Pv • c ■ • ' •. W. C. Witts. Kin*;. 1 have r. , . .„ g | J( , ws rod ./lover. Many ®rs . tWt • !'.:rr.> rs Stokes County still ' " " • believe growing red clover and R£DDY *9u tlevl'K. Servant Friend of t , i Family fi v \iS * Long before the uar. "conservation"' was a strong Vfltng point for Electric Service. Time—energy—food •*vere among economies of the electrical household, not lo mention the convenience and comfort of doing things the care-free electrical way. These savings hi\c been dotihtlv important a aids to the family budget in War Time and as a help to more efficient li\ing during a period that has imposed ne* duties and opportunities for service on the American home-maker, t "* jJF Retnember to be .is careful .is \ou can uith \oui appliances: J*. _ . , Keep them cletit}; tfiotJ loose *crev or * g*_ nut*; oil ii here indicated. i:thl treJt \oitr cords j,. and plugs nith an eye for long trouble-free £ Service. t /*«. i »■ . ' DUKE POWER CO. Jj ; 11 1 | 1 Future | i' ; i '= 1 1 W ) "■ A: IHI I j . , V :&> Lj 1 i|i! ' i H ! I* wfe.r \ .» if | ' | j 1 '> ' . ' ) th» On!) on* ' mE DANBURY BETOKTEB, DANBFRY. X. C. FEBRI*.-R V 1, 1945 fi:id that it still pays them. | Mr. Watts grew a small graii i crop on this field and seeded i to red clover. He also uses plen ty of poultry manure since h keeps between 2,000 and 3,0n laying hens. In iy-43, Mr. Watt moved two crops of clover of this field and this past year he cu two crops of hay. Not only do-, rod clover make good hay crop but it also improves the soil fit tility. It tits in ecpecially we with grain and livestock fanr.in Those who are growing red cU j ver give the following recommit dat ions*. Sow the clover seed in smai grain crop and on fertile soii Around 1- pounds of seed shois* be sown on each acre. You wi, get best results by mixing th seed with 4W pounds of ph«>- phate or with MOO pounds of ai 0-12-1- fertilizer. The 0-12-12 especially recommended if les; • deza has been grown on the - Farmers say they get better ver stands when they sow seed with tlieir sjrain drill. Pi the fertihxi r - i s d. mixed 1 aether, i'l the t rtilizer hoppei th> drill .nid let the uise ride t top of the t« .nd. This is tio i b«st by reli 1 sin - the splines ta. force the dis, into the ground. NOTKI) HI LL «;OKS r ) W'AL.WT CO". PaUsis C. Katy ot Danbur> whose fatva is mar Walnut has purihasd Ixia's Mramj * Lid from A. S. Da'toti of Dai >n This bull is trom Imported Ixia' (Kii.nl L. i .'nd is cut n" . d La K..' I >ew !'• Ho of tli.S' \v>-i ,!.ip'!t«'i from t!:- I*' .base;.. Iu«: ally, w>' : v n..t import* i any i' re»> nt y. • 1 >err cap tared t!v i rd. The sel \l. . ol the I . I Sin available to cattle owners i. Stokes and a : .tiling routs':• -. !•• especially will le s:si d ">l, re J istered .1. : s i'l ' hi' V alp Cove communities. This is a o the l» >■. 1 ; >1 balls :n this - • of thi S r si • f mers to take . Ivsuitage . : '• services. forma': a : .. i :.t • ; '.h |.. : • !' the C ,\g at. TI bit' vllhe • at.'d .>ti tile Kirbv far tvnr the p i.v r Dam and \V in Cove. 'W- yjw imnil WALNUT COVE, N. C Sun. A' Mon. I>b. -1 --■» "FRENCHMAN'S C'RKKK" Joan Fontsiine—Arturo ile Cnrdov: I Tit-.. Ft h. (ith "I)\KK MO! NT \ IN" K!len !>rew—Roht. Louery Wesl. A. Tlu r.. I" 7 - } ";OOI>\H;MT y»VFI:TH ? ' *?:T" 11(d) * I'.iau .t'"i—T - \ Frf . Si'., I ii U ' 'TIN:; V \ S.;V; Of T! \ V Rosiv :.r\ —l'inhy T .>:ljn L * Tl' SVO'Y !'!:{;) s \T. N!