s , THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 STOKES GRANGE CHAPTER NAMES | NEW OFFICERS j A new Grange chapter for Stokes county was organfr.etS Fri- 1 day night at the old Mount View Academy building by A. Crouse Jones, district Grange deputy, as-' sisted by J. Tucker Day and oth ers lrom Forsyth county. Officers elected wtere J. Silas Barr, Master; A. S. Phillips, Ov crseer; Mrs. James Barr, Jr., Lec turer; George Barr, Steward; Thurman Calloway, Assistant j Steward: C. M. Felts, Chaplain; | Paul Lewis, Treasurer; Mis. Pali) Lewis, Secretary; Ralph Baker. Gatekeeper; Mrs. J. Silas Barr, 1 CSTOS; Mrs. S. B. Brandon, IV \ | niona; Mrs. A. S. Phillips, Flora; I Miss Frances Barr, Lady Assist ant Steward: and L>. I). Hall, j three-year term on executive cnir-j mittce, Roger Calloway, two-year, term anil E. S. Stokes, one - year term. Installation of officers will be Thursday night, August 3, by an' installation team from Forsyth uint\. On the .barter list P' ■ f!:' v r.i;.T:f were T5 n:« mbtri. Oi its who wisl! C.) b":cni' mi ir.lv r« may lq so by cons.i!t { *»g tji,» I.Tastcr or the secretary. ' Jfc re the close of the installn . meeting, August 3. i Meeting of sth War 1 Loan Committer (Reported) A. J. Ellington, chairman of the Fifth War Ixian in Stokes county,' i called a meeting of his advisory j board and other committees at the courthouse Monday for the [ purpose of making last prepara tions to reach the E bond quota for the county. i This quota, which is $86,000.) must be reached by the end of I this week. Approximately $lB,- 000 worth of E bonds must sold in order to reach this mark.j Only three townships in the coun-j ty have reached their quotas,, namely: Sauratown, Yadkin an*>. 1 Big Creek. There will be auction sales in Sandy Ridge and Walnut Cove on Saturday afternoon for the pur pose of raising the needed amount. The public is urged to attend these s;'if s. I | i Leaving- For W. Va. i j M.'nie Stevens and f.iiil" nr leaving for Be kl.y VV. V.:. t:.' week wherr they will nikt tli ir futur* h'" .e. Mi". Str\» n . v !.c•, roii'luc*" 1 n very stuc-'ssful nit r #ian!!!e business and fc-rtili..ei agent y half way between; Island Ford and Lawson j ville for several years, his wife also having been the proprietress of ti beauty parlor at the same place, will engage in business at Bccklry. Volume 72 KING NEWS ! By E. P. New sum King, July 27.-Grady South ern is preparing to build a new home on Dan River R.-rul on a lot recently purchased from M.ss Martha Garner. j The following patier.tb ur/ler nt tonsil removal op'-ration.s "i the Clinic here Friday: Mrs. Hog er Slate of Mountain View; F'oyo Bennett of Rural Hflll; John Da vis Tuttle of Mizpah and M;« Mtlzia Avalene Mabe of R::rrl H.i 11. t . 9> Ai'jlatMtf l » I. . " Willie Lee Folk has purchase;' from Landis R. Newsum his SO acre farm just west of town. Consideration $5,000.00. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pyrtie an - i no-.'nee the birth of twins, Lat'i p.h Is. Pieston Taylor, planter of th( lAntineh section, was here Satur day looking a'ter some business 'matters. L. R. Newsum made a business trip to Danbury Saturday. 1 Rennie Collins of Kir.g art! Miss Florence Ford of Winstcn ! Saltm v/ere united HI tin ho'y • t> nds of matrimony Sal day Jul> Ift. They will nuifce their home in King. | Lani'is 'I. Newsum ha.-: nv-hiv i ed from E. P. Newsum a hem* and lot on East Main Strn-l. Coti- I 'riderr.l'on $900.00. I There is very little improve- I ment in the condition of Mrs. i Alice CJrabs, who has been quite j sick at her home here for some I time. | J. R. Clark of Winston-Salem jhas purchased the stock of groc eries from R. B. Delp on East Man Street. Mr. Clark will con tinue to operate the business at the same location. Improvement is noted in the 'condition of Mrs. Hester lx>v\\ i who has been very sick at her home on Pulliam Street. Farmers are beginning to prime j tobacco in this section. The crop 'will be short due to so many 'men being in the service, i Gabe Jones, fine tobacco grow-! !er of the CapeJla Action, was' Uere on business Saturday. Theodore Newsum made a bur ir.rss trip to Donnaha Friday. Shaf fers Move To Tennessee i Mi*. Alelia Shaffer of Sandy | ridge war. here Monday attend )i»i£ ir rente business n.Mtet" ;-!ep-.rati»t\ to leaving for Xa'! :\ i!le, 'iViin . which she will make 1 !'ii fut uie home She will he sic i I ■ oi.!