The Danburv Reporter issued Thursdays at Danbury, N C.. and entered at the Danbury postottice as second class matter, under act of Congress ,v F.. l• | • Editor & Pub'isher ---E. V. Pepper, Associate Editor I National Advertising Representative New York : Chicago : Detroit : Atlanta t Phil*. ban-airy. North Car., Thursday, Oct. 26, 1944.' Flash In the Pan i ... (Continued from page one) v 1 ! "i resigning to sem as registrars until the following s uniay October 21. During the week f 11 '• ' •' v °ral trips to Hartman and contact ed ai'u'ri pers r- who I tried to pet to s-.-rve as regis trars. I as unabie t> get anyone to servi and Mr. Alley the i-i• _laii\ ap»- :nted registrar, turr.ed the registration book for Hartman precinct over to me on Oct. 1!'. I made every possible effort to arrange to have a registrar on duty on Mk morning of Oct. 21. but was not successful in m\ effor.s. I asked for and receive ! the cooperation of several thi■ ivjnty officials in trying to persuade si meon • to tak the books. On Oct. 21. shortly after noon, wh :i :: a is called to my attention that there were several persi'.is it Hartman precinct wh-• desired to reg ister and i• .an transfers, and after a iinference with i party «•;!:«-. ~s an-., candidates ■of both parties', the reg istration .ii "ks vne temporarily placed in the hands .if Mr. W:.. \\ Hi'l w'.-.o I am advised attended the polling I i.u-e at H rtn ar ! reeinct and performe i the duties oi registrar Inn in the afternoon of Oct. 21 after attending a Republican rally at Danbury). On Oct. 24 the registra tion bonks were placed in the hands of Mr. H. G. Alley, permanent rgu trar. who has agreed to serve in sueii capacity t!r'oj_ho..t the election period. "i n o'll : visited Lawsonville i mmunity nr.d en deacon i ti arrii.e for a registrar either temporary or I • nr.;a • : .> eharjp of the boi-ii. immediately but was una•' • complish this purpose. I interviewed i • or ter. • . ■ • rs in I-awsonville prcc.nct in company wi: pr .ru:!. :-.: . ii> «•: that community. 111 an effort to _et i man n t:.e ;i b but could fin ! no one who would take tl. .Iks 1 ai; two trips to that (!.:■ v;:. r. - • On T ;esday. Oct. 24. 1 appointed Halt h S•it'j par ! t :n: i stent registrar for Lawsonvil'e : r, [jj.. J?,. agreed to serve throughout tiie elec tion period. During the week, beginning Oct. lf>, 1 dis cussed the le ir. idem with Mi. Raymond Max we'l Exfcutivt .-I retarv of the ,'tate Board of Kh'.'tions, Raleigh rnd •. iv.sed him of th>. fact th".t no registrar was or. lut> in the Lawsonville precinct on Octobe- 14. He told me 'v make • very effort possible to have someone on dutv t n " following Saturday. "In r.v.ther of .he precincts were the registration books ever hcl i op nto Democrats and not to Republicans. Dur ing the |ieriod wren no registrar was on duty neither Democrats nor Republicans were registered and transfers were not issued for members of either party. D'mng the period wher. the resistrafs were on duty, the books were open for the registration for Democrats and Republicans and for tin transfer of electors for both parties." y Along The Home "« yr Nov. I—Lawsonville H. D. C. Demonstration v* ay meeting at 3:30 | I Nov. 2 —King H. D. C. meeting £v Clara Ralston * at Home Economics building at The Home Demonstration Club _ I 100 schedule for the week ending No- g _ Francipco „ p c vember 1 is as f meeting at Mrs. Edgar Palmer's Oct. .10 4-H Club meetings to , , , . at 2:30. be scheduled. Ot. :il 4-H Club meetings IT NOV. I Office. Buch beauty U your, when you hive applied over youx old aidewalia Brik-Strip Siding. , Moderate in coet and can be quickly applied without any IUMM U d Incooveoienc*. II ie made ol the fineet waterprool material* which will oiotect your I home lor many yeare... fireproof and need* no painting to' P l **™'.*'V MrW to ataodard brick colon wMfc wiieoit texture. See them todayl | WILSON BROTHERS LUMBER CO., RURAL HALL, N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTER, lUNBCXY NORTH CAROLINA. OCTOBER 26, 1944, PERSONAL C. tl. Biasley was here Satur* 'day Sandy Ridge. O. \V\ Sisk. of King, Republican candidate for State Senate, was in town Tuesday in the interest of his campaign. *** * * James W. Young of Walnut i , Cove, Route 1. was among our visitors Monday. *«# * • I ( Z. O. Johnson of King was here Monday accompanied by hi 'sen Clyde M. Johnson who k In mo on furlough from Hamilt 1 Field, Cal. Visiting the John sin home is also another son.' Powell W. Johnson of Ocean City, X. J. Mr. Z. O. has two sons in the army, one of whom is in France. Mr. Johnson says Mrs. Johnsons health has recent! 1 . - ' ,1 been poor. ♦; # )r Deputy Sheriff Elmer Sheltoi Francisco was here on business Monday. 1 **# * * Draft Board Member VVr! George of Francisco was here Monday. * # * «• * J. M. Hill of Rural Hall was i.i ' .town Wednesday. ** * * Walter Hill of Walnut Cove ' spent a short while here on busi ness Tuesday afternoon. Urgent Need For Clerical Employees At "Washington, I). C. j Edward Scheldt, Special Agent in Ceargc, Federal Bureau of In vcsti-.;?io.'„ Oha-lolte, has an nounced that the'-e is an urgent need for clerical employees in the Identification Division of the F. B. I. in Washington, D. C. T*> ' quality for such a position, or.e must have a high school eduea- ' tion or its equivalent, and must ' be 16 years of age or over. Em ployment is available on either a 43- or 60-hour week basis. The starting salary for those working, H a 48-hour week is $1752 per an-' num. For those choosing to ■ work a 60-hour week, the start- 1 ing salary is S2IOO per year. NOl [ previous experience or knowledge t of typing or shorthand is neces-j jsary. I Persons interested are request-, jed to write P. O. Box 454, Wins-! 