THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 KING CONTINUES TO BUILD A CLUB HOUSE, ANOTHER BEE VICE STATION AND A ! NEW HOME TO BE ERECT ' ED— THE STORK RETURNS 1 —OTHER NEWS. V >. : King, May 23. Farmers in this section are beginning to plant tobacco. There seems to be plenty of plants this year- Rev. J N- Newsum, railroad' conductr r evangelist, has return-; ed to his home in Roanoke, Ya.,! after a short visit to relatives j here. He was accompanied by Mrs- Newsum. S. G. Daub and Walter £. Sprinkle and son, Jack Sprinkle, have returned from a fishing trip to High Rock Lake. They report nice catches and a good time- Miss Kate Hauser of Tobacco ville and Miss Ethel Fain of Pin nacle underwent tonsil removal operations here Saturday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Love and | daughter, Mrs. Charles Bogle of j Winston-Salem visited relatives here Saturday- Luther Rumley who lives alone, was severely burned about the head and face at his home twoi miles west of town last week when he fell against n hot stove.' kr. Rumley is giv n to fainting intells and it WE3 dujjg one cf xßase attacks that the accident happened. He is getting along as well as could be expected in a, Winston-Salem hospital. Golden Baker of Surry county has purchased From C. D. Slate a' lot on east Broad street on which j be wiU erect a new home and! service station. Charier Hutchereon of Amelia Courthouse, Va., formerly of King, is spending a few days with relatives here- The stork has returned after a two week's absence with the fol lowing list: to Mr. and Mrs. I Ralph Waller, a son; to Mr. and' Mrs. Errest Boles, a son; to Mr-1 and Mrs. Filo Southern, a daugh- j ter; to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard j Jones, a daughter; to Mr. and' Mrs. Rheuben Abbott, a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boyles, a son. Mr- and Mrs. David Calloway of Elkin visited relatives here over the week-end. Ernest McGee, who resides In Woodland Heights, fell from a | Wagon at his home last week landing on a pitchfork, the prongs of which pierced his side inflict- J ing very painful wounds. His wounds would have been more severe had not the prongs struck a rib. The boy scouts of King are pre paring to erect a new club house construction on which will be commenced at an early date. John McGee is confined to his home on north Depot street by illness his friends will regret to learn. Frank Stone of High Point was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stone on Main street •twr the week-end Volume 66 Lawsonville News Lawsonville, May 19.—Mr- and Mrs. Drew Smith of Trinity visit ed here the week-end. j Mr- and Mrs. P. H. Robertson j and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. O ! Sheppard and family, Mr- and I Mrs. Ralph Sheppard and family, Mr. and Mrs. C- M. Simmons and , family and Misses Rachel Law son and Mozell Lawson and James Martin enjoyed a fishing J trip to High Rock Sunday. | Miss Rachel Lawson and Mozel i Lawson of King are visiting rel i atives here i Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robertson visited relatives at Walkertown Sunday Mrs- Roy Martin visited Mi?. C. M. Mabe Saturday. Several from here enjoyed a fish fry at the home of C- W. I Simmons Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oakley and I family visited Mrs- Hess Lawson Sunday. | Joel Sheppard and Noel Lackey ! are on the sick list 1 I | Mr. an?. Mrs- George Smith are , the glad parents of a new baby, j I Mrs. C- R- Lawson and Mrs. Chester Flinchum visited Mrs. j John Lawson Sunday, t Miss Dorothy Lackey iB visit ing her parents, Mr- and Mi's. : Walter Lackey here this week. Miss Lackey is a nurse at Ashe "xw>o. . Mrs. E- G. Lawson visited rela tives at Stuart, Va., Monday, j O- E. Smith made a business trip to Roanoke, Va., Monday. I Several from here attended the association at Buffalo :Sunday. , | Mrs- Bettie Lawson and Mrs. j Wfixser Lawson visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard JLawson Thursday. Mrs- Matt Simmons visited Mrs. Weldon Smith Monday. E. G. Lawson, Jr., who has | been confined to his home with rheumatism, is able to he out | Miss Una Mae and Eula Tilley I spent the week-tend with Miss J Virginia Bay. I Mary sad Annie Mae Ltwsoo 1 J stopped at Mrs. P.. H. Yonng's Sunday- Tbey wtre enrtuie - home from the association at Buffalo. ( | The friends and relatives of ( Mrs. Vauce Moore gave her ,;i! abower Friday. A large crowd' attended- Mrs. Moore received j majiy nice gifts. ' I Mrs. Jacob Fulton i Appointed Chairman 1 Of War Relief ! 