| iine ! to lit r :H W hone . i :~u nieces Edith r.nd .oA-t |Shaffer. Her lather, J. P SIK !• j fer. leeently tlied, and th' old home place at Sandy Ridge has I been sold. Miss Adclia has bought property at Nashville. She has a sister, Eva Hill, in a I sanitorium at Black Mountain, who is improving. Danbury, N. C M Thursday, July 27, 1944. (An Editorial) The Winning Team President Roosevelt and Senator Truman were nominated at Chicago, and will undoubtedly be elected in No - vember as President and Vice President of the United States, respectively. The fact that President Roosevelt was nominated for a fourth term practically without opposition determines the over whelming strength and popularity of this the greatest President in the history of the United States. - The naming of Senator Truman estab lishe? an almost perfect harmony among the real Democrats. The pacification of the Haters was not particularly undertaken by the conven tion nor specially desired. In the judgment of the best political guessers in the nation, Mr. Dewey will not get to first base. In these terribly serious times of war, and the peace ar rangements to be determined later, the American people will not be willing to swap horses in the middle of the turbu lent stream. They will want the wisdom, the .ii?igment and the experience of President Roosevelt . And the Roosevelt administration will tttand on its record, which is the most l>onc-fieent and the most constructive, both in the successful prosecution of the war and or the home economic front, in the history of the nation. I Lawyers Entertained At Hanging Roclc The Danury bar entertained lawyers of Surry, Rockingham and Forsyth counties at Hanging Rock I Park Saturday night with a chicken fry, and other refresh ments. ' AUer a program in which It ving Carlisle of Winston-Salem ( addressed the meeting on "Th" Growing Profession, ' and Judg i Allen Gwyn and Congressman John 11. Folger had made appro priate remarks, office!*? were elec ted for the ensuing year as fol lows : i i Fred Folger President; D. C. Kiiby, Vice-President; XJ. L/...- ton, Secreiary-Treasurer. The next meeting of I lie asso- 1 ciatii u w;l7"T)e ,ie!d in Su. i Present at the m etiny. . 'w day night were the ; | J. C. Brown, J. L. Miaip an 1 , daughter, Miss Susie, VV. L. Dal i u>n, P. VV. Glidewell, Judge Gwyn, . J a Ige Ira Humphreys, Eugene luster and Sheriff Won ham oi i Rocking! nus; John 1! Fol'vv. \ i'ied Folger, At elm Carter, Ma i i.iii Allen, II >kc Henderson, ">1 . t £ a ty; Irving Carlisle of Forsytn Danbur\ lawyers atteudit i were R. J. Scott. .! VV Hall, A .1. Ellington, VV. G Petree, D.illa- C. Kirby. S. P. Christian, C. E. Davis, T : J. Byerly, VT. F. Marshall an t i other WalnfltTfove and Dnnbury ] citizens attended. ~ i , ' Demonstration On I Terracing To Be Held A terracing demonstration w«!l be held on the Grover S. Hall farm near King next Tuesday, Aug 1, at 2 p. m. At this time tractor and equipment dealers and farmers will demonstrate building terraces with light farm equipment. It is hoped that this will increase the demand for ter races in Stokes county. Most of the cultivated lan I in Stokes county is suitable to tor ra-'ing. Through terracing, crop rotation and pastures, the soil can not only be saved, but its fci tility will also be built up I Tiie" demonstration is be. 14 sponsored by the Stoker AAA of lice antl in eo-opcration with tlu Soil Conservation Servict antl Ev ten .fi! Set'.ice. Tin ;.uvcr II il farm is located ot. Higiiv;:,' N • t:t>, tight miles noitii .> l:ri I lall and threi tnilr ■ 1 . Mickey's store. All f;: raters art urgee to it t' lid tlie "lemon.*'; • 1'.i0:.. . vhieh*"*Tiids will In s'.:: rait 11 •: '. j lrini.tr and equipment op .rat. rs to ' lilt! terrain in the county. Wilson's Store Road To Be Improved The county highway forces are at work straightening, improving ami Smoothing the road from Meadows To Wilson's Store, prep aratory to" black-topping. FUBLISHED THURSDAYS VAUGHN WOOD ! i WOUNDED; GETS PURPLE HEART I Mr. f.nd Mrs. Dixie Wood .! Sandy Ridge have received nc«va from the war department t!