( !! FARMERS POOL ORDERS in l.. FOR SMALL FRUITS H. R. Niswonger of State Col it lege held small fruit meeting .» ti- Dillard, Pine Hssll and King rcc- K ently. The purpose of these meet -111 ings was to assist farmers with ls strawberries, blackberries, apples, ' 1 peaches and other fruits. At the 111 meetings the farmers pooled the i I>S orders for s.-veral thousand straw !,SJ ~; ! V plants and several hundre I blackberries, dewberries and rasa a. berries. It their are other people who "'iu- int. 'i t- *.! ia planting the.se "are inU rested in planting these fruits said b-'Sii'S. they may oe.- ' • t«•«." par .us ia 'hose communities or the (" y ad florae Agent'? 1 ! Otlice. '' ' . 1 SOW S!".U>M OATS FOR K IILV 1i AY CROP:- i r. ... A iiuii IJ. t (•; Stok-lounty far mers : I'd slglieaitul.'l Worke>s n.et and ris.sd■ tl'.ese recommenda tions f.«r an (ally hay and ;'ta - ia.„ lie] . I. I '.o t'.i I iy .-!iotisig( ta.- MiiS a: . i ,ed .o sow tile la: - est sprirt" oat crop that we hsiv cYe t sown. Every I arm is a-'. ■! T.i seed from 2-.'J acres so tlssr'. I. may have plenty ol early t e-.i for his ».itttle and workstock. Hay and grazing crops ate vital m:'- tei ial for li\a stock just as good food is necessary for our health. 2. Now that the land is dry. plow shallow or disc well. Then make a firm seedbed by hnrrov in;4 and re-discing. 3. Seed 3 bushels of Fulgli'':.! lei acre. I I st 3o i pounds ol 2-1 )-♦> ! . t: :/ i :a I !oit pie.inds r.iti it.- .. • s.. :.. at . line! lime. S(.'.v eats lht'.veen Feb. I") at: N: r 1.". it possible. • S- - ! all land with 3a--lu |! o.' 1- s| .- -a seed per siei >. 7. M> v for hay when in !' " doaj'h WJIIDERFUL RELIEF FiCT Bladder Irriiaiions! ! tresis J jclor's discovery acts on ti a ! i Ij increase urine and relieve I \i.l bladder irriliiiaas caared i y e.vccss acidity in the urir.2 i nj n- «-d now to suffer tinn. i y « • :-i disicr.ilot t from b. .«•, « * ' • .• ul i.t:.-do.»n (( • * ' • 'dily iii ynur in m- .» ( • .c't' t's liiscovpfv - • ! t m • . SWAMP ncor. Fo. i .» i »» f.i l on th« I ic'nfys to i:»c «» \■ !' ••• i f ttnne and rcl'?vc rxccs* acidity. t . lly u. ra/riid by a will r" • n, S*v.m|» Hoot is a ca.ri- ' / TJ i (umltinalion of lli hcrlix, rri , t.iblo3, L.I am* and o!hrr natural ;n --(ridintts. It's not h.irth or hibit-fovmiiT ia .my H..y just food incrrdirn'.a h. t you t fl worlds brttei* fl.i«I! i*ond ft; lire, prepaid sarop!e TODAY! l.ik'* thocs inds of others you'll he glad t\.ii vou c!tJ. Send name ood address to Dt partir.rni E, Kilmrr A Co., Inc., B.t* 125.1. Stsrvilord, Conn. Olfer limited. Send m tn> »-•. A I ctuesists sell w i.uot. STTJART THEATRE a Stuarl. Virginia Friday and Saturday. Feb. l-.*» "Till: OKIFTKR" lluster ('rabltf VKo—"COI{RKi!I)OK" Sun. & n. Fe!«. l-p "\0 TIMi: FOR MJV: " ClSl'.u'e't»* ( nil. rt I t.' - .! T;•(■•» . d.. & Th'ir., Feb. I"> ~ » •' \\D nn: \\ i i s slN " |)er >thy I.amottr IV'tty Hutlon I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j As administrator of the cstat. of Jane Kiiby Grabs, deceased, notice is hereby given to all pet sons holding claims against sa: estate to present them to me, di.l\ authenticated, for payment, on 01 before Dec. 21. 1945, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons owing sai l ' estate will please make immediate 1 payment to nie. This Dec. 15. 1045. C. ROSS N'EWSUM, ' King. N. C. ■ Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administr:.