1 - ' j t - " !...... V .. !;.; ' . , V k 9 t -; ; ! - . . ; . r -. - : - " !' -i- ' v-.; v -f..-.v -hvHilJv ; ...J-'- I ..." t . . " i' i . . !, -v ; ' ... . V . i m u,oHjy .i ::mmt m iiKMiffl CTS A Month. DTJRHiDr, X. C, TUESDAY 17.GBEH 15. 18S9. i ! ? ' " ' . " ; i f ; - - , --. - -. -.4 Ll - .. T - i '- 1 1 : : -S : 1.1' 1 1 I 1 1 r 4 r - ! t v. j ; Of the Sam Jones Taber- .'nacle Meetings.' . ' iliriM .Stronii V : the "For Mn OMv," His Pennons .Satunlav " L 11( 011 VCTlOil. i .HolinS?r to I never hurt a good man in my preach- inj. ro one ever rousTM me outnirlit who was not as rotten as hell. . I never yd had thej whole crowd to get up and desert me and so I fear that I do hot preach as poiiltedly as my Savior, for he often was deserted by those whom he re- nui:ei ior uieir sins. liiofo of Sniidan 1 .The. Lat fars of I'lMintaucf fro tn Kw 4 - - '; tlitt of t lie (Jreal Ta!iernale jiff tiiis Tiiat llu rinixvu T1iou:iihIs Diirliatii. Wife un.l Tour hi ni; IfllrrH an nxtii 'to I he X:-iiiairk ij With a iin Mfftln;; to The talKTiiJ o jriiliig Sritkon on 3I( Ii-r, I t"iclitr' a 1'oncrful ulul l)i-onr. .tlr. iiliiiiir lluriifNt himI - SlirriMf; Sr iiiiiiS Cnurri. Mr. .loi t ittnl I Vtv Final lli-i Ilurhaln Toiit'IiijiK A iiilitiir. I. 'll I'rejpiitMl Iy the Choir 1 Cane. The TaberiiVIe several tim (.. ings. 4 . -Mr. .Toned haptcr of th Kith Verse : i he diall know He Held Aiimiallv. J j i . .. st ihw k)f the meeting iasI)ceii well nllnt at. eac h srrvh e so that although vesterday the building was Crowded to -its capacity the crowd was not larger than it lias kiin during the series f nu"t- ook his text from the 7th it Kpistle of St. John, -the If any man will do his will of the doctrine whether! it. whether I speak ofjmjself." ss 5n , 1m of (Jod or He said he Addressed a special class his audfence, tach . meetin Mordof Ood nianv'who had . They haro heard reached, they, have gone . '-.it. . ... i " attended ic away and thbught oa it, but nothlug Christianity in ly be tely iis mat hematics. ! ttstfd as accur If it oiild not I would not he a Christian, Soinetimesan old "phooloso'pher" conies --to me and :.sks me. Jo demonstrate fit to him. .Oh ya: are a phoolOsopheriare you. . You :.re one of these high fliers. I guess you nant something high up.j He sa-s "yes." Then you are a sort of a "muddyphysi- ian"too aiii't von? V Yes.'j Well then tliere ain't no hope for you. A man who's a phofilosopher and a imiddyphysician is a fool and without hone. . ; Religion is capable of being testexl. I know I've srot it. I am hanpv. Mother had it, and Jesus di(l things none but God l j . - 1 t an do. I wouldn't give a cent for the i . , a man- who tioesn t Know it who just believes he's got it but is not certain. I once heard .a man preach about! ''conscious time he had. touched the ground his mouth flew open and he had it. , It takes a powerful bad case of religion to make a man yelp along the lirle he did; ' ' . The preacher closed his remarks with solem and simple instruction to the cti converted about Jhe measures of seeking salvation and Invited all who;uwishedto enter their names as members of the different churches. ' Ianv . came for ward and had their name:s carolled. - ! t .1 AFTEK0OX SEltTICES. The attendance . upon the afternoon services was not so large as it has previ ously been, but the interest manifested by those present was in no wise dimin-1 ished from that of past gatherings. j The sermon was' preached by lie v. Mr. (.'ulpv prierrl and was on the parable of the the ts re eheisire ity of the ior its plaki- pymmetryr ill one studiea 7 1 nr. I nJ iJf fa J 1 Ff J sum tb-J v ew 1 x r7 io He applied the lessen of the fig tree to its truths. ; pecmehs of the Bible. One of ,nonition to ! go troje of its Q en sUni if' tr:a nijfljde it a tjtting prototype iritian. dom;" another toj "jbe as a palm -noted for theJieitrht uprightness of its par- manv other thinsrs which of the true jour e very-day life! Ate we morally ring any fruit ? If "not. we "encum bered the earth" as jdid - :he barren fig tree, and we j stood in danger of being fcut down, and throwjfci into the fire." j Mr. Culpepper made a strong perora tion in behalf of the more! general oliser rajion of ; prayer in tlje family circle' Tis sermon was the ' ss4n( e of simplid 1 y eomprehensive throughout, full' of effective force, and a:cpm anied by ap propriate illustrations , ! 