. THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1572 Dewey Is Nominated The day before the nomination came to Mr. Dewey, the Associated Press gave it out that despite the certainty of his nom ination he had not yet been consulted about, oi' had any official voice in the drafting of the platform. . - .. , . This makes it entirely clear, as it had been practically clear all the time, why Mr. Dewey would never admit that he was a candidate. He knew and his backers knew that if he ever admitted it, he would be called upon to tell what; he stood for. As he stood for nothing and was asking for nothing, he was ex cused for being unoandid. Thi* policy of our Republican friends is neither surprising or unprecedented. The forces who draft Deweys first fix their personnel, and write platforms la ter. The chosen is then handed his schedule. He is supposed to sail under sealed orders, like Harding, Cooledge and Hoover sailed. The barons of privi lege, the intrenched powerful, know what they want. It will please them to divulge at later dates. Governor Warren in his great speech of Monday night said: "Certainly we are not here to look for a road back to some status quo." Does this imply that the dismal high ways of the early Thirties are tabooed and will not be trekked again, and does it not indicate on the part of the "incom ing regime" a secret hankering after an even broader thoroughfare than that which the country has been enjoying un der the hated New Deal? "We know what it is that makes jobs and opportunity," he continued. "We want money making jobs in private in dustry and not government-made jobs." Did the Governor mean that even the jobs that have to be created by the gov ernment to keep people from starving are not better than no jobs at all? After his address the Californian was offered second place on the ticket. Because he said "No, thank you," are we to believe that he had little faith in his own optimistic remarks? Because the Candidate is supposed to use the blueprint provided for him by his masters, and like it, is probably why that able liberal Wendell Willkie never had a chance to be nominated. Willkie had frankly stated his platform to the world. Miss Dorothy Thompson says "every one knew that Wendell would attempt to reform the Republican party along more progressive lines in domestic pol icy and to lead it to a world view rather than an isolationist one.'' Wendell was promptly thrown over board. Volume 72 EDITORIALS The Point of View Danbury, N. C., Thursday, June 29, 1944. s Bond Drive Progresses Slowly But Steadily The bond sale drive in Stokes is pro gressing slowly but steadily. Some of the townships are doing fine, it is reported, especially Sauratown and Big Creek. In some of the other town ships it's rather slow, but awakening. Let us all remember that the money from the sale of war bonds is to arm and equip and clothe and feed the boys who are fighting our battle for the safety of our homes and for our liberties. Many of them are being maimed for life, and some are giving their lives. We must not be satisfied to sit back and think we can take it easy and make money while our boys are making the supreme sacrifice for us. If you have a boy in far off overseas who hears from home that you have not backed him up by LENDING the government the money to fight with, while he is GIVING his life, you will feel bad. There is an underground effort against the success of the bond drive. It has op erated in all the drives. It is as futile a it is vicious. The great body of the peo ple are patriotic and will do all they can to back up our splendid armies in the drive to victory. These must buy more and yet more. And when victory comes they will be glad of their effort. And besides they will have saved and invested in the safest security in the world today. Buy more bonds than ever before. America will not be sold down the river. Please Don't Let Your Reporter Siop As we have constantly notified our readers, we have adopted the cash in-ad vance policy and are not in position to send the paper on to those whose sub scriptions hr.vc e::pl; cd, unless renewed. Plea, e remember it is not because we are afraid to trust you for a dollar or two. Bat it is the modern and business policy that has been adopted by practic ally every well regulated newspaper in the United States. It is good business and will suit you and suit us better, as we do not want to send the paper on un less you order it sent on. So watch your label and send in your renewal before your time is out. Otherwise the paper will be discontinued when the time paid for has expired. We are sending the Reporter to si large number of boys in the service ill distant camps and overseas to England* Africa, the islands of the Pacific, Ice-* land, the Aleutians, etc. These subscrip tions are expiring all the time ,and those who are sending" these papers to the boys should promptly renew when tEe time is out. __ _ PUBLISHED THURSDAYS Tobacco Markets Open Karlier '"■> The tobacco markets of this Licit will open this year on September IS, a little earlier than li st year. Th ; > vyill no doubt be pleasing* to many farmer? and dis pleasing" to others. Fast workers like Alex Rodgers will be ready for the first sale. Others, slower, like Jess Rhodes, will not have any offerings before the last week of the selling season It used to be that the markets would open about October In, and close in June. Mr. T. J. Davis always* sold the bulk of his crop in June, and he would get a good price for it, too. Times have changed. Now instead of stretching the sales over some eight or nine months, the farmers will sell the bulk of the crop by October 15, be done sowing wheat and fixing to kill hogs by the time they used to begin stripping in earnest. From indications now, the crop will be sorry owing to the bad stand due to drouth, etc. But if it begins rain ing soon, you will note a vast difference, as the farmers say there is a "big come out in tobacco," and you may see an ex cellent crop. But it is bound to be. short owing to the scarcity of manpower. There are strong indications that the ceiling will be raised some. Opening of the Park It will be rood news to everybody that Hanging Hock Park is to be opened at hist, and that the official date is next Tuesday, July 1- Hanging Ruck is said to be the tavo rite park with the authorities. Theie can certainly be none more convenient to the greatest centers of population in the State. There is none with :-eenery more beautiful. A lady from lexas vis ited Hanging Rock a few days ago. She remarked that she had never looked on more beautiful scenery. ... ... So we congratulate those who have built thi> resort, our own people, the pro gressive and wide-awake Winston-Sal cm citizens who have been behind it, and the government and State authorities. It is already a million-dollar proposi tion. It's only at its beginning. When the war is over big things are contem plated for one of the most charming spots in our; great State. * \f \ Room For the Elephant " J 'Here is one on the Democr-.tr. to good net to tell: At the Chicago convention a Democra tic visiting Senator asked a Repub lican Senator: How you fellows expect to get your Elephant into Washington, crowded as it is?" "Oh, we'll run the jackasses out." Number 3,757.