Letter From I. M. G ardor. (Continued from page 1) i it i* all well and good for those !, lew who wish and are able to take Xhk loner and •■\pir.siw road, t have that privilege, i >r tney can specialize. and we need spc-i I'ists fir all lints of nie.ixal treatmert-: But tor ot hers who cannot affo i it. much if not all of the litirarv college n juirer ■ nts eoul i bo eiiminat'ii. .:::> wiy iown to a year or : w wit.: i nly one v-.. • r interne w.--k --red. and in '.ivs way th- i'Oi if i|' ortur.i'y : » pre-oare v.! . rve «>1 ihe ed to t standing v ■ :r..' mti Who desi-e to • notice This ;'••• rev -t i star da: i oot fi ' thinking • -• WJl> f. ! .• .r >'!•.,'■ 1 : • to dos>- >• anish. Fr nch .;r n Ormar ' > !••«* patient? Lend- rs f the :ght urge an t i mi" ii «J» " » 1 1 '"Mi PAIMFTTO THfiTPF WW I.NTT COM:. c Tti*»ii:i>. Feb. !:4t!i "MI.FNT i'UJTM K" !.o\d—Wra, H nry H t si. ,m.l Thur.. F«*K 1' 11 "TKRFF F.ITTI.F >l*Tl ' Man Fee KuJh T-r'v Friday A -at. Feb. !H-!T WAGFCO \OI TO MvI\TTI:FV \ !ba Ein" L «- * •'» *r «tt. vK.ir •nyy Bom too m*n\ The Great Pasteur Never Saw Chile's Nitrate Desert, But... tNi bacterial research, which gave hi* nam. to th. pasteurisation proem, of Chilean Nitrate't origin. Vast beds of Natural Nitrate in Chile's desert region are nat ural deposits enough to last hundreds of years—of one of the oldest and best known fes»ihzer ' materials. Mystery of their ori gin long has challenged science. Many theories have developed. Some sny prehistoric plants were "nitrified" by bacteria in the soil. That's what Pasteur's work suggested. Others say they are decayed vegetation. There is a belief th-> r.itrate bedsore droppings of bilht ns of birds. Another, that electricity formed them through centuries of violent ft rrr.s. Sunie think the beds ere rotted r >ek>: think they are a c:-vt pi. .e l up from uncJernEat'". Perhaps the right i':.- ■ r.v 1 to ' Y !a n> ' K!i -• • • -~ c v 3 »'«" ] s/%c ' . SES ; 'ii ImiUM di. oi. i Jilt b:s'., »0I »* j ywt''jfe fit & _ itotgqe and huniii.ng. | V 7 v •"* ~e- ~ c ' HIE DWBURY REPORTER, DAKBI'St. S. C FEBRT'ARY 8, 1945. | wisely so, that rural citizens re main «>n the farms out in the wiie open spaces, rather than i concentrate in the cities, but this medical condition is at all ror.Kicive to th..* ..'~a for a vw\ }em-nt. of >-i citiz-msiup to tii.itu - .'. lacin* :\i* to tJenijj i-o --iated in tins manner. The rural sections have the radi > th * tele* pone, and many the electric cui rent. Now i\ them th" co :»tr> doctor .i" i they will have no i,oi> ' reason : a'.andon the fines and crowd m' • th ■ cities. The jr*s nt shortage of j>hv simians .- • the hospitals •*» : •.ill that - ' , t>n impossible to g- i w- • : r. emergency case. H s; i t great Messing and cer* their plan fi. cases that cannot be adequately har.dl-.d • hon.t s. But th. y . r.r.ot . .*i y do the general practice . d l.ii'e the count r\ I* > '■ . nvenient an i • > •x; • nsive for th.' . • r.-: . a • » iinary ailment * -t 1 - 1 ' e t?••at• i m s. \V .... ; ■■ ..... ,i ~...r \v'' • • •■ •••". s with lis • ■ « : r the si : : • r. "sunshine' i-.i -.:••••.• •! r membe. T * • „ tjjjj, nr tii],» In rn « - T : -• attention on "'•r ::t 1 * 1 insider worthy ■ r. • v those in posi .cs~iettfu]ly yours, I. M. ("IORDON. V r: .in. \ C. Feb. I'ai.