ANoTHLR STOKES W'AK CASUAL FY John I). Newman Killed In Action In Europe—This Death Mari.i Our Twenty-Seventh Fatality. The death in action of T5 John D. Newman, which has been re ported by the War Department, marks the 27th Stokes war casual ty. He had previously been re ported missing in action. He was a son of J. D. and Ruth Newman, Madison, Rt. 1, Stokes county. Young Newman trained at Camp Crowder, Mo., and Camp Ellis, 111. Went overseas in Sep tember, 1943. He attended Pin? Hall high school. Casualty list now stands: I.ieut. Dnvid R. Mitchell, King killed in action in china. Sgt. John W. Collins, Trnncisco killed in action in Florida. Lieut. Jack Hutcherson, Walnut Cove, killed iu plane crash while training in Florida. Pvt. Loyd Morefleld, King, kill cd in action at Bougainville. Cpl. Robert Hall, Meadows, kill cd in action in South Pacific. Petty C ffk-er Jimmy Wallace Jriffin, Sandy Ridge, killed in ac tion in Italy. Cpl. Drewry Glenn Hooker, of King, killed in action in Sicily. Pt'c Everett? J. Fulk, Pinnacle, killed in action in France, July 11 1944. Lieut. Thos. A. Eggleston. Pil fard, killed in action in Italy, July 15. 1944. Sgt. Thor.'.as H. Shelor, Fran cisco, killed 'n action in Franco. • June 20, 1944. Sgt. Richard T. Pell, Jr.. West field, killed in France, July 11. 1944. Sgt. O. W. Slawter, King, killed in action in France, August 21. 1944. Philip Simmons, Francisco, kill ed in action in France, Sept, 1914. Pvt. Gilmer W. White. Route 2 Walnut Cove, killed in action in France September 22, 1944. Pfc. Howard D. Tuttle, German ten, died on July 21, 1944, >! v.o-.ukls rcctive.l while in action in France. Pvt. .!» lie C. Hodge, of Sandy Ridg \ !,.! i in action ii. HollanJ on S ;;t. -1, 194!. Hubert Mil: i:t of King, killed iu a. tion. Pvt. Buck Horton of King, kill od in action in Belgium. Pfc. Millard E. Mabc of Sandy Ridge, killed in action in Bel gium, Oct. 27, 1944. Pvt. Clayt Cardwell of Wes field, killed in action in Germany. Clyde Lawson, of Lawsonvilio killed in action in European the ater. Pvt. Charles Malcolm Wall, r Madison, Route 1, killed in action ' in Italy Oct. 29, 1944. Sgt. Marvin O. Lackey, La*vson ville, died of wounds receive! in the battle of Germany, December, 1944. R. C. Booth. k :,v ' action in European area in I.»e comber. 1944. H"'*" Strith. dif"' r>' rereived in action in C*"~"»—>v. Dulles Grin. Francise#, killed h. act'on in France. C.« WW c—, '' Rabbit, Quail Hunting Seasons Closed Feb. 10; Fishing licenses On Sale Stokes Game Protector Geo. A Barr announced that the huntin; season on rabbit and quail closed Feb. 10. All other seasons are closed except on fox with dog: i only. Attention is also called to the laws prohibiting Sunday hunt ing, or hunting turkey or deer in Stokes county at any time. N. C. fishing licenses for 194" are on sale at Booth's Cafe, Dan t bury; Sisk's Hdwe., King; and Tuttle's Hdwe., Walnut Cove. Stokes "county residents do no', have to have licenses to fish i StoSes county, but, Barr said, r was almost impossible to get Da i River or the Hanging Rock Lake stocked with fish until the coun ty passes a county fishing law. The Game Protector said as it is we can fish without lisense hi Stokes, but have no fish. Barr expressed his opinion of a county law to buy a SI.IO license an.! catch fish. He said Stokes resi dents pay Virginia about sfoo a year to fish in New River. The County can pass a law and tV Department of Conservation will stock Dan River so residents can fish at home. However, lie con cluded, the Department world probably want to be assured thn* some protection would be necessary against fire near th river, as forest fires kill more fis'i than fisherman catch. LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Petrcc have moved into the house recently vn- , cated by the A. J. Ellingtons. «•« * » Mrs. Dr. R. H. Moorefield has , returned from an extended visi i with relatives in Baltimore, Md. ** * * Mrs. Jerry Yonetz and son, Jer ■ ry, of