THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 REV. HELSABECK PASSES AWAY FUNERAL FOR JEFF RUT LEDGE HELD SUNDAY MANY BIRTHS REPORTED— 1 OTHER NEWS ITEMS By E. P. NEWSUM t Officer of the day, stopping a ' 4 recruit, decided to check on the * i rookie's knowledge. "What's the eighth general order?" he asked. | The recruit sprang to attention, clicking his heels, said: "Thou shalt not steal." King, October 14. Rev. Rob- l ert Helsabeck, aged 72, died at a Winston-SalCTh hospital Saturday. Surviving are the widow, one I daughter, Mies Clara Helsabeck of the home and three sons; Kemper, of Rural Hall; Ray, of , Charlotte and Dennis of High Point. Funeral and interment were at Poplar Springs Church Tuesday. Funeral service for Jeff Rut ledg., a;;ed S2, was conducted .u ' the First Baptist Church Si;nd t> afternoon. He is survived by fou- - ! sons: Latney, Decatur and Ozzie t of King, and Arizona of Rural 4 Hall - ~ Guy Walker of Camp Sibert, I Ala., is spending a furlough with his parents here. The stork's business is picking up again. Here's his report: to Mr. and Mrs. Grady Tilley, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Marshall, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Ollie G. Tuttle, a son; to Mr. and , Mrs. Burton Whicker, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, a ( daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Coy ] Fletcher, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. '] Carson Newsum, a son; to Mr. • and Mrs. Luther Marshall, a , daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coekeiham, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young, a daughter. ' Paul Johnson, Jr., of tne U. S. Marines, stationed at Norfolk, ( J Va., is here on fui lough. Announcement is made of the j marriage of Frank Stone to Miss ] Eleanor Syte of Richmond, Va. , Saturday at Richmond, where Mr. j Stone is a dental student. Jack Holder of the U. S. Navy, | New York, spent the week-en d with relatives here. The following patients under went tonsil removal operations here last week: Miss Pearl Bu:g? of Pilot Mountain; Miss A!ta Mae Newsum and Miss Nancy Rose '' Hooker of Tobaccoville; Miss Lu- 1 cille Vaden of Vade Mecum; Rad- V ford Smith and Miss Jennis Lee * White of Walnut Cove; Miss Lucy ! Tucker of Rural Hall and Billio R; Ffyui of King. Live*.. thing is in readiness here * for the big an ia! horse show and !" fair which takes place Thursday, i c Fri u'.y ana Saturday of this week. 1 ' Stanley Newsum of the U. 3. s Navy, stationed at Washington. £ D. C., is spending a furlough with i relatives here and at High Point. : And that's the news from here. 1 Volume 72 LOCAL ITEMS Third Class Petty Officer Eldon ( Branscome of Stuart, Va., who is now stationed in California with ' I I che navy, visited friends here I 1 | I Sunday and Monday. ***** The following out-of-town law yers attended court here this week: P. W. Glidewell, Reidsville; I Fred Folger and O. Woltz, Mount Airy; W. Reade Johnson and H. i H. Leake, Winston-Salem; J. • i ! Hampton Price, Leaksville; Clyde jShreves, Greensboro. •** * * Mrs. Elmer Petree and daugh-, ter, Jean Carol, Josephine Pepper and Patsy Todd will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christian 1 in Durham this week-end. **# * # I R. R. King is at home from R i leigh for a visit. ***•.