-i bines parts of all of them. Who knows? But there is one point on which all agree: Chilean Nitrate of Soda was created by tremendout natural procetses. It it com pletely natural . . . the only natural nitrate in the world. Because of its natural origin, Chilean Nitrate of Soda con ta.ns, in addition to nitrcgen and sodium, smr.ll amounts of b-iron, iodine, manganese, cop per. 34 elements in all-many of which are essential to healthy plant growth. Yes. a hundred years of re seart h rnd experience agree ( n t!.e impeirtnnce of Chilean N.s natural qualities :.r.:l t!v re ;:r ' .r.ding perfornnnce in continued profitable fnrn.it 5. TRUSTEES SALE ' By virtue of power conferred ' upon the undersigned Trustee 1■: a Dei d ' i Trust executed Mar. a 1. 1944 by Troy M. Nunn and \vi; Ida Bell Nunn to the undersign. a Trustee, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Stokes Count l . . North Carolina, in Book Xo, 1« i Page 23\ default having been , made in the payment of the i : debtedness secured thereby, a::-. at tin request of the holder t!i note secured, 1 will offer >i sale and sell to the highest bi• i dcr for cash AT Tlfr: HOME PLACE OF L. L. LOWE OX STATE HIGHWAY T.EAI >ING FUOM WESTFIELD, X. C. TO DAN BURY. X. C. WHICH HOME PLACE IS ABOUT A QUAR TER OF A MILE EAST OF WESTFIELD, X, C. ON MARCH \ 1945, AT 1:0n O'CLOCK P. M. the ;■ ...owing described lauds an premises. to-wit: Tnrei certain traits of lar.i. ivi::g and .n Stokes Coun ty, St.ne ! North Carolina, AD JOINING the lands >t F. S. Nun:. J. R. Pell, Randolph Jessup, Tr.. M. Nunn and others, BEGINNIN'I at Randolph Jessup's corner :n Troy Nunn line and runs easterly course with said Jessup line t the creek at a stake; thence witii the creek as it meanders a north westerly direction to a stak.- where the said creek enters the F. S. Nunn line at a stak. . thence with his line west to F. S. Nunn corner; then northerly di rection tu Cain's corner in F. S. Nunn line; thence with said Clan ' Ann Cain to Troy Nunn corner : the Cain line thence with said Troy N'..nn line to the beginning, ' containing eleven ll> acres iv.ore or l ss. See Stoks Co. Rec ord o> Deeds Rook 95. Adjoining the lands ot I W. ' P 11. A. .1. Hall and oth. is. BE GINNING on a Spanish ok in the old P. 11 line, inns west 1 , .5o >'h .ins ; i Mack g :ni; : ice "oil!h s .''! civ, ns to a rock .j'.e and • . int. i-. th-nce east ' 5i ' 'hin ■ v i'!i A. .!. H. H| •, , , ' I "*k ir: ! :• .in -rs; thence i. Ml so.; chains to the beginning. or tnir.in.T one hundred and • gl.i ' and thirty-nine one hundre IR-s i IrtS-'JP "*OO acres, more or ! For accurate description se-> ' Stokes County Records of D eds ' Rook 95. Page 63. 1 Adjoining the lands of Charlie 1 Gibson and T. E. Smith, BEGIN NING at a rock in Mfred Cook's line; runs east on his line 13 chains and 12 links to pointers, his corner; thence south lalang on Gibson's line 121 chains to a stak' 1 in hollow, Irs coriter, thence west on his line l.'i chains and 12 links to a rock near a .r- ' ner; north en a new line L'l el; to the beginning, containing '» > and 1 ..' acres, more . > K. {?,-> > Du d Book To rag t',7. S' k> ' C ' n'y Records of D • Is. T' - r h. jo;.-, FR v f> FOf.',':r T-r-t. . ... __ I fnr\l!-I M:tv Mill- ! mile we-': i f {'omp'v Home. J. W. SCOTT. NOTICE TO NOX-REMDENT DEFEND ANTS I State of North Carolina, County of Stokes. Before The Clei k W. E. I'uckctt and wife Haiti Puckett. Susie Martin and hus band, J. J. Martin, Annie Overby and husband V. H. Overby, J. F. Puckett and \v i f e Susie Puckctt, L. A. Puckett and Delia Puckett, Nora Gunter an.! husband Tine Gunter. Petitioners Vs. Eva Cawley and husband Kver ett Cawley, Jettie Hankins and husband Oliver Hankins. Susie Mi Clung and husband Lesley Mi- Clung, Jim Aaron and wife Mar - . Aaron, Mat tie Huffman