THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 C. R. HUTCHISON DIES TL'ESDAV AT WALNUT COVE Rev. Charles Richard Hutch-- son. aged 77, of Walnut Cov . died at i:is home Tuesday nig : at G:.30 o'clock .utcr a scri' I'.s \ ness o:" two da; s. he had i; .:i in declining hoallh for roravti. .> and eick for the past week. Rev. Mr. Hutchison v.;.s bov.i in Stokes county, May 2, Iv-S, the son of Ricanrd and \\\>; i Hutchison, and spent hi.s iifu ,• the county. For the j ns>l -j.l years he had been a reside J ' ■ Walnut Cove wh-ie for a nuri.b : of years ne was eonniv..'d w:.:i Neal Ilardv.a.v Stoic. Later . • operated a l:roc ry sioiv. •. i In been retired for the past u.: years. Rev. Mr. Hutchison, a wc'l known Methodist minister, was a member of Stokesburg Methodist Church and a member of Walnut Cove Council No. 211, Jr. 0. U. A. M. On Feb. 6, ISS9 he was married to Miss S'ancy Edna Smith who survives. Other survivors include one daughter, Miss Sadie L. Hut chison; three sons, James W. of Walnut Cove and John E. and Charles S. Hutchison, both of Winston-Salem: four grandchil ven; and one sister, Mrs. Genes- Jf Shelton of Stokesdale. The body wilt remain at Vic tor's Chapel pending completion of funeral arrangements. Death Of J. L. Bennett On Route 1 bunday James L. Bennett, 7), f Da.ib-.iry, R mte 1, well-kmm 1 StoK;. county tili.'en, • ii« • I S day :! h's !' Mr. Bennett was born in St;k .•> county, July 1 •*». 3 •«»?«, ;i Lc • mil Xealie Dennett. He Bj'cnt i:'.s -.Hire Hi'.- in t!.- county. He v. * .i membci of Pir.ey Gro'.v Primitive Runtii-t Church. Surviving a:.- the widow, the former Mi's Fi'ildi ■ Smith; seven pons, Andrew, Ilr.verl, C!acl>, Paul and Sam Bfnr.e'l, .ill of bury, IV lite 1; Rotha of Elkrb e; and Corporal Willie Benin f. of the I'. .5. Army hi England; two daughters, Mis. (Jid Mabe of Elks be a:rd M. s Gibson Brown of Danburv, Route 1; two sisters, Mrs. Clenv • Fagg of Danbury nr..l Mrs. Clint lie Fag:; of Leakaville; two hi!, sisters. MYs. W. J. B» v. n oi Rural Fall and Mrs. Pow il ,'w • ' • of Danbury, R> ..t_ 1: (••».» hn'-' brother, Jesse B'miett of &ea grove; 32 grandchildren and four great-grandchlidren. The funeral was held Monday f >rnoon at 2 o'clock at Pincy -.rove Primitive Baptist Church. Elders W. J. Brown and Edd Prid dy conducted the services. Bu rial was in the family graveyard near the home. | Volume 72 DEMOCRATS TO MEET APRIL 29 I CHAIRMAN* SCOTT CALLS I CONVENTION TO ELECT' DELEGATES TO STATE CON VENTION. NAME CHAIRMAN' OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. | Chr.irpian of Stokes County j r> ' moeratie Fiflecuuve Committee j R. J. Sott is this week eallinv. j ♦he Democrats of the county to j meet in convention at the court j h u-e Saturday, April 2f>, at I I o clock, P. M. . The i.Tjoct of this conventi > • will bo i i select delegates to t Sr. i: convention which m• ts ;• 'igh, t> Hcci a ehr.i: man ' ti" .:;cer. ive committee to for the next two yearr, and "i, transact other matters of in tore .-u ] !-. ilie par.y. Chairman "cntt urges all Doni-1 ocrats, ooth ladies and gentlemen, to attend the convention and take part in its proceedings. I ————— ANNOUNCEMENT , i I hereby announce myself -1 ! candidate for the House of Repre ; sentatives subject to tlm action o; • the Democratic Primary of May . 27. ED M. TAYLOR Danbury, T-J. C., Apr. 13. | Rationing Beard Will j Mce. on Tuesday Fot Next Week The Local Raticning i. * I •. r; ! m .'t 0:1 Tuesday fo: n.-xl j to pa . ; i. ■ * i !. "hy o'io -» t T, o Jvvn * ; /s> ' j iiiiJ Roles Oi K m«" Passe : \WPV Sr.tet ?•»«, : a;; I iJ, i| K>n ..I !, dii'd S.u '.day . » -i , m-'" .U»,i hoßpital were he! 1 M..,ul.iy ni'te.