PERSONAL i ■ ■ 1 ... i J. li. Forrest of wu here Vv'cai:esu...y. «ui*. turns. «v f ports improvement in ti:>. condition of in his to'.vn ship. W. M. Moore of La\.sonvil.v was in tp.v.i Wednesday 4o some hgal rna;tc:s. Mr. Moji and (i. L*. Muoie, have quaK'-ie . as administrators to the estate > the late \Y. C. M..on . J. T. Vadeii of Fian.isco was i,. town a short while Wednesday. Chas. Arrington, justice of t'.-. peace of Francisco, was in towr. Saturday, accompanied by h'. brother and wife. Gunner's Ma' Thiril Class and Mis. Win. .1 .Ar rington and daughter. 11 > *.j. • Jano. Seaman Arlington, who i sq i n iing a short while wit): C nt Francisco. is onjoyi iv a 1"- 1 rt:rl . r.h Irora Mu :nt Ma." rvin> ir. t'..e Euro; : a 1!. : trr. i • I 'ri>.s .v. : - - * Kun>; an p'is. Cl;:-s. ; s•» ! nnnt'.Kr hroihrr in the ser !■ who las FJ nt IL' r.vnths Mash", with the Siahees. In !r. spare tlr>> Chas. solicited hop. 1 purchases in the recent drive • • the amount of $11,175.00. Y he nr.:st be one of those patriot Bis Creek citizens! George Barr. County Game Pro tector, of King, was her? to Jay. P Kinjr Woman's Club To Raise Money For "March Of Dimes' : The Woman's Club of King met recently in the of the presi dent, Mrs. Joe E. Stone, Jr., tor the regular monthly meeting, with Mrs. J. Reid Jones and Mrs. Clint Dillon hostesses. During the business session the club voted to contribute $5.00 TO the SaWe Southall Cotton Loan Fund and to sponsor the annua! Educational Contest in the School. As a means of raising money for the Infantile Paralyse Fund, members are to have ben efit rook an.l bridge 1 arties i.« their hor.HS. It was d.vided lu sp'.iuor the Traveling Exhioilio.) of M. C. Arli.-as and tic.* Cr at., Ai-i and inhibitions. Mrs Clint Dillon, chairman ol the Ait Dcpaitinetu, was appointed chair man of a committee to plan for the showing of tluse exhibits. A membership diive is to be coil ducted this month. Invitations- 1 and handbooks are to be mailed 11 prospective members. Mrs. New ell Ncwsum was appointed chair man of a committee to plan t!w new Club Handbook. Mrs. Lelia Moser was appointed chairman ol a nominating committee. The American Home Penan ment with Mrs. Elmer Boyles ar chairrmn, presented a most inter | estir- program. ' A fruit course was served tr the fallowing members: Mrs. Ral ton Grifiin. Mrs. Newell Newsni" | Mrs. M. F. Pavne, Mrs. P.ennH Grifri-«. Mrs. Joe Stone. Mrs. El-| mer Fovles, Miss Viola Tutt'.p , Mrs. Joe E. Stone, Jr.. Mrs. Rc;d, Jones, Mrs. Clint Dillon. THE EVERLASTING QUEST _ , j V.-'h ?. t: I_i:c and the contraptions below have \f co v/i'.h ?. Ic;crr.c:ive and tlio operation of a railroad? ?•* OTQ than ycu wcuii ever dream. *,? " "V • In tho Norfolk and Western Railway's modern, com- ' *1%%. Jl-IJL.IIU4- j In 1943, the N. &'vV. had 42 »«cent freicjht loco* pletely equipped physical and chemical laboratories, and , „ * t i. t- u »u -i j• v ■ i , •• x . n motives than in 19io, but the better designed, easier to in the held, the rai.road s chemists, physicists, metallur , , . , . , . , maintain and more efficient locomotives of 1943 per sists, and mechanical experts make approximately 30,000 * x , ... formed an average of 33 percent more service, moved 58 scientific tests and analyses a year of nearly everything , , . . . , percent more freight, hauled in better cars that msde 61 per used by the railway the steel that goes into locomotives, ji j iuii» ..* * . .. cent more mileage, at 60 percent faster freight train speed, cars, rails, and bridges; concrete, ballast, paint, lubricating r cilc, signals, brakes, draft gears, coal, and thousands of The Norfolk and Western, and other American rail other items. The search for better materials, improved roads, are alert and awake to their opportunities. By con facilities, better operating methods, and improved safety stant research, study, improvements, and enterprise, they goes on day after day, year in and year out. What are the will continue to forge ahead when Victory is won —as the results? Here's cne example: safest and most efficient transportation system in the world. Army HospilaJ» nMd 22,000 WacM to s*rv» a* Mtdical Tech nician*. WAC training in th* Medical Department affordt an opportunity to prepare for an important poetwar job, while helping oar wounded men back to useful civilian lit*. The need it urgent. i Go to your nearest WAC recruiting station today. •* • tVeiteu T RAILWAY PRECISION TRANSPORTATION Sfe lb* -Jf~ A SANDY RIDGE NEWS Sandy Ridge.—Pvt. Royce Hall is at home on furlough. His moth er is very ill. Cpl. Bill Ziglar recently suem a 30-day* furlough at his home here. He has returned from over seas service and reported tt? ®>»\ Bragg the 26th. Pvt. Royce Hall, Ruth Hall. Ra chel Hall, Paul Simmons and Mirf Vaughn attended a dance at Mad ison Thursday night. Mrs. Watson Robertson and i baby, Dinah Ruth, are making their home with Mrs. Daisy Hal! I at present. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ferguson a son, Donnle Lee, be .a THE DANBURY REPORTER. I ANBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. JANUARY 25, 1945 to Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ferguson of Winston-Salem a son, Dany I Thomas: born to Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Williams a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wood spent Wednesday night in Mar . tinsville, Va. Mrs. Fred Woods and ch'.'.chvn . arc spending a week with R. O. Woods. We have been expecting Earlin ; Oakley and Lloyd Rhodes to get married. We hope they make the jump. 1 Mrs. Thalmer Hall has bee: l ; quite sick at her home but sho ii ! out again, we are glad to note. Mrs. T. H. Ferguson has be?n • right sick with flue, but is now j improving. Mrs. Lincoln Brown has been confined to her bed with illness. Dean Martin, Paul Sheppard Ephriam Knight and Junior Mar tin visited at Madison Thursday night. Memorial services for two Sandv I>*-*i'e bo;.s killed in action will be held at the Methodist Church on the second Sunday night. Th- Rev. T. G. Williams will d?li\vr the sermon. NORTH VIEW N;:WS North View. Miss Pauline Wood spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jimmie, Mrs. Dillard Hole and daughter, Carolyn, and Miss Mar garet Fuleher visited .Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Young during the week end. Miss Wylodyne Shelton spent the week-end with Miss Amcr Jean Stevens. 1 Mrs. Dix Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. Sol Wood Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Younv spent Sunday night with Mr. am! Mrs. Charlie Moore. Pvt. Paul Moorefield of For' Bragg spent the week-end at hi home here. r Misses Crystal and Grettie Ne'- , son have returned from Stuart. fVn. > ; Poultry School and Egg Show To Be Feb. 12 On Monday, Feb. 12, there will be an all-day poultry school ani egg show in the Courthouse m Danbury. C. F. Parrish of State College will be in charge of the event. At this meeting improved poul try practices will be discussed r.long with better feeding metlv ods, culling, breeding and dia« rases. Sometime during the daj there will be an egg show. Prizes will be awarded to persons exhib iting the best eggs. More detailed information mav be *

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