, TOP FOR OVERSEAS FURLOUGHS PUT AT r.0,000 MEN A MONTH Washington. Tlif War Depart-' ..mU, reporting that it now is re ti» this country approxi •h '»>) not) men 'ninthly, says mi: i mereiye the number i(it11II, in | con*:nn • t«> •\n •') • Arir ' vigorously ;.o .»» irly (Oiii'lnai hi " The '■» 'he House Miii *' v X (Taint Committee. w m pre ■ i is i rt'sull .>f tncreising re ■s's *'oi •'•ii■!•)»• i»11.4 for men see 1 i T> i!i Mi' f-ti'rn if cvm 1 ■! .* 1 ni.n'Milv tlv Deiurt • H i I "w • u.-i* immolv!' * ' :• 1 •n ti times tlii» number. t»r ;!i - equr. I''lit of eUUt to 1} divisions. I'or every man thit we a id to this number being return ed. the army would lose the effee- ( tive use of from 4 to seven addi- 1 tional soldiers.'' * Selection of individuals to be ' returned under the quotas assign ed to overseas commanders, the report explained, is "the sole re sponsibility of the authorities in the theater." Determination is based on local conditions, with • consideration given to the length of service of each individual, his value to his unit ami "the morale of the individuals in the unit,' including the extent of rebuilding of mind and body required." I "In no instance," the Depart ment said," can a soldier be 'in sured that he will be returned as soon as he Ins served for a stated tir..r' an I ' the War Departr. : • cannot justifiably initiate action looking tn the return of ar.\ .1 i it;i individual through the opera tion of these procedures." "Reduction in the si/e of our forces in areas .where further threats from the enemy are m» anticipated has permitted tile re turn of some men. Others are be ing sent back to this country on temporary duty for a rest period, after which they are returned ov erseas, 1. > v • • ,« * . * * " Soldiers capable of further use-. ful service abroad, the Depart ment said, are returned "only i:' trained replacements are avail able...or if the total strength of the command can be reduced eith-. er temporarily or permanently." The availability of shipping: space, the rejwirt pointed out.' "imposes a very definite ceiling " j on transfers, shipping limitations primarily affecting the movement of personnel from this country t >j overseas theaters rather than the' retain of men from abroad. While a man sent hone '• .. abroad for subsequent return t > his unit may obtain only 30 da' '1 furlough. i f f. ! led, ho act:: l'y !r nbsen'. fi.iin his - r.it for appro:-:i mat.l,- f months, the balance of the time being used for travel and for retraining. On the otVr hand, a man returned for subse quent assignment to a new over seas post may be absent from an active theater for six or seven monthi because of the longer pe riod of training reninrrd. I AMCNG THE CROWD i Bern icratic candidate for the State Eenaie—C. E. Davis; De.v-> cratic candidate for the House W. M. Marshall. 1 Conference Sends Methodist Pastor To Coleridge I 1 1 Rev. J. L. Love, who h".s faith- Fuily and very efficiently servtd the charges of Da r. bury Pine Hall Beth.es Me.;. „'hur.v.e« tin tr'iiivTrri by the Con ference fi C criig" Randolp:'. county, whi!-» Rev. W R f'oya s succeeds Mr. l.iv# hei» Other appointments hv the Con ference include Rev. Kirl (e Sc roll it Pinnacle; Rev. Tv». Wil liams it S-ir. iv Rev. V.'. P. Harris it Wi;-.:: Cove. ' 1 The Election Polls— Betting All Favor President Roosevelt t President Roosevelt is the * choice of f>3.5 percent, of civilian voters, according to the Fortune Survey of Public Opinion, an nounced yesterday. The Cross ley polls and the Gal , ! " ' > r L» * - N •' » SIHCt MARCH /, 19**, TUf BIN6AI t r \ /j - ASSAM RAUWAY- PRIMC OBJICIIVI Of IHI R-V? . / ~ ' r-vj JAP INVASION Of INDIA -HAS BtfNOPIRA [• * J !"