-jmjfem Adequate Water for Stock Is Essential Improvement Seen As Production Aid fuU utilization of grazing areas, •rUh ai» attendant production of tnore and better neat and dairy pnxiucl-i requires adequate water ike livestock on range and pasture. ■Ha matter how palatable and plenti ui the fornge, if sufficient water at reguJar intervals is not available, Sr#estoik. will not reach a good jnarki.ible condition. IVvelopn'ont of enough wells and •»prtiig.i and ponds to supply the •etwssary water is not the only re .jOurtMi.en;. WFA points out. Proper •tetnbu'.: a of the water in relation w avaiiah!e :' 'rage is essential to Hficient grazing as full utilization ;anr#t be realized if an adequate «uj#W is net accessible to livestock n jny part f ti.e pasture or range acreage Stock water developments are im- on farm pastures in humid «r»5 as well as on the ranges in «*»k ar.ii and arid states, according *» government authorities. While tte greatest need is tn the latter areas, inadequate facilities prevent Jb* (Ullest use of good pasture on tawny farms because the owner is •Ml aware that a lack is possible in dhe more humid section where he is raising stock. Also, he may not «ealize how influential stock-water Mpplics can be in improving the qnatity and quantity of range and mature feed. la many state*, farmers may re .flehre assistance in carrying out atack-water developments under Am conservation program adminis tered by the agricultural adjust- Conservaticn of soil ar.d water are •idrl in i irectly by development of •eeessary pasture and range water lag facilities. With proper develop •eat and distribution of water sup grazing can be restricted on iMiergrazed, eroded or depleted tWCeland and the stick rotated WW other areas in keeping with taf« grazing capacity. Adequate trsier supplies on farm pastures, atale encouraging more uniform (grazing, will also aid pasture im pnunei]t practices, and decrease tacnage from erosion. Water facilities are, roughly, of 4m kinds—natural and constructed, springs. streams ar.d lakes are in aha first group. The second requires •nll-ng, excavation or other con struction work to rrake water avail able. and includes wells, artificial >Te®erwoirs and por.ds, ditches, and troughs and storage tanks attached ;• springs and reservoirs. Fertilizer Increase Half Million Tons American farmers this year will ise well over 11,000,000 tons of com mercial fertilizer—a now all-time Wgh. That's half a million tons wore than were used in 1943 and 4JM0.000 tons more than in li)! 0. Adjustments in analysis of com* fertilizers to be si Id in differ ent states have been made to insure !Si» be.it possible use of the avail ibie materials supplying nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. The •strogen content of many of the •«rai!able grades has been increased »ewi*wha;, indicated supplies of this teuportan! plant food being about 35 •pes cent greater tJian last year. While s'ome fertilizer ingredients •re available in somewhat larger aoEcunts this year than last, all of Shem, including such important odtrogon-carrying materials as am jnonium sulfate, sodium nitrate, am-' murium nitrate, and fertilizer com yutnd:, are still on allocation by the Production board. Larjre Worm Loss Experts say the average wormy P*Z. if it lives, requires one-fifth mors fed to roach the same weight «s an uninfested one. Since about hzif of the pigs in the United States •re said to be infested, elimination *1 internal parasites would save great quantities of feed. It would mwe many hogs, veterinarians esti- OMting that worms kill one pig in to*. By wide experiments and use, ftenothiazine has proved to be the mtj drug that will control nodular ■emu. It also controls roundworms m Ascarids as effectively as other ommonly used anthelmintics, ffeenothiazine is usually given with dry feed mixtures to hogs confined fa a pen, although individual doses af pellets, tabs or as a drench with • Bjrringe are also used. The drug ahoald be given according to printed Affections or under the supervision -af a veterinarian. Retail Purchases Up TEIEFACT US KTAII SALES KACH NEW HIGH nKQQOQ© OOOo€^ im©@©@© »*»OOG©@O©CK 00000 00000 0 -oeoooooooe* oo BBA tfwtoui f>y>w» f Wow doflort THE n VNnrilY REPORTER. DANRUKY. N. C.. THURSDAY. Al T ;UST ?. li>M HOUStHOIP Jr 1 m * •' W*^JPJ%|9HK|R^^S Put Pears Into Your Canning Schedule (See Recipes Below) Relish With Meals These later summer months find the markets still dotted with fruits that make won (-5. ■ derful jams and relishes. Those of •' v >\ you who want ) 1 that extra special j something to add 4 '£ll!' J .rA t0 our mpa ' s ~ during winter will want to take advantage of the crops and put them up in various forms. Most fall fruit is sweet and re quires little of precious sugar in the preserving. Making them into jams, butters or marmaladrs will give you the j >y of having the fruit instead of just t!