THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 ♦ CALL NUMBERS FOR STOKES BOYS ADDITIONAL LISTS ARE PUB LISHED IN SAME ORDER AS • DRAWN AT WASHINGTON. ———- The Reporter publishes below an additional list of boys who will be called by the Stokes board, exactly in the order in which they • were drawn at Washington. The left hand number shows the order in which the boys will be called for examination and * classification. The hand number is the serial: Publication of the names is re sumed from the list of 82 which appeared in the Reporter of last week. No. 83 2472 Pleasant H. Priddy, Sandy Ridge. No. 84—2424—Anthony Thom as, Craig, Sandy Ridge. No. 85—2454—Ge0. Lee Kel ' leyey, Jr., Germanton. No. 86—198 Moir Norman Smith, King. No. 87—139—James Worth Gentry, King. No. 88 —146 —Charlie Thomas Wilkins, Madison, Route 1. No. 89—2442—Chester Arthur Cook, Walnut Cove. No. GO—6 Elijah Alcnzo Hicks, King. No. 91—122—Clyde Harrison Bennett, King. No. 92—83 James Harvey Browdier, Rural' Hail, Routed 1. 1 No. 93 —1368 —John Henry Mc- Hone, Lawsonville. No. 94 —2460 —James Stedman Mitchell, Walnut Cove. No. 95—1905 —Donald Paul Smith, Sandy Ridge. No. 96 —280 —William Lester Hawkins, Francisco. ~ i"T" No. 97 2523 Joseph Lee Sprinkle, Germanton. No. 98 —169 —Walter Everett Westmoreland, Tobaccoville, Route 2. No. 98—1950—Jim Watt Spen cer, Lawsonville. No. 99—2468—Ray Oliver Mo ran, Vifestfield. No. 100—1398—John H. Joyce, Walnut Cove. No. 101—145—Howard Abe Kirby, King. No. 102 9 James Dallas Bray, Tobaccoville, Route 2. No. 103—765—William Hollis Rhodes, Danbury. No. 104—121—Meyer Ned Hold er, King. No. 105 625 —Jiles Carter, Pine HalL No. 106—181 James Wilber Forrest, Francisea No. 107 —1305— Otis Ray Fow ler, Germanton. .No. 108—660— Norman Lee Ad kins, Pinnacle. | ■; No. 109—2512— Woodrow Love Southern, Germanton. No. 110 —702 Basle Teade Jones, Westfield. No. 111—86—Cilia Ray Smith, 1 King. ko. 112—114—Ernest Ralton Griffin, King. | No. US—l36—Route Richard Roberts, WestflekL No, 114—3417—T0m Wtntun Imm son, Lawsonville. ——__________________ I (Continued uu *■ *>*•* ■—> Volume 66 COUNTY AGENT BROWN RESIGNS i CAPABLE OFFICIAL ACCEPTS POSITION WITH COBLE DAIRIES—SUCCESSOR WILL BE L. F. BROOMFIELD CHANGE TAKES EFFECT DEC. 1. ' I The Reporter learns on excel lent authority that County Agent J. F. Brown has resigned to take j effect Dec 1, and has accepted a position as manager of Coble Dairies at Lexington. Mr. Brown's successor will be |L. F. Broomfield, who has been assistant county agent. Mr. Brown's work as agricultural administrator" of 'Stokes has been very able and ef ificient. He has built up strong interest and marked improvement of methods in Stokes county farm ing during his several years of incumbency. Hfs leaving will be attended with regret on the part of his hosts of friends in the county. ■ No less earnest, conscientious and successful have been the serv ices of Mr. Broomfield, the assist ant agent. Mr. Broomfisld's ad vent tf) this most important work will be viewed with much pleas ure by those who know his capa bilities and who are his loyal supporters, and whose coopera tion he may expect. I " OLD TIME FRIEND 1 WRITES REPORTER I HUGH R. SCOTT OF REEDS VILLE ENJOYS EDITORIAL IN REPORTER—MR. SCOTT WAS OF THE STOKES BAR THAT MADE NORTH CARO LINA FAMOUS. The Reporter is especially pleased with the following letter received from Hbn. H. R. Scott, wtoo was of the old-time Stokes bar that made North Carolina famous with its Gleans, Bicketts Stacks, Moreheads, Scaleses, Bux tons, Watsons, etc. Mr. Scott's letter follows: HUGH R. SCOT?,* * ' Attorney at Law Reidsvitle, N. C. Nov. 11, 1340. Editor Danbury Reporter, Dear Sri Through the kindness of my friend, Mr. Robt. Hairston, 1 have seen and read your editorial, "Meeting The Champ" In your is sue of the 7th inst. It is a rare specimen of superb wit. It hits the mark, and deserves national circulation. I hope you will send Mr. Rooserdt a copy of It to be | filed with his reminiscences of , I the campaign of 1940. [ Back in the eighties and nine- I ties in the days of W. B. Glenn, |C. B. Watson, Andrew Joyce, W. |W. Mebane, R. B. Glenn and other j members of the bar, I used to at tend court at Danbury regularly; 'and