'r At the close of Air. Culpepper's sermon Wi Jones invited all 1 he church members v ho would promise ftom tliis time forth strive to serve GoT mora acceptably in hh matter of household worship, to come forward and shake his hand. ' Most V. . .. W 1 i whether he s got ha. movetl them to take thef decisiye step. TJiey may hear every sermon and think seriously on it and be. almost per- suaitrd. but their salvation will never be settled at that point. .The attempt if a christian should be' to live as near heaven as nossible.v Uie farther 30U live from helu the nearer vou- live iq heaven anil hunting umiccupicdt ground ? between the christian tian's work iA to get so close, to Christ that the devil .Mr. Jones, s im trouble ab Its definition tianity is :in in Vest merit 1 its dividends. :No man can doin'g what vice versa. The devil jis ind Christ, and j' the chrfs- 1 . lias no room to stand on. lid he had never- seen an intidcl who cduld tell him that he hhd lived asi Christian for one week and af terwards remained an infidel. There whs nit understanding relfgiotn 3 Kn a nuthell is this : Chris- - 1 titied business, i It has its :ind its return-, its stock and obtain salvation witholit 1 1 lod savs la must tlo to o))- tain it. Neither' can he do without Hod a?! stance. You iaive hold of one end ' 'I 1 of tin log ami God the other. If yu won'tfliold up vour" end hm! (ian't carry the other and if Gotl won't t'carrv the -.1 : i other end vou can't carrv vours. ; You-say yiju won't join the liurch uji- 1 say join the Iicligidn less you've dot. religion church and then gil religion. is practical and .there's only one vay in the1 llibh- Joining the c get it, and thit is to go about i inevsdike manner. There's not 1 that cautions vou aaint . . . . lurch without jrettin-r re- "Hgionj 1 only sav if voir are play anls, drink whiskey am your oilier , out.- cvilnient vou'd Some tif ,yjou ay you want to beja christian, bul there s too much excite- ralk about ek- 1 iranir, this side Tuni over in. era v. i Whai 4i not the know of hell?.- Y01: tell vou. vou in a In a pasate going better stav 1 o n mom at mese citement, voxi of hell to tal old kerosene tlobr to inches square ant meetings. are the last ganir, -about it. :imp and burn a spot on tle night to excite etlge that he is at talk about "hell vou , go s. - b man at thebrirtk skeered" sonship" and then aboit ''unconscious sonship." j ; J If my boy was to go around and say he doesn't know whether fam his daddy or not I'd wear? him but. "What then, does God tliink of one of his adopted children who "doesn't; know whether he's God's child or not? Why, it's a slam on" the 1 ,' j whole family. My illustrations are not always elegant but they. always illustrate and that's all I want them to do. v ; ; My 'lvVjj tn:ypn, if you win t to get '' -". t. 1 e . . . '' V-i-'lt.' I.'i.. hi "I -A mm Lfe sir, gratif'ing was the response to this invi tation.. . .. " ':.";,..! j . ( XIGIIT -SKKVICES., ' J The vast assembly hall was packed last nighi ! with the largest crowd that; has yet gathered to hear jthe sermons preached by Mr. Jones and Mr. Culpep per. Long before the usual hour or commencing, the hall was full and those who poured in until the -sermon began found ' standing room only in the aisles and near the entrance. : At eight oc?p'ck, af ter the choir bet a larin g . jgo.uj e - of I htj hym 1: rVS 7 V '1"1! "i- .X-"ivJt t''X1, ...7. .... . .. ' . , i r a w. ' k -a v - 1 s . cash' all subscriDtixiiiis ice the professor rendered one of his bf autif ulsongs in which th( choir joined in the chorus. The applause that fol- lowe'd'was deservedly vigorous. o cash' all faith.; . This display of ppeh'-iian spirited Citizen, pro Sir. Jones announced "Peace" as" the applause. A -geneijal etbllection was suoiect of his sermon, lie . said that I lie re were many kinds' of, peace. .There jv xs the peace of ignorance, He gave as sn ilMstration the instance of a traveller vvhoas trudging along through.