. t Guy Tucker a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore a daughter, f I and to Mr. and Mrs. Bernica Johnson a son. Misses Naomi and Pearl Sisk ( who are attending college at | Roanoke, V«., spent Thanks giving with their parents here, j The following patients under- I went tonsil operations in tbt | Stone-Helsabeck Clinic last | week: Warney Sands of Dan .bury, Mise Madge Badgett, Jack Bftdgett and Mrs. H. L- Badgett 'of Ararat and Mrs. W- F. Li/en gcyid of Winston-Salem. Rona Dorsett of Pinnacle and Bona Darnell of Germanton Route I, were hit by a n au tomobile being driven by Fount Moser a farmer residing in ths community where the accident happened. An ambulance was ' | called from King which rushed , them to a Winston-Salem Hospi« 1 1 1iJ. Dorsett is reported to be on * |ly slightly injured while Danxtt WW.

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