*# J Mips Lillian Dyer, teacher ia the Wr.lnut Cove High School, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Love last week-end. ( w * w •:* * Lacy A. Gibson, RR supervisor ■ i for the FSA in this county, leaves the latter part of this week for i his home in Durham where he i will spend some time before en- ' tering the navy. Mr. Gibson has ' been head of the FSA in Stokes for the past four years. ***** T The many friends of D. C. Tay lor of Gap learn with sincere re giet that he has suffered the am putation of both legs on account j of an attack of septicemia, or blood poisoning. He had former- ! £ j ly lost one leg, now he losses the i other. Mr. Taylor will have the', sympathy of hosts of friends ii: j his affliction. ( *** * * j Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Alford, j Mrs. Jones Brown and Mis. Penn s of Mount Aiiy visited frienus in r Danbury Sunday. Mr. Alford was 1 looking unusually well, though hi 1 had just had a birthday, end harj his hair cut close. We don't kr.ow how many candles there j were on the cake, but 38 we think. 1 •** * » i Sergeant Ray Sisk was at his ! home here cn a week-end pass. J He i 3 tationed at Camp Davis. I ***** i J. Frank Martin is in the City I Hospital, Winston-Salem, for s treatment on his hands, suffering i with a disorder occasioned b> r handling chemicals in war works J at Jacksonville, N. C. fl ***** j*' Miss Madaline Fulp of Walker town and Charlie Fletcher also ox Walkertown, Miss Emerine Flet- j, cher. Miss Eunice Fletcher, Miss \ Francis Boles, Mr. and Mrs. Watt Smith, Ira Boles visited Miss Vir- t ginia Fulp Sunday. f **,*• j i Mrs. Leff B. Mabe was here S Monday from Walnut Cove. |t Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Oct. 14, 1943 * * * 'COVE PERSONALS I Walnut Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heath, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. i Ross visited Mr. and Mrs. Luke I Sherard and Mrs. Frank Richard- | son at Greensboro Sunday. M:s--es Mona Fallin and Carol Bray were home for the week-end l from Meredith College, Raleigh. J A revival meeting is in progress at the Baptist Church. Rev. C. ■ E. Parker is officiating. ! Miss Charlotte Matthews and i i Miss Christine Anderon visile J in Hayesville during the week-end They were accompanied by Mir.s ' Anderson s nephew-), Allen Bel', I Jr., and Bo'i Tiger, Jr., of Oak Ridge Military Irf titute. Katherinc Rives Jones returned to her home at Winston■.Sa'cn af ter spending a few ua>s with Mm A. G. Jones. Miss Nancy La.ntJe of Wipston- Saleni sp nl the Wtek-end l.ue. Dr. and Mrs. Beve, ly Jour s Betty Jer.n Joins, fi'iU.i I'!.:Uii of North to v,vi • •; guests at Mrs. A. G. Jon. s f-uij. day. 1 Miss Doray Goode, member ii the Walnul Cove faculty, spent the week-end at her home at Greensboro. I i | Miss Sarah Sands of Winston- Salem spent Sunday afternoon at home here. . ( R. L. Lawson's Feed Barn, Feed, Farm Tools, Burn Saturday: R. L. Lawson of Lawsonville lost his feed barn, a lot of feed stuff, a lot of farm tools, and a stack of hay standing near the barn in a fire last Saturday about nine o'clock in the morning. Mr. Lawson's stock were in tho pas ture, or they would probably have been burned also. The lor a - is right around 81,000 and no in sula nee. Mr. Lawson says iie ha no idta of the cause of the fire. Will Attend District Club Meeting-' Mrs. R. L. Smith, Mrs. W. G. ' Petree, Mrs. N. E. Pepper. Mrs. D. C. Kirby, Mrs. R. H. Todd. Mrs. R. J. Scott, Mrs. Dr. 1!. H. Mooivfitld, Mrs. R. R. King, Mis. N. E. Wall, Mrs. J. S. Taylor, members of the Danbury Arts Club, will attend a DistiL-t Meeting of the sth District of the,' North Carolina Federation of Wo man's Clubs, to be held at El!:!n Thursday. 