The Danbury Reporter issued Thursdays at Danbury, N. C., and entered at the Danbury postoffice as second claaa matter, under act of Congrea* iV K. Popper, Editor & Publisher - • - E. V. Pepper. Associate Editor National Advertising Representative New Tort Chicago : Detroit : Atlanta : Phila. I'anbury, JSortn Car., 1 hursday, Aug. o, 194-1 iutioxixg xutes i;.\ I'JOXIXG CALKXDAR FOR WEEK OF JULY 31 (JI'LY POl 2f T VALUE CHARTS FOR MEATS. FATS & PROCESSED FOODS WILL RE MAIN EFFECTIVE THROUGH AUG. 12, 1944. WITH EXCEP TION OF POINT VALUE OF CREAMERY BUTTER WHICH HAS INCREASED TO 16 PTS. PER POUND). PROCESSED FOODS— Blue AS through Ao (.Book 4' now valid at 10 points each, for use with tokens. Good indefinite ly. B5 through F5 become valid at 10 points each indefinitely on I Aug. 1. | MEATS AND FATS— Red AS thru Zb & A 5 (Book 1) now valid at 10 points each, for 1 use with tokens. Good indefinite ly ' : SUGAR— Sugar stamps 30, 31 and 32 (Book 4) good for five pounds in definitely. CANNING SI OAK— Sugar stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar until Feb ruary 28. 1945. SHOES— Airplane stamps 1 and 2 (Book 3) valid indefinitely. FUEL OIL— Renewal applications for next season's fuel oil ratiors have been mailed out. As soon as coupons are received fuel oil tanks shou! I be filled. Period 4 and 3 coupons . for current season good until ] September 30. Period one cou- , pons for next year now valid. GASOLINE— • A-10 coupons now valid in i Georgia, Florida, the Carolina.; & "Virginia. E.V'he August -. A-ll coupon? hcci.vr.'id At:-4. • 9. > Rationing r • s r. iv Ihat eve rv «:.r >wr- r v.-r :t- j h - license numb r and state •>!". -.! i • gasoline coupons in It is ; osst ssie.-, as soon as they are issut ! l.iir. iy the ration hoard. ; PALMETTO MAE WALNUT COVE, N. C Sunday and Monday, August 0 7 "CAREER GIRL" Frances Langford—Crais Wood Tuesday only , August 8 "JAM SESSION" Ann Miller Jess Barker | Wed and Thur.. August 9 - 10 "WHAT A WOMAN" ' Rosiland Russell Brian Ahernr Friday'and Saturday, Aug. 11-1- "RAIDERS OF RED GAP" KING NEWS By E. P. XEW3L..I King. Relatives here have beer notified of the death of Dr. Free Hauser at his home in Percyville Va. Dr. Hauser formerly resided here. | Robert Kapp has returned to his command at Camp Gordon Johnson, Fla„ after spending a short furlough with * relatives ; here | i Landia Newsum has purchased a residence lot on West Main St., from E. P. Newsum. Tise Calloway, planter of the Schaub's Mill section, was a busi ness visitor here Saturday. • Miss Kate Perry Stone spent (the week-end in High Point where she was the guest of relatives. Martha Garner is having her home on Dan River Road remodel ,ed. Farmers in this section are very busy pulling and curing tobacco. Good cures are being made this year. Tech. Corporal Joseph Pulliam, stationed at Camp Cramer. N. J., is spending a furlough with his grandmother. Mrs. Virginia Pul liam. on West Broad St. Corporal Pulliam is accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Jane Grabs is ill at her home, her many friends will re gret to learn. Mrs. Edgar Johnson has return ed from New Orleans, La.. whe r e she spent two weeks with her husband, who is stationed there with the navy. Lieut. Blackmore, army chan !; i'i who formerly resided here, is in New Orleans. La., awaiting • vrs for overseas duty. • stork's r-Tort: to Mr. »«•! ' ;i.'n". r Borrow, a for. nr.d t"> v . -;v; Mrs. K'.r.v r Heath, a sor.. V r.e".' Boles rf Mie S. r.nvv. : - l- turned to horte port X>".v York aftei , «-r.dir.g a fur io'igh with relatives here. Oscar McGee has purchased from Banner Sfte'.ton a dwelling :n 1 lot in WesV.-iew. a suburb of Kinc. Believe it or not: there was a man here this week from Greens boro whose name was John Smith. Pete Donaldson killed a big rattlesnike right at his piedmont Springs residence door. A rattle snake is r;ot a weW.m; visitor. Willy* W builds the "'a ■ dependable Jeep V Light Truth * I 1/ Rattingtr Car / light Tractor / Pomr Plant THE OANBCBY REPORTER. DANBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. AUGUST S. IM4 What Not ! Mr. W.itt's telephone raeg oois jterously, and he was somewhat irritated, ar.d why not? "Hollo 1" he yel'.eJ into t!'.e instrument, j "Who's sneaking," came t'.\ ; answer. I "Wat:." "What's your name?" insists ' the voice. I , "Watt's ray name," answer*. Mr. Wait. "Yt !:. v.hat's your name?" "M> is John Watt!" " W..; t .'" •Vis: I I "Oh. ne.vr 1 tr.j," came tlu • disgusted voice: "I'll be arour. 1 see you this afternoon." ' t "All right." said Mr. Watt; 1 'who are you Jones?" J "No," I'm Knott.' 1 "Well, will you please tell m: i -.'