) l . \ [gG b?/irinT '■■XirtiyiUQA :';i:HTA3Liri/„ ->>.» »o :u/gj TO . . " ff!EDANBURY"REPORTBft Established 1872 SOIL CONSLKV \TiON N a. vv S , For convincing proof ol' the value of mowing pastures, tam ers are invited to inspect tlie pas ture of George C. Flippin, located three miles northwest of Francis co. As a result of periodic mow ings, Mr. Flippin has one of the best pastures in Stokes county. \ says A. C. Metz of the Dan River soil conservation district. Mr. Flippin mows hi" pasture at least twice and sometimes three times a year, the conserva tionist reports. IJnti'ir this treat ment, weeds have disappeared nnd have been replaced by a dense sod of grasses and legumes This has the carrying cnpac ity of the pristine an l prevents ui'desiiaMi' fi..\ors in the i siik Ivi.'uy otp.'r farmer.- in it," ro'iniy li'i.T fou:i i mow:" is a simple co :■ rv-it.oii jit.icti • ti ; i •• ' divi '• mi . M*t/ SilV.-". II is ' ililUiln l Vr.f'V, li li.:'. I':: I !:(iod ;>s!'.in ; j»v:• !•_ ri; :.| lcid for live-1 • ■;, lui good pns hues cannot lot;' exi ; t '.I Wivdf arc allowed 1o c!i out II." grass and smaller growing legumes, IK points out. Good sod like that found m Mr. Flippin's pasture not only pro duces an abundance of high-qual ity feed, but serves also to con trol erosion, Metz says. Pastures taken over by weeds soon to erode as weeds fail to form suffi cient sod to protect against soil washing, he adds. . a ,„r' Draft Board Hints Some Do Not Register "The attention of all concerned is invited to the fact that regis tration is required of all male persons residing in the United States ot the eighteenth anniver sary of the date of their birth. "It har been reported that in some sections there has been a noticeable falling off in the num ber of 18-year-old registrants. Possibly it is not generally under stood that all male persons re siding in the United States must register on the day they become 18 years of age. Provided that l f if such anniversary falls on a leg al holiday, their registration shrUi take ;>!"cc on the day fol 1 owing that i- not a Sundry or a log"!, holiday." , / - STOKES LOCAL DRAFT PTS. Anothei* , Dies |An « font i • cow. ).d • Ilia tj IN. \ i' trv \nw •--/ • s ' I 'J . C: ;' .■ '.VI. ' p it i *:•.* . ■ . • irj :.qu : " > " its ' :\? . m v .'a|r.,j' Ccve, who have, lost tv." cows ely. ; Volume 72 Former Ueportei is Wour.dod ill a i't'llif i Serge.-nt James !I. Willeford, formerly an employe of .he lie porter and known as "Napoleon", received in action in the Pacific has recovered from a wound ho I war theater on January 25, and has returned to his command, ac- I ! cording to a wire received by his j mother, Mrs. Florence E. Wille- I ; ford of Winston-Salem. Sergeant Willeford joined the army before thi outbreak of the war and served three terms. Fleet Owners Must File With ODT i ! Fleet owners are required to file during July the second 1»:5 quarterly report on operation' William I). Lewis, dirt fie! n>-ti : IT of ODT': Division >L' MI. H Ti ui:'! Di I :I- l".-ie today. Mr. Levis t air.u d o'.'t th 'i t:l"if Wi>r Xee-ssit;', i. • 1 I '.nt ft ll to all common lal o; TI {(.!.••, l" quire vciiiiclo own •• , to ! .;.)> mileage and opei: ; jcc. ot -'S. Those owning ot. • or two vehicles, he said, keep tlv.'i' rec ords on the certificates, whi 1 e ) owners of three or mote vehicles 1 ' iwho are classed as fleet operators, also keep records on the cer; fi- I cates but are required in addition to turn in their reports quarterly, on forms supplied them by ODT. ' Failure to file a report, Mr. Lewis said, jeopardizes the cer -1 tificate and subjects the owner to possible reduction in gasoline or mileage allowances for his ve hicles. The quarterly report now due is for the months of April, May, 1 and June. Two Listed As Failing I To Register For Draft . j According to information of the i Local Draft Board, the following 1 of this county have failed to com - ply with the laws of the Selective I 1.1 Service System in that thay have -!failed to register: -I They are Otis Ebisty East and t James William Booth. 