and hus band Johnnie Huffman. Homer Aann and wife Pauline Aaron. Annie I .re Hall and husband Arth ur IIe!l. Nellie Campbell and hus -1 n 1 Arthur Campbell. Ray Hart and wife Neomi Hart. Blanche H-rt. single, Lula Puckett, wido.v of W. A. Puckett. Noel Puckett, Sanders Puckett. Herman Purket: Paul Puckett. Ruth Puckett. De fendants. The defendants Eva Cawley an husband Everett Cawley, Jettie Hankins and husband Oliver Han kins. Susie McClung and husband Lesley McClung. Jim Aaron and wife Mary Aaron. Mattie Huffman and TTusoand Johnnie Huffman Homer Aaron anil wife Pauline i Aaron, Annie Lee Hall and hus band Arthur Hall, Nellie Camp bell and husband Arthur Camp bell. Lula Puckett, widow of W. ( A. Puckett, Herman Puckett. Paul Puckett, Ruth Puckett and Noel Puckett wi 1 I take notice that an ad ion cntit! "1 I as above has be >n commenced ia the Superior Court of Stoki s County. N. C., to sal ceitain lands situated in Stokes County, N. C., in which certain of the pet i- 1 tione s and the defendants Eva , Cawly, Jettie Hankins, Suss- McClung, Jim Aaron, Mattie 11 iff man. Homer Aaron. Annie I. Hall. Ni Hie Campbell. Hcrnvri ( Puckett. Pa ' I Packet'. Rati; Picket!. Noel Pn, '• tt an! , certain olliei defendants above : nnra.-d in 11:.• title o: t'.:s action own and are sei:v I of ,n undivi !• • 1 in!' !• st. L 1 : 1' i k ! t. vidovv, ( owns a d iv.'ry right in the inter- ] est that her childien own in sail land. The petitioners have instituted r an action against the defendants in the Superior Court of Stokes County for the sale of said lands for partition according to the ] will of R. P. Puckett, deceased, t and to have the dower right and interest of Lula Puckett, widow, in her children's share computed and paid to her. And that the above non-resident defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Stokes County at the Court House in the town of Dnn burv. N. C., on or before the 1.- div of March, 1915, and answ r or d"mi!! 'o the petition of t'- no t i t i olio rs. ,>r the • ti ♦loners will era !v to the cert for • : 'oil. V.W7T " r r r r : C f! Siti»rii-,r • 'V. H !' A''•• f.., ■Petitioners. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i As administrator of the estate of Jane Ki.by Grabs, deceased, notice is hereby given to all pei s."is holding claims against sa: estate to [ resent them to me, dul.. authenticated, for payment, on o, before Dec. 21, 1945, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons owing said estate will please make immediate payment to me. This Dec. 15. 1945. C. ROSS NEWSUM, King, N. C. Chas. R. Helsabeck, Attv. ADMIMSTR \TOR\S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra-' tor of the estate of Lazarus Sinn- Grabs, deceased, late of Stokes county. N. C.. this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore Dec. 21, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted ft said estate will please make im mediate payment. This Dec. 15. 1«)45. C. ROSS NEWSI'M. King, N. C. Chas. R. Helsabeck. Att>. ~-- - ■ ■ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE As Administrator of the est a a of Z. O. Johnson, deceased, notice is hereby given nil persons hold ing claims against said estate t« present them to me, duly authen ticated, for payment, on or befor }. Jan. 11, 1946 or this notice wi:i be pleaded in bar of recovery. A' persons owing said estate wi!' please make immediate payment to no. This Jan. 11. 1945. W. D. JOHNSON. Adn.r. Estate of Z. O. Johnson, dee'd. 101 W. 2Sth St., Winstor.