Bed Spread Made Of 38-Inch Goods /n p!!lS for a double bod -* in.;' oo made out of chintz or a»v 9T-:ae!i-wuie material that you ten ut: hand. Eleven and one-half »»s*fc will be required for a bed ii inches wide and, if you follow iw cutting diagram given here, mi a scrap of goods will be jresU-d. Cu« the center parts first; then Jiie 18-itich side sections for the -yiUro cover; then the 10-inch '^|j * -&Ej I 4trtpa for the ; "ow cover a:".a *pr\id. T". s :• ,i\ • a lon a strip ha ihs 8 -uju'c V- .i iv.ay buy atarr. «l,or cover cable cord I wan strips as at A. Use your , Biachrr:. .. rdi foot f r the seam ; so flut the stiu ng will be close to tie cord rs ;.t H. • • • Thts fpi m SKWIVO %«t z w.icn ..- '*.2 .. > ■ f illu fc ' 1 ■Jtr MHOR] •jwut>. civ-j and *« r !:•:• : M keep ■mm br:r*.t ar.d avr.u".vo i «r f e dura* Hut. TO B etzkis mth r»a:..e u:;d address direct t»: KKS. Rl Til W VI TH SPi:.\RS 4 IMlord Hilts New York i Drawer 10 I ISaclus* 15 cents fir Tok No. L i'ifVM : Adftrrve. = Chest Colds Nflw t a help relieve con- V £ cst " in irritation *ii' c in upp>.r bronchial tob£». rouseuLir soreness or tightness, sonph L-ic spasms—most young mot hers wbVtrl- Varol~! aucfc it ixjtiate. And .it once V.ipoßub pSKerßArss »«pp.TOrctk-;ii..l _ fc m-x. with its special t'> yy-- •■... vapors ~^ s ~* ' m sr/flfc/Mre- £JL ■iwsc and twek , \L ear tiers lii.e a •HEtur.g poultice. ' '•' s^ 3e *:rrt!vinc, comforting . . A'apoßub invites r.r.tiul sleep and Jt.v/ , s on work ing fbrbrturs to relieve distress. Ar.d.. WIYVAPORUB Gives You th-sspe "xl pemcrating-stunu!ating action. It's te bax known home remedy for re- Inri-c miseries A * i'cii'sMSCKS wriHi Try id ▼ VAPORua AHMIE WUBIE WAS SO ADORED BY WILLIAM DOUGLAS H£ WROTE FOR HER awe OF THE GREATEST ®V£'POEMS OF ALL TIMES, "s«»mous STANDS FCTIA ( g KKE, SWEET, [ woiisOMc \m M VWEAD IN THE \ly XX mbWUD IS THE •mULB-aiADc' MAR* Wr fi\ \ «MBM£ WITH THE V v /A V | FLAVOR, )' MMkMD h At en'v margarine certified 'thy to •at*' lo be o "Table-Grade" mar> fVto Ih Mild, imooth flavor makei H fvA A n ideal for leo- THE DAMU'IIY REPORTER. DAXIH'RY. N. C.. TIII'RSDAV. FERRFARY 1. lliisiiil 1; 1 " SBf "Hi X f- $ ' I'ruit. Meringue and Cupcakes . . . Dessert Trio (Si c Recipes Bi low) Dessert Simplicity Desserts that are delicious in spite , of their simplicity and yet hearty enough t satisfy appetites whipped , to their keenest by sharp wintry ; weathi r are tl-.e order of th.e day. We're concentrating on des serts that take up little time and «ny __ jp t iTort, little of the precious, rationed 1 sugar, hut use , a/fe'- a plenty of fruits in ] Sl ' ason - There are 1 use eggs or milk > > t „ fortify diets shy in two important foods. The first is an especially quickly prepared d ssert that :s satisfying | but nut u !«.avv: Fruit C upcakes S; ; ce bakery eupcakcs into i wedges, cutting only half way throu :-. ( 'en g. r.tiy and till the cavity w.* :: and fruit. Bits of fruit left over fr m breakfast or lurch v.- v . e used. Served with cot- j fee ir another hot beverage, these make a tempting climax to heavier fall ar. : w.r.tor als. UuUerseoteh ltice Pudding. (Serves t>i 1 i eup rice cups milk 1 1 tpasponn salt 2 tablespoons butter ia eup brown sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 j teaspoon vanilla ' j eup chopped dates Wash" rice ar.d add salt and rice to the milk. Bring to a boil ar.d then simmer 25 mir.utes. Meanwhile, ir.c'.t butter, add brown sugar and co k over a lew flame until very dark brown but not burned. Add the caramel mixture to the rice and milk ar.d stir until dissolved. Re move from heat nnd ncid lemon /*As \ juice, vanilla ar.d , j\\ ) dates. Pour into a Vy wet bowl and chill. When cold, this pudding can be un molded. Serve plain or with cream. Pears are in season and are good to serve with cake or just plain fresh or stewed. Here they are com bined into cake: Pear Cake. U cup shortening I ■> cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder } teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon I \'i teaspoon lemon extract ! Topping: 10 pear halves, pared and stewed '_» cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cream shortening, add sugar and cream until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time and beat well. Add flour which has been sifted with baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Lynn Says Saving Sugar: Syrups may be used in cookies while sugar is saved for cakes. The texture of cookies is not affected enough by syrup in place of sugar so that it Is perfectly all right to use it. Use V* cup honey or corn syrup in place of each cup of sugar, and add 2 tablespoons of flour to each cup called for in recipe. Fruits may be sweetened with jams and jellies or honey. Add sweetening last with a pinch of salt to make the most of it. Prepared pudding and gelatin mixes may be used with unbaked sweet cooky crusts to save sugar I in making pies. Thicken left-over fruit syrup I from canned fruit with cornstarch and use as sauce for puddings. Make use of dried and fresh fruits for their natural sugar con tent. Substitute fresh fruits in sea son and custards for cakes and pastries as often as possible. ■ ——- Lynn Chambers' Point-Saving Menus Lamb Steaks with Mustard Sauce Creamed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Pear Salad Cinnamon Rolls Jelly Rice Pudding Beverage | Add flavoring. Pour into a well- I greased oblong or square pan. Press i the cooked pear halves into the bat ter and sprinkle with sugar and cin namon mixed together. Bake for 30 minutes in a 400-degree oven. Have you tried cookies and fresh fruits for dessert simplicity and sat , isfaction? You'll like; Orange Crisps. (Makes *' • dozen small cookies) 2 cups sifted enriched flour I _• teaspoon baking powder I I teaspoon soda 1 _• teaspoon salt 1 * cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 2 teaspoons grated orange rind 3 tablespoons orange juice ♦ Sift together flour, baking powder, | soda and salt. Cream together | shortening an d sugar until light f —^ • and fluffy. Add ft u.. J I egg and beat well. \\ N ' Add fruit rinds ; is nnd juice. Add flour mixture to J creamed mixture. Mix thoroughly. Shape into rolls and wrap up in | waxed paper. Chill until firm. Slice j 1 ;-ineh thick and bake on un- . greased baking sheets in a moder- J ate (350-degree) oven 12 to 15 min- j utes. These cookies may also be shaped by using a cookie press, if fancy shapes are desired. Spiced Apple Pudding. (Serves 6) l's cups sifted flour 1 1 cup sugar 1 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 „• to i cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 j teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening 2 cups sliced apples 2 tablespoons butter ] t cup sugar Juice of '/• lemon Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together. Cut fat into flour, using fork or pastry blender. Add one-half cup chopped apples ar.d enough milk to make a soft dough. Melt butter into the bottom of a casserole, then add sugar, remain- j ing apples and lemon juice. Pour ! the batter over the apples. Steam for \\i hours and serve hot with lemon juice or cream. 1 i Chocolate is such a big favorite I that it should be included in desserts ■ • occasionally to add to appetite ap- | » peal. Here is a nutritious dessert • that is bound to bring cheers: Chocolate Floating Island. (Serves 6) IVt squares unsweetened chocolaU Vi cup sugar 3 cups milk 4 eggs teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon vanilla 4 tablespoons sugar Melt chocolate in top of double boiler, add % cup sugar and mix well. Add milk slowly, stirring con stantly. Reserve 2 egg whites for meringue. Beat remaining whitea and 4 yolks slightly with salt. Pour hot milk mixture over eggs, then return to double boiler. Cook, stir ring