LOCALS ( Mrs. Sadie Petree Martin and Miss Frances Petree have return- ( H ed to their homes in Altus and Elgin, Okla., alter having spent several weeks here during the ill- ness and death of N. O. Petree. •#» » • • I Mrs. Mary M. Wood of Selma, and Mrs. VV. E. Joyce of Morehead City visited Mrs. N. A. Martin Tiere recentTy. Jean Carol Beck and Jetn Wall,, students at Woman's College, will spend this week-end at their re spective homes here. ••# # * R. R. King of Point Hnrbot visited his family Here recently. ••• • • W. S. Ray of Francisco was in town today. Miss Laura Ellington of Su:.iy RiJge was in Danbury Tuesday. *** # • i i I John L. Christian and daughter Mrs. Leon van Brunt, Jr., were in town today from Pinnacle. *#*•#» N. O Knight, Republican candi date for the legislature, was here today from Walnut Cove. *** * • Rev. J. L. Love and family will remove their residence to Col eridge Friday, where Rev. Low is to serve the Methodist church. Sfft. David Robertson Is Ranking Non-com Headquarters South Pacific Base' Command. - Master Sergeant Da vid E. Robertson, a former Stokes county boy, is the ranking non commissioned officer in the Medi cal section of the South Pacific Army headquarters. He supervises the work of a large staff in keeping records of supply and personnel at hospital? and aid stations. The son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robertson, Pine Hall, he was a member of the (forth Carolina National Guard, and entered ac tive duty with the 30th Division. He came overseas in Septem ber, 1942, with the original head quarters group to New Zealand, and a few months later came to New Caledonia. A brother, Sgt. Paul 0. Robertson, is in New Guinea with the Medical Corps. STUART THHATWE Stuart, Virginia Friday and Saturday, Oct. 27-28 "RIDKUS OF Tilt: OKAIH.INK" fVm. Lloyd Sunday and Monday, Oct. 29-30 "TIIK DI.SKKT SONG" 15 Dennis Morgan lrene Manning Tuea., Wed. and Thur*., Oct. 81 Nov. 1 and 2 "NORTHERN PURSUIT" F.rrol Flynn Johnstown Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Frans as compamed by their little boy, Ru fus Clinton pa»d the Reporter of fice a pleasant visit Monday. Mr. Frans is 81 years old. Lit tle ilul'us is four, yes, 4, thatV what we said. Mr. Frans has be'-i married twice and has two acts of child ren. Rufus is the i.itetl edition. Mr. Frans tells us t'l.it JoM.s town is flourishing aa i .nay vet attain to the city capacitiM whi it was intended to have at the start when the United States Geo logical Survey planted a stone and named the cross-roads Johns- town. ] That was some years ago when ' the f. deral survey was working 1 in this section. There was some heated discussion over the name of the town to be selected, as Henry Wright wanted to call ii. after his ancestors and Mr. Frani, bless your heart, also had the same ambition. j They all sat down en a stump and began to consider the thin:?, and Henry called over a few of his relatives and it was found that 7»» of them had gone by the nam? of John. Mr. Frans, not to ' be outdone, proceeded to produce evidence that there were some Johns in his family history, too, and after counting 136, the sur veyors decided to compromise by ' naming the town Johnstown which seemed appropriate and satisfactory all around. i I But the controversy got the neighborhood excited, everybody I expecting a city to spring up soon. It is stated we on'y speak from hearsay- that Mr. Frans * went to the legislature and got a charter for Johnstown and haJ himself named mayor, and that Joe Hill and Ed Smith got into a little difficulty as to whom should 1 be chief of police. f " At any rate, Johnstown still has all the opportunity in the world from a fine back country and an excellent citizenship of 1 becoming yet a great city. i Tire Inspectors ; Will Meet Here Nov 13 ■ A meeting of tire inspectors ' will be held at the courthouse 1 Monday, Nov. 13, at 2 p m. Dis ' trict officials point out that the tire situation is more critical at this time than since the war be | gan and they urge more strict ■ inspection, along with greater care of present tire supplies. Odcll Duggins Wounded In Italy | CKKII Du:;j:in3, Danbury boy, son of Mrs. Suaic Dugglns, is re ported wounded in action in Italy. " The extent of young Du;.:gins' in juries has not been learned. Rally At Sandy Ridge g Congressman John H. Folgcr will address the people on the po litical issues at Sandy Ridge high school Snturday night, Oct. 28, at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invi'ed j to attend this rally. THE BANBURY REPORTER. I ANBURY. NORTH CAROLINA. OCTOBER 26, IM4. PINE HALL NEWS Pine Hall.