- noo.n at 1:30 o'clock at tie horn, and at Friendship Bapti Cliui' .i p.t o'clock. Surviving are the w'dw; nine! children, Mrs. Le-: r i of Win sto"-3nlem; 1 P. Lolcs Lake Kl'.. M. . ! :r, j.n" s, Fiark icnj \.Mo R' ' ? ji King; Mis. i '. mil Mi.-Si, Hi. n ot Winstfi- , •*;: ti ;i! ! Miss Nora Boles ; H irnl Hi.;!; nine gr-.ndchildir.i; j cje b: other. Torn B ' s of (; r.ii'nton m I sistor, Mrs, S. »\ Tu .t!: of V.';i!nut Cove, Route '. Rev. K. A. Cu!p Will Preach Here i Rev. B. A. Cu!p, evangelist of Winston-Salem, will preach at the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening at the regular service at 8 o'clock. The public is urged to attend. I ■ REV. RALPH BUCHANAN, Pastor. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, April 13, 1944. An Editorial. Page the Law Is the law asleep at the switch? There appears to be present in the vi tal center of the nation an unmitigated evil, a hideous monster that flaunts the constitution, spits on the Rill of Rights, stalks brazen and defiant through the high places, tramps roughshod over the blood-bought privileges of the people. We refer to the Bureaucrat, that sinis ter thing at Washington our nation's capital. We wonder why something is not done about it— something done to eliminate him firm the affairs of state. Why is his laii not burned out with lire, and why is his sy.xtcm of operations called the Bu reaucracy not prohibited by statute-* madj and provided that it may exist no more. The Bureaucrat spurns the law, im poses on his victims law of his own, laughs at obstacles to his power—so we are told by those who fear him so. And we wonder where's the FBI, the übiquitous crime squad. And we won der why the congress, on the scene, does not invoke the army and the navy and the air forces to extirpate this intoler able menace. Smash TlTfn fo smithereens, leave no vestiges behind, fumigate his habitat. Excited, we locked into the dictionary to see what Bureaucracy meant, and the dictionary said: "A system of carrying on the business of government by means of departments or bureaus." And from this illumination we drew the condusU n that the chief or manager of a department or bureau must be one of them d.'tad.L'ul things—a Bureaucrat. Now;' our syst"m of government at W':\ '.i i ion it •. that there a 1 many things to be do;i t li».\e are man ;:•> . v:i' ,n ■'•ao.tiy t»> be look v.; and innum.. !c nviivities government to be .';oing if the big* r.iac.iiiie - . • Aral oO t'ae P.'esidjn . wl.o is bead el" iiie whole works, thi:i!. .av i.ossibiy t:aa. hi ■ own individ.ual sir. r. vrb rv! eanae'- tics nv«-'bt !.*a 1 v ; 'to -ueh a task cieates depuitmenb or bureaus and ap points 11 each of iheni a man:».ger or Hi: • ] \>'aichever yi: ]>!;••. Isa to t?• i • '•i. " roan '- o. or l>in'eauerat the ' . e:: i\ m cgaies c. bin powers and discretions Otherv. Ise the Bi;re:a • i - »uld» , 't r'm his de])artment or l«r rau'-'racy '1 int.- the President relieves iiimself of a mul titude of details ami . .uries. iarr instance we have Bureaucrat Hul! in chavve of the department or bureau of State. And then at the head of the Treasury Department we see Bureau crat Morgenthau. Bureaucrat Knox is given charge of the navy department, and Bureaucrat Stimson over the de partment of war or the army, etc. Bu reaucrat Ickes, Bureaucrat McNutt, and many other Bureaucrats look after the mines, the oil and fuel, manpower, ra tioning, engraving, printing, the post offices, etc., etc., a thousand bureaus and PUBLISHED THL RSDAYS CIVIL COURT LASTa ONE DAY Last week's term of civil court ' adjourned alter one day's pi"j iccTdings. Cases on the docket which were disposed of as follows: Edward Flynt vs. Ennis Flyn; —judgment for plaintiff. Anna Hughes vs. Gilmer Hughe., —judgment for plaintiff, j Sammie France vs. Penci • ! France—judgment for plaintiff, i Vance \lnatjle vs. Wilma Ven able — judgment for plaintiff. Era Hill vs. Geo. C. Hill jvs-.U;- ,ment ior plaintiff. Racii'. 