'OL , II--NO. 84. SliAiii. ... -Kr 1 U lKture in a church feunday School Ga., I i r .i;nfr Vnll Street and its t. 1 ir , , - ,m afif"""fe. r r ," "umiuj al lasi accounts. UDarJeS- l.-,f.thelaut things in ew iofk my. . f The retort lrorn the rthwest wheat rll,e 1 , n arc mim i" t. 4,1 t'Afi rut n. x-i tnvprnnr i U mntlv appointed Minister to Italy, " i 'll 1.?l linmo in inn CTCk of a iirii-fight jn Spokane falls, V ashing ' .f iu c-ti ; i i I il.o ntht'r uav, one ui uic iiKiuere huu 4 u,,'n l,v a blow irom his antaeo- wuuu xauiory on VaiaWDa Itiver " , . . - . . I t and continued the figlit for nine rounds one hand. Tis said a hegro who wa dies. So we learn from the Newton . - rr 1 i J . I Lged at Lebanon, leu . x-r.uy, down before deaa ana me uooy given 10 r'.eru who resuscitated him. The te straw bagging, 'tis thought, will be a --7 Lf,,l nnnonent of the lute trust. The re Atlanta liquor house of Vyly & Green been plated in the hands of a receiver. The French Senate was to. have begun al of M. Boulanger to-day.- The tn Inch government is urging the Belgian lernment to expell Boulanger from its l;torV- The telegraph wires north U nrostrated by Saturday's storm. The jvor of Leceister, England, yesterday re- jreJ an anonymous letter saying a plot had in formed tf shoot the Prince of Wales fen he attended the race meeting there urdav. EDITORIAL BRIEFS. Lie ijrk i tiE vestibule train between New ana JacKsonvine wiii-De tasen "T I 'II "11 1 .1 alter .mis wees, me rionan . i i rni tm ; i 1 1 vei is aDout over ior me season. l 1 . C j 1 Jot lon: ago Sir William Glad- i jue lost' his eldest and last surviv i l brother. Now we learn that illiam II . his eldest son, is very t selms the petition for a local jtion election for Raleigh did not pain the requisite number ol bes of voters to obtain an order the election. M'hy not give up the town to the ilroads at once. T.he people and pperty owners have no rights that ;se corporations or the town gov iment should respect. I If leant fget my choice, Mr. pident, I will take anything ypu p left" is the usual remark of publican office-seekers made on ving the White House these days. resident Harrison contemplates pletsure trip on one of the femment vessels. This smacks of of Grant. When Mj veland took a trip he went at his p expense. ye President seems to be losing p with his party at the South or l her With tho nnHrl t'vaaiyav a 14 IIO w a a tc tV. ThPV ilr tint frftt iniA rflRrft llJJ f-fjv lll.VJ Jlli,J enough to suit their desires or Poctations. lkash read hypercritical for hyp weal in first article on second p- t his is the wav we wrote it Pmtended it to be, but it got Psed sonifi hnW Qft0r r,v our hiinds? - '1 - PFnrEi' a ,nnui- on -A H-ieve and Our board of town L;:,.:. ,Uur board ot townL; ! ' I r ? loners do not seem to agree l m T.. . .. J-v a single resolution j . estroy the usefulness of one r r main thoroughfares from one a i - w ill I no nthai. u 1 earsox, the Xew York Post uiorcement of Civil SpmhV.p. . A Pelican ke Stir TW,:j . . . J Pnt in rtfi ra Kit n lam. rr. j . i "lutnustoo suspicious a I lent IS tOO SU8pici0U8 a fracter to hp nil "" " t (a lJ DUlv If OU I T , I 1.1 has hprrtv, ua i mai uic 1 icsiucuiD 1 . -v-wuie somewuai. iuj- eds'nce entering upon the ar- come 6 ntering r;?'h.r?Uh0Ufhi3term- We "ant him to die and we do - morion to be President of country. a jiuhi oroiie out in Savannah. Saturday night and was still JflrtflrtTltT:ii0 --.i ff ' & Macon had been asked for ass stanre wx. u i A . - "'"F't) uie amount $1,500,000 will be destroyed. The owners of the Long Island ti r . a . i t 1 1 . I have just added one thousand spin Enterprise, Thu8 U ig new indugtrieg and improvements to old ones are the order of the day in our State. Saturday s snow storm is reported to have been the heaviest of the sea- son in western Pennsylvania and Virginia. The telegraph wires north of us were down and Saiurdav night's