THE DANBURY REPORTE f Of established 1872. Letter From I. M. Gordon To the Editor, The Danbury Reporter, Danbury, N. C. In the Danbury Reporter of January 11th, there appears an editorial captioned "Better Medi cal Care." In this article the Ed itor points out the fact that while medical authorities say that one medical doctor is needed for cash 1000 people the average in the rural sections is only one to each 5175. He further states that in Stokes county, with a population of 22.000 and only five physicians, there is only one to each 4500. This is a timely reminder and should claim the serious consider ation of those in position to do something about the matter. These five doctors are not f young any more and some of thrm are not so active in the profes sion. Every indication is that in a few brief years Stokes coun ty will be entirely v :lhout a prac ticing physician unless some fic tion is taken to relieve this acute situation, or others move into the county from other sections, and it is entirely reasonable to sur ; mise that such other sections are [ r . out the same plight. 1 . same condition applies al- I 10 other counties without larjre towns or cities. The crop of physicians now do ing the practice in rural a'.id small town communities are those who 1 were licensed some forty or less years ago before the "powers that ' be" set up requirements to obtain ' medical license that prohibits ' worthy and capable young men o! 1 moderate means from underta- ' king to prepare for the profession. 1 This, in my opinion, is a tra- ' gie blunder anil gross injustice i: ( the small towns and rural com- ' jmunities, along with their prom- v isir.g and naturally gifted young * men. Now it is "up to" those who ! did this to take care of the situa- 1 tion. J] It is an easy matter to board an elevator and ascend to the 10th ' floor of a skyscraper and there ' Q Bpin theories, dream dreams and Bee visions- all in the name o r progress, but when we descend to r v > ?arth we find they will not "pan sut." Where are the young doc- 1 ors to take places of the old ones is they drop out? Where ar- " hey to come from? c I have talked this matter with a hree practicing physicians and •S am toid that at the present li ipie, in ord?r to obtain a licens 1 1' n Practice medicine sn North h a r oi;m the requirements are • _ 'e student mrst he a grv'- ] lii-'i s-hool. t!i ;, t he r.vs ti ' ' ■> !"».•• r v eo|- (j y hi i) r-i 4 inT r ' - " i; - "■' '• i'i •> .'..,,.1 r , , |I, . Co',)' li, "irs in eT'lUro i«s chv'fcd ear' illv and ! f fu nd "n'i-jfis ;!••.!■•• !•> then required fo attend medi- I Volurce 72 cal college four other am 1 serve two ycrrs U3 lntcia in a hospital, i Possibly the tcrir of interne has been reduced to on year during the war). Then I: he can pass the rigid examination given he is licensed to practice medicine. These physicians sa.. . that at present the cost will range » from $15,000 to $25,000 to takj * this course. It is a pretty safe i bet that a young man who has . spent 10 years of his active life i plus at least $15,000 in cash pre i paring himself for this profession i is not going to locate at some , cross roads or in a village in a rural section. He will steer d' ; rect to the city and most likely . for some branch of special wor'- i I have made some inquiry an 1 I am unable to learn of but one medical student at this time in this whole section and I am told that he is specializing for a par ticular line of work. If an ade quate number of young men were to "take off" for the medical pro fession at the close of the high schools at the coming Spring Term and all should succeed as rapidly as permitted in the course it would be about 10 years before they would be available to supply the needs. What then will hap ren in t>»e meantime? Up to some 40 or fewer year;, ago, a farmer's son, full of pen, natural talent and energy, having a desire to do something and amount to something, at the term ination ot his schooling of some academy or high school, wou : d decide to study for the medic::! profession, and off to a medical college he would go and in about three years, and at reasonable cost, he would return to his home or nearby village and be-in hi career serving the surroundin., ' community as a country doctor. ; winning the respect and .ipprccia- ] tion of the whole