•*"" / ' ' WBy AMIRICAN RAILROAD MfN Of THI Ij V-T rf .. ." / \ • U S ARMY rSANSPOSIAHON CORPS THIS "v.: r*\ 14 —> RAILWAY CARRIIS All THI SOOOS THAT j U}-v*/ \ 1 SCI INTO CHINA f ROM THI OUTSWIWORID I •Mt sf '■■ ••• ——J A>soc'A , 'CN Q» >MtacA»« ,W| •|» * • ♦> "* • | «. -- - - i JKIXLS .. iGii 'Ctii „ | a ~ lr " v V. r, ".■'■• x mm* i / l'",4f 111 iVi bmnajMr K? ii (if. p y fpi if^ i i ' 1 '_ .y^_-jl if ly '• • WW*** \ ; i:'iiu | - • T" •• c .; f : ii ; .rs rv. \.s '* nvjrc r\ t . .*.•!.t ti.an v.-. v. . \ r ,uii . ■ j v. jc ~vn. urrr. r ir c. 1 ■ . - j' t . ctr I i ; • ,1 rr . : . i i \ VI.. liJ ' i . i ' "c\ if i. i • i.-» *»i * , In uv. .«•> -oil t«. .-an. I ■ Ik! r.i'i .v i.art ff the j 'i' f. il!„ir.',' Ci Ml.OntS !. liiH!. I |'. v . ! • : •;•)! I,;, (•••a 1.0 : l; to •D.'lt'il 111- .:.i| |mi ;.:-n UCI..>II- ! i . . : iy ! • ! f i"i:i' r.- und • > . . ! i'titr;:'. VXK. r intent s::i-j !' • o •,/(• . ' !ri r :i are ruiuirwl j • of 11:■ i . .open ami i !■ ■■■■:!.•• r.il rf I | ' r.jj. .'us 1 ; k i > in, ' i ; . M.i , : ill i;. a- ' l. c of .ir.T io a! -arli 'n a ' 'fie part I f i.c ■ er.ili.iuig elen.cntj, (.) . ;or r--> ' r- ■ >:ri in rtunp. well-coin- . , . in a Wat. ni.tht, weath fr ->r foc'o'i pi'. Tho-e two practice.*, . V , ; i.iiili.iitly, will double t!. • >V.ti'.izing value oi farm ma- Approved construction is a con cr> pit built some distance from the nwrn, say 23 ft. or go, The pit run ! ■ lvi'it wirhcut. a rot f hut the n,-. uiauuio leaching tm DAN BURT REPORTER, DANBURT, NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER ?6, 1944. Visitors This Week R. A. Smith, Fred Smith Lowel! Poore of Lawsonville, J. Van Tuttle, Tom Presi Howard (iibsou of Pine Hall. Ralph Mt!!s of Walnut Cove. P. O. l':y of Pinr.uele. iitM. i>.)it ot Kiiu. Rev. i. t\. j ' )f Sj! Kad^e. H. i. Johnson jr (Jermaaton UOOO SAI.K NVk Stevens j:il 'S. Covi ' ">;i if loaded (.ester tJritf piek-up with golden weed and = it r t 51.215.7;). hi,' volls i !.so give the Presiden avy edge. Walter VVinchell says the I ting which has been 3 and 3 to 1 on Roosevelt, is now 4 to I Buy War Bonds I ' TO DA Y—J • For Future Needs- i : - l " : " ; \ 4 ;*' I : ' - M.'V», ISXGFL I'!.: .'up -L" COWFT'I vi. |; t I I -s JUI'I V.;;!l. if I'll! »' I .*! ... iin ' ?mii . i ... . I in- alint't ' 111. t 1 I; 'l' 1 . ! ;|I ~0 1 . ii. *! «.•:;•! r\ ■ (1n.,, .. in'-..iu;i:a !il" £ it. 1 -low i\ i ,'s S"0 1 II :*U' . In. 1 hirk I.} 1 it. I in. w.'i9. | n*ir i'lm! iif t i"* pit * ' •» .•; n ' ami a I Vfl ui>| h ;ni pln\iiii'd for IP ii.;i;.ii: j r . . | Mi.r.v faimer.i i.!t-i pri.»itle a cii». ; torn am! r :•'!> oiit.-'li tlo c V- 4 i il in* Ihi jiiv. f.r f turn u ami lutn ' (Jlinr:. f::; li>l :.n ;r •. 'ri:- tlorr i f ' Hit' fit. a 5 ill. i ncrole t-iab, .-liou'd .'i • ) in. Pr it. tu.'. iii j ;!.« tia- I tern. For the cistern ami in ii ur-j t i flo'.r use concrete mixed in t.o > ,•>■ portion of i mt k j fiintHi ewti to 2'A cu.ft. sand to 3 rii.ft. gravel, w illi ."i pal. wa.rr ai.dcd ;er sack of cairont vhen sand and gravel are in aven'KO moist condition. Con crete mix for walls may he made of 1 sack of Portland cement to 2*i on.ft. sand to 4 cu ft. travel, with sli pnl. of « uiaT added pur suck of c ...