- taken up and the total sum of $2,200 yas raised and whichJwas later bn turned oyer to. Mr. Jones. . Prof. Excell sang a led "The AVondcrfikl Cotintry," after ti mkhv led liberality Durham's most generous and public a deafening Rucel good beautiful solo, cn- rcligion, U to do before you : get it just have grown sweetly familiar and tlia as vou would do after vou irot it. "When 1 tell you to come you say 1 ain't there arid therefore I can't come. You've got toj start before ou can get there! i There are sensible fools, and senseless1 fools, you ask a nigger why he aint got religion, ,and- lie says "cause ne ami 111 , von ask a law yer and he says ''because 1 aint lit."U The only difference in the answers is, nine says Vfit" and jthe other .fatten. gt ji and he.says'he aint fit'n to git fit'n. key house : , n,lfnf,inftna trt- WW nio-ht ..vpr. twucu ivir. j ones arose and announced :HLw- Titrrt irrnrr xvW hft. onk the subject of has sermon a T, l ' - r J r, 11 .1 ' -TrlA v,fr - l tirTirr-f?T. rfrn iti nihi'ltTfn " . will cling to all a a legacy of these inter-' estin? meetinirs, Mr. Jones arose and said that he held in his hand a letter from a physician of Oxford, who told of a barkeeper of that place who had been led to see the er'rot of his way by attend ing tire Sam Jones meetings in Durham, and who iannounced his intention to close up his business. The letter also said that 'during the absence of the liquor Yqu ask" Samlip why he aint seller, a drummer from a Northern whis- o;ii r ,.1.. proprietor visited the bar-room to sell a When told that fthe was in Durham attending the it is die 'same wav with a lawyer. nat , 1 i - i tdU j imi Willi "UV.a c 1 1 v7 1 iiuv. ui'ii . ! i bclieye iri tlie final perseverance of Sam Jones meetings, the knight of j the saints. Yes I do, and I believe, jn the linil perseverance of reprobates when I look at some of your sinful old ! faces out there, you old mean devils you. I can cure an "infiddle'' if he'll just shut his 'mouth. lie can't go to God with his mouth open. His mouth 'damns hini. I once'made an old "inliddle'' shut his biouth1 and he irot reli'gion and at last he rot so he'd believe, anything. lie even got the - Ill so he believed that Jonah swallowed grip shut his sample case up with a snap anil went (iuf sayingj something to the effect' that kliere would be no use in'ing to sell whiskey to that man as in a month he'd be out of the business. ' 31 r. Jones took the incident, as the subject of ashort talk . before announc ing the text (of his sermon. Said he,'npbody can act square and honest selling whis key, and that he intendeir to throw a whale. here'. r ; 1 : . ". ; iki theolov in this text, but there's religion in it. I don't want the- ololv. I i don't want a irun that will i' . - shoot around a tree, as they say there, has been one of that kind lately invented. When I hit vou- it's in a straight line where vou have no 'business af the its tail, rock at the poked up it left of it bii shoot a chunk at good women of Woman's I wlnsKev tramc every, time? it head, and if nothing was iliiwned he found that he had hfcen seei& ihg on the brink of a-'precipice, and his legs were hanging over, the! ledge. He was ignorant of his terrible surroundings, and therefore slept soundly and peace filly. This was the peace of ignorance. Mr. Jorles next spoke bf the peace of mdiffe rente. He said that fthe stolid in difference with which soniermen come to tl ese meetings . night after night sur passed his understanding Indifferent pels, and not but about the of inconsid r'apathy, and he and time 1 would try 'to that. He urged the Durham to join the iristian Temperance Union. J icre ain't a tirst-class church in thi 1 couhtrv that Would have Sam Jones for aH old Durham preicher, 1 and there ain't a first-class lie said !, iit S vhufch in the country that I'd have. Noiv I doii't mean to say there's not a church When theso mothers have a drunkard boy on then hands they will wish they had. Get the Women and the thoroughly a'Wut the; appeals of the go only indifferent about self, Children of his family.- Th; peace of in difference, it was a terrible ltind of peace- fulness. ' . ' .' . ;Then there was the peapq eratenessj and the peace .of- finally the peace that a prolan has when everybody has let him alone , but the only peace that brought, salva ion was . the peace," thai comes from God. . At the close of the sermon alargenum ber of accessions were toade to the different churches. i Mr. Culpepper made a bruef talk on the by requesting eyery perskjn in the cop- gregatibnjto shae hands with every per son in theiir immediate reac 1. He told of having made this request at a meeting he was conducting jin a Georgki. town, when a couple of men! who had heen toting pis tols "for each bther for f Tcmths. 