Walnut Cove, have beei. ] guests at the home of Mr. ant i Mrs. Wm. McCanless, while Mrs. McCanless accompanied her moth er and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Voss, to Durham for a few day;- , * * t Pvt. James Footh left the fir. ' i f the week for Fort Meade, M l ; ai'ier spending a furlough :it hi:-- home here. lie was accompanii as far as Baltimore by Mi". Booth. Mary Booth, Elmer Camp bell and Mrs. P. M. Stephens. *• * ■» » . Mrs. N. E. Wall is visiting M-. Wall and the W. E. Joyces in Morehead City. «•• • • Pvt. Junior Flinchum recently spent a funougTT with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Flinchum. He left Sunday for the Went Coast. *■ » » * Miss Grace Taylor arrived in Winston-Salem by plane today from Tallahassee, Fla. for a visi' with her mother. Mrs. J. S. Tay-| lor. Miss Taylor is Red Cross' Director for that city. i Route 1, killed in action Jen. 20 1945. T 5 John D. Newman. Madhon | Rt. 1. Stores Courtv. killed in rc j tion in the European area Aprt' 25, 1944. THE DANBURY REPORTER. • ANBURY. NOU7H CAROLINA. FEBRUARY 15, 1913, ROSS* STORE NEWS ' Ross' Store.—Mrs. Velna Bishop has received word from her hus band, of his advancement from private first class to corporal. Miss Carlie Johnson has been called home due to the illness ot' her father. Mr. and Mrs. Gray Slate and children, Peggy and Tony, vi3itev here over the week-end. Mis. Slate visited her father, S. L. Johnson and little Joe Johnsor who has been quite ill for some time in Germanton. Avery Slate is removing hi sawmill to the mountain near the State Park as soon as the weather permits. P.. W. Slate made a business trip to Germanton Wednesday. Mrs. Evelyn Ross and Mr. anc' Mrs. Raymond Tuttle visited Mr and Mrs. Spencer Fowler Satur day night. I>lr. and Mrs. Avery Slate and children were at King Saturday night. Mrs. I. G. R033 spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Jim Greene. A lon,T The Home l)em c n strut ion * Vay £>y Clara Itaiston My schedule for the week end ing Feb. 24th is as follows: Feb. 19th—Food Panel at 2:00. Feb. 20th —King 4-H at 9:150; Pinnacle 4-H at l:oil; Pine Hal! Grange at S :()■'). Feb. 21st Germanton 4-H 9::;o; Min. View HDC in Club room at 7:30, leader giving dem onstration, Myrtle Wolff. Feb. 220 ! Collinstown HDC a. G. D. Mitchell's at 2:00, leader giving demonstration, Mrs. W. H Overby. Feb. 23rd —Home visits. Feb. 24th—Leak Memorial HDv at Mrs. Fred Marshall's at 2:00 Leader giving demonstration, Mrs. Othoe Shelton. ALL CORRESPONDENTS ARM ASKED TO MAIL THf.IIR LET TERS NOT LATER THAN M r )X DAY AFTERNOON CF NX XT WEEK. TIIIII IP,MITER WILL 1 I'ELIJui ON WEDNESDAY. Rural Bond Sales Effective Slep In s Postwar Planning WASHINGTON, D. C—Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard today called on American farmers to invest all "extra" dollars in War Bonds during the Sixth War Loan beginning Novem ber 20 as an "effective step in postwar planning" for rural America. Directing his appeal "To the Farm People of America," Secretary Wick ard said, "the farm people of this country have an outstanding war rec ord. "It still takes a lot of money to finance the war, even though we are winning. The single task of supplying the Pacific theater is a tremendous undertaking. Add to that the equip ment which was needed on the inva sion coast of France, the supplies that are required now to knock down the walls of HiUer's Germany, and the total is staggering. So our job here at home is by no means over, just as the war on the fighting front isn't ov.r Our homefront responsibility is two fold: One is to stick to our job s.nd do it well until total victory is i. uie other is to buy War Bonds. • "The farm people of this coin "rv have an outstanding war record. 1 -i".- have achieved a production miracle :.