2 ' The Stokes Local Board states. II that these delinquents arc direct -'cd to report by mail, telegraph, i'or/in person to the Stokes Coun ■' -t.v Local Draft Board on or befor-- ! J lithe 10th day of July, 1913. ami submit 'themselves to. registration. Fn:litre to report on or befote ti'.e ci: v and hour specified is at; of r "n-,' jvju.'shab'e by fine or im - ■r.mrr.-n', or both. /V nr. >•••• . ' for ■ '•' . y,«, of .Vrti. \' r ■ Rrtlr of Tobaccoyfllo T! ■ ' • 1 '■ •: on Ttw..» : .. V.-frj,,. g, ' ' * Danbury, N. C., Thursday, July S * * *- Native oi Stokes i'iisaei i»i (Js censhoro Georvjo Washington Tilt 11. , a i ,\1 t>\ a native of htokv.s county ,vho made his home with rela- ; tives in Greensboro and Winston- ; •Salem Tor some years, died Sun- t Jay night at the home of his son, S. C. Tuttle of Greensboro. ( ] ! The funeral was held at Union i Girove Baptist Church Wednesday i afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial \,i the church graveyard. Officia ting ministers were Rev. E. A. R.-brtson and Rev. C. W. Russell.'. |1 Mr. Tuttle leaves his wife, Mrs. ! I I Martha Jane Pulliam Tuttle; a daughter, Mrs. E. G. Sapp, Win ston-Salem; seven sons, Grady j md B. M. Tuttle of Kernersville; S. C. Tuttle of Greensboro; E. .J. and C. V. Tuttle of Detroit, Miili L. E. Tuttle of Macon. On., m 1 P!'c. E. !'•• • Ttit»• nt' Uwater Fit'J, Miss.; i'; j i.i ers. Jan. .'S T.: V-!. •V:.!tci T.::'' •. V." '.. . ; Dcik 7 ( aI: P. jramlchiiJi-'n .ri'adchildi n. Folger Ferrets Serai: pintr of NY A Washington —Rep. John H. Fol- ! | ger of Mount Airy, recently ex pressed deep regret that the j House had refused to appropriate funds for continuation of the Na tional Youth Administration. The NYA has been engaged in j vital war work, the Congressman said. "Its efforts to train work-' ers for defense production have been highly commendable. No v , that the NYA program is to be ' discontinued, more than 4,500 NYA shops all over the count rv • will have to be closed down, and I | ■ eventually scrapped." The entire North Carolina d. • egntion, with the exception 01 Representatives llobert L. Dough | ton and Herbert K. Bunner voted | to appropriate $15,000,000 to fi- ! nance the NYA program during ' the coming'y£ar. "I believe the only re'ason the appropriations were turned down is that the Re-' publicans have decided to serai) I ' 1 'avery Administiation agency \\\ have left." commented. 1 —Tin- Winston Journal [ William R C arter, J j Dies In Itoekinj* ]iai - William Sr.m Carter, •lied Monday afternoon nt i.i o'clock at his u M ||«. , 1. after an ill . ••. r ,s v • i : months. H • v." ». •••• ; i> .. . •nrri- :".i Ci , '.•• _i, : .* •' r ■ ' • • * r o'c! >Cfk. Vr ' ' : •' • V .• Mrvivutg 1 ";•! t!.i u»kinv; t XYRXIYMN rwmtrn SHT Lawsonvilli News La\v: "ll\ ili«.. \\l ARE II IV.I plenty :>l tain in tins beet ion IT. now. Tin' iwival is on :i( Pi lei ,-i Creek this week with large al lenilaiur. Everyone is welcome' to come and take part. Home coming day will be Sunday. Spe cial singing i s on the program. Rev. J. A. Joyce is holding the revival. Thornton Tuttle has bought a .lice car. Mrs. Mildred Stevens returned \ to her home Sunday after spen:!- I jing some time with Mr. and Mr.?, i Nick Stevens. Ruby Helms is spending this I week with Betty Jo Lawson. | Mr. and Mrs. Clet Kiser spent Sunday with Mrs. Rufus Woo, ls. Ml. and Mis. 1). I: (.Mark :a'd J;ui "lil-i s \v;ie week i i I i« »»-» lit. \T j t .. . I il I. i sper .• i' ~ . 1 I'll!'. ■ lie! i'. :•'!•• i ; i.i • ! ;• ■! Ash 'hoio and is the dan. hi-i nl Charlie Bennett of Kirtii. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hardio Mabe, a daughter, Wilma Jean. Sgt. and Mrs. Walter L. Ben nett stopped in to see relatives late Sunday evening. Sgt. Ben jnett is stationed at Johnson Field, j Several Friends and relatives I were the guests of Mrs. Hardie Mabe Sunday. Raymond, young son of Noel Mabe, is confined with rheuma tism badly. Noel also has been ill. I Clara Jean Bennett has a very sore foot from stepping on a rtis,- !ty nail Sunday morning. ( Mr. and Jir>. Fred Bennett spent awhile Monday night at Johmiy Buliitis. Mrs. J. B: Bui i lin has been ill. Clara Jean Bennett and Ru dolph Bullin were bruised up very badly from being thrown by a bycycle late Saturday evening. ' It has been a very sickly time for children of this section 10. the past two weeks. I.t. and Mvc Wesley llav-•» v Macon Ga. nunotin. i «.1: .1 ot a 9-1 b. k.ii/ girl, I, : i •• .• • born Juno 2 . Mrs. l r d was formerly Mis I dajghtcn Mr.-. (1. ,\. ■. ' M;'dison R"t.ie 1: '• rt .;.•!» Ar. oi i':i . : •W' Published Thursdays News (>! OUR BOYS t . lii.nly L. \ oun> r'lii •! .Mr. .Illii Mrs Fo\ ui iig 'I. »lil! nut Cove. Star iioua', li.iS r. n-nt iv been promoted t > Hi t' i.uik. j He entered the seiviee March 11, i 191:;. |l Private First Class Joseph 11. Smith, son of Mrs. Bct'y Smith 1 'of Lawsonville, has been promot- ■ ed to his present rating. He en- • tered the service in April, 1912, : I and received his basic training at I I j Fot t Ord, Calif. I Private First Class William > Motion, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Mort. n of Walnut Cove, Itouie I lias bei n promoted to his pn ■ . . i,i i 11. i. ll.' at. I the arn-; I) ■ ;-s,ll i ri-' I • ! ' ■ -ad i. n.v. . :.>s 1 will l " 11 No' 11. Al l i Sgt. Leroy Kirby, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kirby of Tob.it-i o- ville, entered the service in Sept., 1940, and received his training at } I Fort Jackson, S. C. i Pfc. Pete Kirby, son of Mr. and' 3 iMrs. A. L. Kirby of Tobaccoville. a ' I Pfc. Kirby is aged 24, receiving his basic training at Camp Bland- I I ing, Fla. He entered the service | ' in 1941. i i ' Tee. Corporal Rupert Fulk, son of K. W. Fulk and the late Mis. Fulk of King, has been promot"! to his present rating. He enter ed the aiiiiy in Ueeenihei .19 iJ nnd trained at Camp Robins in. lArk. He recently visited his rel jatives at King. v ; | Teenieal Corporal John P. i! Hhnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. i Hanes of Pine Hall, has been pro moted to his present rating. H entered the army April IS, 19il. lie .received his b-■! training Fort Bra;:g'. |), „ j V «rr i:«vn)irr laHaLsnrj s * Number 711. Xi.\W iiiKTJiS MIE K 1 l ' 5 » i / /\ i K 1 * V * ' h I .• I Sm. ,1.1 . till' (.!> • j • I r. ; :;i . \ ■f. —nuria ; "Il l', lis 1~l ** V> .:tlit i imlr. D> : A l«ili>li 1.-j it li'it enougn !•>! yuu" King, .July *. Kuncial services for Lin Lawson, aged 00, wetu conducted at Rock House ChurcU Wednesday. The service was in charge of Klders J. K. Brown and J. Watt Tuttle. The deceased iy survived by the widow, several children and a number of grand children. i Serjeant Harvey Hall, station ed at Kort Jackson, S. l\, is In." a s|M-ulii}'» a seven-day furlough 'l'!., in!!'. in ; j..tii-lits under w ■ 11... I i i.r njici i'i.in.s I • :-'i: i Mi .1 . I . t Aiiiiiiuiu ei'.'i.t is m.;. » of marriage of Lt. Grady E. Stono and Miss Lucy Mitchell Monday, June 28. The bride is the attrac tive young daughter oi Walter | Mitchell of Pilot Mountain and the bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Stone of King. Lieutenant Stone is stationed at 'Camp Butner. i Misses Virginia Francis and | Rebecca Rains have returned from a trip to Sheridan, Kansas, wliero they visited relatives and friends. Well, the Rlnrk i:. n till' job vvith a tv|init in box ear 1.1» is this week. I!••».• .1 is: to Mr. •ind Mi'.".. CJarley I'rowder, .; ri.ui: to Mr. and Mrs Raleigh W;.ll, ,v daughter: to Mi. and Mi ■ 1. s ler Alley, a daughter; to Mi ap I Mrs. Claud Stewart, i s i., to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snider, a da i. li ter; to Mr. and .Mr (', «ige Law son, a daughter: to Mr. and Mis. Arlie WoIIT, a daughter; to Mr, and Mrs. (.'a;:.,a V ugliii, . sun; to '!> ;,i;.| M. • iort >: i. .

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