- -Mrs. C. L. Le-Jtei . and Mrs. J. E. Rankin visited rel . atives in Statesville and Lenc.tr last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blackweil and children, Emily and Lewrence; spent the week-end in Hsgh Point j with Mrs. Blackwell's mother . Mrs. Mary Young. Rev. O. V, Caudle of Elkiu 1 - was here on b isiness Monday, t Mrs. R. J. Smitherman was called home last week on account !• of the illness of her little son an 1 i. her molher, Mrs. Davis, of East e Bend. !- Mrs. L. W. Blackweil visited Mrs. W. R. Blackweil last Satur day at the Baptist hospital, Win ston-Salem. "Pete" Duncan has accepted a position with Preston & Bro. a: Pine Hall. C. L. Lester is ill with an at tack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Lester and family of Norfolk, Va., aiv expected here the last of this week to visit relatives for a few days. I.TTss Carrie Anderson visited friends in Leaksville last week end. L. O. Williams is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Greensboro. 'j Don't Neglect To Write to the Boys i 1 A friend of the Renter who ',has a boy far overseas, requesrs |that we publish the 'oilwing for '!the benefit of all mothers who have boys in the armed service: 'i MAIL I What more welcome cry is there L Than the cry of mail? * Men seem to come from "very li where ' I've never seen it fail. I Shove and jostle eagerly i 1 While a hundred voices shout, | "Is there any for me?" I And a hundred hands reach out. I . They sit down in the nearest f I place f Wherever they can read. And the happy smile on every face Is a warming sight indeed. I But when the mail is all passed | out, *1 Some slowly turn away. " Anu I truly pity those without Any mail today. i what it meant I Those letters to receive I'm sure those letters would be r | sent To gladden hearts that grieve. I I can appreciate their hungry eyes: It's a sipht I hate to see, For I know how my own hope i dies When there's no mail for ni —lvodiak (Alaska) Ben.' Out! a The locked front door of r C store bore this legend: i "Out of cignrs. i- "Out of cigarets. !■ "Out of gum. t "Out of films. "Out of stamps, j "Out of patience. I "Out of town" "• \ T ORTH VIEW NEWS North View.- Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Morcfield had as dinner guests Sunday: Mr pr.d Mrs. Oikiey ar-i family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul More- j fielu anu family, Mr. and Mrs. I Luther Smith and Mr. and Airs. Smith Pnddy. ; Miss Amor Jean Stevens spent the past wc\.«-end with Miss He.,-| ter Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hay-j worth and Miss Betty Joe Hay-j worth of Kerne/sville were dinnci' guests e»f T.ir. and Mrs. J. B. j Young and family Sunday. I M iss Violet Bodenheimer and Carl Lackey of High Point, Miss Marie Hayworth, and Franklin and Earl Hayworth of Kerners i villc were dinner guests of Mr. and I.frs. D. B. Young and family Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Steven* Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roberson Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Erby Wood and ,j family and Miss Josephine Mabe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs j Jim Dodson at Walnut Cove. . Visiang Mrs. Dennis Mabe Suv I day afternoon were Mrs. R. 11. , Morefield, Mrs. Foyl Oakley, Mr* Paul Morefield, Mrs. Luther Smith, Mrs. 'TJmILh Priddy, Mrs. B. P. Oakley, Mrs. J. B. Young ane! Misses Isabel! and Aldene Younv. I Mrs. Rex Wood was suppei '• guest of Mrs. J. B. Young Sunda;, s night. 1 j Pvt. Herman Priddy of For* " Ijeavenworth, Kansas, is spending ' a furlough with his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Priddy. I Pfc. and Mrs. Timon Priddy are [visiting the former's parents, Mi land Mrs. Dan Priddv. I Special Prices For Two Weeks j M. 0. Stevens' Store DANBURY, N. C., ROUTE 1, (NEAR LAWSONVILLE) WE ARE BEGINNING A TIC KET DRAWING ON SATURDAY, CCTOIiER 2S, GIVING AWAY FRIZES AT 2 O'CLOCK EACH SATUR DAY. A TICKET IS GIVEN WITH EU I! 81 PURCHASE. I 100 lbs. Southern Best Flour $4.15 100 lbs. Catton Seed Meal 3.00 I ! 25 lbs. Garland's Flour 1.05 IS percent Red Comb Laying n 100 lbs Bran 2.69 Mash 24 percent Dairy Feed 3.15 20 percent Excel Laying Mash 3.69 WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED A MEAT MARKET AND NOW HAVE ON HAND ALL KINDS OF F?>ESH MEATS. VOTE FOR ROB AH L. SMITH Democratic Candidate for Register Of Deeds ♦ | j| •- He i=, capable and experienced. His former terms in office have been charac terized by courteous and efficient service. His re-election will be assurance to the people that the duties of this office will be performed on a high plane of efficien cy. Your vote and support will be appreciated ocaoESßogoi locaocs