THE DANBURY REPORTER jLßtablished L v 72. Volume 72 Danbury, N. C.. Thin-day, Feb. 15, 1945 *** PUBLISHED TH - sr ?r 0,789 =: Editorial Comments "Clean l T p Or Close Up'' Beer is on the way out in Danbury. Cause: Too much carousal, too much blatancy, too much midnight brawl, too much public nuisance. One night last week a bunch who wouldn't home after the closing- hour, got into a rippet in the streets of Dan bury. It was a 2'color affair, very loud, very disgraceful. It was a knock-down and drag-out stunt. Besides much pro fanity and vulgarity, beer bottles and possibly other weapons were in the ai'\ The officers came and put all they could find in jail. When it gets this bad the ladies and the gentlemen and the churches say too: ' Clean Up Or Close Up." If the proprietor of the joint continues to sell the inebriate after he is well satu rated. it is to make still more profit out of him, or to keen the guzzler from fight ing him—we don't know which. Beer is a harmless drink with some. A good manv pponl«—men and women citizens of p"ipt disivsition and neaceful tendencies. h'ke n boftle row and the". It mildlv stimulates. i* refreshing, palat able and annetizing. But t u ere P'** rthe»s vM take it haV wire. One bottle makes Mm inordinate l " looua°i v '° l 1-nVi lord P n d cus sv. a t % i"d When beer was first legalized in the State, the brewers themselves banded into an association to control it. The" knew tv>e burden would be upon them t control it—or else. So the U. S. Brewers Foundation es tablished a North Carolina committee with the slogan "Clean Up Or Close Up" directed at the joints who allowed the traffic to get people into trouble or to distu?*b the neighbors. And so this committee takes upon it self to see that there is law and order, otherwise they will undertake that the unruly places are weeded out. Many more than a thousand beer joints have consequently been padlocked in the State because of a too free flowing of the fizz. One Danbury dealer has announced: No more retailing- till license runs out, then no more license. In Danbury a large truckload consign ed to a dealer is lapped up by the guzz lers a quickly as a hot sandy bottom ab sorl s a summer shower. It is a strange paradox that the guzz lers should deprive themselves of their beverage. I'm they do everywhere. HecMu e they can't control themselves the;/ a*, e control'cd. When the beer truck arrives the crow 1 who absorbs the liquid, also arrives. Ret. ibution Hovering Not since Pearl Harbor has the war news been kali so favorable. The Huns are caught between gigan tic forces on the eastern and western fronts of Germany, and cannot escape the destruction which is their certain portion. The Allied air fleets are tear ing the German cities to shreds. In the Pacific the oth Fleet of American sea power—greatest in the world —is at tacking the Jap home shores with ter ribly devastating effect. The Philippines are conquered. All the time our air forces, supreme in the skies, are wreak* in a: death and chaos on anything that looks like Jap. That terrible retribution which comes to evil men and powers, is hoveling over Germany and Japan soon to alight. Head of the Table In the meeting of the Big Three or. the coast of the Black Sea, it is interesting and flattering that President Roosevelt was made chairman. And so we may feel assured that the principles of the Atlantic Charter, which means freedom and democracy to i';e suffering peoples of so many downtrod den people everywhere, will maintain. The Hospital Coming? The news that we are to have a hospi tal near the center of Stokes is very gratifying to all who realize what a se rious situation confronts the sick and afflicted. The news is that the hospital will be lo cated at Meacipws, contain fiO beds and c'st $125,000. Let us all hope that our expectations may not be disappointed. Many of them should be at work or run in for vagrancy. But there is no work till the last gulp is gulped. "Professionals" whose coin soon gives out, stay around to buttonhole innocent fresh arrivals who invite them up. "Won't you have a bottle?" "No, much oblige—well, I don't care, I'll drink one with you." That's the technique of the dead beat who stays on the job from sun-up till the joint closes. Late at night he stag gers home thoroughly soggy, but is back again when the joint resumes its distri bution next morning. The beer ioints of Winston-Salem ha" discovered a way to handle these depre dators on their decent customers. They get behind the fellow, with hands on his shoulders and give him a rush to the sidewalk, inflicting a strenuous kick in the pants at the last. Senator Bailey and Mr. Wallace It was not at all surprising that Bailey should take the lead in the fight on Wal lace. The eastern North Carolina Senator is one of the ablest and most brilliant members of the upper chamber. He is also one of the most discordant and jaundiced. He is one of these fellows who take pride in always being agin everything. He belongs to that groiuhy clique of milder Haters whose head and front is the parsimonious Byrd of Virginia. This galaxv is not so sinister as Nye. not so mean and arrogant as Wheeler, and not ?o prejudiced as Taft. Their pet theme is one which antag onizes most things other people want, especially the man on whose coattails they have ridden and risen so lordly. One of the latest Bailey gestures was that gratuitous move by which he block ed the better pay bill aimed to help the overworked and underpaid postmasters and postal employes. Another of Bailey's latest gestures wa not a move to stall the increase suggest ed for the salaries of United States Sen ators and congressmen to $20,000 a year. Wallace lost a big block of esteem among his frier.ds when he agreed to take the Commerce position stripped of its lending power. The public is quick to lose interest in one who will not fight for his own rights and does not resent injustice to himself. The ex-Vice President is much an abler man than Jesse Jones whose con temptible contrariness and niggai owiks.- lost the country billions of dollars be cause he was opposed to liberal help for the small business man. Jones' withholding of funds from syn thetic rubber manufacturing: was not only a direct retardation of the war ef fort, but it has worked vast unnecessary hardship on automobile and truck own ers in the nation. One of the President's most acts was to kick out this arrogant and conceited Texan, who was largely re sponsible for the late anti-Roosevelt movement in that State. locking For You I 1 is has not Veen the c Me-t winter you ever saw, but since last fall it has been continuously mean e \I. sioet\, 1 ainv, cloudy ar.d ehii'h. What a pleasure to on its la't legs Onl ,* \v s•. •• » / Fob r:ar y. Maivh c •:> u ;-t d sp-ing. Everybody \v>ll 1 e ! >• king t r the ad vent of pleasarter weather soon. The frogs have sr.ivr in the meadow, bees