surrounding i section and, incidentally, a goo>l income for self and family. Say what you may in criticism as to their preparations; they ( have kept read-up and abreast of £ the times and new features and discoveries and today they are doing the practice for possibly th? majority of the citizenship of North Carolina, and but for them it would not be done at all. Un der present standard required, , a when a young man comes to con sider the medical profession and jontemplat • the lonr difficult road ° ■md expense— 10 years and from $15,000 to $25,000 in ca-h it is '' little wonder that he decides to l>ut that time and money, if li • las it. into some effort. A'hnt will those who have closed he door to this type of am!i- ■' ious young m n of limited nn-atu - \> to remedy this situation" I' ' - in order for tfcepi to reduce th '' •>hSni»i\i r '.'dromon's or 11: pub ? ic will si uVr f r their • po ' icy. (Continued on page >S) v« Danbury, N. C., Thur.* day, Feb. 8, 1945 * * * d DECLARING Dt TH ON' RATS A—n Mrs. Clara Ralston .. (By the County Agent) , Named to Head 194 ) , „ Victory Gaidens This is a picture of persons : mixing the rat bait put out by Mrs . Clara Ra!ston . PtokcP Stokes County citizens last spring, county's popular r.nd able Home Approximately (300 people Used Demonstration agent, has be-, n ( the bait and got good results. One narn d to head the 1945 Victory , farmer county 50 rats killed on ar(^rn 'bo requev. i.- of the N. C. State Director (>.' i his p»ace. . _ . Civilian Defense R. L. McMillan 1 L. C. Whitehead, Rodent Con From time to time Mrs. Ralston • trol, Raleigh, says that he can be ... . , ... , .. will inform the public as to the with us later this spring. At progress of her work for Victory this time we will cover the coun- Gardens. ty and would like for each fam ily to take part in the control program. Unless we work togeth er our aim cannot be accomplish eu. We are asking you to talk to people in your community and let us know if you want the pro giam. The cost will be about tin same as last year. VAOE MECTM NEWS Vade Meeum.— Ralph Frye of the t SMC, spent the week end at horpe here. Pvt. Ellis Jones, U. S. Armv, spent the v:cik-"nd with hor foil-.5 here. Air. p.d Mrs. Sandy Valen a:, i Mis. V.Td M'lrpjy v'fitej V». Wc'jTff in a Mt. Airy hosnit >.• last W dncsJay and :Uso Mr. an ! Mrs. E.l Jones and family -v. White Plains. M:ss Caroline Shelton spent Saturday night with Miss Edith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Venable Shelton. spent Sundr."7" ft Lawsonville with Mr. and Mrs. ILemly Lawson. Elder J. W. Brown was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Vaden Sr.furcTay. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Vaden visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Luther Shelton and fnmity Thursday night. Miss Burnice Smith spent Mon day nignt with Miss Alice Frye. 1 I. v>. MOORKFIEI.D RKCDVf RS LOST PI'RSE ' COXT \l\P\(« T . V'. M• i rflcl 1 of M f"vn ! the wallet recently lo. i- t > " 1 .'p '■ ' " (-,' ■•>■ t , r .• own. i . '.-anv 1 vV> was. •i 11. '!)) ■" >•'.• ;i: ( ,i r■' :l > ' Hl'i • I s..;:ie ?()\ 0 ; c . •• • > i *:r' ! i-? ri mcp-.' ••r o: t' • ' ••d rationing board. He recci ,v ' !20 reward. / i Herbert Young Dead Herbert E. Young, aged 35. died in Winston. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Lena 1 Smith; ey» daughter, Betty Juv ■ Young: his parents, Mr. ar.d Mr- Earl C. Young of Walnut Cove: one brother, McCarver Young ! Charlotte: three sisters, Mr°. J-.p.ics Oakley of Wa!rr.:t Co-:- ; Mrs. Marvin Llewellyn of Char . !o;te an'! Mrs. Clifton Fotd o' Winston-Salem. PERSON. 1 Miss Marie S'.uva;i we k wi!ii hi..":e it.'.! - in I. »•. ville. Route 1. She is the daugh ter "f Mr. and Mr.-.. Will S'«,. and holds a position with t'v Na tional Carbon Co., Winston-Salep'.. 1 I Miss Luna Taylor, who is teach ing at Asheboro. spent the week- | end at her home here. , »*» » ♦ 1 Chas. Arrington and Elmer E. Shelton of Francisco were here ] this weeft. ( One Died Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willi, Joyce >'f Meadows, twins. On" died this week. I ******* i# .♦ f ouk riovs ♦, c. i. '..'m. ii. J :• ■ a , «. •! •' - •• !':;•> I . v . r. h 1 1 • •• * K*' ' Fic' '. y. 7- i !!. \'. v.. nov/ at P ■ • *: ■ Ha. in prELI.