Tlu» i)ankury Reporter iHsued Thuisiiitvi at L>anbui>. N.C.. and entered at the Danbury poai 'ilice ad second class matter, under act of Congrea* N. E. P 'Pf M " r Editor & Publisher ---E. V. Pepper, Associate Editor j NaHonjl Advertising Representative '«'* ; Chicago : Detroit - Atlanta r Milla. ♦.'anbury, North ui., fhui'sday. -Jan. 2"). 194") A. A. A. application after that date. X ews 0 Betwen n >v ;i:ul Fit. 15th, yo.. ..; urination imm .»ur Countj must tun: .-'...1.- k> . this ortki. U umt ju.; tins as s.«:i ; :■> j .c. h»*ins; Jjt : : in hiU (» 1 1,1U * urn k\i;m j ».!. «.> \j. a:.. —ii. lis to! is UK\ IM.U I'uynur.t v. • >v seal to *iu Slato ° !!uv • liaU - Tiu W : t i A a has ar.n.nitv -.5 a revised far: . __ Closing ia s for making appii- production goal :• 1915 of -!.'!*• I a*. ...n 1 1 '• A "AV! A fl. ,va i_ ■■ ~t ; M . ) >at i : \ • : v. .:. • t i.. Ha»vkii;. . S '■ - ■ K (ovur.i- * oi i i ns.or mo; \ r \i\ "I I'l.'t iln v.i i | i• :• •• ii ;:w .ia .ai i'a --. .. i ;u% i»r»s i>a i . )1 1 \ Ill's Loans and discount'* (including none overdrafts* . $203,241.1 I . direct an.l _ 1 7- ■!«.• »i .. ■ C si; - ' : '»>. s \ i'i . !•> • 1 nk.-•. im li: : s r\v balances aivi i ; i /-vis pio • nf collect'!. a >4* .44-.." Lank i 1 *' iiirs".-; ( .VI " S'J.'J'iL'.sn »arnitur fixtures >!.;o o•> L a 1 t.* I • ' l ' iot :i r i, , t ; b: r.k t 1*0J". ises 2,7t'l .0 Other assi'l.s S 7 , Total assets 51.557.744.3J 1.1 XBILITII-IS Demand deposits of i dividu.ils. partnerships, and corporations 1,068,982.38 ' Time deposits of individuals, partner ships and corporations 163,439.32 Deposits of United Siutes Government (including ' postal savings) 193.125.00 Ceposits of States and political subdivisions 12,337.65 Other deposits (certifi'd and o:fieers' cheeks, etc.) 7,297.')2 Total deposits 51.443.152.27 Other liabilities 23.316.0" , Total liabilities (not including subordinated obligations shown below 1,468,495.3' Vwsr*» . CVPIIWL \CTOI NTS Capital 2ii,SOrt 0" Surplus 33.000.• o l"ndivid n d profi's ... 10.445.9 Res"! v-.- ( an 1 : , ..? .. ~•j; . J capital .. 1" '- (V C This tank' r rsltnl nsists • first pr ferred slock with total I I t ' ita ?li •• .!««.• of SKi." i'. l ". ai.d coias..on .' v.l.h % :ul t. r \;.!.:• of >' 1 o.f'isrt.f i . : "T'I.MOIJ \M)\ L'. S. OOVCM: r.i dire. t and I pled ,ed to s i".!: - e deprsits and other liabilities £fti),f.o:.. r .l Total 300.01 ("». 1 ■( Deposits r.eeured by r>l- Igc J assets pursuant to require ments of law (War Loan Deposit Acet.) 1fi3.12"j.0( Total 193,125.00 , ' n date of report the required legal reserve against , deposits; of this bpnk was 136,347.0'» .'..; sets reporte I above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to 640,448.50 I. I. M. Gordon, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly f that the above statement is true, r.n 1 that it fully and cor t'.'ly represents the true state of the several matters herein con t ■' .ed and set forth, tr ti.r hest o e my knov.ledge and belief. I. M. GORDON, President. (' > rect —Attest: P. E. Rin i,v i r ns, J. K. Smith, O. X. Swanson, Directors •> of ra-r.l'nfl. Countv of Surry, ss: " orn to and subs r ; bed before ne this 9th day of January, 194' i. ' ' ' hereby certify that lam not an officer or director of this bank. W. J. SWANSON. Notary Public. "-.mmisslon empires 1-2-5". IRE DANBURY REPORTER, PANBUEY, NORTH CAROLINA. JANUARY 25, 1945 ty AAA Committee, i "The revised goal takes into ac count the recommendations made at State meetings called to dis cuss 1945 goals, as well as the ] additional needs meetings called to discuss 1945 goals, as- well a* tile additional needs for from 1945 production that havi developed since the preliminan goal of 3,920 million dozen su.u ges 'ed in November," Mr. Hawk ins st it«-1. Mi. H iwklns pointed out th.n. the revise 1 l". S. go;Js of 4.:»."i nii'lion d t; ee.:s while slight ly 'fss t'..: i. ibi I. !! i-cord pt«»- d'.)f irr. v.iu'.i jt- it- ,'!I7 ev .s fot t. civilian ir. 1 wi . j.