LOCALS Mrs. R. Smuh, At'.tl.i an 1 WK-es Tav! >r ani Jose phi tie Pepper lie spending a w.-ek at Myrtle Beach, ft. C. **A * * Ellen Prather Hall is at Thorn •as'.'i!!»* on a visit to Mis. vV. S. Hunt. .Jr. **% : Mr. and Mrs. Karl Connor of Thomasville visited S. P. Chris iian Sunday. Mrs. Connor is the former Miss Annabelle Christian. **».*• Sheriff J. J. Taylor and Reid 'George went to Lumberton this week tor the opening of the to bacco market there. i ##* • * I Elmer Campbell of Baltimore and Junior Campbell of Newport News, Va., are here this week. « tr * * « H. M. Joyce, Jr., will arrive tl is week-end » t Baltimore aid will spend a fe\.' days here. *** * % Mrs. Edwin T. y'ot hn re furn •od from a visit ft Moreh ni Ciiy. PINE HALL NEWS i Pine Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. 1 jester and Miss Dora Williamson visited relatives in Norfolk. Va., last week. Mrs. M. M. Braine of Walnut Cove visited Mrs. Chas. Lester last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Blackwoll and Miss Ida Bell Turmo of Wins =% ton-Salem visited relatives her* Salnday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. BlackweP are spending the week at Mon treal. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dalton spent the week-end with Mrs. Arthur Nicholson ai Madison. 11. J. Smitherman of East Bend was here on bustness last week. Mrs. Albeit tfitrlT has returned to her home from the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, where she underwent an operation. Mrs. Taul Rierson and Miss Wil lis Hamack of Madison visited friends here last week. DON'T LET YOUR SOLDIER S PAPER STOP BECAUSE A RE NEWAL NOT MADE! STDART! THEATRE I Stuart, Virginia! ' i Friday and Saturday, Aug. 11-158 "PIRATES OF THE PRAIRIE" j Tim Hjolt | "GHOST SHIP" Richard Dix Sunday only, Aug. IS There's Something About a Soldier Tom Xeal Evelyn Keyes i and Tuesday, Aug. J 4-13 "THOUSANDS CHEER" The Greatest Cast In History! t Wed. and Thurs., August Hi - 17 j "NONE SHAM, ESCAPE" Marsha Hunt Alexander Kne\ ( r: ' STOKES BOND DRIVE OVER TOP AGAIN Stokes county bond sales in the late drive went booming over the top again, as follows: j County's quota of I E bonds » 86,000 ! Overall 117,0-10 Total sales E bonds 93.333.75 ■, Overall sales $137,333.77 Th? rbove statement is o£ July 31, the last sales day for the drive. Other sales have since • Ven made. Said A. J. Ellington, Fifth War Loan Chairman, "I am proud of the fact that Stokes county ex- I ceeded both its "E" and its over all quotas for the Fifth War Loan . Drive. It is a source of gratifica tion to know that we were among those who waat 'over the top.' "I wish to thank, most sincere-, ly, every pewon who participate j in the drive. Bach of you has I made a real contribution in a 1! that you have done, and I want you to know that I sincerely ap preciate your assistance. With out it the results wo>-Id not haw been what they are." SANDY RIDGE NEWS Sandy Ridge. Miss Violet Smith was a recent gnast of Miss Nellie Martin. Petty Officer Posie Jackson Moore, Jr., who has Tjeen home on an 18-day leave, has recently re turned to Brooklyn, N. Y. He is married to the former Miss Mar garet Vernon. Tech. Corp. and Mrs. William T. Shelton and son Louis spent n few days wiLh Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Martin. He has returned to hi? base at Fort Bragg. Miss Nellie Mart::: visile 1 Mis.-- Cecelia Lo Moi re of recently. ( Da' Oilley, Carlos Martin niii! : James Martin have returned from 1 a fishing trip to New River, Vi. '• They had good luck while on tlu> trip. j Sgt. Paul C. Amos, son of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Amos of Sand/ Ridge, is now somewhere in the Pacific area. He entered the ser vice in June, 1942, and has rec ently Been awarded the Good Con duct Medal. ! Corporal Troy Shelton of Sandy Ridge has recently been awarded the Good Conduct Medal. He lias been in service IS months. i HARTMAN NEWS 1 Hartman.— Mrs. Paul Pn Idy and daughter of Walnut Cove, 1 spent a few days with relati"es * here last week. Mrs. Roy White of Mayodan £ spent the week-end with her par- ( ents here. I Miss Virginia Priddy of Mayo- * jodan spent the week-end with her ' j parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Woods and ' I family visited Mr. and Mrs. Nat r Priddv and family Saturday. I * Mr. and Mrs. John S. Priddy , ! ' and family visited Mr. and Mrs. f Nat Priddy and family Sunday. Misses Louise and Lena Vainer, ' and Janus Martin. Harold Shel ton and i lift on Priddy spent Sin day with Misses Gertie and Nam v Priddy and Curtis Priddy. Farmers t>f this section are very busy taking care of the to bacco crop. THE •ANBURY REPORTER. D ANBURY, NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 10, 1944 1 SB Will Conduct Revival Services Here Soon (Contributed) The Methodist Church of Dan bury will begin a revival meeting Sunday morning. Aug. 13, and continue for two weeks. Jolin Batiks cf Mirtir.s -viill, Va., will be the pulpit help. Rev. Banks comes to us well rec ommended. He ,s a graduate f Asbury College ar.i Theological Seminary of Wilmor.?. Ky. He i presii- r.t and founder i f the Mar tinsville, Va., Bible School ar.i i« a Bible student with a thoreugii knowledge of the Scriptures. I . Vf* is fundamental in doctrine and preaches directly from the word of God. He is well known in this com munity as a successful and popu lar evangelist, having conducted revivals over the State, and rec ently conducted successful meet ings at ML Zion and Smith Chap el Methodist churches near Sandy Ridge, on the Sandy Ridge charge. His radio broadcasts over t li-■ Martinsville station on Sunday mornings have won him many friends aa! i'uiliiwrrs. Conv i;d hear this proj hit ■ Cmd. S rvii s b. gin Sunday .nrr.ii.g 11 o'clock. Services also at v • 15 Sunday evening nn 1 a' s :!0 each evt r.ir.u therenft. NORTH MEW NEWS North View. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Young and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Manring and family Saturday afternoon, Sgt. James B. Young recently graduation from the Automotive Mechanic School somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands. Miss Fay Longworth and Del ma Reid of Winston-Salem spent the past week-end with Miss Fran ces Alley. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stevens visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dillon visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Brady Ttittle Sun day. Miss Isabel! Young is spending a few days this week with Miss Annie Ruth Young. Bobby Manring, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Eimst Manriiu and Miss Annie Ruth Young nri both on the sick list. WANTED A tenant with o a stock \* tools for good farm nerv Gennanton. Four acres tobac o allotment. Good bottoms. Fm further information F. C. WILI IS. Southmont. N. C. WANTED Tenant with s'o. V and tools. (5.3 A. tobacco t lon tv coin & wheat, six . room house, wired basement, veil. NICK WALL. Madison, R 1, Stokes Cr>. SGT. B. F. CULLER PRISONER OF WAR SSgt. By fort E. Culler. soa of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Culler of Pin nacle. Route 2. is now being held a prisoner of war Ly the Germans.' He had b«-eii repo.ttd nissing la action on May 31. St'ig* an* Culler entered the army October 30. !t)42, ar.J re ceived l is training at Goidsfcoro,' Fort Myers. Fla., and Fresr.o, Calif., before going overs-as the first of February. He was sta tioned i;i Italy. ■ PVT. HUNDLEY INJURED IN ITALY Pvt. S r.ford L. Hundley, son of Mrs. Dalcie Robertson of San dy Ridge, has been wounded in I action i:: Italy. He has bee.i awiHed the Purple Heart and i;t' row ir. i hospital in Italy. Pvt. I Hundley entered service Sept. 2. an : was sent overseas in | Februar; . 11>41. H- er Ms- Katie Shelton of Stone \ ville. i HOSPITALIZED i Mrs. G. G. Slate of Westfield. and Mrs. Carl Rodgers of Fran cisco are patients at Martin Me morial Hospital, Mt. Airy. I MARRY GO ROUND Marriage license issued to Jas. R. Tuttle to Opal L. Montgomery, both of Germanton. Servicemen's Parents > iThe Reporter now has on its maHiJn,- list.- m.mes and ad dresses of several hundred of your sons who are in the service here in the States and in aetion overseas. These hoys are an;! have been receiving the Reporttr as regularly as mail service to , ) them permits. J We want to call your atten ion to the fact that some of these j • i subset iptions expire with every month, and in turn are taken ; from the mailing list. Many of the hoys overseas, and in the camp have subscribed themselves, and others receive the paper as a gift of their par- ; ? ents or a friend. In either case the boy has little time to care for such things. That should be be attended to at home by those interested in his comfort. ! 2 It is the parents of these boys who should attend to the mat ter of whether or not the paper continues to reach him. O I IFor the man in England, New Guinea, Alaska, one copy of 19 the Reporter is to him worth the whole price of subscription. We JJ suggest you let this weekly news reach him uninterruptedly. O It your son or relative is receiving the Reporter, see to it | Dthat he continues to have whai he wants most—news of home I by keeping hi* subscription paid n Advance, 0 ! Remember—newspaper cannot be sent overseas unless it is Q a paid-in-advance subscription. J ) ° n Q Tin: I) ANBURY REPORTER, I 2 • Oanbury, N. C. 1 i iftitoi | UritlJitins Cl*»» Of Mirtn M-morial Hospital > ursine .School -J «§ . L i■ • .. v S*>aiT Cadet Nurses who v» lit -•«»»jij»l»»t»« their training thi- fail: Bottom run. left to right. «ill»#»rt. Stuart. Va.; Mim* ihelma Shelton. tranciMo; Mi. Knl»> Mill*. Mt. \iry: top row, left to right. Mis* la>is Bolen. M -*«rv: Wiss Gladys Hjnh.tr, M«b ant>; Mis* Dort*tha House, Xi»h'Hl' I 'i Win l«a» Weston, Kicto landi>. Many Stokes county FF'A nad 1 H Club boys and grls are getting their calves in condition for the f ill shows. The above pictuic shows Dick Neal of Walnut Cove getting hai calf reaiy to be ! shown. Dick has a fine prospect for a red or blue ribbon winiwv. He is fieding the calf a mixture "I dairy feeds and oats. He be lieves the oats do much to conliti m the calf and get her in prime flesh By beginning witT g>od r •-iUt'red calves, a neifon cau soon bail I up . •' od herd of da 'rattle at very little «;c£V. Aft- I tr breed'Pg. feed ,nd oa-v iff t!i most important factors in good ' iairy management.