-Sale-v X. C. (,„i NOTICE Tne undersigned having ~'f:i- * lii d as Adniinistiator oi the es tate ~1 R. E. Joyce, d.\ea.--i ! this is to notify ail p i- as he! in:: ■ 1 :i..;S against -ail tsUU ! Irsi nt theia, duly v« • i;i | ( u t! ( un !• isign d or his Attinu ys i v 01 before' the L'.atii da of Janaai-. J 19H», or this notice will be pha.i i'd in bar of recoveiy. All pi sons owing said estate will pitas l make ir.nuediate settlement. i- This the 25tli day of Jan., 1945. i] t. R. JOYCE, Admr. of I R. E. Joyce, dee'd. li Padgett & Badgett, c Attorneys for the ' AT FIRST OF A n Cold Preparations an directed •111-: nWM'RY REPORTER. '»\MH"RV, N. C. Enclosed you "ill find S f,, r * »t.POIJ, | to ill* following 'idilr l ' tf rem «lng old -tilis, i!pt*i:n NAMU: APL'RiiSS; CITY: W FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTEKTH. an improved rowaer to be aprinkl«*d on upper it Io»iT platea, holds false teeth more firmly in place. IHi not elide. plip or rock. No (tummy, cooey. paet.v tapte or feeling. FAS TEETH is alkaline (non-acid). Poce not nour Checks "plate odor" (denture breath) Get FASTEETII at any drun •tore. _ (vßi ) MO2S! VI / With Neutral Color Earphone ond Cord OSCAR w. SMITH Pilot M(n„ N. C. 7KT HAM INSURANCE a GUARANTEED SKIPPER* PREVENTATIVE IN CURED MEAT A»fc Tour Deslee •v Write N. J. BODDIE The HmlMurMct Me* p-iw, w. c. FAST RELIEF From Too Frequent Urination, Backache, Run-Down Feeling —due to irritation of the bladder caused by exceu acidity in the urine Famous doctor's discovery acts on the Sidneys and help* kemp you from getting up nights! Are vou Mill-ring unnrcrutry ducom fort and diilresi from backache, burning urir.r, frequent desire to past water r Cutting up often i.t night? These iynp ton» may be caused by bladder irritation due to nceM acid in the urine. Then try tb..t lamous doctor s discovery DR. KILMER S SWAMP ROOT. Famous for many years. Swamp Root le n carefully blended combination of herbs, 1 roots, balsam and other natural ingre dients. There's absolutely nothing harsh or habit-forming in this scientific prepara tion. Just good ingredients that oukkly uct on the kidneys to Increase the flow of urine and relieve bladder Irritation and its uncomfortable, distressing symptoms. You'll say its marvelous , effect is won derful ? Send for free, prepaid aample TODAY f Like thousands of others you'll be glad that you did. Send name and address to Department F, Kilmer 4k Co., Inc. Bon 1265. Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send *t onre. All druggists sell Swamp Root. SLATK'S TOBACCO SKKD sold exclusively in Winston-Salem by COVS SKKD STORK. Tradtt at tith Streets, Phone 724' J. Brokers in buying, selling, ft ■lancing, or refinancing FARM IKOPIKI V. Ilrop me a card or letter it I can lie ol' service to you.—DKNNV RKAI.TY CO. Address: lioom 4'i."». Wach.mu E«..nU !% IV. Co. Bld'g.. Winston- SaSe'ii .'l, N. t'. Iljaulw MlCi—Have yen mi*a isiiiglass> o'l \i.u.' lan's lor i.'»'\elo;»!jient .* \\r!t ii:t;rgi' M. IS'iivnutn, Co. v ::;r ri i cn.lc.'.i S.:muN, Kilt. Park, ( . M Ol want to get married, write Box X. Juliaetta. Idaho. Send stamp. (adv) VDMIMsii: *.T.;|JN N'OTICK As Au.'.iiaiylrator of the estate i J \V. C. Moor.*, uereascd, notice is hei'by given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated for payment, on or before Jan. 24, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This Jan. 24th, I>4s. I'd ) W. H. MOORE and G. U. MOORE, Admrs. o! f-strtt? \V. C. Moore, dee'd. whirl) ple-.sp m 's.i j?m\:n i;> * se hi-r#» { ). STATE

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