•> i the face of wartime difficulties. Their bond-buying record is good, too, as in dicated by the fact that farmers and their families purchased more than one and a quarter billion dollars' worth of bonds in 1943. This figures out at about 10 per cent of their net income. "This Sixth War Loan campaign is the biggest yet for agriculture, but never before has agriculture had so many dollars that could be put into War Bonds. The record production of farmers, coupled with favorable com modity pries, has pushed their income up to an all-Ume high level. The in vestment of those extra, inflationary dollars in War Bonds would be the most effective step in postwar planning Rural America c.'uld take. "Stake your share in the future— ■hare your stake in the war." AM _ STOWN NEWS A most own.—Pfc. Calvin Hodge has notified his friends that he is now overseas. Miss Gladys Williams spent Sunday night with Miss Mark Mabe. Charlie E«dcher visited Miss Nannie Lee Richardson Saturday. Billy Ends visited Miss Naomi Richardson Saturday and Sun day. Carlyle Amos and Miss Per r! Wi'.Uiams were married Saturday. Leonard Spencer, Or ville Main and Cleo Ferguson spent Sat.;:' day with Mrs. T. H. Fergu son. Wayne Mabe visited Miss Ail v. Bowman Saturday night. Lee Amos visited Miss France;? Brov.n Saturday night and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pink Plaster and Mrs. James Richard son whose little daughter is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Troy E"own visit ed Mr. an i Mrs. King Plaster Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Amos nr.': daughter. Rachel visited Mr. and Mrs. Lelah Mabe Sunday night. A large crowd attended services at the Presbyterian Church Sun day ni'.rht. Rev. and Mrs. Kin showed pictures of their mission ary work in Africa. They will re- : turn to Africa soon. Misses Estelle Ferguson and Ai'ene Bowman spent Thursday 1 night with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 1 Joyce. FSA Makes Good Record In County Last Year A very good record was made during the past year by Stoke county's 130 active standard Farre Security Administration .families, reports Miss Lucy H. Booe. As sociate Supervisor, with a total o* j 688 in the group of active farm j ers, canning a variety of veg etables, fruits and meats, an av erage of 84 quarts per person. Two thousand, forty bush' Is d Irish and sweet potatoes, onion.- end turni; s; 100 bushels of d' ie' vegetables and frviis. n-ni- !y s-> • Leans, li—:' b :>»••;. field : • I les an 1 | ;:e' . s ,v re s . 1 Ivvh o| the 1"( i families i:r" , one or more green vegetables i-. their winter garden. In ai.Tiition. lOu.tisj pounds «i * pork, chieTu'n and beef were pro , duced for home consumption. WESTFIELD NEWS ; Westfield.- Mr. and Mr 3 John nie King visited Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Pyrlle Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Dee Sam 3 visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King Sunday, j Misses Stacy King and Ether- line and Virginia Marshall spent the week-end with Miss Gracy Marshall. i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pvrtle visit- , ed Mr. and Mrs. Hardin East Sun day morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boles and i family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pyrtle Saturday nig?!t. Mr. and Mrs. Eassie Jones visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Hardie East Thursday night. Garfield King the week •"l with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pyr tle. i Panel Members Named To Serve Local Rationing Board The new panel members which are to augment the over-burdened panel staif of t'.c Local Rationing Board, are as follows: TIRE PANEL: Rev. W. B. Royalls, chm., E. Vance Pepper, E. S, Stokes, rious ton P . Loftis, Tom D. Preston. Richard Vernon, Elmer Shelton. GASOLINE PANEL E. C. Slate, chm.; Mrs. R. H. Todd, Carl (5. Ray, Bristol Dellht fvv, Miss Laura Ellington, Mrs. John A. Dudson, Miss Marjor. Pepper, Carl Ray Fiinchum, Mis? Christine Anderson. FL'EL, OIL PANEL R. L. Smith, chm.; A. C. Metz. Maxwell Alley, Mrs. Carl R. Fiin chum, Mrs. A. G. Sisk, Mrs. Ed