He """"HK GLOBE IS f cUSSrD and DISCUSSED. jf T1IE OLODE IS !: NEVER A TOMBSTONE. (I! '. ! vXlV-" IT IS ALONE VOK LIVE MEN. '!j rot DUMAM, N. C, THURSDAY E V 230 JN G , JUHE 30, 18912. PBICE FIVE CENTS. BRILLIANT BAND ! Salted Him. iGUTHRIE'S ROOSTER! A fBARGAI if ( f .viius Is lire light l'p ,;'ir Major Guthrie Quotes the Ancieuts on Chickens ;v !"''it (f Its Kashness O'BRIEN St GO'S And Tells a Wonderful Yarn About His Kxjerienee. V U U-J JI.IVIIJIIJIV.. . i HENRY. fO BE IN IT FOR GAME .. ;"- ISrief liievi- I''' ... All of I lie Globe. nicl yesterday evening from a : 0f the neighborhood, that a reg-! v ,,rr;tnizeil band of robbers had ttinf about 17 miles below '.V,ro and 1 1 t they were now about rne to .irrief. j. r,.t of tie parties are in custody and , fliers are being looked after. T,-,w I!oiie Daniel Boone and Jim v hell , all white, have been captured : ti i re art-two or three colored men V',3:;n.' to the gang that are still at 11 . - j;f..(. men m;ule their start by stealing j. ,; from Mr. James Waters, which .., (InlilJiArn nrwl snbl tn n TLf imtciier, suspecting some crooked- . not slay the ox at once, but put L.'sa in a pasture. He paid $12 for the t nwht the n.iil .Jos from u i wl. in Le bought went to the pasture and re-Mie the ox and sold to another man ; r !. J.'ia Mitchell, finding himself inclose qii trtors when upon trial in a magistrate's ,;:r!. turned against his fellows and re- viiik'l the entire secret. They were, said Jim Mitchell, to kill, steal, hum, or do anything that was best to it'-coinpli.-h their ends. Idleness, to a vcrv l.-trire extent, is the mother of most LIVE LOCAL LINKS. The Da)' Konl of Current Event in tin' (Jity ami Vicinity. -Tut' excursion to Norfolk will be Htn to go, and all should wait for it. -It must be admitted by all that Dr I'lhnsnn has the best pavement in town. Hurling on will celebrate the Fourth of .buy, and Durham's band will make the music. The street car made a trip from East Durham to Trinity college in eight days. Who can heat Ibis record? Tiik Wkkklv (ilouk, which went "ut this morning, contained ample evi ik'iice that the Keatns warehouse is doing b iiiess. -Mrs. L K. Stacy, wife of He v. L. E. sh-y. of the North Carolina conference, at l'armington, in Davie county, tat Sutunlay morning. -The excursionists returned from Xor ft' k about ?::!() o'clock last evening and rcP(lrt a grand time. No lives were lost 1 all feci amply paid by the trip. -Ih-uhr meeting of Durham Lodge :. I. (. o. F. to-night at 8 o'clock. Wk in second degree and election of dicers, a full attendance requested. -To close out their stock of baby car r'Js'ts at once, The Cheek Furniture Co. '"-Tthe greatest inducements ever be "re ollered. Easy payments if desired. -The bicycle craze has struck Dur- ? :i:n- men and boys, small girls and ;ar-?e sTirls, are all riding them. Of these ' ,ilT' -Hiss Mamie Dowd is the champion " hcelivt. -Durham has a now book of ordi na:. Many of them are as old as u''-nd Xoah's tlood. The new Sunday ,:'-nce did not get in the page of the K hook. , 11;e Duke factory is closed down to ''take inventory and Col. C. A. ' ir explained that the book-keepers "!yln time to let the breeze blow us'i tlu-ir chin whiskers. . 'al!, of Trinity M. E. church t..! tCn rui:"e to the proper height for tt?1R'1,JW atltl loor frames and it will j:.', man.v Jays 'till we will have some ' ' 1 J'J new Trinity will appear. l).,i Ilard, who went on the triw CXtarn reports a detightful bZ7!ll! lnost pleasant, in fact, that Tlie"iIU 1 as tu J"el fr many months. cacLts were comfortably tilled and C''J was avoided. iV ;unel Alex Cave says that a goose v fi li . bot f a mornin' always brings ?ored goslins. V high gored goslin '-'lie a- a f"'"" of pi. ay, that twists its neck out ti 'e and dies with the wheezes. This 0r my not be true. c0w r" " Westbrook, of Richmond, JUUrnr'rtse"ting the Richmond Trade TI; (.U ' Wus iu tbe city to day and gave JUm: a Peasant call. The Journal cntfnglnalIy started in Durham and roni here to Winston thence to Kind Party What are you crying that way for, little boy? Little Boy 'Cause it's the only way