THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 3 BOYS OFF FOR FORT BRAGG STOKES COUNTY DRAFT BOARD SENDS FIRST CON TINGENT—THE SELECTEES ALL VOLUNTEERS— NEXT CALL WILL BE UP IN JAN UARY. J Lewis Norman Amos of Sandy Ridge. James Hughes Hall of Vadie Mecum. Robert Hedgecock of Walnut Cove. The above three volunteers form the first contingent of Stokes boys to be sent to the preparation camp. They left early Wednesday morning for Fort Bragg, near Fayetteville, Cumberland coitaty, N. C. These boys, examined by the draft board's physician, Dr. G. E. Stone of King, are considered to be physically fit for army serv ice. Yet they are subject to rigid examination by army physi cians before being accepted and inducted into the service. The draft board of Stokes county, composed of Moir Hawk ins, chairman; S. A, Flinchum and W. D. George, meets at in tervals every week. The next bunch of selectees will be chosen by the board early in January. Miss Nell King is secretary to the local board. J. G. Rutledare Returns From Duk'e Hospital J. G. Rutledge of Germanton, Route 1, is expected to come borne this week from Duke Hos pital, Durham, where he has un dergone a very serious operation. He was operated on two weeks ago for n tumor of the brain. Jim Booth, Danlmry/ Voted Most Popular Jim Booth of Daribury, of the sophomore class of Walnut Cove high school, won the prize of SI.OO for receiving the most votes in the Boy's "Popularity Con test" The junior class wishes to ex press its appreciation for the co operation shown by the various patrons and sponsors In making this contest Letter to Santa Clans Francisco, N. C. Dec. fl, 1940. ' Dear Santa Claus: lam writing you to let you know lam a little girt eight yean old, go to school every day. I am in he *#>ctnd grade. I want « table set.. snow auit, anow ahoea, orau , uuta and other toys. Toon tarty. Dr. tad Mi«. Theodore Ant©» rtatted in •HpHHy ftmday. Tie. Amtm+na Volume 66 Mrs. Powell Neely, Of Winston-Salem, To Speak Here (Reported.) Mrs. Powell Neely, of Winston- Salem, a very talented and inter esting speaker, will be in Dan bury Sunday afternoon, Dec. 15, at 3 o'clock, at the Methodist Church. Mrs. Neely has traveled abroad many times and can give us first hand information. China and Her Needs an' Customs will be her subject. A silver offering will be taken co help pay for the care and educa tion of a Chinese child that the I Union Missionary Society has adopted. Everybody is invited to come and bring a friend. * David Walter Tilley Buried Today at Clear Springs David Walter Tilley, aged 67, died at 3:30 Wednesday morning |at the home of his niece, Mrs. Roland Bullins, Walnut Cove, : Route 2. He had been ill for two weeks. Funeral services were conduct led Thursday afternoon at 2 i o'clock at Clear Springs Baptist Church, near Meadows. 1 Rev. Watt Tuttle officiated, yard. | Surviving are one soil, W. F. i Tilley, of Walnut Cove, and one .brother, Sidney Tilley, Walnut ;Oorv«, Route 2. Stories Of Sto/ces (Bounty *J~(unters T ' In the barber shop M Walnut Cove is a goad place to hear stories of the skill and prowess &f Stokes county hunters. While waiting for a shave or hair cut, you may listen to mar vrfous experiences, and the shop doesn't charge you anything for the entertainment. One of the latest is this: Kir. Luke Blackwell of Pino HaTS relates one of Ms first hnnts. He had 35 bullets and a new rifle. Out In the woods lie saw a squir rel quickly climb to the top of a pine. Hie wind was blow»(g stiff, and Mr. BlackwdPa fir si shot brake the had leg of the squirrel. The little animal clung to the top, and aa the hunter' fired each time the wind swaycu the limb just enough to keep the squirrel from receiving a vttal shot. Finally Mr. Blackwell loaded his gun with die butt bul let, and this time he brought the game to the ground. On picking it up, he found it was entirely cooked brown and crisp. Each bullet grazing the body of Ui> squlrrell had ploughed to close that the animal was entirely roasted. Mr. Blackwell carried it home, ready prepared for eat ing. V.\i :i ■; ,v . • v us* , r , ' Danbnry, N. C., Thursday, Dec. 12, 1940.* * * Published Thursdays (An Editorial.) THE GERMAN NATION MUST BE DESTROYED -PARTITION IT BETWEEN ITS VICTIMS, ALLOWING THE JEWS A HOME There can be no peace or security for the free peoples of the world until the German nation is destroyed. We condemn Hitler. Destroy Hitler and you have a Goering in his place; destroy Goering and you get a Ribbentrop; destroy Ribbentrop and iyou have a Goebbels—et cetera. | Destroy the German nation with its ego, its | conceit, its consuming ambition, its measureless I hate, its blood lust. ! There are good German people. No one dis putes this. ' But the good German people who follow would be conquerors blindly, implicitly and willingly, ! must suffer the consequences. Have you seen or heard of a German or pro- German who does not admire, applaud and deify Hitler? Hitler is only an expression of the rapacious character of the German people who would RULE, land whose motto is "Deutschland über Alles." If there are millions of Germans in America, i all of whom applaud Hitler in his unholy ambi tion to conquer the world (which includes Amer ica), and hundreds of whom are today plotting | the overthrow of this government—shall we sit j supine? Destroy the German nation—or else. i Destroy it root and branch and divide it be tween its victims and its WOULD-BE victims. Does anyone doubt that Germany would de stroy America but for the power of America and England, that yet hold away its bloody hand? Does anyone doubt that the German people are backing Hitler and that hundreds of thousands of Germans in America are backing him, and even plotting this nation's downfall? Then destroy Germany, and divide its terri tories with Poland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, France, England—and the Jews. Give Prussia to the Jews fbr a home, a home for this persecuted race, this people who in 'agony, tears and death have felt the sting of Germany. Take away from Germany it proudest