Tin* i>a 111) arv Koportcr t> ued Thursday* u» Danbur- N C.. and entered at the Danbury poatottiei- as second dass matter, under act of Congress . j E. Pt FldHnr & Publisher - - • E. V. Pepper, Associate Editor i Naftonjf Advef f • ng Representative n York : Chicago : Detroit : AHinti : fhll*. .Muuury, *\orth c„;x., Thursdy, Feb. 1, 1945 ' J. 11*. -UARUY GU FOR SAli:-\»uns mules an.: AL) horse* at I*. M. Moorefield's, l.awsonvillc. N. See J. >1 " >.o following applied for mar- Robertson at Moorefield's stor*> licenses at the local bureau - ■ __ n. Kufus Turney. Pilot I M. t > Irene Wilson, also of Pilot Aid ic Znnny Ml. '| "Ar.v r .•: ■ a:'' ;.!> I J;:::. 12. i'.iu! .\"olson. Walnut I txn?v rv :he Cove, to N.uii;!.' Manuel, Pi:u "j r °.' J Hall. er.en:y . \V t t-.v/e a job tj d j u .i ttc arc* a.l called lor 1 Jan. 27. James Thomas Wolfe serv.'o t • -.:r c \:-'ry. Cur ..... .. , . , Uutiafs .ii'c ca .ed to service to Ruth Maiv Atwood. both , . ... •• a ... our .- e i vos Kin... 'Shall we !>*• nior*! tender with { our dollars tiiaa with the lives i Jan. 27. Cladv Thos. Tuttle. t. j of our s.ra»?'" Secretary Etta Clark. Walnut Cove. I KEPOlir or CONDITION OF HANK OF PILOT MOUNTAIN of Pilot Moiinta'n in the State «>t North ( aroliiu at the dose of b«s ( ine-s on Dee. Ill), 1914. \»ITS Loans and discount* (including none overdrafts ... >.103.254." I'. S. Govt rim nt obligations direct nr. ! r:i nteed 709.01 .' Cash. bal.nnc s with > - .hor I -inks. incluli .z res rv> i .;lr.:ues ■ml ■h it tis in t*o ss • - c. lloet: :: t»4i F»"..i;k pr "tisi's owner 52.2 J. s !' : .rnitur fixt'ir s Sl.cn . . 2._ '■ I! 'al est at" owre i ot': r t. : ..k ; rer 2.7' CV.hor v 7. Total assets . ........ £1.557.711..;. 1.1 MiILITIES Demand d-oosits o." i:>divi.',t:ais. partnerships. and corporations .. . 1.065.952.35 Time deposits of individuals, partner ships and corporations 163.439.3:" Deposits of United Siates Government (including postal savings) 193,125.00 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 12.337.6" ' Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 7,297.')2 Total deposits 51.445.152.27 1 Other liabilities . 23,316.0? Total liabilities (not including subordinated obligations shown below> 1.465.495.3J 1 i CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital 23.500.00 1 Surplus 35.000/ 0 Undivided profits 10.445.9f 1 E'serves 'a:ul rc-tir■ nieiit account f»r prof rrid capital .. 15.01.0.Q Tolal enpitnl r.cci t:r.tr. 1". Total li -Unties pad «-nj:'s 1.557.71 '. .".J Ti.is I ani-.'.-s •••«r-it *1 s s*. •• | :of '.red stock v.iti: total | !' V.-'li.e of ?:» Ml I 11. { , 1 ! • : I''', V. "ul of st'». !•.. ' . !.«l comir..>i; s'w'. wiih to*;! i rv.h: ••• >ls.i( 0.. o. *.M>\ S. nnvornr. l 'at o'oii.r.tioas. i! rod and guaranteed, pledged to s ctu-o ar.d other liabilities ClO f.f/ • /> Totnl C 00.0( 0.-!• • Deposits secured by nledgcd rrsc'.s pursuant to require ments of law (War Loan Deposit Acet.) 193.125.0 Total 193.125.00 r i date of report the required leg: 1 reserve against deposits of this hank w>s 133,347.' o ' -lets report" I a'wve which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to 640,448.30 t. I. M. Gordon, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly r * r ar that the above statement is true, ani that it fully and cor ! 'y represents the true state of the several matlers herein con ; ' d and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I. M. GORDON, P.esident. r ..--ct—Attest: P. E. Simmers. J. K. Pm'th, 0. >T. S'.var.son, Dirrctor3 *" -of North Cor.ntv of Surrv. rs: rn to and ®'ibs before me this 9'h dav of Janvirv. 1P4 V » ''creby certify that T am not an officer or director of this bank. W. J. SWANSON. Notary Publ'c. "irn'.ssion empires 1-2-4?. THE DANBURY REPORTER, DANBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. FEBRUARY 1, 1945 FRANCISCO NEWS Francisco. Pfc. Alger Marton ison of Mr. and Mrs. John Martii. 1 who has been missing in action ■for several weeks, is a prisoner oi i the Germans. The parents learn- I led news of Algie by letters of people from many states whu had heard him broadcast from overseas, and asking listeners to write his parents that he was saf \ Mrs. M.received 27 such lot tors. Mrs. Lin., it C llins, Mrs. J. C. Owir.s an.; s.;.i. Cl.irc.nco. and Miss 1-th 1 Owens visited at Danbury Saturday afternoon. I lias Coin, son of Mr. an I .'lrs. t'i.arlie Coin, and husband ' f tl'.o f.