M. Taylor, Mrs. \Y. C. McCanless. FOOTWEAR PANEL Mrs. R. R. King, chm.; Mrs. El mer Petree, Mrs. Frances Dellin gc-r, Mrs. Reginald Marshall. Mr.. N. rTijT Wail, J. R. Leake. FOOD PANEL Mrs. Clara Raiston, chm.; Mrs. Tom Preston. Mrs. Silas Gibson, Mrs. H. P. Loftis. The RatlrtTtrig Uoard, announced recently, is composed of the fo lowing" iuiT.ilers: S. A. Fiinchum. chairman, J. W. MoorefielS and W. S. Hart. The Board announced that the list of distribi tion officers wh • will have applications of all kinds for the convenience of the people of life county, would be made public next week. The Board sug gests the people to see these offi cers for applications and assist ance in filling them out. A Board spokesman urged that in fillin s cut an application lor any rationed commodity the ap licant give as much information as possible as such information is important in determining the ap plicant's eligibility. I,awso?v ille School Nevs By the Lawsor.ville High Sell;*'" J; '.lV'i C!:'SS P.-. • '■ "s •v. . .M ; s'- ' ■; ' I 1..'. v.- iiin He St. • i IV'llli'i'li'iv. I I\.> ; : !:• S ! ( sf:.tinned at Camp Wheo'rr, !I • is ;'«.•• n f Mr. ; i ! Mrs. V L. Doss of I.avsonville. Mr. Moore holds a position at Rich mond, Va. Other visitors at school thi • week were Miss Wilma Pridc'v and Miss Margaret Shelton. They are graduates of 1944. Lawsonville basketball teams were in fine shape at their las' two practice periods and are in high hopse of winning their next game with Pinnacle. The boys haven't had much luc!' yet, but the girls have won 9 ou of 12 games. They really have a "scrappy" team. Most of the pupils who hav been out because of whoopin; couch have at last returned t school. PAINFUL INJURY While working at his plantVf* a hO* - " > pn the fOut 0? H G. Alley at Hartr"?n. DEATH OF J. FRANK DUNLAP EX-SHERIFF AND PROMINENT h CITIZEN PASSES AT HOME d IN WALNUT COVE g J. Frank Duniap, aged 67, ex- Sheriff and prominent citizen ot !. the county, died early Tuesday 1 morning at his home it. Walnut i. Cove. Funeral services were con ducted at the home Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Elder [. J. A. Fagg and Rev. C. E- Parker, - after which interment was in the Walnut Cove new cemetery. Mr. Duniap had been in declin ? ing health for several years. On Friday of last week he sustained a stroke of paralysis from which he steadily sank, never regaining . consciousness. 1 He was well known in Stokes i. and adjoining counties, enjoying a wide circle of acquaintance and popularity. He was born April 7, 1577, in Stokes county, a son of Taylor and Mary Reid Dunlaj,. ano had resided at Walnut Cove for the past 23 years and was well-known merchant there. From 1922 until 192S he served as Sher iff of the county. , On July 21, 1599, he was mar ried to Miss Kate Andrews, wh» survives. Other survivors in clude three sons, Henry and Nor man Duniap, both of Walnut Cove, and Corp. Carlton Duniap of Mi ami, Fla.; four daughters, Mi-s Edith Duniap. Mrs. D. B. Gentry and Mrs. J. H. Bray, all of Walnut Cove, and Mrs. E. M. Taylor, of Danbur.v; six grandchildren: one brother, W. T. D-.mlap, of Walnut Cove: one sister, Mrs. Carl Ray of Walnut Cove. Active pallbearers were L. T. Crews, Swanson Moore, Phil Dun fap, Manley Duniap, Herbert Rier son and Reid George. Honorary ( paTTbearers: H. H. Davis, John Taylor, Riley Turner, Paul Fulton, Jacob Fulton. Jesse James, Bill Fulton, E. L. Bailey, Nama O. Knight, Carlos Davis, Hanes Linville, Dr. C. J. Hels:ibvk, Joe Fowler, Joe Allen, J. R. Forrejt, Jr.. C. A. Hensanle. >' P. i " Westfie'd, Route . 1. v.v here nr. business Tuesday. Pfc. .V:'rvi!- 'I. H i'.vis. station er at 0." i> P.iik, Ln.. hps recer.t spent n 12-day furl ouch with his wife on Dnnbury, Route 1. "STUART THEATRE ; Stuart. Virginia r Sunday and Monday, Feh. 1&-18 "CAROLINA BLUES" * Kay Ki>er's Orch Tue., Wed. and Thu., Feb. 20-21-23 : ,'fT HAPPENED TOMORROW DK'k Powell Lin la Darnell Friday and Sat., Feb. 23-24 "LUMBER JACK" Bill Boyd i