VADE MECUM NEWS Vade Mecum.--S. 2C Wiley Ray Cjliir.s is spending several days here with heme folks. Mrs. Hfcrvey Vaden and child ren spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Hassell Hunter o' Pilot Mt.. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Durham of West field visited Mr. and Mrs. Pan George Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Robert eon and family of Lawsonville and Mr. and Mrs. Harvell Venable vis ited Mrs. Melvan Vaden Sundav Misses his and Ethleen Smitii of Lawsonville and Misses Lucille and Kvi -i Vaden spent the past week-er.with Miss Doris Georgi Mr. ar.d Mrs. Joe Joyce a family ■* r Sandy Ridge visited Mr. and Mr*. Everett Vaden Sunday. Mr i Mrs. Reid George and family of Danburv. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sinr-.ons. Mr. and Mrs. Pow ell Flinch',:m, Mr. ar.d Mrs. B»>') George -. ! family, and Mr. and Mrs. .1- c * Simmons visitrd Mrs. W. W. ('• rue and fami'v Sin day. Mr. nn i Mrs. Lernly I.awson :»r.' son Cly i :;r: ! Mrs. .Jin Lav/si i visited ?!rs. T m V a nr. i Mr. and Mr- W !:■ r Frye Sunday. MOK'o NOTICE Having ; :a!!fied is Administra tor and Administratrix of the es tate of D. M. Tuttle. deceased, late of Stokes county, N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit then to t'.. underbred c n or before Feb. ! r >. 194n. r tl is notice will be p'ead ed in Var •> th-'-ir recovt rv. A ' person* ir. Jefct-d to 1 est:'' will ;;• a*f r.,.ke immediate : ment. This Feb. 14. 1945. DR. R. G. TITTLE. 201 O Hanlon 3!dg. Winston-Salem. N*. C. MISS ELSIE T' TTLK. Kir.?. X. C.. Rt. !. Adm. Admx. S. E. Kill and W. G. P.fee, A:*y pptira wm walmt cove. c Sur; Jay and Mo:ula\, Fe. 18-10 "IR!>H LVEN ARE SMILIV." Mor.ty Wot.llj—Dick fluymes Tue-day, Feb. 20 "(ALL OF THE SOFTH SI \S Janet Martin Allan Wed. and Thur*., Feb. 21-J2 SECRETS OF SCOTLAND V\R! Edgar liarri r—Stephanie Bielile Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23-2 "MARSHALL OF RENO" LATE SHOW 10:30 S\T. NIOII "ROOKIES OF BURMA" The VC'orld's News Seen Through J THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MOMTOK f $ '\n 111/Cl'ultiiti ,i I Kill \ Si-u " Tnithlul rti'. (11 I„'nbi I rp*» St"i* Mi 'iil » A ism f'ditoriaN -\i % f itn*»lv mil liiMrucijvi*. ami ii*> II iK ** > s> Fcnrutr*. loacH.-r with -h* Wwlcl, W.K.n \W thf Ml.nil >r .m LI ..I NewsfMprr f..r •!„. liii ne. -.J w • vin -"*(■••• P i■, i t * '.. i»v \ l''i.» fll iM' Y r i -r " ' i n;)i Smut im I--, in i i "I i.i. ■i, 1 f jf. I* In ri'.IUN rv '"Her 6 KM.- J' f.Vrn 0 NrflTl** « (I- . , _ . \ rHE DANBURY REPORTER, DANBIKT. N- C. FEBRUARY 15, 1945. AUCTION SALE Under and by order of the Su perior Court of Stokes County made in the special proceedings | entitled Mrs. Fannie Jessup and her husband Ezra Jessup Vs. Har vey Lynch and his wife Inez, et al. under the special proceedings ' docket of said Court, the under signed Commissioner will on FRIDAY. MARCH 9, 1945, AT 2 P. M.. IN FRONT OF EZRA ; JESSUP JR.'S FILLING STATION , IN STOKES COUNTY. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash upon confirmation ( the land '>in_g and being in Stokes County. N. C.. adjoining the ol J. P. Lynch place and others and more particularly described as follows: "Beginnin-* on a persimmon. R. Lynch's comer in J. P. Lynch I line and running west on J. R. Lynch's line *tW chains rossin" a creek ti"> a stone on the bank , said creek: south 7* ri - ! srrees west to the Aaron Lyn ' line old plantation road: th>" with the r.ennders of sail ro i "vt s* w': !'• • •' ■ 1 !'rom the corn • . -2 t: ::* to :i str'lre on t'" * ; d-' of ! * '■ ti-fßiv ves* * i »•—«- * -• ;.j t M»r-- «, - ) i*. ~ , courh rf bis T1 ■ ••* ' > point' rs in J. n '.vroh ':"t : thence east on h'« line I''"' 1-2 chains to the becin r.ins:. contain!*!" 