state— IVussia—and let Hitler and his cohorts be dis armed, humbled and punished for their crimes by experiencing the hopelessness which they have intended for others. There is retribution in history. Did you hear the tiger of Berlin in his speech of Tuesday, in which he raved and ranted of his power—and that he would conquer the world? (The world includes the United States.) There is retribution in history. The dying cries of innocent men, women and children is not unheard by the God of battles. Alexander tried to conquer, and died like a dog while his enemies divided his conquests. Caesar tried it, £.nd fell with more than nine daggers in his body, while his empire crumbled. Napoleon tried it, and sp«it his last days on lonely Helena, a can cer gnawing- at his vitals. William the Kaiser tried it. His career ended as an humble wood chopper. Hitler and the German nation will perish from the earth. Ever as Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the great city of Carthage whose memory is a mound in Africa. i the complete power of America and th rt r -i*h empire can atop Hitler. JUJO /im be STOPPED. Stop him and stop hi terrors and agony and bloodlust - The German people back their tyrants. Let the German people be stopped. As far back as the Roman empire the raging hordes of Ger (CoatiotM* QB Faft 4.) , State College Dairy Specialist Coming Mon- i | day Good News For Farmers F. R. Farnham, dairy special ist, State College, will spend Monday, December 16 in Stokes I county. Farmers will be advised how to manage dairy cows for more milk and better test. The im portance of feeding a balanced ration with silage and good le gume hay will be stressed at the meetings. Remodeling the barn for better care and management will also be discussed by Mr. I Farnham. Value of good bulls I will be touched on. Meetings will be held as follows: Monday, 9:00 a. m„ Will Wood, Danbury com munity; 11:00 a. m., Milk Sta tion. Walnut Cove; 1:30 p. m., R. jO. Shelton, Sandy Ridge and at 3:30 p. m., J. F. Joyce, Dillard ' community. | Subjects for discussion at these farms are remodeling barn for the dairy herd trench silo, im ! proved herd sire and how to feed the dairy cow. Dehorning and how to do it was demonstrated on the farm o; A. T. St(«le last Monday after noon. Five cows were dehorned. It is not too late to treat peach trees for borer control. It is time to prune fruit trees. Let us know if you want a demonstration given in your orchard. Let's? give more attention to our home orchard next year and try spr.iy ' ing and pruning. We have bul letins and other forms of instruc tion free for you. The county terracing unit is : now working on the farm of J. C. Handy near Sandy Ridge. The need for erosion control is very obvious. We all realize this fact from sights we see along the i roads every day. J There is annually a loss of over j three hundred million dollars due jto erosion. If we are to have 'good crops we must prevent this ] erosion, and do something to im prove our soil. One of the best methods to improve soil and pre | vent erosior is to plant more ! grass and legumes and keep moro livestock to consume pasture anJ jhay crops. We can also improve I our soil by saving all the stable manure and putting it on the land. The winter months is the most important time of the year io take good care of livestock n 1. poultry, because it is d :ri sg these few months that prices are the highest for their products. By good care we mean proper j shelter with plenty of bedding I abundance of good legum age supplemented with a good ''owe mixture of grain, and plen :y of clean fresh water. MRXHOWBT CHRBCV tones L Love, Flwtor. Seooad Sunday. 11:09 a. m, W>urth Bandar: t.«00 p. m. Sunday Sofefol: 10:00 a. m. Number 3,568 PATTIE LOU ADKINS DIES AT KING STORK MAKES FIVE VISITS AROUND KING—PETE SMITII IS IMPROVING—OTHER KING ITEMS. King. Dec. 12. Pattic Lou, the six-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cardell Adkiris, died at their home on Depot street Sat- Hi-ining following an at tack of pneumonia The funeral service which was in ehi' rgo of He v. Paul Herman Newsum, was conducted at the home Sunday afternoon at 12:30 and burial was in Trinity ceme tery. J. M. Alley and John Beasley, who hold positions at Fort Bragg helping to erect new barracks for the new army of draftees, spent the week-end with their families here. The following patients under went tonsil removal operations in the Stone-Helsabeck Clinic last week: Miss Elverne Redding of Capella, Miss Fern Adele Denny of Pilo Mtuontain and J. P. Mar shall and Roney Marshall of Greensboro. The King High divided a dou ble-header basketball game with. Griffith school in the King gym nasium Friday night. The King boys won their game while the girls kst to Griffith. W. G. Hendrix of the Donnaha section was here Saturday look ing after some business matters. Spencer Slate of Winston-Salem was among the visitors here Sat j urday. . The stork makes the following I report for last week: to Mr. anJ Mrs. Jessie Cox, a son; to Mr. I !and Mrs. Ernest McGee, a daugh ter; to Mi. and Mrs. Worth West moreland, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Hobert (not Herbert) Marshall, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Newsum, i Mrs. Annie Walker and Misses Dorothy Law and Bobbie Leo ; spent Saturday in Winston-Sal em. , The condition of Pete Smith, » who has been on the sick list at his home on Depot street for some time, is much improved his friends will be pleased to learn. The chicken and oyster supper given here Saturday night by the Ladies Aid of the Moravian Church was a success. > » Franklin-Neal I i Cards received here announce th* following: Dr. and Mrs. Paul Nathaniel ?' % r.l request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Constance, to Worth Hurley Franklin on Satur day evening the fourteenth of December at half after eight o'clock, * Duke Utfvemty Chapel, Durham, North Caroli na." R. If. Greene of Walnut Cove mm in tnwn Friday. J. c. \Uo£tn ri % .

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