I recall man/ pleasant recol lections of Taylor's Hotel aad the Peppers. I believe all of these old friends have "crossed the river". I w* Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Nov. 15, 1940 * * * (As Editorial.) OUR GYVED EDITORIALISTS. - The average editorial writer wears gyves. He writes what he is told to write. He drags clink ing behind his paragraphs, a chajn. The tradition of a free press in this land of the brave is a myth, an embossed fiction, an aerial phantasmagoria. In other words there ain't no such animal except in isolated instances. I The average editorial from United Stated newspaper offices is manufactured behind the glass doors of counting rooms. Its complexion is painted by the owners of the 51 per cent, of the capital stock, and Js shaped to harmonize with the interests of big advertisers. That is why the great newspapers of America nave,largely lost their influence. That is why the 80«edd per cent, of America's newspapers took a beating the other day by the common peo ple who have lost faith in them as purveyors of morality and truth. i Now the above paragraphs are the substance of an editorial that appeared in the Danbury Re porter some months ago in which was stated the ;frank fact that the bulk of the editors of Ameri ca no lenger enjov the glorious privilege guaran teed to them under our immortal Bill of Rights— the freedom of speech and the FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. The Reporter is flattered that so keen an ana lyst and so eminent a publicist as Secretary or ihe Interior lakes comes around practically to cur view. And while the Secretary with his re sponsibilities refrains from the candor that we enjoy, nevertheless ycu may read his significant meaning* between his lines. He says (speaking , before a group of reporters representing many of the leading papers of the nation): "The campaign just closed revealed 77 per cent, of the newspapers supporting the losing r:ide; four years ago it was 64 per cent; eight years ago it was 60 per cent." He ended with this: "The press is not free when it expresses only the views of one social or economic side of a na national issue." A week ago the Reporter reprinted an editorial from the Philadelphia Record (a great news paper which wears no gyves), a graphic history of the life and recent DEATH of a Tennessee newspaper that dared speak its honest convic tions. The power of money is so collossal, and its lamificatiDns so universal, that its influence cannot be measured. .But as long as a small minority of newspapers will dare to speak the "Truth that makes men free" therse is hope for the world. The voice of the people is the voice of God. The greatest menace to democracy is the "controlled" press that smothers the voice of the people. The sacred privilege of a free speech through a _ree press is democracy's last refuge. The Danbury people of all de nominations extend a cordial wel come to Rev. Jas. L. Love and family, who have arrived, and now occupy the panonage on West Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Ix>*e are natives of Cabarrus county, but come here directly from Draper. Mr. Love will have charge of the Methodist churches of this section. mile-post In the journey of life, and am glad to say that after a long critical illness, I am in rea sonably good health. With best wishes for the suc cess of the Reporter, I am, Yours truly, ' I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds j spent a recent week-end in Albe- I marie. The Reynolds are leaving this month for Albemarle to make their home. Mr. Reynolds has | been connected with the National Park Service at Hanging Rock State Park for the past several years, and has now been trans ferred to Morrow Mountain State Park where he will do nmiiqr work. Clyde Redding of Mountain View, who for the past several years has held a position in the county AAA office, has recently been transferred to the home of- Published Thursdays POPULATION RISE ] FOR STOKES LAST CENSUS GIVES COUNTY 1 SMALL INCREASE—STATE MENT FOB OTHER COUN TIES AND CITIES. The population increase for the ] 100 counties of North Carolina 1 | between 2930 and 1940 totaled * 392,898. or 12.4 per cent, over 1 the 1930 census, according to the 1 University of North Carolina 1 News Letter. Percentage of in- ' crease in 1930 over the 1920 cen ! ] sus was 23.9 per cent. Various counties in this section ' I of the state are shown here with the first flgyre the 1940 popula tion, the second the 1930 popula- I tion, the third the increase in : 1940 over 1930, and the fourth { I the percentage of this increase: ' Randolph—44,6Bs; 36,259; S,- 426; 23.2. Rov/an—69,049 ; 55.6G5; 12,- 384; 21.9. I I Watauga—lß.oS4; 15,105; 2,- 919; 19.2. Wilkes—42,9l7; 3G.162; 6,75". 