'ton-Salem, X. C. IPMTO TBEAM, WALNUT COVE, N. C I Sunday anil Monday, Oct. 29-30 j i ' WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER" ! Irene Dunne llo.lily McDowall *#* * * Tuesday only, October 31 "TIGER FANGS" ; Frank Buck Duncan Renaldo »*» » » 1 Wed. and Thurs., Nov. 1-2 j "LADY AND THE MONSTER" Vera Ralston Richard Arlen *•# • • I Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3-1 "OUTLAWS OF SANTE FE" Don Red Barry O. W. Sisk, Candidate For State Senate, Issues Statement To Voters | (Political advertisement) Being a candidate for the Sta'.c Senate, I wish to say to th voters of Stokes and Surry Coun ty, that if possible, I would to visit and have a personal con-i versation with ea.-h ore of you; j hut the time is to • =hort, ar.J , have a family to support, there-, fore, it is impossible for me to do so. As many of you well remember, I ! was a candidate for Sheriff on, 1 'he Stokes County Republican ticket in 1942 and was defeated by one of the best politicians that ever held an o.Tice in Stokes coun ty. but this defeat does not create any ill feeling against anyone,! not even my opponent of thn*. year. I esteem his friendship very highly as well as any othe>- I litizons who helped defeat me i I the race for Sheriff. Now, I wish to say to the Re publican voters that my defeat ir. my first attempt to run for an of fice will not find me "stepping down anu out." and I am very sure that I will not desert tl've Grand Old Party and join the New Deal Party as some of our forerunners have in the past. I find myself getting stronger ev ery day for real Americanism, for a free government of the peo ! pie, by the people and for people. I fee[ that we need a' "Square Dear* instead of the "New Deal." I believe in a fair deaf to all concerned in politics,' as well as aft other business. If & man starts out to get an office bjr being crooked and deceitful, then' what could yon expect of him if he won the race? I will" leave this- qnestien for the voters tJ decide. j Now, let us aH think about what causes trouble, hatred, warsi and destruction! 1 Is it good or' | evil? Ts everything going right'*' I say, "No". If everything was j going right, everybody try ing to do right, we would no* have the trouble that we are hav ing today. We fathers, mothers I wives anil sweethearts would n >t 1 have these sad hearts, caused by [seeing our loved ones going off to ! foreign soils to fight, be crippled for life, and being killed. Let us look to God as the only one who can comfort and console our hearts in a time like the one in which we are living today. As for the coming election, *o be held on Xovember 7, 1944, may !we all be fair to one and all con cerned and go out to the polls anH . vote the way that seems right ir 1 ,our own minds. That is the only privilege we have for a voice ir The above piiture shows the Corns anil sons, Stuart, Va.; K. S. i ive dairy calves that were enter- StukoHi DanbU ry; Marvin Xeal, d from Stokes countv in the Win- . , .... Jr.. Walnut Cove; David \\hit ton Salem and Forsyth County •ki r Danburv and Blaine ruttlo, "air. Oct. 10-14. Owners of the " K ' r> 'caives (reading left to right) are \• altiut lo\e. , I our Government, and 1 think ev ery citizen should go out an ! | vote. I I think every citizen should con sider voting a serious matter and try to build up our good princi- Jpl'S of Government instead o." 'faring down the good fundamen tals for which our forefather.; | fought and died that we might have and have abundantly. I wish to say to one and alf that any vote or support given me in any way will be highly apprecint 'ed, and if elected, I will strive to the best of my ability to give a fair deal to all—God being my helper. O. W. S.'.SK. j Sunday School Convention Oct. i 1 The Sunday schools of the Loans and Investments For Emergency Crop Loans, Produc tion Credit Loans, Livestock Loans and liOans with which to purchase farms, see us. before you apply elsewhere. We Specialize in such Loans._ We make monthly payment loans secured or endorsed. MEMBER" F. D. I. C. State Planters Bank | Walnut Cove, N. C. brings you the icnsationaf I \ jd %JJcfcnc Curtis , .1/- COLD WAVE . A delightfully comfortable creation-cool, refreshing, gentle liquids flow with loving care through your hair. , And 10l you have silky-soft, lustrous waves .. . glow- §f') hg with vitality end naturalness! " " , (Curtis £*»// VUavcj ( Victoria. ..$20.00 fanpi«s» Ji&.uu «;c.:5 STEVENS' BEAUTY SHOPPE > Danbury, N. C., Rt. 1 Pinnacle section, composed of Kb enezer. Mt. Zion, Trinity, Chi si nut Grove. Pinnacle M. K., Pin nacle Baptist, Olive Grove Bap tist and Friends Union Quaker church will meet with Ebenezcr Sunday School on Sunday, Oct. 20. for tht ir annual convention The convention formerly met in July of each year, but owing to the epidemic of infantile paraly sis it was postponed until now. The Sunday Schools will con vene at Ift o'clock Sunday morn in Quaitius are invited to be in attendance. J. L. CHRISTIAN. President. Percy Wall of Meadows was in town a short while today. Nick Stevens- of King was here on business this week.