constantly until mixture coata the spoon and foam disappears. Add vanilla. Strain into serving dish; cover; let stand until cold. Chill be fore serving. Garnish with meringue made of egg whites, sugar and a dash of salt. Get the. from your meat! Gel your meat roasting chart from Mis* Lynn ; Chambers by uriting to her in care oj Western Nenspaper Union, 210 South Desulaines Street, Chicago 6, 111. I'lrase send a stamped, self-addressed envelopt lor your reply. • Released by Weitem Newspaper Union. et jio-pp' eA ' ; Looking at HOLLYWOOD 1 \\l HEN "Roughly Speaking" hit * the stands last year I started right in yelping about it. As I re member, my words were: "One of the most fascinating books I've ever read. As American ns Boston baked beans. Charac- ' ters sturdy as ' # • Plymouth rock. »aßSi.,'. Mrs. Pierson, fm . American moth- } f • s?* er, could, if she ! had the stuff to •- *"* .rfj do it with, lick ' '"b* j Hitler single- ' /V' handed, as she's ■■ licked wealth and poverty and Louise Kandall brought up five Pierson children. There's a woman I'd fly thousands of miles to meet." She reminded me of it when she got here for the filming of her book. Essence of America Mrs. Pierson, whoso life story, "Roughly Speaking," was recently c. mpletcd by Warners, with Roz Russell in the autobiographical role, is a person that you, too, have met, whether you know it or not. She's America. Born rich, pampered by a father (vho dressed like and faintly be lieved he might be King Edward (even to the beard, which he bril liantined), Louise was dumped out on a coldly realistic world at the age of 10, flat broke. Returning from his funeral, her mother called her two daughters to gether in the sunroom. "The trouble is." she said, "your father indorsed notes." There didn't seem any use in sit ting around bawling, so before long Louise was going great guns as a secretary (sl2 a week), when she met her first husband-to-be, Rodney —"six feet two, tailored by Brooks, and had won six Latin prizes at Yale." Rodney was making 5G6.66 a month in a bank, so the two went to live in an $lB a month flat, where she had four children in four years. When Rodney really got into the chips the family moved to Ossining, where Louise plunged into every thing from politics to the little thea ter. Tragedy struck in the form of infantile paralysis, temporarily laying low all four children. Louise Jr.. never did fully recover. Rodney decided one day he'd had enough. "I'm moving to the Yale club," he declared. So without too much ado she got a divorce, another job, another hus band, and in due time another bahy. Husband No. 2, Harold Pierson, fought with the Canadians in the last war. Kindred Spirits He was ns nuts ns she. "I've always had a weakness for big men with black hair and blue eyes," says Louise. "Besides, ha was romantic, charming, irresponsi ble, generous." He was also rich, owning the vast Pierson green houses and nurseries near Tarry town. Three years later they were broke. Harold got a WPA job in the New York City parks department, which led to the superintendency of land scape construction at the world's fair. She had always wanted to write letters to newspapers, heckling edi torial writers. One of these missives she aimed at Arthur Krock, political editor of the New York Times. Amused, he showed it to his friend Max Schuster, who promptly sent Louise a check and told her to start writing a book. At first, she tells me, she thought it was a gag, but when the check didn't bounce she realized she was stucf:. The result was "Roughly Speaking." She said it was the hardest work Bhe ever did. and she's worked hard 1 at everything from scrubbing floors j to running a 37-foot boat. The book was an overnight smash (I threw at least five of my hats in the air), and three studios began bidding. Warners wired her: "Will you ac- I ccpt $35,000 for 'Roughly Speaking' I and a contract at