I know how to cry. Life. Richmond. Under a new organization Westbrook says the business is growing rapidly. James Gattis, Jr , will at an early day be numbered among the wheelmen of the South. He began yesterday to take les sons and to-day he gets around at a livel rate. We expect him to take the pre mium as champion rider of the South at the World's fair next year. The Globe these days hums along in its always cheerful way, and to-night it has a better foundation than ever in it's history. This means that The Globe is in it for all time. It pays its bills with cash, it does business for cash, and it will loan money if the security is satisfactory. The county commissioners will meet Monday. At that time they will con sider, we understand, the advisability of placing the cement pavement around the court house. The people who wade through the mud at times, getting to the court house, will, to a man, say put down the pavement. The Richmond and Danville Railroad company receivers have been authorized by Judge Bond to issue $1,000,000 re ceivers' certificates to be used exclusively for the purpose of paying pay-rolls and vouchers. The receivers are given dis cretion to pay the car trust installments and leased line rentals out of the earn ings, but no authority is given to pay the interest on the Danville sixes due July 1, and the interest on these bonds will be defaulted. Secretary Tracy was called upon to decline a novel request made in connec tion with the launching of the battleship Texas. The Woman's Christian Tem perance Union wanted her christened with water instead of wine, "as an object lesson," and for the further reason that such an event "would carry its influence on a great public occasion like this." And we have wired Colonel Jim Southgate, now at Cincinnati as a delegate to the prohibition convention, to roast Tracy for all he is worth, which is a great deal. POLICE COURT. What the Urit AVas at the Major's Office This 3Iornis. One case in police circles came up for trial this morning. The parties implicated are Thomas Yeates, Beula Mason and Delia Fuller, all colored, for an all'roy. They were fined $1.00 each and cost, mak ing a total of $8.20. TOBACCO TALK. Ilev. Alex Walker Gives His Views on the Tobacco Market. The receipts of leaf tobacco continue fairly good, and prices are well sustained. There is no noticeable change since our last report. The new crop is nothing more or less than what you might call an average crop in quality or quantity. The seasons thus far have been good, and crops of all kinds are looking very well, and there is no cause of complaint. Col. L. J. Allred Writes: I am in my seventy-third year, and for fifty years I have been a great suflerer from indigestion, constipation and bilious ness. 1 have tried all the remedies ad vertised for these diseases and got no per manent relief. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe and dan gerous form. I became very weak and lost flesh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. II. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly restored, and now I feel as young and vigorous as I ever did in my life. L. J. Allked, Door keeper Ga. Stale Senate. State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga , Aug.o,'tl. A Mother's Kepott. Mrs. N. A. McEntire writes from Spring Place, Ga.: For many years I have been a great sutlerer from indigestion, sick headache and nervous prostration. I tried many remedies, but got no permanent re lief until I used Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I am now in better health than for many years. My daughter has been subject to chills and fever from her in fancy. I could get nothing to relieve her ; the Lemon Elixir has restored her to per fect health. Sold by Druggists, oOc. and $1.00 per bottle. Prepared by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta Ga. if 3'our are melancholy or down with the blues you need Simmons Liver Regu lator. If you would be rid of chills and fever take Simmons Liver Regulator. A PICTURE OF THE BEAST IS GIVEN Mr. Shclburji Will Arbitrate the Business and We Soon Shall