Fun for the Whole Family SPARKY WATTS By BOODY ROGERS r WE WERE FOOLS W YfcV-IL Wk WSCOVER k'Z -- AND IP WE 'B-'IT ft R. .| *H-H/ THIS 15 W/ I WILL. |J| TO EVER TEU. K THE DEVICE THAT MAKES // FAIL,THE SHARK \ " WHERE THE STRONG W QUIETLYKILL w3Eaff ,'zgs^a THE SHARK ABOUT « THIS MAN 50 STRONG HE /\/ WILL SLIT OUR f ONE LIVES-IT'S JB HIM--THEN may SEEING THIS MAN JjS MAY CATCH US STEALING // \ THROATS WITH HIS ) J. LATE--ONLY THE f% WE WILL fr // / enepeiie OP GREAT IT ANP CRUSH U5 _ /,) GHASTLY TEETH / w TINY PUR REMAINS iff SEARCH— Wrjr // // ouZ STRENGTHLIKE ANTS— JM /] -OH--WHY DID \ -- n AWAKE /\ HERE, Jl—— '/ / Su B v CPSIVP r\ J jj REG'LAR FELLERS—SIight Alteration By GENE BYRNES JcmM 1 /^uv»s° F N sii£~~| RS? 11 7 TM' CLUB p ( PINHEAD, BUT I x iHE EVEN HAS ONP? ) f V r> & t p " i STLJOVISid>TH& \ |( TT / - K V f . , . JUPITER AND SCIENTIFIC/ L HEH J . ,oK V ANOTHER ( I «0K& i ("JUTUKE ) I iW , CbuomdeV) _L //"- TTHAT-THE VOUM6 VMlldah / e ll' iltfl jTt*L ~\T R l 1 V ASTRONOMER" \ c=- (HIS DAD ) [>, hJ> £ jr** * The how eevoLTiNa / / sssrn good nioht) faoco LATfc. MR. JONES ]I (= ADAM WISHES VOU DACE USE COME AGAIN./) \A/E ENJOyED THE USE HER, ( CAN POOVE ) M BUT WE HAD ATO WASH HS HER GUEST W , f EVENING A LOT J GUEST TOWEL 9 )—.IT I J TIRE TROUBLE.J DIRTV HANDS. W TOWELS/ ) V- "V t DID VOU? / s rr\/ / THE BATHROOM jJ[ f-j V POP—Before and By^ MILLAR WATT -~— VOu'RE SO DIFFERENT \ IWHV CAKI'T you BE: n OT I I FROM OTHER. I MORE LIKE OTHER MEtJ 171 ra- !V s. 1 I h;- » = / | > / \ f CAMP = 1 ' /- = =7^/ EE = "WiU you sell me half of your if this blind date you^Kot "What did you say you were before the army cot you, Fatso?" t=TJ—WK a me turns out to be better lookin' than I expect?" THE DANKFRY RKI'ORTKR. I)ANBURY. \. ('.. T'M'RSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1915 Each Apron lakes Less Thau a Yard of these aprons tikn less than one yard to jriasce. The colorful embroidery is m simple even a youngster ;ust learning could do it. • • • Little material, easy stucnery. mate ideal hostess Rifts. Pattern T27? v mi tarn transfer pattern of motifs; jafiKaa; di rections. Due to an unusually large drreacnti w* eurrent war conditions, slightly -mm 'lm is required in tilling orders tar & *?w «' the most popular pattern vumctrr. Send your order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. j jC4 IV. Randolph St. Chicago IK. V Enclose 16 cents for Patters * No * f M > Address j MULTIPLE RELIEF EASES COLD MISERIES LIKE A DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION Many doctors prescribe a coojfeta* (ion of Ingredients for relief of ooU •ym ptoms. Colds don't show up a* » single ailment, hut as a com>'xK series of miseries. (iroteV Cold Tak* lets are a combination of eight arrow medicinal Ingredients. Work {»/«»• nal!> and promptly on all these i> mp loins; relieve headache, rtdur-r trvrt ease l»ody aches, lessen musL-uUi pains, ease nasal stulimfts. Take v actly as directed. Get Grove's Cult Tablets. GROVE S TABl'm trot miioi acMi in rtm w ; RHEUMATISM \ NLURITIS LUMBfttO^ Bottle . ami i uwi *l3O. Smaß San Mi » CIIITIOI: IS! OIL! AS MICH* * ■> IT 111 COGD DRUG STCRIS •• IT Mill • .vuyiv.** MclElt DIBS CO. he. JICISOHIUI I. FiMH| MEMO'S) Do You Hate HOT FLASHES? If you suffer from hot flanhe*. fxri weal;, nervous, a bit blue tt »arn**>— all due to the functional "ntofclte- • age" period peculiar to v. , om , n--ni Lydla E. Plnkham's VeßeUsttle Cow pound to relieve such svmptomn Taken regularly—Plnkham's Gunt- ■ pound helps build up restelAam ugatnst such annoytn'; sympUT/w. Plnkham's Compound i# vzadt especially tor women—ir \t:rju «m --turn and tl'ct's the ot rwsj)- clne to buy! Follow label dtrertlww. J.YDIA E. PINKHAM'S