1 i 1 Norman H. Davis, chairman of i the American National Red Croaa i of Washington, D- C., has an- t noun ced the launching of a cam paign to raise 10 million dollars c >in the United States for the re- ■ t lief of the homeless and suffer- c ing war victims of Europe. * Mrs. Lillie J- Fulton of Walnut B Cove haw been named chairman i of this campaign in Stokas coun- j t ty. Mrs. Fulton will select rep- 1 1 resentatives from the various a as leaders in this noble cause, communities of the county to act I Danburr, N. C., Thursday, May 23, 1940. (An Editorial.) WHEN HITLER WINS, WILL HELL BREAK LOOSE IN AMERICA ? The Macedonian cry comes across the waters i from the dying empires of freedom and democ- J racy. 1 As Liberty in Furopp makes its last stand be fore the onrushinsr Hun hordes, whence shall come its help? Will the people of this greatest democracy in the world look in at the death and sustain the shock, or will HELL BREAK LOOSE IN AMER ICA? Will the people of the United States retain their poise, equilibrium, sense, while the shrieks of countless thousands of suffering and dying innocent men, women and children ring in their ears while they wake and while they sleep? Can we preserve our calm indifference when civilization beckons us with tears and prayers to come over and help? The answer is, I will not give my boys to die on a foreign strand for alien interests—nor will you. 1 will give my boys and myself in DE FENSE OF AMERICA—and so will you. I America can do nothing about it NOW. We may sympathize and send money and material, 1 but that is as far as our help may extend in the path ot the cyclone that sweeps on resistlessly. i | America may be compared to Sampson with out his locks, or a Numidian lion minus his claws' and fangs. The lesson for us is to PREPARE—PREP ARE j —PREPARE. Our cue is to be not caught nan ping $s was France England. The unleashed powers of money, material and men that may be commanded by this continent will be irrestistible to all the nations of the world if marshalled and deveJoped. Those who counsel to refrain from the cost are enemies to the freedom of this republic. A Ger man victory means cost plus—it means CON FISCATION OF THE RESOURCES OF THE VICTIM. Let America BEWARE AND PREPARE. Card to the People From H. H. Brown Next Saturday is the primary-j I will appreciate my friends at tending the polls and casting their vota. for me fur the hcuisc of representatives. Tf nominated and elected I promise lo be the servant oi >he whol* 1 people, and to do my best to protect their in terests. An effort sh •«M be made by. the legislature to the mar kets of the farmers in th-3 expert of our flue-cured tobacco, in this day when the crisis in Europe must have its effect on the price of our crop. If I get to the leg islature it will be my purpose to j induce other members to join me | in starting a movement to raise ! the price of our great staple. Another thing I am in favor of: This is to work for more and better farm-to-market roads in our county, and for hard surface highways connecting our county l seat with other county seats- At the same time I shall work to secure a lower tax rate, and the steady improvement of our schools. i i- ]•}_*£■ Thanking you for your vote. H. H. BROWN- ' i | Farmers May Register j Their Lands For Sale With Farm Security Administration Any farm land for sale in Stokes county can be listed for sale rash the Farm Security Ad ministration for consideration un der the FSA tenant purchase ! program. Lacy A. Gibson, County Supervisor, announced today. This moans any real estate 'agent or farm land owner in Stokes county can register farms j for sale a» the FSA office in'' County Balding, Danbury, N. C.l' Funds for lJ:e sale of farm lands' 1 : to tenants seeking to become j i owners under the FSA program , have been expropriated by Con-j 'gress under the Bankhead-Jones jAct, and purchase of these farms » under supervision of the Farm Security Administration. Mr. Gibson said each county FSA office wanted as large a se lection oi farms as possible in C aiding tenants to purchase farms, E and asked that local farm real C estate men file their lists of suit- * able farms for sale with the FSA. 1 office. The prospective pur chasers, who expect to borrow ' from FSA, will be referred to the ' owners and agents of suitable f i farm lands. Union Missionary , Society Meets' i (Contributed.) . The Union Missionary Society met on Monday evening at the home of Mis. S- P. Christian with ' Mrs. Christian as hostess- With twelve members and two , visitors present the meeting was \ (.ailed to order by the y.'