-r:.;er Miss Bertha Na tions. lias been re ported killed in France. The parents were noti fied of his de.uh Jan. 24t>!. A cott n mill has recently been opened in the Johnstown section h y B. M. Spencer. The mill was formerly on* 1 of the Bob George ro'.ier miiis. The products are for . ivernmer.t us. Fifteen employees r.o-.v o; erato the mill and more are to bo a Ided. Misses Otelia Cox. Ethl Owens. Wynona Wright and Mrs. Ci rns of Francisco have accepted positions at the newly established : till :\t Johnstown. Lawsonville School News Contributed by the Journalism Class Lawsonville High School has been commended by the Treasury Department for its record in th? recent Sixth War Loan drive, and has been notified that two field ambulances and a jeep used at the war front have been dedicated to it. Three Basketball games are scheduled here within the next 10 days at Lawsonville school: on Jan. 30, Feb. 1, and the third on Feb. S. All of the games are scheduled at 7:30 p. m. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend them all. The student body is happy to welcome Crystal and Gretle N'el son back to school. They hive just recovered from having their tonsils removed. Myrtle Fryo of Lawsonville -t student a Guilford College, si en t c past v.eek-ond with her | ai ti.ts. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fryt Among the visitors at s 00l this witk were two graduates o! tiio 1944 class, Lena Wall and Janie Mabe. Other lisitors were Margaret Harger, Frances Shep pard, Iris Smith and Ealine Stev 1 ents. IF YOU MUST GAMBLE, KNOW YOUR OPPONENT I 0 It's your privilege and you money, says a famous card det?c ■ tive, but you should ehoos your opponent wisely and kno\ the odds against you. Read thi revealing story in the Feb. 18t : ssue of T* l ® Amcl-an W™'dy Pavorite Ma«ra?'ne With The B\LTIMr»RE c-T-vnxy mrnm. y ( O-ler Frin Yoar Newsdealer Home Demonstration Council Holds First Meeting of Year By MRS. CLARA R. RALSTON ' (Home Demonstration Agent) The Stokes County Home Dem " onstration Council held its first f meeting of the year on Saturday , afternoon, Jan. 27, in Danburv. , with eight of the ten home dem , onstration clubs represented by by an attendance of 29 council . members and clothii.g pro jo t leaders. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Paul Ix'wis, Council Pres ident. after which the council sang. "Come, Thou Almighty King," and repeated the Home Demonstration Creed in uniso". The secretary's report was given by Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, tl'Mn the following business was taken i:p: A nominating committee wis appointed to select officers for the council for the next two year- - composed of Mrs. J. H. Robcr'- pon, Mrs. Elmer Boyles and Mrs. Agues S. Stewart. The commit tee will report at the Sprin Council Meeting. Mrs. Frank Teague. representa tive of the Hospital Saving Asso ciation of North Carolina, Inc., presented the details of the Hos pital Insurance which is being of ; ered to the Home Demonstration club women of Stokes county who are interested, as a group. The council then voted to have an nil day Fall Achievement Day in an effort to conserve time and travel instead of the usual half-day meetings in the spring and fa'l. * Awards will be given to all club ' members who have read and given ? a brief report on three or mor * books from the approved Home ' Demonstration Club Reading list. ; An announcement was made o? > the all-day poultry school and egg show to be held in Danburv ? on Monday, Feb. 12, from 10 t' t 3:30 P. M. All interested poultrv i growers are corcjally invited to i attend and bring a dozen white or ! brown eggs for the egg show. - Prizes wfIT be awarded the wir -1 ning entries in both classes. Mrs. Grady Stewart, of the Mt. j View Club, was elected County - Song Leader. ? The Home Agent, Mrs. Clara H r Halston. presented a shore sheet for checking the clubs each mont! , Tlu* council voted to give r.n awnr* to the club that makes the tvi standing achievements during fi year, using the score sheet f • ,j the basis for selection and makkv r the award at the Fall Achieve d ment Day. The council also voted to spon sor a waste fat collection