V TRK DircilAM DAILY ttL,OBJ5, FBIDAY, JULY 1. Surham gaits (5lok. By AL FAIRBROTHEB. Thi Globe is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carrier at t6.00 a year, or 50 cent a month. Tn Globe circu lates throughout North Carolina, The Weekly Globe ia a large eight-page paper, containing all the news, ana is seni dj mail at fl.50 a year In advance. Office Corner Main and Church streets. Globe telephone. No. 50. ADVERTISING KATES. Space for one week 6 cents per Inch per issue, when ever 5 inches are taken. Snace per month, $2 per inch. Heading matter 10 cents a line each insertion, lousiness notices 5 cents per line each inser tion. All advertisements and notices continued until ordered out. Address all communications to THE GLOIIK, - Durham, N. C. The G lojie 13 entered at tlo iostolTicc. Bur ham, N. C, as mail matter as the second class DUltllAMf N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1892. THE GLOBE FOR 18915 Will call things by their real names ami name them properly. It guarantees to advertisers more than double the combined circula tion of all other papers. It will continue to tell the truth and jerk the mask olF of pious and pretending fraud?. It will not waver in its light for the development and prosperity of the New South, and it asks the patronage of all honest men. IT FLIES. People who have made promises to The Globe to pay what they owed, must remember that time Hies. It is a way that time has. Those who have promised and fail to call at the ofiicc with the stun", will be given the advantage of an explanation to the cH'cct that they lied about what they owed. All must come and whack some thing. The latest reports from Omaha, hot from the wire in to-day's Gloije, indicate great doings out that way about this time. Ik Chairman Stokes is heard, it strikes us that the court house will have a decent pavement. We shall sec if Stokes is in it. Collector Massey will celebrate the Fourth of July in great shape. He will imitate 'Suike Anciek. IJufe will be a hummer. The Kaleigh Visitor talks about it this way: "Our Durham friends are still much exercised about a government building. The only way to get it is to keep ham mering away. We were a long time about it in Kaleigh, but energy and pa tience niado the trip. Sometime before the war CJenekal Bhanch got the ap propriation for the lot, but it was not until sometime after peace when we got the building. Let our Durham friends not be discouraged." The International Navigation com pany will soon comply with the terms of the recent act cf congress admitting the steamships City of New York and City of Parks to the American registry re quiring four ships of similar size and swiftness to be constructed. The United States ships are to be built by Cramp. Charles II. Cramp said the steamship iany was prepared to order four land the models of the hulls and the machinery were practi- rhey will be according to type and methods. tin upon the award tember. - uum 1 ABOUT WATER. A talk with two or three councilmen about the water supply, furnishes food for thought. They say that the water company ha3 agreed to certain things and that it has failed to live up to them. They say also that a filter must be forthcoming, and that the reservoir must be kept full of water. Well, this water company has been de frauding the tax payers long enough. The question is now, will the council do its sworn duty and will it see that busi ness is done and on busines principles? If it does, all will be well. HUT WE AKE SLOW. Most of the states, even Indian Terri tory which is not a state, have raised money and designed and built their state houses at Chicago. The North Carolina women who have the matter in charge for this state report some progress, but it is noticeable that people shell out slowly and in small doses. The state should have the build ing, but that building is not of as much importance as a state exhibit. The to bacco men will make an exhibit which will be the wonder of the world, and with Col. J. S. Carr at the head of it, the North Carolina exhibit is an assured suc cess, and will be greater and better and larger and all that than any other tobacco state. But the question has never been solved concerning the general state exhibition. The legislature is soon to be chosen, and that should be one of the questions discussed. Counties should instruct for a liberal appropriation, and in that way the matter would be settled. LET ALL WORK. We get ne-ws we redeem reliable know ing the informants personally and for a long time, that in Chatham, Granville, Durham and perhaps several other coun ties in that part of the state there is a great deal of dissatisfaction and no little disintegration. We learn that in Dur ham and Granville there is such a condi tion of affairs that the political disinte gration almost amounts to a revolution. TnE Durham Globe thinks Captain Baldy Williams will be defeated for congress. The third party Lindsay will draw off enough votes to elect the radi cal candidate, who will be probably young Tom Settle. A well posted friend informs us that the Lindsay sup porters in those two counties are really numerous. There seems to be no doubt that the disorganization of the demo cratic party in that section is threaten ing disaster to the democracy. What an active canvass of four months will bring forth will be only known at the November election. All must work and hope for the best. Wilmington Messen ger. But how are they to work? The al liance party, or third party, or calamity party, or whatever-you-call-it party, is composed of erstwhile democrats. In this congressional district it is about nip and tuck anyway, and if Lindsay insists upon running, and we understand he