18.7. Ailejhany—3,ClS; 7,1£3; 1,1t52; 16.2. Yadkin—2o,72B; 18,010; 2.735; 15.1. ! Rockingham—s7,9l4; 51,0.83; 6,831; 13.4. I i , Forsyth—l26,47l; 111,681; 14,- 790; 3.2. I Davidson— 53,470; 47,865; 5,-' 605; 11.7. | 1 1rede11—50,444; 46,693; 3,751; , 8 - A5he—22,662; 21,019; 1,643; j 1 7.8. , j Surry—4l,74B; 39,749; 1,999;' I s ' 1 1 Davie—l4,93s; 14,386; 459; 3.8. | Stokes—22,647; 22,290; 357; 1.6. Towns and Cities Cities in this area, figures list ed same as above: ' Reidsville—lo,394; 6,851; 3,-! 543; 51.7. T" r|T Tl|^ j Salisbury—lß,96B; 16,951; 2,-! 017; 11.9. ! Greensboro—sß,7B6; 53,569; 5,- 217; 9.7. i Lexington—lo,sß6; 9,652; 934; 9.7. """ww ' I Thomasville 11,073; 10,090; 983; 9.7. | 1 Statesville—ll,42B; 10,490 ; 938;, ; 8.9. i j Winston-Salem—79,B2B; 75,274; 4,554; 6. High P0int—38,449; 36,745; 1,. 704; 4.0. I —* I Mrs. T. D. Preston, Mrs. L. C. Lester, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Ward, all of Pine Hall, were here Wednesday of last week assisting the ladies of the, Methodist Church in preparing the parsonage for the arrival of j the new pastor, Rev. J. L. Love and family. A number of im-| pro Yemen ts have recently been i added to the parsonsgsc • ' i Mrs. Cromer in Hospital, l lire. Rettie Cromer of Walnut ' I Cove, Route 2 is ill at the Bap->] ' ' ' Number 3,564 FUNERAL RITES FOR S. L. PULLIAM HE DIED AT ASHEBORO AND WAS BURIED AT KING OTHER NEWS OF KINO. King, Nov. 14.—Sidney Lee Pulliam, aged 77, died at his home in Asheboro almost suddenly from a heart attack Thursday morning. The deceased, who was reared here, is survived by the widow, Mrs. Nelia Meadows Pul liam, nine sons and one daughter. The remains were brought back here and laid to rest at Trinity _ cemetery just west of town Sat urday afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Alford Hauser have returned to their home in Danville, Va., after visiting rela tives here ! A large crowd attended the horse and cattle show held here Saturday. The show, which is an annua! affair, was a big suc cess this year. E. P. Newsum made a business trip to Winston-Salem Friday. Mr. riii I Mrs. Gilbert Love, who reside on Pulliam street, an nounce t!.e birth of n son nr. t Mr. To: i: a sou. Fanr.oi s in tl':t sect i m are very busy huskinp, their com 'crop. G'd Newsum seems to have carried off the lienors as .1 recoid grower tins year. He madii 541 bushtls on twelve acres. i The following patients under | went tonsil removal operations here last week: Robert Dale Rum ley, Walter Tuttle and Mis? Agnes Burrow, all of Rural Hall. Burke Flynt of Winston-Salem was ajnong the business visitors here Saturday. Mrs. P. H. Newsum and child ren have returned from a visit to relatives in Winston-Salem. - \ F. R. Farnham To Visit Stokes County l I, , | F. R. Farnham, Extension Dairy Specialist from State Col lege, will be in Stokes county on Thursday and Friday, November 14 and 15 to assist, with a series of dairy meetings, according to an announcement by J. F. Brown, county agent. Meetings have been scheduled as follows: . Thursday, November 14, at 10 a. m.—Roger Calloway's farm in the King community; 2 p. m.— J. B. Sizemore's farm in the Haw Pond community; Friday, No ' vember 15, 9 a. m.—Sam B. Priddy's farm in the Sandy Ridge community; 11 a. m.—at the Milk Station in Walnut Cove and at 2p. m.—at Frank L. Tilley's in the Lawsonville commun ity. j Mr. Farnham will discuss feed ing problems and the remodeling Jof dairy barns i n addition to giv ing a dehorning demonstration on the farm of Sam B. Priddy. In spections will be made of trench i' Uo * on the farm* of Roger Callo- I***. J. B. Sfcemore and Frank 'k- Ml fr>vr)frm

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