The Dan bury Reporter ,-i3ued Thursdays at Daabury, N. C., and entered at the Danbury postot&ce as second class matter, under act of Congress i v K. Pepper, Editor & Publisher • - - E. V. Pepper, Associate Editor National Adv s rti«ing Representative New York : Chicago : Detroit : Atlanta : PhiU. I'anbury, North Car., Thursday, June 1, 1944. KING NEWS sum of the U. S. Navy, who are | I stationed at Camp Pcarv, Va.. By E. P. NEWSL'M are spending furloughs with rein- King, June I.—Janes Byrd in- tives here. I out-red very painful while .Tot j Wallace Stewart and family of serious injuries when he fe." from Erie. Pa., are visiting relatives a truck here Saturday. an* friends here. Mr. Stewart , Edgar Johnson and Elton .few- holds a aefonse position in Eri\ ' ~ I \f V RU-BER-OID % \ I !' T KOLL KOOFINO NW®> \ |* f bM Mis v«k ft* AMI —»*»**«*« B*baa \i ••tor** m miUMi mwlw rvcord throuqboul the \ 1 Country tar tk» PHI 49 rm. |\j k\l BM /ou ou aatr prt KakanM quality ud durafaMf V I IXwmT "* FM * M * VMMAS * OW I|| J WILSON BROTHERS LUMBER CO. Rural Hall, N. C. * 400,000 MEN Were Too Late Last Year Awl 400.000 men will be too late this year! Because that's the average number who knock at the doors of old-line legal reserve life insurance companies each year and are of necessity refused entrance because at some time in the past they crossed that unknown line separating those who are insurable from those who are not insurable, no matter how great their need. For the sake of your own peace of mind, for the sake of the future well-being of yourself and those looking to you for their future well-being, see your SECURITY REPRESENTATIVE while you are still in the ir.sur- He; . able group. Your SECURITY REPRESENTATIVE is one who would be your friend and render invaluable service to you through SECURITY'S liberal Registered con tracts. SECURITY Registered Policies solve future financial problems. "FACE THE FUTURE WITH SECURITY" W. M. FULP, General Agent > * cv# » « V- • SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. THE DANRURY REPORTER, D ANBURY, NORTH CAROLINA JUNE 1, 1944. 1 Wiilis has purchased from Mrs. jlurtha J. Shore, the Home Cafe on East Main Street. Consideration, $3,500. j Cl:iU*..j while, stationed Grt r.:.-t rti, ij tp niimg t.. day tunough with Lie pr.rt:.; Mr. and Mrs. Ashby White WooXan J Heigl.U. iV.e following patients undi I , wont removal operations i. th Stone-Holsaoeck Clinic F. i i day: Walter Leo liiiidri.-k of \V:.I -nut Cove; M ss Betty Venable nf Vad- Meeum, James Robert Bing ham and Mrs. W. S. Bingh°.m o' Pinnacle. Miss Hattiv- Sh.te, who ic ua • dergoing treat :n. .u in the Eap'.i.-st Hospital. Winston "alem, for heart ailment, is reported to be improving. Banner Shelt m hn .! from C. L. Douglas, the cafe a:i : service station at the intersection , of Main ar.d School Sts. Cicero Newsum is reported t • be quite sick at his home two miles west of town. Farmers in this section are verv * I busy preparing land and plantir.g tobacco Mrs. Frank Rains is spending a I few days at Sampson, N. Y., | where she is visiting her husband, j wHo is stationed there with the j navy. * •« The stork has about an - report this week: to Mr. and Mrs. Hickman Sizemore, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rutledge, l daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer, a son; to Mr. and Mr? MARTIN MEMORIAL SCHOOL NURSING GRADUATES 24th CLASS • t '.rM TJHSPsI y^riiiwyff^yWftX* RaMBcQSSiR' ■-£ ! tjjy y^yy r -^y, vv "\ -2*r . ' ■ B^(y^^papTytf ■/ j^E^M^H^^Hßft|MflKß^HftKawfl|^HEpHSuwHPßßpU'l' *■ v f ' '- *, Jlb^Bi,. jK''*"%. Tlu> M.min Memorial Hospital Sclio-jI «,f Nuts ng presented diplomas to seven young nurses at the school's twenty - fourth annual commencement exercises which were held at the First Presbyterian Church in Mount Airy at S p. m., May 12. The pr gram for the graduation included the singing of America ; an invocation by Dr. C. N. Clark of t e Central Methodist Church; the address by George Kellock Hale, Jr.. chairman of the Surry County Chapter of the American Red Cross; a duet by the Rev. Fulton C. Lytie and Mrs. Rebecca Smith. The di; omas were presented by Dr. Moir S. Martin and Dr. hdvvard C. Ashby delivered the pins. The Nightingale Pledge by the graduating class followed these presentations, and the program was concluded by he singing of "God Bless America" and the benedic tion hy Dr. R. K. Redwine, pastor of the First Bav j S { Church. Immediately following this program an informal recrption was held at the Nurses Home Xurses receiving their diplomas included: Miss Ruby Mill, of Mt. Airy; Miss Gladys Bunker, of Meban 1 : Mj as Le na Gilbert, of Stuart. Va.; Miss Doretha House, of Nashville; Miss Thelma Sheiton, of Francj s ,,q. jj; ss [_ o jg Bo'.e.i. o." Airy; and Miss WaiSon, of Richlands. I Jack Frye, a son: to Mr. anil M s John Culler, a son and to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Goff, a son. The King Drug Company is closing Thursday afternoon and night of each week in order to pivi the doctors and office force a little much needed rest. William Mc-Gee has accepted -i position with the Greyhound Bus Company and will be stationed :it Winston-Salem. And that's the news from here. Buy War Bonds OE3QJ »Ol=»an inr^rrni— WILDCAT DIVISION VETERAN'S 25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SATURDAY And SUNDAY JUNE 3rd and 4th V,(U XT AIIIV. X. C. SATI'RD \Y, June 3rd, at 8:00 P. M.. Hiuh School Audi- ijl torium Fiddlers Content and IJarnl Cone?rt, op.-n ! I public. !{} l A SI'XDAY, June 4th, at 2:30 P. >l., Ifaymor? Ba;.ti,; jjr i C'lmnli Impressive .Memorial Servie and Prayer Sen- j|? ic,> for the Invasion Forces. Public invited, e>p cia lv ; f ,r- \! | ents of n:en in Ser'i e. BAK;;i(Ui: at!.] "•i.'-l.'n; af 1:00 P. >l. for .Ml Ye-era's. |(| YiJTKKANs Ki:c;isri:R lor Reunion at WH.LO.I t lot • for Celebration, 'ij : i'i ocaor lOC3QU Team of Mules Killed By Lightning Early Monday morning about o'clock, lighting struck and kille a good pair of mules, worth 8i:t0 for John D. Kulk of Piney Grow. Mr. I'ulk did not know of t!u damage until he went to his st:.L!. aftti dayiight to feed his sti !;. when he found the mules lyinu dead. Mr. Kulk and his \vi;c v.vre in Danbury this week look ing to purchase stock to make ... crops on. LAWSONVILLE NEWS i Bv Mrs. E. G. Lawson Lawsonvii le. Friends of Mrs. W. \\. liobei'tsoa regret to ot her UIIU-SA in Jillei'soi; Hi spit al at Roan tike, Va. Hoy Wall is in Leaksville Hos pital uiufrgoing an appendecto my. Eula TiiUv spent th. week-end at home here. Ffc. Sam L. Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. W. Robert sea has arrived in England. Mrs. R. T. Spencer, Hallie and Winifred an J Mr. and Mrs. C'ar ence Spencer spent Monday in Winston-Salem. Pfe. Maurice Simmons of Cam 7) Davis spent the week-end a'. his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill and fam ily sp-nt Sunday with Mr. a: d ' !"s. Wc ld >n Smith, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Clete Kiser of King visited Mr. and Mrs. Rufuo Woods Sunday. Miss Annie Mae Lawson has n-> c.'ptcd a pcaliion with the Realty Inveslm. ;.i Company, Winston-Sa l?m. ss?! Any y:»u ean give for r '' jw-rr psyroll sav 'f"s V 111 please Hitler, Hiro lou Aro Ahvnvv Welcome To Visit the Nelson Funeral Home At Any Time F'IION'E 913 • Dependable Drugs Af Reasonable Prices SMTTH DRUG CO OSCAR >V. SMITH. Pharmacist Pilot Mtn., N. C.