will, Williams cannot make it. The Globe a year and a half ago saw the drift of all this, and when men like Joe Daniels, with an alleged state organ, was patting the disorganizers on the back, we called him down and showed what the result would be. Other papers kept silent, and to-day they are locking the stable after the horse has been stolen. A SORRY SIGHT. The New York Sun, by C. A. Dana, a newspaper which has said meaner things about Grover Cleveland than all Christendom has ever said about the Devil, is now crawling around in his own tilth, declaring that Cleveland should be elected. He seems to be attempting to get butter on the bread which has been worn smooth. The public does not believe in the sincerity of Dana or the honest' of his Sun newspaper. He is worrying very much these days about the white people of the South and the Force bill is a nightmare which disturbs his rest. But why is the venerable old cuss so anxious just now about the South and about the democratic party ? Why is he now crawling around and blacking the shoes of Cleveland, when but a few days ago he was trying to blacken his reputation? The point is plain. Heat tempted to kill the man whom the people wanted, and failing to do that, he now sees the dollars, and with no principle to sacrifice, he jumps up and howls for tLe statesman he has named the "Stuffed Prophet." If the democratic ticket cannot suc ceed without consorting with such frauds as old Dana then it had better go down in an honorable grave. The Sun is a bull-dozer and it will try to rule or ruin. Failing in both, it comes in and attempts the spectacular by declaring that the South is in great danger. This is all moonshine on a shovel. The Force bill will never be passed, and if it is passed, the hounds who pass it will be klu kluxed. It is such frothy old frauds as Dana who make the South unsettled, who cause nervous people to tremble with fear when there is no danger in sight. The tariff is the momentous issue before the people, and Dana with his Force bill night-mare can no more frighten sensible people than can John Sherman with his bloody shirt. But rackets are threadbare. The indications are that the Fourth of July will be a great day at Omaha. The city proposes to have an old-fashioned celebration, and added to that the people's party with a million members will nomi nate its ticket and declare its principles. AT RAXD03I. Steve Steve Steve sox. Won't we have lota of fun You chipper eon-of-a-jrun When our race Is done Providing that it's won Then in brightness of the s an We will freely spend the mon Found in wagers on the run E'en tho' Grover weighs a ton And is as greasy as a bun And Chin Whiskers he has none. He has none, he has none, none. None, None, None, None, None ! The above is submitted by Coloxel Pro fessor Sheppe to prove that it is easy enough to get a rhyme with Stevenson. The colonel professor will personally visit houses and sing this beautiful word-song to those desiring to have him do so. The professor colonel says that he will explain anything connected with the above song that is not now understood, and those wishing family rights or ccanty rights on the words with the music or without the music will please let him know About It. Colonel Buck Blackwell says Chicago is the bisrgest town he ever saw. They have, he says, houses on both sides of the street. Jake Wood all's museum will open the Fourth of Jul y. Please oblige Colonel Wood all by waiting for his Museum to open in July. The festive Red Bugs are gone. The way to cure 'em, or to kill 'em if you do not choose to cure 'em, is to sleep in a barrel of grease. When you get out of Greece swear that you have been taking medical treatment in Athens. To day is Friday, the next day Saturday, and so on and so forth. Three more days and the ga-lorious Fourth of July will be with us. This day is celebrated in the North and West, and in the South it is for the most part "nig ger's" day. The United States will soon build four new warships. This will be a Bonanza for those who run excursions. A Note of Warning to the Public. As a matter of justice to ourselves and to the reputation of Dr. Leslie E. Kee ley's Double Chloride of Gold Remedies for the cure of the Liquor, Opium, Mor phine and Tobacco Diseases, and Neuras thenia, we warn the public that these remedies are used by no institution or sanitarium in the United States, except those established by our company under the uniform name of "The Keeley Insti tute." All others claiming to use our remedies are frauds and imposters. We have now sixty Keeley Institues established in various parts of the United States, where the Keeley Treatment 13 ad ministered, and the Keeley remedies sold. We, however, caution all to examine well and know that they are dealing with gen uine representatives, authorized by us, be fore taking treatment or purchasing remedies. The fraudulent establishments use the name of "Bi-Chloride of Gold" or similar titles. The newspapers do not discrimi nate sufficiently to know that they are imitators, and so put down all accidents occurring at such establishments as being brought about by the Keeley Treatment. This is a matter of much concern to us, and hence this warning. Respectfully yours, TnE Leslie E. Keeley Co., Curtis J. Judd, Sec'y and Treas. D wigiit, III., April 30, 1892. As to the Howl. New York Morning Advertiser. Referring to a paragraph in The Morn ing Advertiser The Durham (N. C.) Globe says : If there is no demand for a change, why on earth did so many howl at Chicago V That was the howling and squealing of a lot of hogs deprived of access to the feeding trough some four years ago. That kind of noise fills the land every four years. DROWNED LIKE RATS. An Incident