Fun for the Whole Family SPARKY WATTS By BOODY ROGERS I Jw? 1 " S"' ' GOOBER \i A Yfcb - IWK ' / "TRYING TO GET SOMEONE HOW CAN IT MOVE- J LO°'™N'TMY\ Jfw* Sri BE !uAT A f nr N6 S$3*U ( ,T -^ U X^I^ P^««hJ F /T X)iOSPORPI -PIP YOU GIVE y EXPERIMENT--MY) El PnPFV A 2?» ' V |T EXCEPT V IT LEGS fP EXPERIMENT IS/ | __ i | fe..r\ «i%j @ REG'LAR FELLERS—Stickler for Perfection By GENE BYRNES ~ ~~~ 1 s#c 1 I POP—Enough to Make Men Swear By J. MILLAR WATT HIWE WERE ONLV /"* £\ TALKING ABOUT | WELL SWITCH THAT , / r > JJ -A -THE WEATHER. 5Q I LOUDSPEAKER OFF— -THERE'S ENOUGH A%s*& AVstt. I Lr Jkl strong language JJ^TJI yjj^ eI r : '" ! ; J g^L r~r~r~ \r-yf- r-T*-\r-n - uu^ RAISING KANE—Tear Jerker By FRANK WEBB f - T —~— ) ® CanV ®Jj G^ARTOONGSOLLEGE Ti% ® ( A coOarcaoeai '■, ® * lA^eP o '' *" s~\ * S~\ jlfy i) (l H°° 'N—.. ({ fit J J&jj/~ Wi i /&& /" —"""" v ~-s 'ifflr* } ( fi) I ''/^^V^ 5 / ees > * — U-^ 2 ~-J {£s, 1 My -L aHO 1 s easy to pgAuq^ J you shtfta mto w»Jh» daSar I = "Sure, Ibew're holes in it. But 1 c^rbe Sspika da good eengUsb again!" . ff Vfr'iMFSl longed to my wife's grandfather!" THE DAN BURY REPORTER. DANBURY. N. C.. THURSDAY. OCTOKER ?fi. IM4 STOMACH i* ' U o Never upset an upset stomaeh via overdoses of antacids or harsh pfcy» ios. Be gentle with it. Take aootkimf PLPTO-BISMDL. Not a laxative, tier an antacid. It calms and soothe* K*> upset stomach. Pleasnnt to the U>cts —children lovo it. Ask your dcujt&n fur PLPTO-BISMOL when your etnra*. Bch is upset. A NORWICH PROtm* WHY QUINTUPLETS always do this for CHEST COLDS! To Promptly Relieve Coughing— Sore Throat and Aching Mascta. Whenever the Quintuplets eateh their chest-s, throat* a nd baelu are ru>*«l with Miisterole. Powerfully soothra«— Musterole not only promptly rcSnme coughs, sore throat, aehingchest r.i/adas due to colds —but ALSO helps ir coii'irHtion in upper bronchial tract, r*m •nd luroat. \VundtrfulforgToun-*i**M* In 3 nil[4ni7»fl3 Slrcngths 11. MplllN |ll2 —Boy War Savings Bonds— -43 —i JAv roi MIIOI Acitt ill rim ■ I RHEUMATISM » CHI 101 Hi 111 l II IlltClO* it M COIO DRUC SIOIISN it MI it nimt'ijrtN' Mciui om t« . in. Jitiiinim «. n;na» IT PAYS BIS 1 ★ In a recent survey, farmer* Im ported that inoculation of Itgrau seed with NITRAGIN (1) £.:«■ bigger yields, (2) make* fajiis, earlier grow th, (3) helps get x I mwr stand, (4) gives more vigor fs iitu weeds and drought. NITRAiifN helps legume* edd up t» 125 ttk of nitrogen to the soil per acre, INOCULATE VETCH,CLOVER WINTER PEAS WITH NITRAOM It pay* to inoculate every plantar of vetch, alfalfa, clovers, peas, other legumes with NITKA GIN. It costs only a few. cent* • acre and takes only a few minm to mix with the seed. It's the oliW. 1 most widely used inoculant. !nl f for it in the yellow can at deakm-C Write for free legume booklets., C FREE W '"« h* , P>ul bookl.h wl: soil buildlrf ... Mow kn| IKmtusact..