- tor of the estate of I.azarus Sho: - Grabs, deceased, late of Stoke.? county, X. C.. this is to notify a!! persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhi'tii thi in to the undersigned on or be fore Dec. 21, 1045, or this noti-- will be pleaded in bar of their r coverv. All persons indebted t> s;-i i estate will please make ir.i me liate payment. This Dt-e. 15. 1015. C. IiOSS XEWSI'M. King. X. C. Chas. 11. Helsabeck. Atty. \DMIMSTI: \ TOR'S NOTICE As Administrator of the esta ' of Z. rt. Johnson, deceased, notic is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate t present them to me, duly authen ticated. for payment, on or befoie Jan. 11, 10Kl or this notice w::i |.e pleaded in bar of recovery. A ! r.-o:is owing said ''state w ' make immediate pavmi : " to me. This Jan. 11. 10 !5. W. |). JOHNSON. A !:-:. Est it** of 7.. I). Johnson, do .1. 1"1 W. 2Mh St.. Winston-Sa!.'-' N. C. NOTICE The undersigned having qurii fittl as Administrator of the es tate of li. E. Joyce, di ii as i. this is to notify all p. rsons ho'-l ing ::..i i:,ainst s; i i > state '. pfi-s 'tit then;, d.ily \ !.ti i !:> la. i.ad ■:. or his IU ys N or l;i ore til .lay ot .lamia:v 'i'l'i, oi this notic.' will bi plea, i 1 in L '.r of recovery. Ail pe: ■ 'tis t via, siid estate will pleas make inn . vliate settlement. This the 25th day of Jan., 104">. C. R. JOYCE, Admr. of R. E. Joyce, dee'd. i Padgett & Oac'gett, Attorneys for the Administrator. I AT FIRST Mfe SIGN OF A WM Cold Preparations as directed ; i UK IHNIH'RV REPORTER. '•ANT.t'RY. N. r. Enclosed vu "ill f»t»«l S ... for i;ri)l!'rn; to the following nldr II retMrtli'U old «.tt?>si ripfion pier NAME: i ADDRESS: CITY: i Pilot Mtn., N. C. HAM INSURANCE § GUARANTEED SKIPPER PREVENTATIVE IN CURED MEAT Ack Your Dealer or Wrila N. J. BODDIE The Ham Insurance Man Durham. N. C. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH * With More Comfort FASTEETH, a pleasant alkaline (non «. p " wJer - holds false teeth mora firmly. To eat and talk ID more com '(, rt. just sprinkle a little KASTEETIt on your plate*. No mimmy, irooev, p;uity taste or fei'ilnjr. eiieokH "plate odor" (denture breath). Get KASTEETH at any drug storo- UAItT ( IIK'KS $7.75 hundred u;». COD. KINGSTON llalciier.e-., Kingston, (iu, TWO 1101 SES I Ot; KEN 1 —Oim M\-ro«m, one three-room with electricity, '* miles north of Ilethany. Cood tub. allotment. \V. I!. MOORE. Madison, N. C Kt. ». pd. SLATE'S TORACCO SEED sold exclusively in Winston-Salem by CON S SEER STORE. Trado at (ith Streets, Phone 7212. Brokers in buying, sidling, fi nancing, or refinancing FARM PROPERTY. Drop me a card or letter if I can be of ser\K*« to you.—DENNY RE A LTV CO. 2 Address: Room l'J5. Wuehoxia Rank \ Tr. C>. Rld'g.. \Vinslo:i --\ s.ileia N. C. lljanlw W \NTED—Farmer lor tobacco alb t:neii4 and tri.ek garden. ALLEN C. HARPER. Clermr.ons, N. C., Rt. I. MlC.*.—Have yen mica (isinglass) on your ianJs for de\elopment * Writ.* r:.-" M. ISminan. Co. S:*'i-'r!"i{ende.'«t SCIMOIS, l!lk Parti, N. C. V()F' n:i"' to re* nvirrie.l. urif.» Pov "*B, ,lu!ia n 'ta, Idaho. Send stamp. adv) AIIMINIS'i RA TOR'S NOT It E As Ail aid of the estate «i' \V. C. Mu.n \ diseased, notic* is her 'by given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated for payment, on or before Jan. 24. 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing I said t state will please make im mediate settlement. T!;is Jan. 24th, 1015. I'd.) W. H. XIOORE and (3. U. MOORE, Admrs. of estate \V. C. Moore, dee'd. I ■ which ple:»se sen J the !)\\!ii : lD V_ r ,- s»: nsc h,.rA: ( >. STATE

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