[ KING NEWS t t | By E. P. NEWSUM Sine, Jan. 25.—Joe Fulk was t Jtruck by a hit-and-run driver on "Main Street Saturday night. H. was knoj»itJ unconscious for a while. Wiule bruised up consid erably, ho is not seriously hurt. 1 Claud Kirby and Mrs. Kirbv fcave returned to Little Creet. ■ Va.. where he is stationed in tht 1 navy, .liter a visit to relatives :i WaJnut 1:'! s. r Clarenet Lnwson has [ uiclns i from T\lrs. S;'!ae Pavis. a dweUin.t cud li>r on Fast M;i:n St. ; Mrs. Caralea Tn:r rn. who u t suffering from an ittack of pne Rionia at her ho:- south of tow: . » quite s: k. Sgi. !' to Kir'y. stationed Cheyenr.". Wyoming, is sp- n liiu a furlough with relatives here. Here's the stork's report ••• 1 last wok: t> Mr. and Mrs. Ro'a ert Lee All n. a daughter . to Prof. and Mrs H. >5. Guthrie. i daught-r md to Mr. and Mrs. !' G. Outhrc md Mr. and Mrs. K mit Wr.'l i 1 - u.*!:t r. J. 1a» Tufie of the l\ S. X \ stationed at Bainbndae. M 1 sjvnt the week-end with his par ents. Mr. an i Mrs. Walter Tattle. I Clarence Helsabeek of the An -1 tioch se-tion was anon; the busi bcfs visitors h°re Saturday. Pvt. Chales Dewey Hooker ■' Camp Kla.. is spending ' n 20-day furlough with rs latives ' here. John Burwell, prominent plant- ' rr of the Vade Mecum Springs 1 section, was h- re Saturdry. Hnm Kiger has returned to h' x x: > '& V v' \ ■'• '•' "iy " x • »tl «I9»V .., ■...»' I U Let's Don't Waste ELECTRICITY Anything thot costs SO little as Electricity is easy to waste. But there's a war to win, and now is no time tor waste. There is still plenty of Electricity to serve vour needs in home, office, store and industry But in an effort to save fuel transportat.on, and manpower the Government is asking vou not to waste Electricity. Let's help the other fellow who is also carrying c big war load. Do away with purely decorative and orna mental lighting end turn off lights and appli ances when not in us^ Electricity is Vital In War— Don't IFors/f It. DUKE POWER GO. ROSS* STORE NEWS «r ,i . Ross' Store. Tom Stevens home was destroyed by fire Wed nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Lewis of j Winston-Salem spent Thursday ( with Mr. and Mrs Ollie White. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blum and Xaney visited Mr. and Mrs. I. (5. ] Ross Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lester Smith is spendin | a week wilTi Iter mother, Mrs. i. ! W. Slate. Mr. and Mrs. Bas Cartniciv and child, en visited ivion.ts her\ 1 over the wt •. k-. nd. X. S. MullUan w.s a visit * here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Fow'.o and Mrs. J. W. t >">\ler Wi re sn Walnut Cove Monday night. John rt tt ;s was giu st of Betty Kiser Sun-lay tight. Mrs. K. W. Slate. Mrs. Velna Bishop ..nd Mrs Audny Sr.;;:. . re visiting at High Point. Mrs. Awry Slate md son. R ny~\ifßtTi i:. Wa!:t .t Cove Friday ] home at Bethania S.ation after visit with t'lativts h- re. Tiv re is ' > if * rovement the condition if Mrs. Addiso.i ] Hooker, wh. • has bet-n quite si.i at her home west of town. Lewis Beleht r has purehas o from Wm. Fowler a house and lot on East Main St. Sherill Wiser, who is statione 1 at Jefft rson Barracks, Mo., Is spending a furlough with his pat ents. Mr and Mrs. Piereeson Wi ser n Pan River Road. no DANBHT BKPOBTKR, DAXEUBY. V. G JAM ARY 25, 1945 Along The Home Demonstration Way By Clara Ralston Home Demonstration Agent There will be a meeting of the Home Demonstration Club County Council on Saturday afternoon. Jan. 27th, at 2:00 in my office. All local club officers and countv project chairmen are urged to at- Utid as there will be several im portant business matters brought before the Council. The schedule for the week en ing Feb. 3rd. is as follows: Jan. 30 Gornianton 4-H Clu 9:30; Meadows 4-H, 1 :()••; Danbury 4-H. 2:!5. J.in. 30 Lawsonville 4-H, 10:3') Francisco 4-H, 1:45. Jan. 31 Pressure cooker dim in Home Agent's Office, Wins ton-Salem. Feb. 1 King HDC at 7:30 at home of Mrs. C. S. Newome. Feb. 2 Francisco HDC at 2.n ' at Mrs. W. W. Lawrence's. F.b. 3 Office. HOW TO (JET BETTER WEAR FROM YOCR HDSE Home Economists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture advis • that longer wear can be obtained from hose and socks by rubbin: 'ho toes and heels with a piece of cr.nd'.e wax or paraffin just a fi'- 1 br'or-> each wearing. Laboratory tests have shown that th:s simple practice will mak-- your hose wear 4 times as long before holes appear in the heeN or toes. A budget of .55."00.n0n,- 0' 0. small* st ir. 3 years, was pro ! i*st i y President Roosevt It in \ speech ;• Congress. The figure cur.:! ap 'i with a .5100.000.000.0C0 1 • d.'et in V.'