'found . i t hemselves in close ouarters and grasped Z I UK. ill.U. . f ; . . r -t . . . . Housed on this subject and if s . -. illieeb.. i i: There will be no early morning meet- beginning at will. vote; straight next time. that after I this meeting thej our first and sweetestl word.,' GoH bes gift to a ood boy jis a good mother. There5 is-not a man in all the world' so bkse who did not at some time, talk o his mother s goodness. some 01 our adages ! were self-evident truthsone of these was "the hand that rolks the cradle rules the World." If vcm igive1 me the place of mother I dop't care; who occu pivs the place of, president, judge, gov ernor, senator or repnesentative ji Mother! the sweetbst word that .be longs to earth. We stop loig enough to say that Nerd's mother was a .'bloody murderer; and she gave to thisworld the most cruel man the .world ever saw. He ciuld fiddle and danice over burning ijome. Lord Uyronjs mother was p!roud,: intellectual w;amanV ind she gave to this xyorld one of tlie mo'st profiigate intellectual autocrats the world ever ssCvfr. J John, Wesley's motlier whs a sensibla, religious, painstaking gool woman;, and ie giive to this worhl one of the grand est characters we even had. in w si George Washingtoln's simplediearted, strqngi gave ook in liurham I'd have because I might man- i i i - age to feel at home in one of them, but one bf vour high churches, of the upper- tendorii. ' f . j " -1 -. Some of theoltl brethren in Mmneano- heaven . . 1 preachers ought to hnd out what church members voted against local- option in election then tell them to Durham last it- What art? you going to do with that old red nosetof yours when you . get to I ng.today,Uhe'first sermon ken o'clock and the afternoon and night Services at the usual hour? 1 The sermon of tonight Will close these meetings that4 have brought salvation to sb niany and spiritual comfort to vast '1 When you get there they'll. lis! seriously came to me and offered to l.ask you what's your politics, one of you build me a tabernacle and give me Srt.OOO will. say,"I'm a Democrat,- look at my . .ir t nr.-iii .n nrninn 5. week to.nn nose, ana anotuer win sav, 1 m a je- i 1 ! I L . . ' - ., luili'ence of G,iK). I looked at them and publican, look at my hearty been urint- said sinners. That's the only kindVI like. .11 take vour excitement fn hell, I'll take mine in heaven. Some people won't come here of the, excitement. Ask the - ! becauie man who savs that's hii reason how manv wives tat he's been stealing, or i lie ain't just tT a drunk.. A preacher n the West jfaitl he wouldn't come to he:r such a blatait blab-mdutheil mounte bank as Sam Jones preach, and I inquired into his history. One-of -his own ves trymen told'uiehe drank whiskey, auld played cants vith Ids church members. I then aidl vouldn't let the lop eard hound come i iside my meetings until- he had the devi )1T him.' jlleas ' thoroughly shoq! "You Dlil; fools. I I now" preach to 2,K ,XR1 people a year and get 2.,000 for doing it. AVe preachers don't, preach for money, but if you w ould stop our sal aries1, we wouldKuit vcrrsoon. I've been . ing, beer (placing his - hand? over his tomach." ! , Saloons arc the legs on which walk all the sins of society Lets knockem out. Mr. Jones announced that he would a circuit-rider all mv life and I expect to pjeach this afternoon at 3 o clock.!;'! or 3ien t;niv. ?aui ne going 111 iaov be one the rest of it. I wouldn't exchange my lot for that of the plain truth, that he was goil the Uzarof Hussia or President Harrison, turn the stones over, j You've seen'' Mn Jones here related a number of interesting incidents in his earlier life which' for want of space i obliged to be omitted. I : r t He i impressed most, forcibly on hi to seenhat fiat shiny stone-in your front yad:at. home. . It loqks nice and slick on top, but turn it over' and 'you will find worms and insects crawling about under there. I'm going to let down my bucket so ermon deep that it will stir the mud. It will be hearers in the conclusion of his the importance of action in attempting my bucket, but your mud. to become a 'christian. Zaacheus would He asked that every, lady pray tuis af- is attending the men's meeting. r i F. . . I- I . - ;i . 