of Monday's Jilg IJaiiistorm at a Mine Near Charlotte. The Charlotte News says : The rain storm last Monday was very heavy all through this section, and reports of dam ages to crops and property still come in. At Bessemer City, near Gastonia, on the Air Line road, a very thrilling incident in a mine occurred, resulting in the drown ing of two miners and the narrow escape of others from a similar fate. The hands of the Bessemer City mine were at work as usual down under the ground Monday afternoon, and had no intimation of the big rain that was falling. The rainstorm flooded a creek near by. The waters of the creek overflowed near the mouth of the shaft and a torrent of water went plunging down into the mine. The miners were at work in an underground tunnel, and as they saw the waters come pouring down the shaft they realized the danger, and made an effort to get out of the mine. All reached the surface in safety except George Adams and Walter Ware, both colored, and they were drowned in the tunnel. Their bodies were recovered twenty-four hours afterwards. Adams' body was found in a sitting posture. He had realized his fate and had taken a seat in the tunnel and met death calmly. Ware's body was found lying on the floor in the tunnel. The water that poured into the shaft filled it to a point above the level of the tunnel in which the men had been working. The Handsomest Lady in Durham Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's' Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit any druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Large sie 50c and $1. 1 A remedy which. If used by Wives about to experience KhtCiJii C?m the panful ordeal attendant upon Child-birth, proves an Infallible epeci fic for, and obviates the tortures of con finement, lessening the dangers thereof to both mother and child. Sold by all druggiste. Sent by express on receipt - vi ynvot just JL Jff bottle, charges pre y paid. BRACFIELO REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, Ga. DURHAM SUPPLY CO. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY -FOR- PEOPLE WHO WALK SHO EC That Shoe Business of ours is run by an expe rienced "Shoe Man.77 The manager knows the truth about Shoes and Leather, and tells it. He under stands Shoes, and that can be honestly said about few shoe dealers. Just Received! Four styles Ladies7 and Misses7 Oxford Slippers. They arrived late and will be sold at cheap prices. IW All proper softs of Shoes for men and women, boys and girls, are here at eminently proper prices that is cheap. Durham Supply Co. Main Street- Two Tears Shortness of Breath, Pain in Sides, Flut- teringr,8moth erimr Snella. cured by one bottle or Xiew Cure. Nath Alll- son.GlenKcck.Pa. For thousands of testimonial, se Dr. Miles' Book. New and Startling Facts. FHKM at druggists. The most relia ble cure (or all Heart 4 rosiiiri Cor lor Srcpxy, Aitima, Jti. U ISoaSOi. DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. D K. J. J. THAXTON, taWith fifty years' experience as a General Practitioner, tenders his services to the citi zens of Durham. His specialties: Mucous Membranes, Glands and Nerves (females in particular). Indigestion, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Constipation ana Headache, Secondary ana Hereditary Diseases. Home at C. M. Hern don's, oaiceover Jones' Jewelry Store. Office hours, a . i lock a. m., to 12 m., and from 2 p. m., to 4 p. u ON TOP OF THE HEAP o MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' FINE SPRING- CLOTHING! o OUR LINES THIS SPUING OUTDO AXy. THING WE'VE EVER SHOWN. -O- . i PLEATED, f - PLAIN, ( XEliLIGEE. In a Large Variety of Patterns. WiAilL .Q STKA"W HATS ! QTTTTT ? a full line, c'rirn, O 1 1 L1 r O I AS WELL AS FELT AND CIU'SHEIC?. M 1 1' 1 Js f NeckwearThe Neatest Ever Shown! Turner's Ilaml-Scwed SHOES Turners lI.inuSewe.L la Congress, Button and Lace. ds CO., Northwest Corner Main Street, Durham, N. C. Headquarters, Raleigh. Durham Office, II. J. Brown, Acnt, Hotel Driver. 5eeing is Believing.'1 JO. And a good Limp must be simple; when it is not simple it is not coocl. Simple. Heautitui. uooa inese words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " tc OK - m J will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, xg tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only,v:::::xx : if ic rAci'v (77;irw1 iitihrrrthahlf. T.ike Aladdin's S.y&y AW A J W-' v J ' . w r-w'v - - - - of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for us mar- velous licht is Durer and brighter ti'n eras licht, A Vj softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Look for this stamp Tub Rochester. Tf the lamp denier his n't the cnl Rochester, and the stvle you want, send to u for our new illustrated eatluf. and we will send you a lamp safely by cxtire-; your choice ot over 2M0 varieties from the Largest I.atup istor in the ll 'vitd. llOCUKSTiat LAMP CO., li lark Place, New York Tiff. "The Rochester. A FULL PURSE! It is a very satisfactory thing to con template. Those who squander money on poor goods and bad bargains have thin purses. GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. This is the season of the year that you need Fly Fans and Fly Traps. Those Wire Window Screens at 40 and 50 cents are the cheapest thing out. Our Lawn Mowers at 5.50, $6.00 and $0.50 are extremely low and thev make it a pleasure to cut gras. White Mountain Freezers, Water Coolers, Etc., at Kock Bottom Prices. CALL! AND) l SEEi lSJI AT ID3 fctOVilS HARDWARE STOKE, DUKIIAM, X. C. Ui'-rfft . (- ri iE? h : -V .V i c ; Wc deal with all parts of the Country. Send your orders to "The Globe," or to vlb direct. j , r mrr t RICHMOND, ri.

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