1 Clark vs. Tommie Chi ', —judgment for plaintiff. 1 R. H. Hill vs. Charlie Hill judgment for plaintiff, i James Brim vs. Mattie Brim — judgment for plaintiff, i Joe Pliiffs vs. T. J. East —nor.-, suit. I J. K. Smith vs. Bud Tilley judgment for plaintiff of $500.0' > and cost. Lloyd Smith, et al, vs. Alice i Lawson and husband —judgment | for plaintiff of 5T50.00. Mrs. Fannie Jessup, et al, vs. | John P. and Cecil Lynch—plain-' tiff non-suited and taxed with i cost. Jennie Gravitt vs. Josephine Slate—non-suit, plaintiff to pav I cost. I I Cpl. Roy E. Simmons j Member Of Famous Timber Wolf Div. (Special to the Reporter) j T'uolic Relations Oliice, Camp . Carson, Col. Cpl. Rov E. Sim- I ,mons, son of Mr. an-1 Mrs. G. H. Simmons >,' Ro'.ite 1, Da:i!)i;i- -. is now stationed at Camp Carson, I Col. He i.-, a il. of {', : • HI- lis I'Mtn i i«.il . • "(It: P ' • *1 ' cor my ' 1 hy t!v» c rf 0 M> ' Generi! Terry Al'en. .Amnions h !: en th' > "t: y r.ll m- !.| •if which lie has ,:t in th» Tilth Division. He is now com pany'cook for Co. G, of the -IKltl. Infantry. Three of hi.s brothers are in the service: Staff Fgt. Wilbur Simmons is stationed it Camp Butncr; P.'e. Ivhv.ud Simmons Is st.ntiono' at F.-.rt I'r and Pv'. Gil".iore Simmons s •• i' n thousand VUKaUCTtt..; hc'nirssr vrv.l I l ' government in all its varior-' • s and nha^es. •■»ut :uid ii' these Eureaueiats r.iO run ning: their offices in violation of law, against the peace and dignity and no vate interests of the nation, as ev * jackass in the country says they r.v then why not fire the whole out f, l. piy; every Bureaucrat under the penitenti ary, and let the President do the work himself. Ain't that .what we are paying l him ..»■> i*Lmt ,UL . W amber 3,746 REPUBLICANS MEET AND NAME TICKET SISK FOR SENATE, CARROLL. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS— A. I. FERREE WAS SPEAKER Th Stakes county Republicans n. i here Saturday, and after be ing addressed by A. I. Ferree of Asheboro, nominat -d a ticket for ti.• fall election as follows: Fur State Senator from Stokes and Surry: O. \V. Sisk of King. Fur House of Representatives: IIob::rt Bonnet of Walnut Cove. I'"': - Register of Deeds: Rober: Canoil o: King. !•'(• (' iiin'y Commissioners: \\ . 11. Joyce of Sandy Ridge, N. G. Covington of King, Dalks Gordon of i'inna.. i.'. The convention named the fol lowing executive committee: Isaiah .Montgomery, Meadows township; H. F. Wright, Big Creek town ship; S. F. Fulk, Yadkin town , ship; M. J. Fagg, Sauratown township; Cabell Joyce, Beaver ; Island township; Ernest R. NeN son, Danbury township; R. O. Wood, Snow Creek township; R. J. Shelton, Peters Creek town ship; and J. R. Nunn, Quaker Ga>j I wnship. | ">ther committeemen were i \ ,r.ny 'd as follows: registration conn.i 'toe for the county, T. S. Potree, chairman, W. D. Rierson and R. O. Shelton; absentee com mittee, T. G. New, chairman, L. J. Fowler and Mrs. N. A. Stevens; finance committee, Ernest Nelson, chairman, M. J. Fagg, D. D. Hall an J Edwin Kiser. Specialist and District AroaU To Be Hero Saturday, Apri- 22 M-- P • .! n. H..- M•: •' : ! : . . . i;! -- .n ! Miss Ana mei!.- A:. v. S~\ D'"jb'.Ty "i ;-t. u:*t!April M J .! (I !( to -JVC ,1 demonstrate 11 on Laun:Ly Met'.i to Home M.>nnge-.>nan 1 Hou.-o Furnishings hn-.'eis hf tl l Stokes County Heme Dc: sir;'.- tion Clubs. T'ns de-iorf.ration is planned to give the latest. im proved methods on d.»in v botte" laundry work. T' o 1- .• Y•. v » i• 1 repent the demonstration in the *•*' 1 flubs.

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