-'i" and .SSKJ.tIOd.OOO,- >•» in lis ?i. STUART THHATRE Stuart, Virginia l rld.iv and Saturday, Jan. 2(1 -27 "DKATH YAIXEI MAN HI NT" Wild Hill Elliott AIM»—"STARS ON PARADE" I-irry l'arks Lynn Merrick Sunday Only, January 28tli "VOI CANT RATION IJOYK" Betty Rhodes—Johnnie Johnston Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 29-3!! "RIDIN'ti IIIGH" Dorothy Laniour—Dleii Powell Wed. and Tim., Jan. 31, Feb. I 'The 1101 li BEFORE the DWVN Franelsot Ton • —Veronica l. iUe iiu 'wenm ACTS ON THE KIDNEYS~ To increase flow of urine and relieve irritation cf the bladder from excess acidity in the urine Are you suffering unnecessary di»trr% backache, run-down ft-eling ind discom fort from excess acidity in the uiine> Aro ycu diturh d nights by a frequent desire to pass water > Then you should know about that famous doctor's discovery I>R. KILMERS SWAMP ROOT that thousands say give* blessed relief. Swamp Hoot is n care fully blended combination of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, balsams. Dr. Kilmer's is not harsh or hahit-forming in any way. Many people say its murvelouß effect is truly amazing. Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Like thousands of others you'll be glad that you did. Send name and address to Department D, Kilmer A Co., Inc., Box 1255, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send , At once. All druggists sell Swamp Root. FiUNCISCO NEWS Francisco. Vestcr Rogers, a fum.il r ibllCi&lO S.uuiUl u»u sv.- of Ed Rogers, has been report missing in action in France. Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Johnson, the new Presbyterian preache. and wife, are now living in th>. new manse at Francisco. We art. glac! to welcome them to the com munity. Walter Forrest, who is in the navy, is home on furlough. Katii erir.e, his wiie, has been visa ing him in New York. We aiv glad t ■ see the sunshin-. again. W'e had only 2 days t school last v.vck due to bad road.'. Francisco nr.d Wesific Il played a doubL'-h aikr basketbi.il game at Frar.wisvc T. csday. The scores were: Fr.-.neisco 45; W'cstfield, 15: Girl's game: Francisco, 21; West field, 24. Mrs. Brurio Shclton and child ren are back at Francisco after having been in Minesota with Mr. Shelton wlio is still working there. Junior Shelton's parents have received his APO number. W'e know what that means. Dallas Martin, who was wound ed in France and who has been in an army hospital, is at his home here. Among the most recent induc tees from Francisco are Glenn Bondurant, Jesse Inman. ******* O* OUR BOYS *»*****#•» Corp. Johnnie Timmons, hus ' band oi the former Miss Hut.. 1 T»*rry nl King and son ot Mis. O. H. Moscr and the late Mr. Tini -1 mon.s. has notified his wife he i.- now in New Guinea. He has been in the army for six years. Sgt. Fliiichuni C. Chatman, hus band of the former Miss Sarah Jane Tuttle of Walnut Cove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Chatman of W'alkertown has notified his wife that he is now somewhere in France. i Sgt. Tech. Ty Cobb Inman, hus band of former Miss Mary Cooke and son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan In man of W'cstfield, is in Panama. Joined army in Sept., 1943; train ed at Fort Custer, Mich. Production Credit Loan Applications May .. Be Made At Courthouse A. P. Snow, secretary-treasure of the Winstor.-Salem Production Credit Association, announced this week that he would be at the courthouse here each Tuesday from 10 to 4 o'elcok for the next | three months for the purpose o' - writing loan applications throng! the Winston-Selem Association. The Association makes loan-- for pure!i so of fertiliser, pe -l.« livestock and farm machinery, Tn tcrest of ! 1-2 |cr o nt. charge.' for actual number of days i!w:vy is used. Mr. Snow ur.Tes farmers to buy their fertilizer ear'y due to the | alleged labor shortage in fertiliz j or production, etc. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j As administrator of the estate of Jane Kirby Grabs, deceased, notice is hereby given to all per sons holding claims against sa: estate to present them to me, dul\ authenticated, for payment, on o, before Dec. 21, 1945, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons owing said estate will please make immediate payment to me. This Dec. 15, 1915. C. ROSS XEWSI'M. King, X. C. Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. \DMINISTIt VTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estnto of Lazarus Sho:v . Grabs, deceased, late of Stoke.? county. X. C.. this is to notify nil persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be . fore Dec. 21, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re coverv. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This Dec. 15, 1945. C. ROSS XEYVSUM, King, X. C. Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE As Administrator of the esta c of Z. O. Johnson, deceased, notice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate t'> present them to me, duly authen ticated. for payment, on or before Jan. 11, 1946 or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of recovery. A! persons owing said estate wil please make immediate payment to me. This Jan. 11. 1945. W. D. JOHXSOX, Admr. Estate of Z. O. Johnson, dee'd. | 101 \V. 2Sth St., \Vinston-Sale*n. X. C. (pel/. NOTICE The undersigned having oufcli i fiod as Administrator of the es i tate of R. E. Joyce, deceased, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate t > present them, duly verified to tin undersigned or his Attorneys ox; or before the 25th day of January. 1946, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. All per sons owing said estate will pleas make immediate settlement. This the 25th day of Jan., 1945. C. R. JOYCE, Admr. of R. E. Joyce, dee'd. ißadgett & Badgett, . Attorneys for the Administrator. L* AT FIRST i :: Cap \ Cold Preparations as directed , I III'. DANBI'RY RWOKTLR, •AM'I'RY, N. C. Enclosed y;>u will find ... for which pU"A«e s'»>J t!ie : REPORTER to th«> following fuldfss: If renewing old subscription please clier| her*: ( ). 'i NAME: ADDRESS: p CIT¥: BTATE t I Mere Cwnfart W«orin« FALSE TEETH i » Harp h » plaaaant way to wmh#. j——' »*»»■ ftmaiui >. rASTEm, m »owdar, aprlakled on «MMf Jf* lower platao boMa thorn InMtM mmt tboy feel nor* comfortabla/ pa '°o*r. ptatjr Uato or (SmUM, I It a alkiltm (non-acid). Dom not ao#t. 2r C rl u ol °l (lS * ntur * braltfe), " ,t 'AHMIH today at mt mimm,! A WJr I '/W I 1 InS. I Mod»l A 2 A 1 J With Neutral Cilor y/Earphone and Cord , oM AR W. SMITH Pilot Mtn., N. C. HUM INSURANCE a GUARANTEED SKPPER' PREVENTATIVE IN CURED MEAT Aik Your DcaWf Of Write N. J. BODDIE TteHialeaweii Mas BABY CHICKS $7.75 hundred up. , COD. KINGSTON Hatcheries, Kingston, Ga. TWO HOUSES FOR RENT—One six-room, one three-room with electricity, 2 miles north of Bethany. Good toh. allotment. W. B. MOORK, Madison. N. C Rt. 2. |HI. SLATE'S TOBACCO SEED sold 3 exclusively ( in Wlnston-Salera ? j by COX'S SEED STORE. Tr«d» at 6th Streets, Phone 7242. . . Brokers in buying, selling, (• nancmg, or refinancing FARM PROPERTY. Drop me a card or letter if I can be of service to you.—DENNY REALTY CO. Address: Room 425, Waehoyia ( Bank & Tr. Co. Bld'g., Winston- Salem 3. N. C. Ujan4w WANTED—Farmer for tobacco . .allotment and Irctk garden. ALLEN C. HARPER, Clemmons, N. C., Rt. 1. MlCA—Have you mka (isinglans) on your lan:ls for development * Write George M. Bowman, Co. Superintendent Schools, Elk P~rk. N. C. \v«n* to irrt married. ' write Box 35ft. Juliaetta, Idaho. - >eiul stamp. (adv> ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i As Administrator of the estate of W. C. Moore, deceased, notice is hereby given all persons hold . ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated for payment, on or before Jan. 24, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar . of recovery. All persons owing I said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This Jan. 24th, 1945. . I'd.) W. H. MOORE and G. U. MOORE, Admrs. of estate W. C. Moore, dee'd.

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