1 1... .-... 1 not have beeh . saved had he not come ternoon wuueiic? -uusmuu w,. ,. - . : . 1 I , -1. . - .- 1 down from the tree when. Jie was bidden. He diiki't know he: was going to get re I ligion when he made the start but by the Mr. Jones announced that Professor Excell wouldlsin!g a solo. In a-Tca bass number Sa inlay's Ieetliig Karh" Sunday morring the crowds be gan to roll into Durham from every di rection and by every means of locomo tion, tlie grains- from Kal .igh. Oxford, dlenderson anl Greensboro leing unusu- i i.- j -t ally crowded with people; coming to hear the concluding sermon in) the Sam Jones meetings! j- .- !; - "n . . ; ; ) Several hours .before thje morning' ser- iV ices began the, people I began to pour into. the Tabernacle, and by the time for the exercises to begin, eve ry seat had been taken and 'every foot of ! standing room, was occupied- ; "':;' j At abou ten o'clock in; advance of the arrivaft. ofj the evangelists 31 r. James Southgatejarose and aftef pviewing thei isuccess of : the meeting jabput to close, made an earest appeal to the congrega tion to make up a liberal contribution ;for Rev. Mr. Jones. f 't I Mr. J. Si Carr spoke oft the great spir itual good, he had rebeiMed from the Jmeetihgs, jand said that jhf would give f500r and that in order to gtet tne money in hand before night he Would, agree to good woman; and. she t ty a man whom we ; 1 of "fat her, of his country.' All great i'nen ...may my greatness is of m in njarihood may ahvj training a boy gets at mother, therefore of tys,e th'4 hll World, the ".mother ought to be the best. There is nothing in t grace that can make t lat which it loses in the 't : i not have a good mother. tat familj- and that child loves God with all her he her neighbor. as herseLf 3Ir. Jones here referred terms to his mother knew he 'could never fact that he lo'-t hi- when lie was a little a mother was lira ded, pious o' this coun- onqr with 1hr title arid say all mother. Success e economy 01 to your child act that it does T ice happ' who-e mother . . .- LirtL and loves an 1 lingt ji on the i influehce ;aid ler thd he has 'got a gracious mother, and has got a gool mot vantage ground that isplace him from;. Next to that of a dcnl best gift to a man is fa doo touched on all srts of wives, and' taid that he had admiration Ipr Ihe woman who had a henpecked h us ort of man , in variably ni eded peeking,! bee !tA likrsl hf WfW- up to her husband; thee wife, is a that he had better be than by the 4evil.! He man who would stand and in his opinion- a blessing toany man woman, happy all the timeJ sunshine on everything that come- j : . - . t. ; .' cbntact with her. Love, joy and peace X) raced tolhe hands of jhis eibgs in this in aiiectlonate said thai he xeepver . trom; tne prKibus mother He dwelt at of that it a loy 1 a -ainted, devil cannot mother God' a wife. He Ijand, that this fies all the powers of earth Joyou,, christian ancf throwing In I hi wife eace that de- amh conquer? all the obstacles in Its way. I went Into the garden of an old brother and there "wis a tombstone and he said, "There It the tombstone of my wife." I walked up and read the inscription : It gave her name, the date of her birth and the date of herdeath; and then just one line and ' tint -line was this : "She made home pleasant." That was the grandest cpl ta ih I ever Baw on a wife'a tombstone. A wife and a husband ought to have an un derstanding that they will not get mad at the same jtime.; Vfhcn a husband geti to quarrelling a wife ought to it down arid keep her mouth shut. Ucppokejof a wife'a gentlene, and thri got offjjon the subject of mothcm-In- j la v. lie said that he had a xrifghty good j in hcr-indaw,' but thar just an noon an be 1 married her daughter he moved five hun dred miles away and she had never idiown ai y inclination to follow. He nald that w icn his-wtfe wanted toe her nirother si Cjcould go, but that iin;ho or other hi fmaginiHl that when hertiirtbark he w v a little more sas3 than