-e juice. Pears made into jam or honey ha\e I ng been favorites throughout the nati>n, and these are recipes I know you'll like. Commercial pectin assures you of success in making the thick, jellied consistency, and miraculously gives you more jam than you dreamed possible out of a small batch of fruit. Ripe Pear Jam. (Makes 8 six-ounce glasses) 3" 3 cups prepared fruit 4' s cups sugar 1 box powdered fruit pectin To prepare fruit, peel and core about 2'2 pounds fully ripe pears. Crush thoroughly or grind. Measure sugar into a dry dish and set aside until needed. Measure fruit into a 5 or 6 quart kettle, filling up last cup or fraction of cup with water, if necessary. Place over hottest fire. Add pow dered fruit pectin, mix well and continue stirring until mixture comes up to a hard boil. Pour in sugar at once and continue stirring until mixture comes to a hard boil. I' ur In sugar immediately, stirring constantly. To reduce foaming, 'i teaspoon butter may be added. Con tinue stirring, bring to a full, rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire, skim, pour quickly. Paraffin hot jam at once. The peach crop is good this year. Peaches and oranges lire a delight ful combination with just a sugges tion of lemon: Peach-Orange Marmalade. 2 dozen large peaches, peeled 6 oranges Juice of 1 lemon Sugar las much as fruit) Cut the peel from three of the or anges into pieces. Cover with wa ter and boil until ... tender. Drain and J grind. Cut peaches 'V> and oranges (dis- Ky~ card peel of other :■ y\ three) into thin .- J slices and add " v ' ' lemon juice. Measure and add J :i of the amount of sugar. Boil rapidly until thick and clear. Pour into clean, hot jars and seal. Spiced crabapples are good ac companiments for meats. In fact, when you serve meat with a relish such as this, it will even seem to Lynn Says Popular Choice: You'll like fried chicken if it's dipped in cornflakes instead of bread crumbs for a change. Cottage cheese molds nicely when mixed with garden green onions, radishes, diced green pep per and seasonings. Serve on lettuce for a luncheon treat. Bread Pudding: Try it with brown sugar instead of white for a different touch. If you make it plain with raisins, try a lemon custard sauce. Scrambled Eggs on the menu? Serve with jelly, sauteed chicken livers or french fried shrimp. All are combinations hard to beat. Au gratin vegetables: Cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes and toma toes. For a topping try crushed cereal like cornflakes with butter and melted cheese. Lynn Chambers' Point-Saving Menus Fried Chicken Green Beans, French Styla Lyonnaise Potatoes ChitTonade Salad Cloverleaf Rolls Blueberry Pie Beverage stretch a small meat course: Spired Crabapples. 3 pounds crabapples 3 pounds sugar 3 cups vinegar Stick of cinnamon Cloves Take blossoms off the crabapples, but leave stems on them. Steam apples until tender, not soft. Boil vinegar, sugar and spices for 15 minutes. Skim and put in fruit. Boil apples about 5 minutes, not al lowing skins to break. Seal in hot, clean, sterilized jars. Pear Butter. Wash, pare and core ripe pears. Add just enough water to prevent sticking. Cook until soft, then press through a sieve. Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice, l 4 teaspoon nutmeg and 1 cup sugar to each quart of pulp. Boil rapidly until thick. Pour into hot, sterile jars. Process 10 min utes in a hot water bath. Pear Honey. Pare, core, chop and measure hard-ripe pears. Add a little water if necessary to start cooking. Boil 10 minutes. To each quart of chopped pears, add 3 cups sugar, juice of 1 lemon, grated rind of 'a lemon and '2 teaspoon ground gin ger. Boil until thick. Pour into hot, sterile jars; seal at once. Or ange and nutmeg may be used in stead of lemon and ginger. Quinces and apples are a good combination in this marmalade: Quince-Apple Marmalade. Pare, core and chop 6 quinces and 3 tart apples. Cover quince with wa ter and cook until tender. Add apple ari cook 10 min- ' j utes. Measure. ' Add a i cup sug- , / nr f.ir each cup ••i-r'Wl of fruit and juice. V. . V Boii to jellying : ■ point. Pour into hot jars and seal at once. Tomatoes spiced with lemon, cin namon and ginger root are a splen did accompaniment to many meals. You'll like the rich, reu c jlor ot them, too: Tomato Preserves. 