15 3-4 acres, •••ore or less." See Deed 800 - ' Pare .'M, Stokes County Registry. S This Feb. 7. 1945. " JOHN E. BADGETT. Commissioner. i NOTICE As Administrator of L V. Gcin i' i • asod. notice is hereby giv. n ' i all rsons holding claim.' : said estate., to present them to me, duly authenticated for payment on or before Feb 13th. 1A4«5, or this notice will b pleaded in bar of recovery, persons owing said estate will f lease make immediate payment tii mc. Tiiis Feb. 13, 1945. ROBERT 1.. COLLINS. Admr. Wf stfield, N. C. . By V*'. G. I' •. ree, Atty. NOTICE The undersign; .1 having qua'. ' f: -1 as of the es tate of Carilia News am Ingran, deceased, this is to notify all per sons holding claims against said estate to present them, duly ven ' fied to the undersigned or his At torneys on or before the f>th ol February, 194 d, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of recovery. Ail persons o v'ng said estat* w;l! i please make immediate sett! - mcnt. M V'. R. INGRAM, Atlr-ir | . ( Tobaccovillo, N. C.. iit. 1. This Feb. 0. 1945. _ Chas. R. Hclsaheek, Atty. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of power conferm ■ upon the undersigned Trustee u. 1 a Deed of Trust executed Manh 1, 1944 by Troy M. Nunn and wi:'r Ida Bell Nunn to the undersigns: Trustee, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the Office of the Kr ister of Deeds of Stokes County. North Carolina, in Book No. 102. Page 238, default having beei. made in the payment of the i.. debtedness secured thereby, a:ui at tne request of the holder o. the note secured, I will offer f sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash AT TlJd HOME PLACE OK L. L. LOWE ON STATE HiGHC.ri Leading from WESTFIELD, N. C. TO DAN BI'HY, N. C. WHICH HOME PLACE IS ABOI'T A QUAR TER OK A MILE EAST CF WESTKIELD, N. C. ON MARCH \ 194 j, AT I :"! ' O'CLOCK P. M. the Knowing described lands ... 1 remises, to-wii: Three certain tracts oi 1 !y:: g and .U Stokes C« t;., S;a*.e i No.vh Caroii.m, AD JOININI the lands i . F. S. N..i.. J. P.. I\:i, Randolph Jessap, Ti ; M. Nunn and oiht rs, BEGINNING at Randolph Jessup's corner i' Troy Nunn line and runs easterly course with said Jessuf) line : the ereek at a stake; thence vsi:.' the creek as it meanders a nortl - westerly direction to a stake where the said creek cnt rs the F. S. Nunn line at a stake: thtnee with his line west to K. J- Nunn corner; then northerly di i rrction to Cain's corner in F. S. > Nunn line: thtnee with said Clara ' Ann Cain to Troy Nunn mrner i the Cain line thence with sai Troy Nunn line to the beginning, containing eleven '11) acres more or less. See Stoks Co. Ret -1 ord of Deeds Book 95, Page 525. t Adjoining the lands of .1. W. Pll, A. J. Hall and others, BE GINNING on a Spanish oak ir the old Pill line, runs west 12.50 chains to a black gum; thenre south 5.03 chains to a ro; k pile end pointers: thence east 12.5(1 'hrins vith A. ,T. J-!-.)! to i p* ' r . a". I p lint'rs; th; n e north 03 chains to the be; inning, cor- taininjj one hundred and eigh> and thirty-nino one hundre !(!•« ' lOS-'iP I fio acres, more or le?s d For accurate description se- 5 Stokes County Records of Deed' Book 05, Page 63. U Adjoining the lands of Char!;. Gibson and T. E. Smith, BEGIN NING at a rock in Mfred Cook'i line: runs east on his line 1' chains and 42 links to pointers his comer; thence south fallin. on Gibson's line 21 chains to ; stake in r. hollow, h ; s corner thence west on his line 13 chain and 12 links to a roc's near ,i cr.r ner; north en r new li" • 21 chain to the beginning, cont lining 2 rn:l ! 2 acres, r."» ■ l p. r"d Hook 7ft ■ 0.7. fuk Com*y Records n' D r T r - r h. 101.-. H.F.:> F "R.