-117.1D THURSDAYS SGT. JACK SIMMONS DIES IN ACTION SOX OK MR. AND MRS. S. I). SIMMONS, WESTFIELD 2f STOKES BOYS NOW DEAD l.\ WAR , Mi. ar.d Mrs. S. D. Simmons oi V»ld. Route 1, were notified by the War Department Fcbruar. sth that tneir son, Sgt. Jack Sim mons was killed in action Januan 20. No other details are available Twenty-six Stokes county boyr have lost their lives in the war to date, in the order as follows: I.kut. David R. Mitchell, Kir* e killed in action in china. :i J jhn W. Collins, Francisco . killed in action in Florida. Li' ut. Jack Hutchers-jn. Walnut Co-p, ki'le I in jilanc crash while , training in Florida. Pvt. Loyd Morefield, King, kill • ed in action at Bougainville. Cpl. Robert Hall, Meadows, kill ed in acticn in South Pacific. Petty Officer Jimmy Wallace Jriffin, Sandy Ridge, kiiled in ac . tion in Italy. Cpl. Drewry Glenn Hooker, ot ! King, killed in action in Sicily. P:'c Everette J. Fulk, 1 mnacle killed in action in France, July 17 : 1944. Lieut. Thos. A. Egglcston. D:1 ' rard, killed in action !n Italy, Jul. 3, 1044. Sgt. Thomas H. Shclor, Frv.r. Cisco, killed in action in Franc. Juno 20, 1944. Sgt. Richard T. P 'I, Jr., W.s' f-!•!. hilled in Fran-.'o, J Iv I. 1914. S-t. o. \v. Sla.v.-ter, Kinv. kil' •" " :» '-"1 !'I .P.C\ At: ivt L • : -nojjs, Franci«ei., k.l > i in •'" i -:i in France, S 1 (>.' 1 Pvt. Cilnit r W. White. Route 2 V.alnat Cove, killed in action ir, France September 22, 1944. Pfc. Howard D. Tuttle, Oerman ' ten, died on July 21, 1944, >; wounds received whMe in action in Prance. Pvt. Jadie C. Hodge, of Sandv Ridge, killed in action in Holland on Sept. 21, 1941. Hubert Merritt of King, killed in action. Pvt. Ruck Horton of King, kill ed in action in Belgium. P.'c. Millard E. Mabc of San ! , Ridge, killed in action in dum, 0.-t. 27. 1944. Pvt. Clayt Cardwell of We.-- fi' H. Vl-d in action in Oerpian-- '•''•i- Lawson. of Lawsonvip. ' ! i action in European t'. O-i:' « Malcolm V,!l. • '" !f e 1, killed in . ■ ' ■ C t. 29. 1011. •' ••• Marvin O. Lackey, La-* - ' ■i" i i • . , i • wounds rvv'v cf Oennnny, Do .•!.•! c r 1 ) f • ' '• "ith, German'on, ' :i 1;on in European area in P.. ' Number tf,7«SS Paris M. Pepper Commended For Outstanding Service 1 Paris M. Pepper, son of Mi. and ■ Mrs. X. K. Pepper has received commendation from his command ing officer for outstanding si rvic; i and meritorious conduct in the i navy. Paris is a seaman first class on ■ the aircraft carrier Cabot, and has seen service for 16 months in Pacific waters with Task Force 5S of the Third Fleet. 1 The commendation received by Seaman Pepper was as follows: "1. You are hereby commended for service as set forth in the fol lowing : "For outstanding service and meritorious conduct as a member I ol the crew of I'. S. S. Cabot oil 25 November, 1944, off the west coast of the Philippines while this vessel! was under attack by Japanese aircraft. During and after a heavy aerial assault he displayed unusual ability, skill, and untiring devotion to duty which contributed to the defense of the ship, quick repair of dam age. and aid to the wounded, thai assisting in restoring the ship ts a state of highest possible effici ency. His loyalty and devotion to duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Xavnl service. "2. A copy of this «omnienda tion will be filed with your service record and a suitable notation made therein." Sgrt. Alger Martin Is Prisoner of War Sgt. Algol M; ilia, son . f Mr. and Mrs. John R. M-irtin, West field, has been reiM.rted ■> prisoner of war of' the Hernial.'-. He en tered tfie army in 1942 ..mi was trained in Tex: s. He went over seas in September. 194-1 and was reported missing in action Oct. 31, 1944. - . Xo news was heard from Sgt. Martin until he broadcast a mes sage to his parents over the P. O. W. Propaganda Program from Germany, shortwave. Jan. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Martin received 42 cards and letters from listeners in the I nited States who heard the news and conveyed it to the parents. «* Ex-Sheriff Dunlap Critically 111 Kx-Sheriff J. Frank Dunlap is S'.riously ij| at his home m Wal- Cr.v. Ho W as stricken Fri- Of * »\ IP •?. • •' •• T ••• di- ! *' •• V; r\' i\ t . j (j , •••• -y. T\ ?! (; in, Fraueirco. li'l) Jj u ar'.on in France. : ,i. Jack Simmons, \Vt"-:field, K "c " in potion of).

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