press dispatches had to come by way of Knoxville and Chatta nooga. We will begin to-morrow the publication of a very interesting let- ter on the South written to the Manufacturers1 Record by a New YorK business man, who recently made a tour of our section in company with Hon. Samuel Hewitt, Carnegie and others. We think the letter suffi ciently interesting to our readers to publish it in full, although it will have to run through two or three issues. When the Durham & Northern track is laid along Peabody street the R. & D. passenger depot will be about the most dangerous place in town to get to. Having one rail road eternally running its trains up and down one of the only two principal streets leading through the town from east to west is bad enough, but the new project will make Pea- boby street an exceedingly danger ous locality. TOWN TALK. What street will go next? Let's do about and start that canning factory. Proposed street, steam railway -the Durham & JNorthern. Work is progressing upon the passenger ciepoiui uie iuruam auu l i-fiL-rv i i Northern railroad. It we can t start Dig lactones, let's start small ones. I5y all means, let s have more lactones. We hope the Commonwealth Club will have a well attended and profitable meeting to-night. ! We received no weather report to-day. Has Ureely given it up as a bad iob to keep up with these April freaks of the elements? -Regular meeting of Golden Link Lodge No. 114, to night. Work in the degrees. The hour is S p. m- Visiting brothers cordially in vitea. The W. C. T. U. will meet in the norinr rf th V M. C. A to-morrow afternoon, at 3i o'clock. All ladies nterested are cordially mviiea 10 auena. Qnm0th;nr was the matter with Lno ' rho Piirrents of the electric . . . . i . i i I ght last night ana me congrega- ,.f TriniTv Church was left in r r '"T wprft flban. H'C Uttltt. i ur rt tn nrpsa too earlv to cive report of the business men a meet- ing, called for this afternoon. We will be glad if we can report to- morrow that a large, earnest and harmonious meeting was held. We regret to learn of the death L.r fM Motilrla Wootlv. eldest sister UI MO.IO. iuum . j , i rlir fronsman. Kev. A. Walker, . - . AnfiJ ot. hpr home near , . rrd flt her home near Kpinei XI. 111. i CISUU vuuuvj, v" I Thnrfldavof last week, lueiunerai i nn C.tiifHo r I TOO IT T) H(B UU tJAtUIUUI. Attention is mvitea 10 vapu o. ... j j e u Run. J5 west 8 aaveriiaciucui ui combe Tobacco Stick, an ingenious lK2k.oPSisc0,d L:thout lne stalk. The invention rav h nen at anv of our ware- houses. ' 1 DURHAM, N. C., MONDAY, APRIL We would suseest that the Commonwealth Club, at its meeting . . p--rct aiust giving one of our thoroughfares for a railroad track. ; , . i . j. r 1 1 i i mi i 1 1 lJ- 1 ucnanau win meet those who desire to pin the Y. M. C A. book-keening class, at the rooms, toniuht, and if a sufficient number to justify it are present the class will be organized at once. A favorable opportunity for our young men to study book-keening at a moderate price tor tuition, nf the terrific wind of Saturday night, out as a matter of record we will nnfp flint it Woa rr n i no catmrnct gales we have' ever exDerienced in this section1. We suooose everv tranie house! in town was shaken bv the fierce hand of the wind and many persons were reminded of the earthquake 1 of 1886. No serious damage resulted, we are glad to be able to say. ! The colored mail agent, on the R. & D. road, Nocho, who was dis placed some months ago by Mr. James Lumley, of Raleigh, has been re-appointed to his former position and will pass through here this ifternoon on his first trip. Mr. Lumley was an efficient officer and we hear no charges against him. He is a Democrat, though, and this is sufficient cause for removal in the eyes of the powers that be. Marriage. At the home of the bride's parents, in Durham, vesterday morning, Mr. Walter Melvin and Miss Mollie Bau- com were united