«■' t •• i NAVY'S FIILL STORY UNTOLD aii.l i Washington, Seci"etary of the iton, Navy James V. Forrestal, estima ting that two-thirds of Japan's battleships were sunk or damage 1 in the great battle of the Philip pines. hinted that the histori iad> ! ipanose defeat will assume evu giviter proportions when 'he full n. story is told. He t >ld * nation wide radii tiidieiiee that "it tn ippropria'e inj- time." Admiral Chester W. Nimi! / tin'; "will be i!»le to announce stili sold further lam done to the Jap anese Navy." it i '"'"■restal said the Anwriean fleets will pursue the damage! btt Japanese ships "to the limit of , their ability" and that the navy 3 1 will do "everything within its power to exploit the advantage which we have gained." { .Hailing the victory as "one of the pivotal actions of the war," i he promised that new blows will be struck against the Japs in the^ -> near future and that "from now' i I on the Japs at sea and in the air |and on land are going to be hit plenty and often." But he sounded a solemn note. j "We have not escaped from ( these (Philippine) actions Scot-j free," he said. "We, too, have lost ships and have had others) damaged." I j I Death of Noli Preston I Funeral services for Nob JjJ, The Danbury Reporter 1 T : SUBSCRIPTION PRICE , *■ *»•'• » ... li>. > £% $2.00 per year , y i SI.OO six months ft ." 1 The Old HOME PAPER THAT YOU ALWAYS READ FIRST If You Don't Take It, Subscribe Today. Send It To Your Hoy In the Service. Watch Your Label! ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOPPED WHEN TIME IS OUT . Preston, aged 68, who died Tues- Miss Pansy Preston, both of Cli«; ) day, were held at King Baptist six sons, Hobson, Coy, Wallace, Church. Elder W. J. Brown was Ray p. raak Preß ton, all of ? i.i (haige. Clio, Hoyle Preston, in the navy Mi Preston, who formerly lived _ . r, _• , 0 , .. y and Daniel Preston in the army; 9 at Kin?, died at the liome of his . . w , one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Rumley ■ son. Hobson Preston, near Clio. u . . .. , xfiLjii Point; two brothel's, Jasper S. C. lit hni been ill for about and George Preston, both ot three weeks. i Stokeadale; and 17 grandchildren I Surviving ire the widow. Mrs. ________ Wassie White Preston of Clio, Bus Driver; "Pardon me, t»%. t five laughters, Mrs. Kannic Holies dam. tre all the .»• your children, >f Kirn;. Route I. Mrs. Happy , , j s ,t a pLr.u. •' z Smith of Winston-Salem; Mrs Passenger "They're all >mn« . .ilbert Ruison >t Tobaccoville, and I'll hive you know it 9ao pic and M:-s. Mildcvl Kmuiuel and nic." —„ The World's News Seen Through 'L J THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ; An international l)ail > Ni'U >[idper X " Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Tree from Sensational- i> « '* m Editorials Are Timely jn«J Innruclive, and Its Daily s Is Features. Together with the Weekly Maga/ine Section, Make ]> X the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. |' The Christian Science Publishing Society J | x One. Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts |> Price »12.00 Yearly, or $ I 00 a Month. [ X Saturday Issue, including M.igirine Section, i 2 60 a Year. I> X Introductory Offer. 6 Issues H Centa. J ft SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST || IHE DAXBVRY BEPOBTEB, OANBURY, N. C. Enclosed yon will And J. ... for which send the D.YXBUBY ; lEPOBTF.B to the following addreu: If renewing old subscription please check her»: ( ). NAME: ADDRESS: CITV: BTATE

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