1 Mrs. Byerly Heads I 1 Stokes WAC Drive : ,i Mrs. Ken Byerly of Pine Hall 1 1 has been appointed chairman ot \ WAC recruiting for Stokes. Lawrence Macßae, chairman of \ the Stokes County Civilian De fense Council, announced Mi's. Byerly' appointment and said Stokes would be asked to recruit three WAC's during the drive. | REPORT OF GRAND JURY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF STOKES. i To His Honor H. Hoyle Sink, Judge Presiding: i j , The Grand Jury for the Fall Term of Superior Court of Stokes | county, 1943, respectfully submit the following report: We have acted upon 60 bills of indictment, 55 of which were founds to be true bills and four not true bills. One bfll continued until next term of Superior court. Presentments of all criminal nature known to our body wero made and acted upon. A comn it tee from our body visited tl Stokes County Home and found the inmates well care I for mid p;-»vided with good whole some fi • t!"c* building in good eo:i !i In I! .. hnl! !in ,j |j t . fli nv. i we ~ ,mr -endr i b. paijit i Our bf dy vi i; • | tho : v I 'ii ,' nd loiu.d i to b W'-il lupt and in (.hi'kl en dition ::i every way. Our entii'e body except one vis ited the State Prison Camp and found the prisoners well fed, and I the buildings and quarters in ex- , cedent condition. j A committee from our body .visited the office of Clerk of Su perior Court and found the rec- j ords well kept and in good con i ition. j A committee from our body i visited the office of Register of Deeds and found the records well t kept and in good condition. A committee from our body 1 visited the office of Superintend ent of Schools and found the rec ords well kept and the office i.i good condition. A committee fronj our bo'y visited the office of Sheriff and •'"! the records well ke;it and n condition. ( Respectfully submitted, j. M_/IR HAWIvIXS, Foreman i - ,STOKES GOES OVFP VTAR BON'S) QUOTA L .test reports on Stokes coun ty's Third War Loan Drive show that the county exceeded its quo ta of ss7,ooo by SI.-],OOO bringi y t!:c total for the drive to ov c r, Chairman R. J. Gibson r.r.rminccd this week. % Reports by towns. including work through various schools, wes announced as follows: Reyn olds, $4,500; Francisco, $11,925 Lawsonville, $11,000; Pine Hall. So,500; Pinnacle, ',000; Ger ir.anton, $3,500; $17,000; [ Wanut Cove, $19,775 and Sam'. 1 Ridge, $18,707. FDR IWI Every worker ll*' fhould increase theii [ * JSu amount of bonds he or »he is buviiij. "j Published Thursdays STOKES UWF QUOTA IS SET Stokes county has been askeJ to contribute $4,200 of the $125,- 000,000 quota set for the nation in the United War Fund Drive, R. i 'J. Gibson, county chairman, an nounced this week, j The county's quota has been al lotted as follows: Walnut Cove, ,$750; Germanton, $300; King, $750; Pinnacle, $300; Reynolds, $300; Francisco, $300; Lawson ville, $350; Sandy Ridge, $400; Pine Hall, $350; Danbury, $200; Dillard, $100; and Meadows, S2OO. Principals of schools in these towns will be co-chaimen with community leaders. I l The county drive will get un derway this week and continue into the first part of November. Every be ly will be risk, dto |- - nnte as must as p-.j-sibh- to the find v/hi'-h will I. u«. ! for stki: C:US'S til IV). V v .. !': -i I' >"i hi.i I: ij| Gi\e:- R!i n, I . in n j mil' others. LA-.VSOWILLE NEWS j By MRS. E. G. LAWSON i The parents and teachers of Lawsonville met at the school auditorium Thursday night, Oct. 7, to organize a P.-T. A. R. G. Thomas presided until the officers | were elected. W. H. Moore con ducted the devotionals. The pro gram was as follows: Two numbers by the toy or chestra Reading- Mrs. Woodall. Duet—Kitty Pringle and Betty Jo Lawson. Solo—Sylvia Ray. Miss Laura Ellington, president of the Sandy Ridge P.-T. A., gave an interesting talk on "The Value of a P.-T. A. to a Community." i The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. Mrs. Lois Tuttle. Vice-president. W. H. Moore. Secretary, Mrs. J.->h , N*. Tucker. Tre -'.irc-r, Mrs, H. O, Shej pnrd. Pill). Commit! : Miss Addi Montgomery. Mrs. Law? n Mrs. E. G. Lawson. P«v);rrnni committee: Mrs. (). Smith. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. C. E. Neal. Social Committer: Mrs. A. H. Kallam, Mrs. Vleve Lawson, M»- . Carlos Priddy. Aims and Pro.: V- Thomas. Miss S;sk. Mrs. Alfreu Robertson. Mrs. Ruth Tucker's room won the prize for hnvine the most nar ents n resent. The P.-T. A . w''l med th,- second Thursday ni.Tir : n every month. Mrs. Carrie Da lion of Siuatt. Va., spent the week-end wtii Mir-. K. CJ. LawM.n. S!ie was accom panied home Sunday by h> i daughter, Dorothy Helms. Mr. and Mi 3. G. D. Watkins spent Sunday with Mr. and M:.-. S. W. Tucker. Misses Hnllie and Winifi. I Spencer are at S'oiwilio w!i .• Miss Hallie is a teacher and Mi.-» Winifred is a student. i I Services To He Held At Home of Nick Stevt . fvd Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock, ui thi home of Nick Stevens, near Lawsonville, the R»v. J. F. Man-! uel will conduct a religious meet- 1 | ing to which the public is invited. | * * * Number MERTON J ESS I P iiACK IN CUSTODY^ COURT CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTER MANY CASES CON TINUED NEXT WEEK IS CIVIL TERM I Judge Sink adjourned criminal court Wednesday afternoon after continuing many cases until next term The following cases were dis posed of: .STATE AGAINST; Dalphus S. Vaughn, O. C. 1., etc., lo months on roads, Glenn Evans, A. D. W„ and in jury to property, cost an i good behavior. P;iul Swriim, (). C. 1., .s.">o, costj Will Mnbe, O. C. 1., SIOO and cost and 10 days in jail. Harry L.-wis Davis, H. & & !:'i • r.y. Is months to .'J yeais in Stat> Pi !s' n. It-.h. L mi. Outing. 15. & E un d lai'i 'iy, r.'jl L k !•;• O. C. f a is.. ; : i; and run, 12 months on road.-i uud ' ■ "u! -. o. ('. ! i ;.in i ■ i P. : !' • . • ' i ; Wil' . : a; K. .• • ..,1 I ■ I" • ■-I A \\ . A , ' 1 V/i:;; ;:r, 'S ii Kisi r. tliiity 1 1 ill j'li! ,-i ,1 |;ni| ( usts; !'s to !• lank Enieh, cost. Jim Dix, O. ('. 7., costs. John C. Middleton, O. C. 1.. Sc transporting liquor, SSO, costs. Caleb Eads, Reckless driving & O. C. !., SSO and costs.* Kubjoll Tatum, L. & R., SIOO and costs. Dave Watson, A. D. W., cost and good behavior. Sam Smith, C C.W., SSO, cost. Stella Tillev, disorderly con duet, not guilty. Willie H. Mounce and James P. Edwards. C.C.W, & V.P.L. Each $25 and costs. Merton Jessup, manslaughter. Defendent placed in custody of (Continued on page 2) LARGE GROUP TO UK INDUCTED The Local lJr:!"t Heard releases tile natiii s of the October 1!• c« . 11- tiugem to b • iii.iucu.l at Camp Croft, South Carolina: Lewis bail ».*. P.iackv.i 11, Muaiou Jai.'k'.jMii Siaiiii, Fraak bu;;:;ir.s, Huibluii Marion Siawler, Cecil Talgum Watts, Joseph Alfred Joyce, Ma! - shall KcniKtli Roberts, Wesley llardi-n Jrnits, William liunur Hyiu, James Kiiineth Wiight, Jaine; Will'am Meadows, James Odell Knight, Lester Mar tin, James Ralph Wilson, Ci.csley Yoik Tucker, Melvin Tayl n Fn - man, Fletcher Franklin Buiiins, Silas Handy, Carl Dalton Ore, Royce William I'ulk. M it Evans, Sam Jones Lewis Newell N»-ws >m, Mauvie ' Monroe Rolieri son. (.'■ \i;,:'!fy. Otis i in, !.>-s er i"; i! :!•. Xov.t Curtis Nelsm John Gideon Hill Mitchell. Otis Rn X. nee. Th er Landis Hall, Th as Otia Cur iv. Fire r V.' -flu M >'t I' a in: i!!-« Frank Or, . • t F;,m: P.-iv, II*!?- it Sari :,i, Bernard tldi'll An>>- Mason Gibson Webb, Jethro Pickett Rovvcn, Joseph Smith Jones, Mae't Dani.l /l.'.bi, James William Key, Lee Robe- Goins. James Lee Wright, Ce- ru Clady Tuttle, James Thomn*" sup. Cary Clay Moore, .Ti seph Bvrffo, Paul Mabe •r-'n I'rav Kirby. Tlnirn- in Dodson, Elzie Lee Chest ley Marion Palme Tn man. Nick Steve-'. .*••., Ton Mit chell Thomas .V'=>' : a "ennr ,f . Tr., James Mite 1 *»' l 1 """It, V'ltpv Rav Collir" ,Ta«p-. Ti-' - *"*> ! »ht. Claude F'Pwrt *n- Tnri*«S )?nv 'Rob'"* T,v,,: —- XeTvsom Davis W:!r:n Scchrist.

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