2 pounds tomatoes 4 eups sugar 1 1 j cups water 1 lemon 1 stick cinnamon 2 pieces ginger root Use small, firm tomatoes. Scald 1 minute. Dip into cold water. Skin, but do not core. Combine sugar, lemon, sliced thin, cinnamon and ginger and simmer together 20 min utes. Remove cinnamon and gin ger. Add tomatoes and boil gently until they are bright and clear. Cov er and let stand overnight. Pack cold tomatoes into hot sterile jars. Boil syrup until as thick as honey and pour over tomatoes. Process 15 minutes in a boiling water bath a» simmering. Ranch Preserves. Soak dried apricots or peaches overnight in water to cover. Drain. Measure fruit. For each quart, make a syrup of 3 cups sugar and 1 cup water in which fruit was soaked. Boil 5 minutes. Cool. Add fruit and cook until thick and clear. If syrup becomes too thick before fruit is done, add cup water. Pour into hot jars and seal at once. If you wish additional instruction for canning fruit or btrrtei, write to Mint l.ynn Chambers, 2111 South Desplaines Street, l.hicaeo ft, Illinois. I'lease en close stamped, self-addressed envelope for your reply. Released by Western Newspaper Union. NOT GUILTT A mnn was being tried for steal ing a pig, and a conscientious wit ness, to whom the accused was said to have confided, was being exam ined. "Can you repeat the exact words In which the prisoner confessed to taking the pig?" asked the prose cuting attorney. "He said, «x. took the pig." The judge tried to simplify the question: "Did the accused say, 'He took the pig,' or 'I took the pig'?" "Oh, your honor, he said he took it. Your honor's name wasn't even mentioned." In The Army Friend—Did you get many deco rations when you were in the Pacific? Private—Well, I got crowned by the sergeant a couple of times! Romantic Science Jane—What's the law Newton dis covered? Joan—The bigger they are the harder they fall! DOUBLE TALK Fanner—l thought you said you were going to plow that field? Hired Hand—No, I just said I was thinking about plowing it. Farmer—Oh, I see, you were just ( turning it over in your mind! What, No Overtime? Boss—What are you doing around this office anyway? Employee—l was about to ask you ' the same question. Ha! Ila! Nit—Did you hear tho joke about the undertaker'' Wit—No. What is it? Nit—l wouldn't want to tell you. ; It would lay you out cold! - Operatic Delusion Joe—Have I got a wonderful voice! You know I could be with the Metropolitan! Bill—Anyone with a voice like yours needs insurance 1 No Overtime Boss—How many times have I told you to get to work on time? New Employee— l don't know. I thought you were keeping score. ■More Fun Too! Mrs. Brown—l always tell my bus band everything that happens. Mrs. Blue—l find it's more fun to tell mine lots of things that never happen. Sweet Mystery 1 Jones—l'd rather eat hash at the • restaurant, dear. Mrs. Jones—Why, darling? Jones—Then I don't know what'* In it! Happy Ending Harry—Bill's nowhere near the fool he was. Jerry—What happened to make him change? Harry—lie drowned yesterdayl All Henpecked I Joe—Show me a red headed wife and I'll show you a meek husband. Bill—Show me a wife, red headed i or otherwise, without a meek hus j band! Explain That! 1 Brown—l thought you said your wife was a hard woman to please, i Blue—l did! ( Brown—Then how did she happen to marry you? Hard to Follow Wife One—Sometimes I wish I | were cross-eyed. Wife Two—What for? Wife One—Then maybe I could , keep an eye on my husband! NOT AT ALL Diner—Waiter, have you forgotten me? Waiter—No, sir. You're the boiled crab! Water! Water! Joe—Boy, I'm thirsty! Bill—l'll get you some water. Joe—l said thirsty, not dirty I Vacuum Packed He—You know it's a comfort to have a head like mine. She—Yehl Solid comfort I Still Waiting Waiter—Are you the fried had dock? Diner—No, I'm the lonely sole! How About Ivory Sergeant—This new bullet we're using in these guns today will pene trate two feet of solid wood, so re member to keep your,heads downl Army Daze! First Private—Don't shoot that Jap. The gun ain't loaded! Second Private—l've got to or he'U ■hoot me flrst! /®) ON THE (HOME FRONTS^! RUTH WYETH SPEARSi^6) IMON COT, j |) li IMI ' gssi 'fc' ,r TOP AND, *J BOTTOM FVPWER CHINTZ* CLUE —~~~7SIDES OF PAO CHINTZ li I HUSLIN OVER SPRINGS-UJ. X J J . A RE you using one room fur j , *»living and bedroom these j 1 days? Or perhaps you have hadj