Understand It All We Guess. A brief talk this afternoon with Major Guthrie disclosed the fact that he did not know much about the chicken business. The fact of the business is, he is densely ignorant concerning the fowl as she is raised, and we propose at an early day to tear down the whole front of his office. The major says that a chicken under the law and elsewhere is not what we Latin scholars would call croweresqueat, but that they belong to the genus homo sauerkraut. This may or may not be true, and ColoLel Shelburn must soon decide these little points. Major Guthrie says that when he was in the North Indies he successfully cap tured a rooster that weighed 200 pounds and which had spurs twenty feet in length. The major has a chickenry back of his office and proposes to demonstrate these facts. We shall wait until wre see what we shall see. A VIRGINIA ROMANCE. Eloped from 7'etersburg and Married in North Caroliua. r Petersburg, Va., June 29. For the past three years Mr. Jame3 T. Hargrave, a well-known young man of this city, has been a suitor for the heart and hand of Miss Estelle Winfred, a charming and attractive yonng lady of this place. Mr. Hargrave's courtship proved successful, and the couple became ardent lovers. This morning they met by appointment at the Washington street depot, and took the ten o'clock southbound train over the Atlantic Coast Line for Weldon,N.C, where they were married by a minister of that place. The groom is in his twenty fourth year, and a son of W. T Margrave, a prominent merchant of this place and an ex-member of the city council. The bride is twenty years of age, very pretty, and a great favorite with all who know her. The elopement has been much talked of. The couple are expected to arrive home this evening. AS WE GROW. The Itooin Now on Those Who Are in the Procession. Now that it is given up by every one that a big boom is about to be inaugurated in Durham and that property is com pelled to advance to double and treble its present value, it is the duty of every man, old or young, who expects to ever own a home, to secure it now while it is within his reach. Dr. J. L. Watkins is building houses on very desirable lots and selling on easy terms to a number of our young business men. If you want a home, and what man or woman does not ? See Dr. Wat kins and even on a small salary he will make it possible for -ou to own one. YESTERDAY'S BALL. Where Played and Who Did the Business Best. At Baltimore Baltimore 7, Washing ton 3. At New York New York ", Brook lyn 7. " At Cleveland Cleveland 4, Pittsburg G. At Cincinnati Cincinnati G.Chicago 1. At Louirville Louisville 6, St. Louis 3. At Boston Boston 1), Philadelphia 1. Have You Bead How Mr. W. D. Wentz, of Geneva, N. Y., was cured of the severest form of dyspep sia? He says everything he ate seemed like pouring melted lead into his stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla effected a perfect cure. Full particulars will be sent if you write C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient action. " Oak Bidge Institute. Summer School (book-keeping, short hand, type-writing, and telegraphy) will open June 20. Address J. A. & M. H. Holt, Oak Ridge, T. C. Clearance Sale of Dry Goods and Shoes ! This is no Humbug or advertisement to draw a crowd, but everything in above line is being sold at and below cost They must be sold every shoe and every piece of dry goods so that our entire attention can be given to groceries. Come and see what we have and be astonished at the low prices. Below is a sample of prices we offer you : i&T&R Lake George AA Sheeting, 5 Fine Prints, 4 Wk Best Prints, ' 5 r" r imTT t i -hi n n i Imperial Challie, Ginghams, cents cents cents 3 cents 75 cents Rest Ticking, Bleached Domestic, Linen Pant Goods, Red Flannel, White Flannel, 7 cents 7 cents 12 cents ifO cents 20 cents Also Sateens, Worsteds, Dress Buttons, Etc. We make no conditions, but require customers to take 10 yards of any of the above goods, excepting Flannel and Pant Goods. We have a fewr handsome sets of Knives and Forks which are being sold at cost, viz.: $1.30, $1.50 and $1.75. Our stock of Shoes has been considerably reduced for the last few days, but we still have some elegant ladies1 shoes which we will sell at $2.10, $1.75, $1.25, $1.00. Former prices were $3.00, $2.50, $1.75, $1.50. Men's $3.00 shoes at $2.35; $2.50 shoes at $1.60; $1.50 shoes at $1.