-Y\ I ■ ... FOUND—I fJnv Mul. I n'i!" we» NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS State of North Carolina, i County of Stokes. Before The Clerk W. E. Puckett and wife Haiti. Puckett, Susie Martin and hus band, J. J. Martin, Annie Overbv and husband V. H. Overby, J. F. Puckett and wife Susie Puckett, L. A. Puckett and Deli: Puckett, Nora Gunter an:' husband Tine Gunter, Petitioners Vs. Eva Cawley and husband Ever ett Cawley, Jettie Hankir.s an' husband Oliver Hankins, Susie McClung and husband IA sley Mc- Clung, Jim Aaron and wife Mar" Aaron, Mattie Huffman ar.J hus band Johnnie Huffman, Homer Aaron and wife Pauline Aaron. Annie Lee Hall and h:sland Art' 1 ur Hall. Nellie Campbell and hus band Arthur Co"-.)' 1 ell. Ray Hart and wife Ncrri Hart. Blanche H-irt. single, hula Puckett, wido' of W. A. Puckett. Noel Puckett, Senders Puckett. Herman Puckef P-> 1 P:kett, Ruth Puckett, D l *- '>r Inrts. Th ' MViiJan's Eva Cawley a:i !: >h .:!vi Everett Cawley, Jetlie Hankirs a".d hu?h:nd Oliver Haa ' ; us, Pus:- ai.d hustan C Lesley McClung. Jiai Aaron an.l , v.ifc Man- Aaron. Mattie Huffman and nutsoand Johnnie Huffma'i Homer Aaron anc! wife Pauline Aaron, Annie Lee Hall and huso band Arthur Hall, Nellie Camp- i bell and husband Arthur Camp- i bell, Lula Puekett, widow of \V. 1 A. Puekett, Herman Puekett, t Paul Puekett, Ruth J Puekett and Noel Puekett wi! 1: take notice that an action «niit!• ! 1 as above has be-n commenced in I the Superior Court of Stokes ' County, N. C„ to s ,- il cettain lands situated in Stokes County, N. C\, in which certain of the peti ' tione-s and the defendants Eva 1 Cawley, Jettie Hankins, Susie • Medians, Jim Aaron, Mattie Huff man. Homer Aaron, Annie Hall, Nellie Campbell, Herman Puekett, Paul Puekett ' Ruth Puekett, Noel Puekett and 1 certain other defendants abov ' f named in the title of this action 1 own ard are seized of an undivi I ' ed interest. I/a! a P i.kett, wido\v 1 owns a dowry right in the inter- 1 est that her children own in sai 1 land. The petitioners have instituted S r.n action against the defendants J ' in the Superior Court of Stok - s County for the sale of said lands for partition according to the will of R. P. Puekett, deceased, "■ and to have the dower right an' ' interest of Lula Puekett, widow, in her children's share computed * and paid to her. And that th n S ' above non-resident defendant 1 ' will further take notice that th"-' a are required to appear at the Of r ' fi-e of the Clerk of the Superior 1S Court fer Stokes County at t'v 1 ootirt Ilo'ise in thp town & r Dan -1 hi;iv, N. C.. on or before t'je I 5 !-m- of Vvreh. IH-15, an 1 r.r« ,v " ... : t! • H"t it io:i of t■ i. i ■ j t i n i! o i ?, fir th? J"' ' - .: . Iv 'I„. CO- ft r •• "• . • i,: (1.1 in ?rM ' t; ,: in. 7V« T ' ;• f Ke'«t iry. 1015. , ,T. WATT TITTLE. r" .I. C'T 't. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTKL r wwm As administrator of the esta.>- of Jane Ki:by Grabs, deceased, notice is hereby given to all pe> sons holding claims against sa>.. estate to present them to roe, duly authenticated, for payment, on u before Dec. 21, 1945, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons owing saiJ estate will please make immediat. payment to me. This Dec. 15, 1945. C. ROSS N'EWSL M, King, N. C. Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of I>azarus Slior Grabs, deceased, late of Stoke.* county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore Dec. 21, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted t said estate will please make ini mediate payment. This Doc. 15, 1915. C. RCSS XEYVSI'M, King, N T . C. Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICK As Administrator of the csta-. of Z. O. Johnson, deceased, notio is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate t present them to me, duly authen ticated, for payment, on or befon Jan. 11, 1946 or this notice wi: be pleaded in bar of recovery. A' persons owing said estate wi' please make immediate paymer. to me. This Jan. 11. 