-- i- -. a', i tin « • t : ;. IS ' an 1 r.n .. .r. ,:s ?!• i ;4,~s c'l-r the piv-w; r li'u*- '• a\e:-a.,e cons'.rvpt' "Tht- i \\;l alsa provide for all mili p ■ aireptci.ts f. - sin 11 t gi;s .- f- r military a".d -lease ru .. fi :• dried i gp. f: 1; t." • • . iv- vt :• ;iota !!•; 1 : dr d.- .. 1 -Mi f :vo ." • ST. ;. 'y * \ t" r . i i t ■ ■ .".,i I 'm. '. .. i t N it- 1 »7j n'ir Ui'. 1 -.:t e lii; . tit It-, is. u 1" -■•:'!; thai the r.'in;'t r of ciii.'.:~ raised tt-r ""1: replnccmcnt pur- I ■■ s s this s ulil be abo .• tl'e sante ;.s !:>: yy.r: that * ar. hatched chicks will furnish ir.o: - eg;;s ir. the fall ainl early win* • wii'. n ec* pro.lae'.ion is seasonr.ll"* low. ar.-i help minirniZ' 3 surplus-" during the normal flush produ.- tion period of the spring: and that the number of early hatched chicks, therefore, be maintained at a level at least as high as last pa r. PALMETTO THEATRE WALNUT COVE, X. C i i Sunday and Monday, Jan. Z&-29 "SWEET AND LOW DOWN** Lynn Bari Benny Goodman Tuesday, Jan. 3Hth i "MOON OVER LAS VAti.\>~ Anne tiwynne David lirute Wed. and Tliur*., -lanuarv I - 2 "t iXTEK*. lld.K I.II'M ' I iia*>. Margaret (:'!'»rkii I rl.'a\ an.l Saturda v , Jan. 'J - ;1 "KOiiULKTOWN Til Ml." :>miley llurnetti—>unset Car«.i n L\TII SHOW 1(1:30 SAT. NK.ll! "Till! SOI L Of a MONSTKR" Kose IJoliart Win. Wright Why not send the Reporter - :i which may be about, to expire ' renewal for yorr subscription FC^VICTORY MI BUY UNITED \%rIL& STATES fw Two Stokes Boys In Tank Destroyer Outfit , 1 Pounding- Way to Reich e Sixth Army Group. France. — •i (Special to Danbury Reporter— s Few tank destroyer battalions can S match the record of the Sl3th Tank Destroyer Battalion, which v aided the American breakthrough from Normandy to the Seine Riv er and is now pounding the last approaches to the Riech. Iti this battalion are Corporal Ralph K. llauser. Tobaeioville aud Pi'.'. ■ Ilenry j;. ISowden. Gei-manton. s Since its arrival in France on P-plus-21. this veteran unit his eliminated from the German ro: :■i s: tiOo soldiers. I2ii general ju. I v-1 hides. -5 Mark IV tan';. II Mark V tanks, two Mark \ ! :.ks. lit s. lf-propt lled inir -i lit |'ill! r.mcs. fivo an? i-tar.' ■ ::r. ar. i th* v m:uhi.; •. •■'iv. ! n;cr.'.ti 'ii n v ;'' ■ ' i -Ml !:: .ik- . i -,:t r " ' :V .it - Mart V : ■•••.. ' I . . 1 1 ! ' ::s. "T is v .- a': i : ' ' • t : ;, i i V • • P. H; . P • tsi'n. 1' r.'H . •' : of til company t' - ' *'v i'ni:p. "A • I;.-.;:., i • ! hit 1 ;•• 11. :• said. ur M-10 Mai; «. :!o \fw re in _o • J • si.i.v. . so ail they hr.J to il > '.-.'as op.\ up on tiie approaching column. The first two Mark IV s »vr? stopped by one round of ammuni tion each. at a range of 2.000 yds. This disorganized the attack, tl' • Germans abandoning their tank.-. From then .on it was a simpl matter of firing high explosive to 'kaput' the German personnel. "A-. T. .D platoon. located on the crest of a hill, had a regulai shooting gallery picking off th« jrest of the tank column. We i only 30 rounds of ammuni tion for effective destruction, fit- I lowing with extra amme to burr, up the tanks." A German major general was among the dead occupants of a destroyed tank.. A capt'cred doc ument showed the plan of t!i German attack. The T. D. ni r, h'•! :..• ••! i; m tho !•, j, stop-- ring t!i. G-nn-tiis tie first o thr.f(.-.\rs ti y , .•,,i to tn!" • No'V J. I" i:;; j;.. J7; J-j . , . . crset.f, : '.is orcaniif! iiin f.rst srtv action in Tunisia with I.t. Gan Omar Hradley's II Corps. Pari of the battalion lartWcl at G la. Pfe'lv. a::d aided in the round up of prisoners. In France M-10 d?