*at their son. Vaughn, has beui | wounded in Fiance, and has 1»." i. awarded the Purple Heart. No [particulars as to the extent of young Wood's injuries have been | received. MOIRE AYERS IS WOUNDED I The War Department has noti fied Mr. a nil Mrs. B. W. Avers .>! 1 | Pinnacle that their son, Moiri I. I Ayers, was wounded in the inva sion of Saipan and is IH/.V in .. 1 navy hospital somewhere in tl'.i southwest Pacific. He was train ed at Parris Island, S. C., Cam; ' I-rf-jeune and in San Diego, Cal. | Stokes Red Cross | Has Meeting Monday (Report •;) j A of the chap* ter .1 t!:c A'.a. titan Red Cms? 5 v. is hcK! "t ihe courthouse he re i Monday nfl.et "orr. ;;t 'J o'clock. > Rev. A. S. Lawrence, chair: an cf i jthe chapter. presided. ♦ i Reports were given by the vat 'rious chairmen. 7he chapter hat t i asked tor a larger surgical dress- i ings (|iiota, and also lor more J jservice kits for the armed serv- i 11 ices. . | The resignation of Miss Mary \ I Vaughn Lcwellyn, who has been ( serving as executive secretary, \ e i was accepted by the Board of Di- j s rectors, effective July 31. i " 1 0 1 After the meeting adjourned ' n the Board of Directors met, at p which time Mrs Kmorie P. van •-'Noppen was named as Miss l>ew 'oll.vn's successor, and will take , ii up her duties Aug. T. i •' THE MARRY GO 'ROUND The following marriage licenses have been issue*! by the licciisi i bureau since Julv Ist > Wni I'.rowr: to RstelU 5... ; t! '■ both lit DmbUIV. II I*l V Valuv '' WtnMe Daiituiy !;>-wu 1 ti 1 Mu tW ;• Unit Cove. .VI-, TIMM ;r. ti I' ,o May' 1 . .51i..1. li..;i i • Vvestficld; TT . ' ni'M 1 ii..!. • u Thi'lnia Kiser. :>oih i'' Pine Hall; Rennr Ai i. Col-, ■: . King, to Flo:-, ace 1 .ouh. Fur l, Winston-Sil 1> ; : i Erti s est Garner, Kin.-, to Lucille V iCuller, Tobact oville: TUbt. Smit!i to Kattierino M.ihe. both of Wai- 1 nut Ccive; Frank (!a tier to On.i 1 Ruth Bo\ les, both of King; .To 1 Ray Southern to Virginia S o ard both of Belews Creel' n Wilmoth to Alice Colli , iv, : i n Francisco: Geo. H.void Goois' y j (col.) to Clara Edna Hilton, both , of Walnut Cove. . I ' Number 3,761. MTOKES SENDS EMERGENCY FUNDS TO POLIO DRIVE Miss (Jrace Taylor, treasurer o£ Stokes County Chapter Infantile; Paralysis Kund, has received the following letter from (he National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis, New York, in acknowledge* merit of funds sent from this? .ounty to the general fund for treatment of the disease: "Dear Miss Taylor: j "We gratefully acknowledge reccijil of your check in the amount of ,S4!M.-IT> in response to d::i nppial for funds to be plaei J in an emergency pool to be us * J in "delraying the expenses of the present epidemic. Your cheefc ' he n deposited to the account ('! 7'lie \o:-tr Carolina Polio K:i'ir«;>'nc> Fund. 'We appreciate t It*'sspirt in which you have seen fit to coop crate with this contribution from our Chapter. "Sincerely yours, "C. H. CRAPTRKE. i "Statu Rep'sen'tive." i The polio eruergrncy fund i.i ; rr..i: Is 4 - red b\ a c r.-ir.itlej of n "".ir'ner k>V"f. or J. C. D. m is c hairman Since t'..i fp identic of the disease :n tills State all counties that h av o emergency funds on band are rc« quired to send one-half to the na. tlonal foundation, while keeping one-half in the county. On July 6 Miss Taylor, county chairman, mailed a chjeck for $435.45 to the national fund which in turn sends back to the county or counties needing help, whatever funds are needed to meet the emergency. ____________ TOBACCO CEILING IS RAISED $2.01 The price ceiling on leaf toba c«> has beer, raised by the Wash ington authorities $".04 on the hundred pounds. The average last year on the Winston market: was $41.41 i. This year it may go ,♦«> $43.50. Gets Distinguished Flyin.u 1 Cross The war department at Wash ington announces that the Dis« tinguislied Tiying Cross h.'.s bori iawarded to S Sgt* Richard V of Walnut Cove Route " J. \V. Bondurrw Dies V ' John vT 7" dif' • t w i ek" " ; . C ' ■■ ' 1-. ! 1 \ >,.s ,1 semis nwioMiM i: Mr.i"is The Dantury Hoy -'i'• t • No. S7 has discontinued the reg ular Thursday night meeting, du - to the polio epidcv.'ic.

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