1045. W. D. JOHNSON. Admr. Estate of Z O. Johnson, dec'd. 104 \V. 2Sth St., Winston-Salem. N. C. (pd. XOTICK The undersigned having fi'd as Administrator of tin* cs tate o! R. E. Joyce, deceased this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate : present them, duly verified to tl. undersigned or his Attorneys o or before the 125 th day of January 15'4ti, or this notice will be plea ed m bar of recovery. All pi-: sons owing said estate will pleas make immediate settlement. This the 25th day of Jan., 194. C. R. JOYCE, Admr. of R. E. Joyce, dec'd. Badgett & Badgett, Attorneys for the Administrator AT FIRST USE ft Cold Preparations as directed hi: n\M'.n:v kki'orti h • wnrnv. x r. r.iieloM'il VM »i'l fin 1 # . h> r whu'h sciiil t'ii> PWIUJKV . I TOin ! 15 l» Ml- I'ij; i.ltli !| romui.iu nil - iilis. i iji'i'm i li'.is." l. h. f ( >. NAME: ADDRESS: . FLUSH KIDNEY URINE Benefit wonderfully from famous doctor's discovery that relieve* backache, run-down feeling dne to excess acidity in the urine P.opit everywhere are finding •mtxißf r.liel from painful symptom* of bladder ir.trtion caused I » excets acidity in the urine. DR. KILMERS SWAMP ROOT u'.i fast on the kidneya to eaie discomfort by promoting the f'.ow of urine. This pure herbal medicine is especially welcome where bladder Irritation due to aacesa acidity is responsible for "fofttinf up at n.fhts". A carefully blended combination of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, balsam; Dr. Kumtr's contains nothing harsh, is s6- Bolutely non-babit forming. Just good in- I grrdients that many people My have * marfslaua Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Like thousands of others you'U be gladl thst you did. Send nine and address to Depar'ment A, Kilmer 6 Co., Inr., Box 1755. Stsmford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at once. AH druggists toll Swamp Root. Don't Neglect dipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wabbla when vou talk. eat. iau»;h or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by •uch handicaps. FASTEETH, an alka line (non-acid) powder to sprinkle on your plates, keep® false teeth mora firmly set. Gives confident feeling of •«- curity and added comfort. No gummy, rooey. pasty taste or feeling:. Gst FAB TEETH today at any drug ttorr 1 lEESSSSn r A ) *4O ss VI I WiHiNsutrol-Colof y Earphone and Cord DSt'AK W. SMITH Pilot Mtn., X. C. I •£? HAM INSURANCE a GUARANTEED SUFFER* PREVENTATIVE IN CURED MEAT A* To Da U« ' o* Writs N. J. BODOIC ThsHstsls—isn Mw I SLATE'S TOBACCO SEKU ho let v exclusively in Winston-Salen* ~r by COX'S SKED STORK. Trade ,j at 6th Streets, Phone 7242. , ..Brokers in buying selling, ft- , ( nancing, or refinancing FARM PROPERTY. Drop me a card or letter if I fan be of service to you.—DENNY REALTY CO. Address: Room Wachovia Bank & Tr. Co. Bid's., Winston- Salem 3, X. C. 11 jan4w MICA —Have yuu mica (Isinglass) on yoiir lands for development * I- Write (leorge M. Bowman, Co. s I Superintendent Schools, Elk Park, X. C. d .» " Or 1 ««""♦ fo iret married, • write Bo\ 3"»8. Juliaetta, Idaho, i Semi stamp. (adv>. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE As Administrator of the estate of \V. C. Moor-, deceased, notice s is given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to 1 j. present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated for payment, on or before Jan. 24, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar r. of recovery. All persons owing said estate will please make im mediate settlement. , This J-.n. 24th, 1945. | d.) \V 11. M )Ork find n. I*. MOORE, Admrs. . n estrte \V. C. Moore, dee'd.