- s trovers of this unit made r.p th first Allied arr.'or to cross thej Peinp River vhere they held a five-day oridgehead before th? "u=h be^-rnd. . GKRMS STILL LIVE AFTER 3000 YEARS How a Russian research *»yr»prt made an unusual discovery in th' l Artie waste which may open a i-ew path for scientific investier ':on. Read th's unusual articl-* ■ ! n the Feb. 11th issue r.f The Amerian Weekly Favorite Magazine With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Yoar Newsdealer Pressure Canner Clinic i To Be At Winston- Salem January 3 By CLARA R. RALSTON (Home Demonstration Agent) A pressure canner clinic will be i held in the Home Agents Office in the basement of the courthous* in Winston-Salem on Wednesdr Jan. 31— for Stokes and Forsyth counties. One of the Extension Specialists from the Agricultural Engineering Department of Stn College will conduct the clini ( with the he'p of the honu and sistant farm a tats and PV.rm curity v.oikers. , Canncrs that liave been in cor. . slant use for a season or nw should be c'leelti d !i>r th.' aceur ] cv of the gauge, jrteoik, slca ] leakage, etc. i If it is rrore convenient f 1 you to get your canner to Wiiv RU-BER-OID STRIP SIDING- Such beauty U your* when you have applied over yout old sidewallt Brik-Strip Siding. Moderate In coat and can be quickly applied without any fugs and Inconvenience. It is made o( the finest waterproof materials which will orotect vour home for many years... fireproof and needs no painting to preserve it Mad* la standard brick colon with wtxe-cut texture. See them today! iiia/iHr.KS LUMBER CO., Ruial Hall, N. C. ' ~~ « 4 The Grest fksteUr Never Saw Chile's Nitrate Desert, But... ft* Jiirir r S - '! a, K»s ba* 4 erifil research, which gave his name to the pasteurization process# J the Lus.s (cr cne o* the widely accepted explanations of Chilean Nitrate's origins V:st beds of Natural Nitrate bines parts of all of them. Who in Ch:.e s desert region are nat- knows? But there is one point un.l deposits-enough to last on which all agree: hundreds of years-of one of the oldest and best known fe3ilizer 1 e °" Nitrate of Soda materials. Mystery of their ori- w " treo,ed by gin long has challenged science. n ° W " >« «•"»- Many theories have developed. ***** no,u,a, ' • ■ th# onl * natural nitrate in the world. Some say prehistoric plants vera • nitrified" by bacteria in ®^" USe ° f its natural ori«in tha soil. That's what Pasteur's Ch ' lea " Nltrate of Soda con " wor'.: suggested. Others say they ta '" s ' ,n add,tion t0 nitro e en are decayed vegetation. and Sodlum ' sma " amounts of boron, iodine, manganese, cop- There is a belief the nitrate per,-34 elements in all-many bod.? arc droppings of billions of of which are essential to healthy birds. Another, that electricity plant growth, formed them through centuries v cf violent storms. Seme think Ycs, a hundred V ear » of re the beds ere rotted rocks; some SCarch ° nd ex P* rienc e n ß r ee think they are a cruut pushed T th? ,m P ortance ° f Chilean up from underneath. Nitrate's natural qualities and a their outstanding performance « Perhaps the right t.ieory com- in continued profitable farming. ! o,y " >h '""' i, --- ,0:y,0U '' 'yfeztZza# i Ncturol Chilian I.ittote iem?i in !«> | formi—Chcmpion sr.tfOldStyte. , cHIIKAM UITBAVfi reeches you I dihss, Is bogi, lot icsf M itsfOH snd handling. wVDffli f ' *" • li "' i *" iil " i ii* i ii i na— ton-Salem, take it any day except the 26th, but not later than the 30th. Or, you may leave ynvir canner in my office, not later than Monday, Jan. 29th. Be sure that your name address and county are fastened on the cf the. $ « cooker. FARMERS PLRCASE CERTIFIED TOItACCJ SEED By the County Agent Stokes farmers are planting more certified tobacco seed than ever before. Several merchants of the county are selling the seed. Preston Bro., Pine Hall, have sold several hundred ounces of 4no and 101 certified tobacco seed. Also many persons are getting Blai k Shank Resistant seed from Roy Lewis, Walnut Cove If any one has trouble getting seed we will tell you where you may pur chase them.

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