I to put an extra cot in some corner I of your house or apartment. In ' either ease it is worth while to | give a little extra care to the day time appearance of the bed. A Hat ' box on casters holds all the bed- , fur the simple cot shown here and slides underneath out of sight. This arrangement makes it pos sible to cover the cot and pad ] with neatly fitted slip covers j which give it ail the dignity of a real sofa. The contrasting side section of plain material around the pad with end and center back cushions to match it is a nice touch. The improvised table from odds and ends also helps to make the couch do day as well as night j duty. j \ am ME \ ANOTHER [ j I A General Quiz The Questions 1. What metal has the highest i melting point? 2. What Is an ampersand? 3. What do the English mean when they say: "Ike's Snow- j balls"? 4. Is an armadillo classified ns ! a marsupial or a mammal? 5. On the battlefield, what is meant by a "dragon wagon"? 6. What name is given to the 1 small flag flying from the mast head of a ship? 7. What is an iguana? 8. The emperor of what country regained his lost throne after five ! years in 1941? 9. What is the largest sea bird? 10. Can you name and locate four I Colored seas? _____ i The Answers 1. Tungsten. 2. The short "and" sign (L). 3. Tiie provost marshal's white helmeted, white-gaitered MPs who j roam London looking for AWOLs. 4. A mammal. 5. A tank transport used to haul disabled tanks to a repair depot. ' 6. Banderole. 7. A large tropical American ! lizard. 8. Haile Selassie of Abyssinia, j conquered by the Italians in l'J36. Throne restored in 1941. 9. The albatross. 10. White sea, North Russia; Black sea, South Russia; Yellow sea, East Asia; Red sea, between Africa and Asia. '°® chemist*, have just completed a ten with I group of men and women suffering from Athlete's FOOL These people were - At the end of only a ten-day test period, their feet were exara incd ' Q two ways: 1. Scrapings were taken .§■ 11', IJJ ?T| |TTjTTjJ|B from the feet and examined by the bacterU ologist. 2. Each subject was examined by ■ Pby»ici*ti. We quote frem the report: I J Tin "*^ Br tha use of Soretone accordiog to tha dirsc tionstn the label for a period only ten days. 80.6% of the casei showed clinical improvement ot an infec tion which is most stubborn to control." ll'JJl|l.\| Improvement! were shown in tha sjmp- P ill |1 ■lilt | H ,oraj of Athlete's Foot-the Itching, burn ing, redness, etc. Tha report says: "In our opinion Soretone Is of very def- Inite benefit in the treatment of tbis %t '* commonl y known as So If Athlete's Foot troubles you. don't tern- pome with this naity, devilish, stubborn HSR& infection. Get sor.rTO.NE! McKesson ft Robbini, Inc., Bridgeport, Connecticut. NOTE Tl.is illustration Is from HOOK li ~f i! e «rrit s i f Immi 'linking booklets of t, tO.I wilt! till'.-"* nitidis. Every pane of this 32-paue I k gives clear step by-step directions for things to in ike your hom® more ;i,tractive with odds anil ends of ti-.u'i.ll liand ai d inexpensive materials now av.iil.it'le To i'et a ropy of linok a M'lui lj cents with name and address to: MRS. KI TH WYF.TII SI'RARS | Bedford Hills | Drawer 10 Enclose 15 cents for Book No. •. Name j Address I J l oFf you#' nBD I JIA frov* 0 S,tomach misbehaving? Soothing pep to-BISMOL will help calm it down. For yenrs many doctors hav« recommended PEPTO-BISMOL for ro- j Jiff of sour, sickish upset stomach. | Tiisfes £o od and Joes £ood. Helpi retard intestinal fermentation and i simple diarThea. When your stomach I is queasy, uneasy and upset... taka ( PEI'TO-UISMOL, A NORWICH PRODUCT MONEY CANT BUY aspirin' faster-acting, mora dependahl# than neniims pure rft. Joseph Aspirin, world's largest seller at It)#. Why pay, uiuru? Dig lUO tablet siso for only 35^. —| froi miisi tern ••• mil « RHEUMATISM NEURITIS-LUMBAGO Im gt Uuiti- -.. i ..mm *1 * 0 - SmaltSiii 6(* * CAI TlOl IK OIL! It BIIK6TII « II 111 (tit tine SIOIISII II unit M llll|l *1 III" MtHll 111 l CI . 1.. JICIIOUIIIt 4. HttlM Crab's Teeth A crab has a stomach with two parts, one part fitted with thre« strung teeth which grind up hard food, including shells of its prey, uoHTENmmm 'hmskinWT Dr. PRIB Palmar'* Whltanarltghtcnsandbrightana rough, blotchy, tanned -dark aklo Internally c*n«el). In 7 daya. i i if not •»ti«nrd monky hack, w L * 1 25e at drug atorra FRKK Sample. V I bend 3r postals to GALKNOL, • II. Uux *oi, Atlanta, Geargta. OR. FRED PALMER S >Jr , SKIN WHITENER^Su^

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