usual. . .Mr. Jones concluded hU wrmon 1v speaking on the third diiiou f M thc,nie, daughters. They make up large- ! sam ne, ine me 01 our itouy. lie', ( shSiI that there was a familv of children Durham, Norili Caroling' 'who ar rth th-ir weight In gold, fir upokrof ly girls who dance, and who encourage itUention of dudes. The dude, hp ' , was a pimple tuf the face of wciet) Ybu have wen these little while pirnplej tlat come on your face when you 'uleep. TJiat was a dude, aud when oi;o of th'ee . piinples was squeeze 1 It'was a thidlne. Mr. Jone-i aci-ompanied hfn' discount f w th a number of practical f lliiitratluti' j thai brought the moral he wUhed to' cenvey very conspicuously.'. Ik-fore hU Juarers.- ' ; ! . j . 11 ' ' At the close of his sermon Mr. Jones announced the presence on the platform of the wife of the late IHshopVJghtman ' and in fitting language Introiluced her to - th '! audience. Mrs. WIghtman prfHentcil th 3 cause of the Woman's Missionary Society, of which she is a representallre. She said that It was no new thing for women to engage In i missionary work, but that it was new that they were be. ginning to accomplish that work under thorough organization.' - She said much thit was eminently practical and wfe In regard to training schools, and mentioned the religious normal school to be erected ' . at Kansas City, where Sunday school missionary and charitable workers would be carefully trained,- ' ' , ',;. , ; Mr. Jones made an appeal ta the audi- " Cuoc.-ro4CCP.irt2'"on t"jvtV.i normal religious, wore anu 10 neip uusia tuo re quisite structures "at Ivan sal City. A' ftind amounting to the gVaCrous sum of ' $2ffQ.r() was subscribed. , : AKTKUXOO.V SKHVICK. ' , To one attending the large tabernacle meetings last-; Sunday morning and the week previous, it was a source of nur prise and wonder where so many people, caire from.j Surely every man, woman and child in Durham and the Hirround ing country too, must lc present.. It seemed t hits' I nil eed at the time, and yet when the hour for the meeting "for men only"' arrived, there was the auli" torium paeke(I and crowded with men of all ages, but not ji woman In the entire building, where they 'usually, outnum bered the men two to one. ' ")Ii . Jones previous to announcing his tcxtt aid that he had but thn'C quextlons '-i.y ,- '. , . ... . , v to propound to the man who attempted to give him religious Instruction and point to. him the way of nal vat ion. '.Fir t, are you posted on the subject you are alKtijt ; to discus? second, do vou mean klndlv . towards me? and third, do you ltveupto ' w hat you preach ? ' , . New myfricnds I have the klhdliet ' feelings tovvard you In everything I -ay. though sometimes I know it strikes you pretty hard and hurts. I try to live- up to what 1 preach. I preach to a many people each year In iny native home; wherje I have lived for forty-one ycart as I do anywhere In my travels. 1)6 you think people would turn out In auch num bers and accent the- teaching of at man in whom they had not' confidence tbate was tit to nreach to them! I This evening I am going to preach to you plainly, poinleilly and uectntly w hatever you may think to the c ontraiy. portion of the' l?th .vcrc of the -lDth chapter 6f (eneis will furnish the test of the discourse: "Kmape for thy lifet look not behind theeneilhe.f lay hou in all the plain : escape to the mountain est thou hi consumedj" t ilt has implanted in every man the instinctive love of life and dread of death. If the liible w arns u against anything It is t-m and sin I the transgression of the aw. and these laws God lias laid down plainly jn the ten commandments. ' j Thfirst in I;would warn you against, youngimen, is tlie sin or proianity. . The man Who will persUtently aw car and pbl ute the name of' God, If he" wu turneil 1 i ! . . 1 . . r . t . : . oose,.irec iron til ouuide restraint. would break all the other commandments. f you see a man a profane swearer, that isn't al he is. Watch Wra and,' see what else he does. If a man iwearsj he can swear as much as he pleases and! no one prevents him. If he trie to steal, though. he runs up against a sheriff and a pair of handcuffs and a jail. ; .. '. j ' . COXTIXUEU OX KIOHTII TAI1K.J ft r if ! A

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