/ ho you ire then?" "Will Knott!" yelled the man. "Why not?" asked Watt. "My name is Knott!" shouted I , the man. "Not what?" And both men slammed their •eceivers down in a rage. I Why Don't The Bus Stop? A beautiful young lady carry ing a big suit case and her hand bag, stepped into the cafe a mo ment. She was waiting for the bus going south. In less thin two minutes the bus passed, nev er stopping. Because the young lady was beautiful, or for any other reason, we do not know. Jim Booth jumped in a car, took the young lady and caucht the fast-flying bus a mile south of town, anfl put the beautiful young lady on board. The public which pays the bills of buses, as well as many other bills, is entitled to some consider ation and some courtesies, even from fast-flying buses which de pend on the public for their sus tenance. Because the hnses some times come in on time nnd some time! do not, you never know. APPALACHIAN STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE V. )ONE. NORTH CAROLINA. A Mate college fun bv I !>• North Carolina Depart " • :it i>: Education, the Southern • i.-s.-' c;-:t:>m of Colleges aiui Sec (.!•!.!!% Schools, the Americf•) Association ot Teachers Colleges COURSES OFFERED Four year «tirricila preparing ! rimary Teachers. Orammar Grade Teachers, and High School Ttae.i rs in Business Education, English. Fnendi. History, Homo Economics. Library Science, Ma : thematics, Physical Education. Public School Music, and Science A three year curriculum In Pre : Medical study. I Two year curricula in: Pre ! Dentistry. Pre-Law, Pre-Nursin- Laboratory Technician. Chemicai ; Engineering, and General Engin j eering study. One year curricula in: General Agriculture, and General Office . Practice. EXPENSES | Minimum expenses for North C: I .* | ">lina residents, 5262.50; Maximum expenses for N. C. residents, $285.00. All necessary school eypense.-) except clothes and writing ma terials are included in above. | Small laboratory fees for M"~ | ic, Home Economics, and Business Education. j Write the Resist rar for 1944-45 Catalog PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Zack Wood of the Hartman section visited Danbury Sunday evening. t Philo Southern was in Danbury i M;r.jay from the Moore's Springs section. **« « « Dej.uty Sheriff Mose Carrol! v. as iuv.oai, the crowd here Mo:i v.. I,*'. | _ _ ***** L.l.y F. prominent Pi::- r.a.le business man, attended to nome b-siaess matters here Mo::- |day. j•» * * V * I • John Ed Mabe was here Satur-J day night. Mr. Mabe is handling I a locust post proposition, hauling he timber to market, and getting tair prices. He has a good crop of tobacco coming on, 'oo. * * *» * Nick Stevens of J-awnonville was here Monday. *»# * « Mrs. Leflf Mabe of Walnut Cove was here on business matters Sat urday. Tom Gray, Route 1 business tian and farmer, passed through to Walnut Cove Saturday. Jim Smith of the Hardbank aec tion spent a short while here Sat : urday. »*« * • j Murray Joyce of Lawsonville, or • Stoart, Va„ Route, living in the j upper part of the county, was hen* on Satoitby, looking aftee some business matters. Murray is a coterrd man, and a long - time friend 1 of the Reporter, ;s an hon est and hardwtwkmg farmer, and a good citizen. Murray makes to bacco; raises his- home supplies at home, and does well. 1 PINE HALL NEWS Pine Hall.- Rev. and Mrs. R. 1,. Buchanan are in western North Carolina for a vacation. Mrs Buchanan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McOoogar., of St. Paul'. N. C.. arc :v.-ith them. Mi.-s EfSe Black;ve!! of Winston- Salem in visiting relatives her.' his wei k. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Duncan went to Greensboro Tuesday r stv their sor: who continues ill i -j « government hospital there. Mrs. .f. H. Robertson and son ' ' I Edwin, wer.t to Norfolk. Va., for the week-end to visit James Rob-' ertson, "WTM is stationed there with the navy. Housekeepers of this section are NOTICE ! Good Results Something can be done for ARTHRITIC and RHEU MATIC PAINS. Call or write for free information to HIXSON INSTITUTE | Box 216. Richmond, Ind. ! 1 Plione 29f»8 Yon Are Always Welcome To Visit the , Nelson Funeral Home At Any Time i PHONE 913 quantities of fru it i tobacco. J. S. Da'loti WJB one of and vegetables this season. the first oi tiiis community, j Tobacco, corn and a.'J much improved here due to t!:.'- fine rains. vvV -- of w « ia j Farmers have begun tc I vir: in-.or.c tlv» visitors here Mon-Jky^ , • * v. . * fy : s Good wheat can be successfully grown in Stokes county. The pietCir sli'ows M. J. Faun and son Klmer in a field of leap's Prolific Wheat. There are 14 acres in the field and it yielded ap proximately 20 bushels to the acre. The crop was crown following s tobacco and corn crop. The land was disced last fall after the crops were harvested. When the wheat was seeded it wu» fertiliz ed "with 200 pounds of 2-10-6 p* acre. In th • spring Mr. Fagg twod 100 pounds per acre of top liressin'i. LUMBER CO.. RURAL HALL, N. C. _ I - j j ftK « ""' --i//v i 1 Hundreds of my fsilcw employees are buying E Bonds every month. With over 1200 of us in the armed services, not to speak of our kinspeople in uniform, the war is a personal thing with us. i It's hard for many of us to buy bonds, but it's one little way we can show that we are back of them. We think carrying on your electric and gas service is pretty 1 important too. \ DIKE POWER COMPANY

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