We THE GLOBE IS (globe. I CUSSED and DISCUSSED, j gvlDNCK OF PROSPERITY. ! TIIK ;i.oiik is KEVTR A TOMBSTONE. IT 11 ALONK FOK LIVE MRM. VOL. HI-NO. 117 DURHAM, N. C., JfKIiJAY EVENING-, JUNE L'4, 189a. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BATTLE OF BULL RUN Will be Exhibited at Washington City June 28. Take Advantage of the BONANZA CHEAP RATES Jtorftam Bmln IT DURHAM TO NORFOLK AlffO RETURN, $2,50 DID XOT HANG EM ! Colonels Vearbj and Harris Make a Lucky Escape. 1 Militia v Ordinance Soon to Depnji ulate the City. A HIGHER COURT WILL DECIDE IT people Who Come hihI Go Brief IJrevi-tj.- of Iiif:r-st to .All IHlfi-H of The Globe. Iu police court this morning Colonel Adolpnus Yearby and Col. II. G. Harris wcre there, charged with selling goods on Sunday. Tbey pleaded guilty to everything in the count, and told the mayor they cared not what happened, except tii-.t they knew ill'", were tuff criminals, and while possibly deserving a terrible fate, they would like it it' he would electrocute t hem instead el hanging. .Mayor Angier said (bat the law was plain and he would be ( ailed upon to enforce it. lie then sentenced Colonels Harris and Yearhy to death, insisting that they k banged with barb wire. "For," he stid "we have laws and they must be enforced. This thing of men living bere and selling a cigar or a drink of 9oda water on Sunday is the worst case I have ever seen. Who is safe ? Here re weak and defenceless women in this town. .Mm June invested money in homes, uid who, I ask, is safe if we pro pose to allow urii lawlessness as selling soda water'; For myself I would not bang these men. 1 would torture them "t the law in its grand, mute and mel low majesty pants for blood, and I will satisfy its insatiate appetite. "So I order that Chief Woodall hang tbese two outlaws at once, denying them the benefit oi the clergy." In-! as Woodall got a rope around their necks, .Mayor Angier appeared on the seeneand dismissed them, claiming that he did not believe the city had any right to pass such fool ordinances, or words to that effect. City Attorney Parker gave notice of appeal. 'Hani Pressed for Time." LIVE LOCAL LINKS. i;i' Record of Cm rent Events in the City and Vicinity. I ucle Billy Holloway, of this city, is luite sick. -E.C. Dunlap, of the city waterworks, l "ii the sick list. -This is the teason when the cold terman is a w inner. -Many Durhamites will go to Greens to'O to the Fourth of duly celebration. few hundred street sprinklers will : ceived on subscription right away. 1 be doctors report considerable sick Des,bui say thai there is nothing very Hrious. ""bv P. H. Massey will address an Chance picnic at White's cross roads tomorrow. Hunter, the cement man, will build v ' is for Colonel Carr at the Occonee- inn. chee ""The noon train was 15 minutes late i4v. but the sun was on time and gave 1 ; ; benefit of his presence while we "ilea. 'Hioton Murray, of South Lowell, "a last Friday night, aged SI years. - r Murray was a member of the Presby ,, r: ui church and a good man. ."""To close out their stock of baby car 8 once, The Cheek Furniture Co. rthe greatest inducements ever be ,' ' 1. Easy payments if desired. SAD AXD SUDDEN! ! The Death of Miss I la Rowland of This City. The Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Died Last Night. FUNERAL SERVICES TO-MORROW A. M "ALL THINGS COME TO HIM WHO WAITS." voice w hen younger, she could have made a fortune as a sign for a soap house. Messrs. Dowdy and Howard have opened up a store on Church street. At present 1 hey carry nothing but peanuts and lemonade, but as they are not yet 10 years of age, they have ample time to in crease their stock. We do not know how many degrees a man must go through in order to be come a full Hedged allianceman, but we heard of two of the degrees this morning. One of the members, in conversation with a Globe reporter, said he bad reached the "ra tu-als" and had gotten to the second degree in the "bulekins." The Norfolk Landmark says: The battleship Texas is to be launched on Tuesday next, and on that day there will be the largest number of visitors here we have ever had on a similar occasion, owing to the fact that this is the regular excursion season. Mr. P. D. Gill, of the ferry line, will make arrangements to handle the multitude who will come by way of Norfolk by having separate docks for the Norfolk-Portsmouth and the Berkley Portsmouth traffic. There will be three boxes on the Norfolk side and an extra gate at the vehicle entrance. Extra facilities will also be provided for this side of the Elizabeth. A Change Is Announced in Oat Weather I?ur'tiu Which Will J5c or ;-ncral Interest to All Readers. The death shadow has again spread its I pail over a happy Durham home, and I Mr. ana Mrs. W. EL Rowland are called j upon to mourn the death of a lovely young daughter, in w hom was centered the hopes, ambitions and expectations of loving parents and devoted friends. Died, last night about 12 o'clock, Miss I'la Rowland, aged 14 years. Her disease was heart failure, her death sudden and unexpected. Just blooming into womanhood, with i the world and life all before her, it seems hard indeed that she should be taken. But who dare judge? Less than a month ago she gave her heart to God her heart in the purity and freshness of virgin innocence and stain less youth a youth which will be stain- j less forevermore. The heart of the community goes out to the bereaved parents and stricken ! household in a sympathy that is sincere j and heartfelt. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. R. C. Beaman, assisted by Rev. II. T. j POLICE COURT. What the Grist Was al the Mayor's Office This Alorning. News in police circles to-day is rather brisk. Mance .Jenkins, colored, loud and bois terous cursing ; judgment suspended on payment of cost, $'2 GO. James Graham, colored, boisterous cursing ; lined $5. L W. Reid, white, druog and stagger ing ; hned $5. Mollie Snipes, colored, larceny; bound over to court and failing to give bond was sent to jail. VERY GOOD. Onr st.ite Was Largely Instrumental in Nominating Stevenson. A special to the Charlotte Observer says : The North Carolina delegation was largely influential in the nomination of Stevenson. Kope Elias seconded his nomination fur our state. His parents were natives of iredell county and moved to Christian county, Kentucky, about three years before he was horn. II is nomination was received with great ap plause. YESTERDAY'S BALL. Where I'layed and WhoD'.d tlie Business Best. At Washington Washington Brook lyn At Baltimore Baltimore 0, Boston 13. At Memphis Memphis 3, Chattanooga At New York New York "2, Philadel phia 5. The Population of Durham Is about 8,000, and we would say at least one half are troubled with someelTection on the Throat and Lungs, as those com plaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the oppor tunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat nit Lnn Trial ii free Lartre Bottle ... tttVtAVkM,ft.' . . j In i Sftr and si. Sold bv all druirsiists. . , w.v. Kv.v,t - , .Ulls ptace, to Winston was a small at ad unless many others are picked J the way, some one will loose none It tlie mUuJ i , j , ww woman w no uawicu to Melw Cn SCnt lo this mornln for Unir 5.00, had cultivated all her Happy and content is a home with " The Ro chester ; a lamp with the lilit of the morning. Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co., New York. If your blood is impure regulate your liver with Simmons Liver Regulator. Is vour blood pure ! Take Beechani's Pills." SO WHILE YOU ARE WAITING, WAIT TILL Thursday, July 14, 1892 W5312T THE XCURSION Will leave for Norfolk at 8:30 a. in., and return Saturday 5:31 1 p. in. rFLjRIE, ZEEOTTlSTIiD TJKXZP, $2.50. Oak Kids'' Institute. Summer School (book-keeping, short hand. t voe-wri! iutr. and telesraDhv) will Darnall, will take place to morrow morn- j T Oo (M,r ing from the Presbyterian church. VVHITAKER OUT! COL. WHITAKER RESIGNS HIS POSI- ! TION OF PROPHET WEATHER. j Colonel Sturrette Takes Charge of tlie Weather Bureau uml Wah Mtaod Combined. J. A. & M. II. Holt, Oak Ridge, N. C. lee-Cream Soda ! Pi neap pie lion-Bon ! Chocolate Cream ! Colonel VVhitaker has been giving us Delicious and Refreshing Fine as the such rocky and wabbly weather of late ' that we have caused him to resign his j position as prophet. Finest Popular with all. DON'T FORGET OUR Big Remnant Sale! 3T3:x:a? week. Remnants of Table Linen. Remnants of Embroideries. Remnants of Gingham. Remnants of Bleaching. Remnant - oi White GKxxU. Remnants of Lac.-. Remnants of Ribbons. Remnants of Pongee. Great Bargains in Umbrellas. Ask to sec our SI. 00 ami $1.19 White Spreads. Rig Drive in Towels, 10. 121, Is and 29 cents. Heal 10-4 Bleached Sheeting reduced to 2." cuts. coioo.1 surreue ukes hPi we Limeade with Crushed or our Clearance Sale still going on. The Bargain Table lo oeoause imaKtr una oo vuiu Whisker?, and a first-class prophet should have a Heard. Colonel Starrette has the Beard, and predicts rain by it this evening. We congratulate our reader?, and prom j ise them better weather. "I would like to sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla over the entire uni verse,'' writes Mrs Longenecker,of Union Deposit. Penn. Shaved lee, at DRUG STOKE. contains many new things for tin' coming week 124 Main Street, Maiari-d fever and its effects quickly Our Prescription Service is give way to Simmons Liver Regulator. l nsurpassea. m Stokes hi Miy light, Juss 2t AT 8:30 O'CLOCK. Durham Lodge Xo. 358, A. F. & A. ML, will celebrate the anniversary of St. John, the Baptist, by an address on Masonry by the REV. DR. E. A. YtlTES, TO BE Followed by Installation of Officers. These exercises are for the public, and while all are cordially invited to be present, it is especially desired that the ladies will honor the occasion by their presence. I Durham. N . '. Xight Bell. No. 123 East Main Street, Durham. "aTurvivob OF THE WAR. 0 u 0 1 i A FULL PURSE! -o- It is a very satisfactory thing to con template. Those who squander money on poor goods ami bad bargains have thin purses. GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. This i the season of the year that you need Ply Fans and Fly Trap-. $ Those Wire Window Screens at 40 and 50 cents are the cheapest tiling out. Our Lawn Mowers at $5.50, $6.00 and $6.50 are extremely low and thev make it a pleasure to ut grass. g White Mountain Freezers, Water Coolers, Etc., at Rock H Bottom Prices. 8 H 18S5 1892. ( ALL AND SEE US AT LLOYD'S HARDWARE STORE, DURHAM. N. C.

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