S3OO a week, with expenses paid both ways?" An swered Louise: "Three hundred a week not enough—need new tooth brush." Replied Warners: "How about SSOO, then?" To which Lou ise wired: "Okay. That will pay for toothbrush and new hair-do, too." Louise Randall Pierson seems to be a feature at Warners. That first contract was torn up and a much fancier one rigged up. She and Har old bought a place at Santa Monica. If you've read the book, "Rough ly Speaking," I don't have to urge ! you to see the picture. If you ' haven't, I envy you the treat in stor» for you. • • • Look Out, New York Lee Shubert is on his way here to complete arrangements for "Sweet (surrender," a musical which is about the battle between Monterey and Los Angeles years ago. It will feature Leo Carrillo. The lyrics kid the pants off everything in Los An geles. That alone will cause it to run in San Francisco a year. It would be too good to be true, hav ing two plays succeed here before they hit Broadway. Remember "Song of Norway" opened on tb« west coast. SEiri\c. cm ie r iTii:R\s Dainty First Clothes for Baby Baby Clothes HERE is an adorable set of tiny first clothes for the very small member of your family. It makes a lovely gift for a new baby. Make the little dress of organdy, dimity or dotted swiss—the dainty underthings in fine lawn or batiste. • • • Pattern No. 8700 Pomes In s!?es 6 moj., 1. 2 ami 3 years. Size 1. dress, requires 1 J » yartls of 35 or .1!' Inch material: pantie and slip, l'j yards; 3 yards lace fur pantie and slip. ■ 4 Pineapples * Hand grenades derived their nickname from their shape and the yellowish-orange paint which covered their surface. They are now being painted olive drab to prevent the enemy from Retting a good view as the "pineapple" ap proaches, with time to take cover. Which of your two husbands IT^l^r-T Constipation may mako dients formulated over 50 ' \ anvoneaMr.orMre.Glum. years ago. Uncoatcd or f Q'jgNjKj Take Nature's Remedy (NR candy coated, theiraetion is Tablets). Contains nochem- dependable, yet Seals, no minerals, no phenol gentle, as millions of XR'a derivatives.KHTabletsaro have proved. Cet a - r >i ' different — act different. Convincer Hox today 1 All Purely tugeuible —a combi- druggists. Caution: Taka nation of 10 vegetable ingre- only aa directed. ALL-VEGETABLE LAXATIVE JTIIIRIF F N. TO-NIGW/ TOMORROW ALRIGHT ggSIgIEBM SORETONE HOW LOW, discouraged, they can SOOtHeS fast With make you fcel-thoie nagging mus cle aches. In Soretone Liniment PAI A IIP IT ♦ you get the benefit of methyl sali« 1.11 111 HR"II| cylote, a most effective painrelieT* wwIMP ■■■ni ing agent. And Soretofie's cold heat m a ■■ action bringa you fait, so-o-o-thinf ft " | | TIU relief, Soretone Liniment acts toHU I I w ■■ 1. Dilate turf ace capillary blood in casts of , P " tel '- , MUSCULAR LUMBAGO Z. Check muMCular cramps. _ _ _ _ ... _ __ __ 3. m . °^CKACHE 4. Helpr.Ju,. w ~r u „„. MUSCULAR PAINS For fat-test action, let dry, rub in r . -1 dm it cold, ng'iin. There's only one Soretone— IR3S CODP MIICriEC insist on it for Soretone results. Hff 3UKE MUdvLE} 50#. A big bottle, only sl. du u mn " ,k MINOR SPRAINS tThnunh applied mid, rub«> mBH —• fwlmt lukTp.iirnti In Hort *""• •' 1 l 1*" t0 Iwrtu# " Iho auptrflilal supply m "and McKetson makem U" Y&hSVS SISSS. Two-Piecer THE long-line torso hugging two pioccr is the last word in smartness. This clever style, made up in light weight woolen, will give you an ensemble that's easy to make, easy to wear and easy to look at! • • • Pattern N". 8339 comes In sizes 11, 11, 13, 14, 15, IG. 18 and 20. Size 12. short sleeves, requires 3'« yards of 36 or 39 meh material. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCI.E PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St. Chlcafd Enclose 25 ecnts In coins (or each pattern desired. Pattern No 5ize...... j Name I Address | _ AT FIRST w —666 Cold Preparation! at dkected j