Fun for the Whole Family SPARKY WATTS By BOODY ROGERS SSA / NONSENSE, M YbAH—WIfH ALL W WELL, I MEAN- / OLONPERIN6 IDIOTS.' ' APrel / ( rcSlSf Hf ITS SOME- 1 / THEY WERE JUST M THAT LEATHER fPOC-IF WHILE, AT J 1 SHALL GO TO THIS WANTS YOii~ TO X \ J ONE TRYING \ / PLAIN BURGLARS- ■ THEY'VE PROBABLY I YOU THINK THE SHARK* / POCTOR'S HOUSE MYSELF PTTCH TOMOIWO»l*s ) /41/jS ucpc TO STEAL \ ANP WHEN SRARKY If STARTEP A R THERE'S NO HEAP- I -AND I'LL GET THE BASEBALL / . air wi^fur » IBi POC STATIC'S I \ THREW SLAP HAPPY* ifl SUITCASE FACTORY J( DANGER- QUARTERS A PEVICE THAT MAKES MEN SSAMEI COSMIC RAY / \ SHOE AT "EM THEY 1 \ SOMEWHERE / 1/1-11x60.' —'**, H STRONG IP I HAVE TO REG'LAR FELLERS—Speedy Come-Back By GENE BYRNES I^my goshX p- / \ t /PINMEAOS*^ / TONY! \ OKAY.- S A MOM 15 GONNA /WELL-NOW l\ /, \U/„ X 1/ "TONY-* \ f TWFFSA TIME t /1 DIDN'TEULV YOU DONT PAY ) i BEFORE. / MAYBE THIS A TW IS TIME \ \ZTLSq ( YA TO SHAVE He PORHeEMZZ Z SHE SEES THIS Msf |S Z WING KIN BE ' DONT CUT \ PLEDGE \ IT ALU OFF l HAIRCUT, BUT IT PP=| ( STRAIGHTENED VIT SO CLOSE!' S The ApaAio w oF WT jf 'SHUCIcsN Z'buT-hT&T'L ■HI j THE DARK? /I NO.' 9W VOU'OE AFRAID 1 V WELL. ITS- ) ME.'TM GOING TO 1 rAWH P** - I HBHI M 7/1 LEFT OFTHECABIC/ > 1_ SWOWVOU ONCE •/> V WHATM2e\ ^ S ) MOUTRyiNC* \ ( IT WENT / GET IT X IT'S THIN J VIR6IL-DON'T PUT 'J I TODO.aW) S FOCVOUj VEY /Jl yoURWWLEV R SJHfcTCbJ POP—For a Change MILLAR WATT iVw sorry, si fc! L is ][ I NO SIR.— if* YOU CANT SEE gS, Tjgl CONFERENCE 'HE'S I #1 wfrj f THE COLONEL |j|jjr BUSY J *.» I *M M,/ \7 r *>, ill ill ' * ''' '» ' ' jjvj: -Xyf fy +\ I g> t y ft \ ?jf/ (R»lm«d by Tti> Bo I lac, y p 1 I I I BUCK § M Clyde Lewis H • What are yon doing out In this orange grove—drilllnf THK DANKITRY all alone?" M jfo. n 1 CROSS 1 H TOWN 1 Hi Bv H EE Roland Coe EE He probably picked that 'Heil Hitler' game up at some movie. The neighbors have been calling me about it all day!" Starts INSTANTLY to relief! MUSCULAR ACHES-PAINS Soreness and Stiffness For blessed prompt relief — riA> am powerfully soothing ftlusterol*. Ift actually helps break up painful l arjk. congestion. So much easier to apply tb*» a mustard plaster. "No fuss. N» not with Mwsterole!" Just rub it oa. in 3 rviii Ij ■ ■ ajri Strengths When Yourlnnards" WHEN CONSTIPATION makes yon fe* punk as the dickens, brings on stomack upset, sour taste, gassy discomfort, take Dr. Caldwell's famous medkiM to quickly pull the trigger on lazy "*i»- nards", and help you feel bright u4 chipper again. DR. CALDWELL'S is the wonderful na na laxative contained in good old Syniy Pepsin to make it so easy to take. MANY DOCTORS use pepsin prepara tions in prescriptions to make the medi cine more palatable and (t take. So be sure your laxative oca» tained in Syrup Pepsin. INSIST ON DR. CALDWELL'S— the fa vorite of millions for SO years, and fed that wholesome relief from constjf*- tion. Even finicky children love iL CAUTION: Dse only as directed. UHB SENNA LAXATIVE CONTAINED IN SYRUP PEPSIS It | SNAPPY FACTS / —V ABOUT fcv RUBBER fm The first use of motor trucks and that means rubber tires by the U. S. Army In active campaigns occurred during the Punitive Expe dition into Mexico In 1916. About 800 motor vehicles were In use on the Mexican border. B. F. Goodrich's latest analysis of the rubber situation shows that after the war annual potential rubber pro duction of Ihe world should be 2,800,000 long tons. This is more than twice the amount of rubber used by the entire world in 1941, the record year, when consump tion totaled 1,300,000 long tons. BEGoodricfcj \M W% AT FIRST m ®Sfa fj| j* o«* w "«666 CoM Preparation $ at directed HOUSEWIVES: * * * Four Waste Kitchen ' Fata Are Needed for Explosive* TURN 'EM IN! ★★ * Take good-tasting tonic many doctors recomniM# Catch cold easily ? Listless ? Tins quickly 1 Help tone up your system I Tafce Scotft Emulsion—contains natural AID Vitamins your diet may be lacking. Itfc