(X). The above prices'are not for a day or a week, but until the goods are gone. We in- vite you to call and see what we offer. HE33ST"2", O'BBIEKT CO. SUMMER HOMES. Vhsre Are You tog This tar If you want comfortable accommoda tions, surrounded by a large shaded lawn, with the free use of the Lithia and Chlo ride Calcium Waters, specifics for Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Insomnia and Ner vous Prostration resulting therefrom, all Kidney Diseases and also Eczema and all Skin and Blood Diseases, go to the Mineral Hotel or Park House, CHASE CITY, VIRGINIA, Where the rates are much less thaL are charged at other as desirable resorts. Re duced railroad rates to October 31. Early applicants get best rates and accommoda tions. For pamphlets, board, etc., write to ED M. HOLT Sec'y Chase City Mineral Water Co., Chase City, Mecklenburg Co., Va WATER FOR SALE DV P. W. VAUGIIAN, DURHAM, C. Ice-Cream Soda ! Pineapple Bon-Bon! Chocolate Cream ! e ) THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS -AT Connelly Springs, on W. N. C. It. R., Uurkc County, X. C. RAIS i E YOUR RA 8 UP K! Ky Delicious and Refreshing Fine as the Finest Popular with all. Limeade with Crushed or Shaved Ice, at DRUG STOPiE. Our Prescription Service is Unsurpassed. Night Bell. Xo. 123 East Main Street, Durham. S. L. LEARY, A-rcin-ited; I 17-19 WRIGHT BUILDING, DURHAM. N. O. CO GROCERIES ON PARADE That isn't a political turnout. We are not a candidate for public office; we are a candidate for your patronage. We have taken the liberty of placing ourselves in nomination for this distinction, and it is only fair that we should tell you what our platform is. It isn't a very long one : Honest Goods, Honest Prices, Enterprise and Straightforward Dealing. That's the platform we stand on, and that's the plat form we propose to stick to every time. If it isn't a winning combination, it ought to be. In the meantime, does it interest you to know that we now have especially low prices for the summer months? W. H. PROCTOR. TRINITY COLLEGE. Toe next session opens September 1, 12, at Durham in the new building on Trinitr Park. Seven departments of instruction. A superior faculty. New laboratories, libraries and mu seum. Finest dormitories in the state. Ex penses reasonably low. All courses open to local patronatre. Catalogues may be had at Gattis1 book store, or by applying to the pres ident. For rooms apply to iaenu joH.N F. CUO ELL, Pres.. Trinity Park, Durham. N.C. 1892--SUMMER SEaSON-1892 The new hotel at this popular resort to which extensive improvements Lave been added during the past winter will be opened for the summer reason on June 1, 1892. The Connelly Springs company prom ises every comfort and convenience to its patrons. Connelly Springs water has now an international reputation, and hundreds of people at home and abroad in unsolicited testimonials attest its clli cacy. Write for circular. For further information, address CONNELLY SPRINGS COMPANY, Connelly Springs, X. C. GLEN ALPINE A. A. BANKS, Prop'r. This Popular Resort Will Be Open for Visitors June I, 1892. Visitors should leave train at Morgan ton, X. C, for the Springs, stopping at the Hunt House, and they can obtain any kind of conveyance they wish to take them on to the Springs. The proprietor will do all in his power to make his guests happy and contented. Hand of music and amusement! of va rious kinds will enliven the season. The house will be first-class in every department. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, A. A. BANKS, Prop'r, Morganton, X. C. BOARDERS WANTED! "TLe Foster house on Morris street has Just been newly furnished and repaired. I am now prepared to accommodate a limited number of desirable boarders, by day or week. Neat rooms and tables the best toe market affords. lUtc reasonable. MRS. JOHN AM.KN.