drr .. through the local Home Demon stration Clubs. Following the business meetin. the Home Agent gave a demon stration, "Selection of Pattern ii Relation to One s Figure," to trail jr the local club project leaders ti c- give the demonstration on tV $e subject at the February Horn w Demonstration Club meetings. T is February the Home Agent wi be allowed to work with 4-1 Neighborhood Leaders, and i communities where there is no o> "anize-J Home Demonstratio •"ork at this time. T he meetin? wa3 close .1 with contest. A. A. A. NEWS | Information From Your County Oftior The Office of Defense Transpor tation has made a very care f ul survey regarding the crilital shortage of truck 3 a"'l ;.asV.t.e ii> Stokes county. J. Moir Hawkin.-- chairman County AAA Committe announced this week. This survey revealed that un less all necessary travel by farm trucks is eliminated there will no be sufficient g-.soline to take care of the critical nenls. Mr. Hawkins jointed out th "in many instances gasoline h:M been issued for farm trucks, bas 'd on the fact that the applicants re ceived consideration for such nl locations by indicating that thev were taking c:ire of the essential hauling of the community, or of the transportation of certain far mers. Investigations revealed th°t nt least half a dozen truckowners had been issued gasoline for th ■ same purpose ind i:i ninny 1 far- wcr* talchiT car of their own trar.sportat : or..." The AAA leader cited ei? where gasoline had been issue 1 ' aj"f)licants for pick-up trucks t —. - - I—mm—: 1 — mm —: a BRK-STRIP SIDING— J Such baauty to youra whan you hava tpplltd otm youi old aidtwalU fctk-Strip Sidta* Ifedarato to cart udenki quickly appllad without toy Juaa and I ImmwlMK I It to mad» a 4 tha bat wataifwf natarfala which win protect your ' koa* tar aaay ywri. .. flnprool ud oaada do painting to piaaarva It Kada l« -—' brick colon wtth wlta-cul tMtuia. 6m tha« today! | " IIUU'I'HH.KS LUMBER CO., Rural Hall, N. C. ', r- -i* -- - -i- - • -i -' rriv. or, ir>ir» ~_n JOO* $ The World'* News Seen Through S I THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 1 J An Intmwtt4tn*i l)ail\ Neuifiutk" 5 \ • f ni(hlul—.omtrut»it'nbi lwd—frt* from Sensational 3 3 ,tni * Fditonal* Art- limtHt jnd Instructive, and It* Dailt j Features. I ourrh«*r *ith 'he V&V'kU Section, Make J tha Monitor an Ideal N^to f pap«t f«*r 'he Honie. IT he Christian P .hi-hnf Sooierv % One Norwa* R.wor. \| i«ict:;sM:s ? Vr. e ?L Of >o.r.v .»r >; 00 i M .nt.n \ | Saturday ir i, n> . * S.. •, v 60 » Yejr. • \ ... 0 S %♦ Aojres* .... \ * ' —— » , SA.MI i .J t v N f>» £ # I Cagoov job too- \ nn ('yis- and payim) MOVING '*£> I 15.000,000 A lf j( WAR TIMI JOB Of Tilt I M NATION'S J pyMK /# MXfS. AMIKtCAK RAILROAD: HAS BUN 1 {WW fjy /)[; fINANCID AND DONI WITH PRIVATI l ' /'*% CAPITAL - MOT QOVtUMtAIMT 1 ***** If * S """"*■ ~ f APPIICAIION fOll PAIIN! WAS A A ,■ A V Tj 1164 '"I ,m 10C0M0M i a r Jjjl -iQUAiir whiadapud rot THAViIIMO IM out UItICTIOH TH * OJHtM'. AND APPtOPPI =** I M»U. J 10 I ON THI WISTIRN PLAINS, IN IAPIY PAYS. jfc; * r ! WATCH FOP LOCOMOTIVES WAS PUMPID BY ; jgQ ,|1 WINDMILLS, AND A PKOLONICd CALM HHD l'*. tkfl Jgljr UP TRAINS. "MO. 4 TWO HOUHS LAIS— J WAI7IN6 WIND-. WASN'T ' M „„ k| ... -. | carry on farming opcratiuiu and it was later found that the trucks were used. 90 percent of '.heir op erations, tor pleasure drivvt^ Something must be dope abcut the gasoline that has been allot* J for essential use and used for non essential purposes," Mr. Hawkins said. '"ln an effort to eliminate such waste and to be assured thai our most essential transportation can be carried on, the Stoke* County Farm Transportation Committee has been asked to re view all certificates of War Neces sity in Stokes County." Funeral Held Monday For L. J. Bullin Funeral services for L. J. Bul iiu. aged s:v of Lawsonvi' ?, were held at 2:30 o'clock Monday aft ernoon. Klders J. Watt Tuttle, Noel Gilbert and I). A. O'Brian were in charge. Burial was in the family cemetery near Lawson ville. Survivors include on daughter, Mrs. Kd Mabe, of Lavvsonvill •?. Rt. 1: cue s in, Claude Bullin, sor.ville: six grandchildren: one s'ster. Mrs. John Lawscn, Ger rianton: and two brothers, Jim Bullin, both of Lawsonvill.\

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