. .".v:.:, Mr?. N. E. Wall. I ' "Help Somebody Today" was j the rpe:-iing song, followed with tiie ievoi.ionals and j rayi r con ducted by Mrs. N- K. Wall and R«v. T. 11. Houck- The secretaiy's and treasurer's reports were read and ar proved. i | "Book On Missions" was the choice for next year's study, and Mrs. S. P. Christian was appoint ed to secure several books and i present to the society for their approval at the next meeting, which will be held c:i the first Monday nijrlit after the first .Su:i- Ir.y at ilie home of Mi:-. D.'.ila r > , C. Kirby- Mes ia.nes N. E. Pept . , G. H Alfor.l ar.d R. II- King are to pre pare a :.i ;t.'iis meeting. "Mothers" was the theme i around which the committee had /'prepared n special frc-gram for, | the occasion. Miss Grace Taylor told the • orgin of Mother's Day. Mrs- S P. Christain read a poem written by a former Dan bury girl, Mrs. John Meroney, of Winston-Salem. Famous mothers of the Bible were beautifully portrayed by the' following members: Mother of James and John— , Mre. G. H- Alford. Mary, mother of Mark—Mrs. i R. R King. Dorcas—Mrs. J. W. Hall- Lydia—Mrs. J- F. Martin. On behalf of the members, Mrs. Dallas C Kirby presented a gift of silver to Mrs. J- Spot Taylor and Mrs. H. M. Joyce, two much loved mothers and pioneer work ers of the society. This was giv en as a token of appreciation fox their interei' and faithful/, for many years. The meeting close J with tr.f: j Evening Prayer in unison. i' I During the social hour the . hostess, assisted by Mrs. N- E. Popper, served ice cream and cake to Miss Grace Taylor, and Mesdamrs J. W. Hall, J. J- Tay lor, J. S- Taylor, G. H. Alford, X. E. Pepper, J. F- Martin, R. R. King, II M. Joyce, N- E. Wall. ' Dallas C. Kirby and Rev. T- H. Houck, visitor. j j PLIGHT OF ROYAL WAR BABIES ( Europe's most noted exile and' cousin of the csar tells m her] own words why there is only woe,, ahead for tiny heirs to the throne , I > of countries broken by invading armies. Read this timely article in the May 26th issue of , The American Weekly the big magazine distributed with , the BALTIMORE AMERICAN On sale at All Newsstands Number 3,542 MARKERS AT THE PRIMARY THE NEW LAW FIXES RE STRICTIONS FOR NEXT SAT URDAV'S VOTING WHICH MUST BE OBSERVED. The 3939 General Assembly made a very drastic change in the use of markers in primaries. :i» .;• voters who may be asri.sted in the marking of their ballots c*e these who cannot rea'; aiv.l those who by reason of phyrica! handicap, such as blind ness, pr.:alysis or other disabling dcf>ct, are unable to mark their ballot. ■ Ir. an official opinion, the At torrey General ruled that only those illiterates registered under the Grandfather Clause of the C ! ti'"ti«n were entitled to a - i sistance by reason of their in nhil.ty to read. V'hon a voter is entitled to a - ■ is: >.nce in the marking of the 'v.'.bt, h • must obtain the a.;- f.!:-'?.nco frni a ncai relative, Var.d and wife: parent ani chi'l; bro'her and lister; or f rnndpr.ront and grandchild) but if no such near relative is pres ent, he iray then ask any other .voter of the precinct who has not assisted ny other voter, to give him th-r assistance. If, however, there is present no near relative, or other voter who has not marit ed txlotner ballot, the voter may then, but only then, call upon tha registrar or a judge of elections for assistance. The registrar is required to | keep a record of all voters who i receive assistance and the names jof the persons giving assistance. I It is not only unlawful for anv person tj give assistance, but al so unlawful for any person to re ceive or permit assistance except under th* terms of the act. The Act does not prevent mem i bers of the same family (husband and wife; parent and child; bro ther and sister; grandparent and grandchild) from assisting one another, and no record is re quired of such. i Rural Letter Carriers * To Hold Association Here—Picnic At Hang ing- Rock Park A. S. Francis, here today fro-n King, announced that the Rural Letter Carriers will hold their annual r social ion at D.inbury ou May 30. from 10 fo 12 o'clock. From here they -n to Hanging Rock park for a picnic dinner. I * Chicken Fry- Mrs. Frank Martin was hostess to a number of friends at a chicken fry at her home at Sted man Lake honoring her sister. Mrs. Frank Stam, of Pittsburgh, ,Pa. Weiners were roasted cni chicken, sandwiches and coffea were served. About twenty-five guests at tended the outing. t Clyde Forrest of Dobeon was visitor in town this week.

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