in marriage, Rev Will B. Oliver ofhciating. From Mr. Bostick. We have a letter from Rev. G. P Bostick, in which he says he has been busy taking in the mag nificent scenery around Asheville, which, he says, is simply grand Mr. Bostick expects to leave Ahe- villeto-morrow for Brownsboro,Ken- tucky. ! Oxford Recommended. At Trinity Sunday School, yester day morning, the committee ap pointed a few weeks ago to consider the matter Of an excursion for the school, made a report through the chairman, Captain . A. (jattis Oxford was recommended as the place and the last of May or the first of June as the time. Action upon the report was deferred unti next Sunday. Win Go to i Henderson. At the meeting of the Durham To hnppo Association, held this after no(jn t WiS determined that the To bncco Trade visit Henderson in a body, on next Monday, April 15th, a special car having been tendered by the Durham & Northern railroad. All: members oi tne i rade wno uesire to fiu m i im,n iiamo Lucius nuey, secretary, on or neiore Wednesday morning, April 10th. . " - Visit to Raleigh Knights. The special train to take mem bers of Durham Lodge T)f Knights of Pythia9 on the visit to jthe Raleigh Kniarht?. will leave here this even Jmr nhnnt fi oVlonk. Fare for the round trip is S1.65. Parties may re- turn either on tne ireigni, wnicu ar- rives uere auoui o u uu, . m., ui on the Oxford train to-morrow morn- ing. The visiting Knights will have . U nnl.m- it rt t t tr ti lfnoaj trio W7nrlr. uic w.jr """p- J r ing of the Amplified Third Degree. Ve wish the Knights a pleasant trio. noMi Mr. Wm. HiLllihurtnn. A telegram to-day brought the sad intelligence of the death of Ir. Wm. Halliburton, which occurred at his home at Depot Haywood county, Nl C. this morning. We were un- able to learn any of the particulars. Mr Halliburton was a 1 resiaeni oi . Durham for; several years and has man v wnrm fripnds amon man v warm friends amonz ourciti .CIJJ', M IV tl l ciiivviv- crret ol nis death, ine ramuy, wnicr kiia Kaon thrina' cf rilrpn tlV thp HOIfl IJIU UfcUl mmK umvwU uauu ui ucaiu, nuuiu . mnniha hnq'nnr Rvmnathv and the u""""1' y -j j . sympathy of our people, in their tend his father's funeral S Halliburton is on a trip North, and ii me san news rec u he will also attend the tuneral 8, 1889. A BIG MISTAKE, aaiuruay .Mjriirs Attion ,01 tiie Many of our citizeni were struck with astonishment this morning, when they learned of the hasty ac- ion of the lown Commissioners, on Saturday night, in grahting right of way on Peabody street to the Dur- lam & Northern railroad. We publish in full, elsewhere in o-d a y 's Plant, the resolutions adapted by the Board, which should be entitled An Act to Ruin a Large Portion of Peabody Street." : j j This street is already narrow, and yef the Commissioners are hastily called together and, without anv consultation whatever with the oroo- erty owners, an order is rushed through giving the railr'pad authority i Ili1Tll - . to lay the track all the way lrorn the electric light house to the factory ofi WJ Dtke, Sons & C6. Aiie Liiici. is iu iuii uu iue buuiii side of the street until it reaches Corcoran street, where it" is to cross over to the north sidej next to the t ii i .1. . -I siqewaiK, which means that ten or li;e l, l!e 8lre ln irontot th? Hotel Claiborn if to be cut uovvn auu uiai a narrow iorK win oe lett at tneKicnmond 6: Danville " j? , , o "5P"tiui venii:iea,wiin aii . uit; utiugt;! luuiuttiiL tu iiuius passing on both sides of the vehicles. We think the Commissioners have committed a grievous mistake, and had the citizens been consulted we believe this innovation been strongly resisted. would have Right along this line is some of the; most valuable property in town, and it is not right that the Board should thus, without a moments warning, and by a single, hasty strpke, inflict thousands of dollar? damage upon the owners of prop erty along that street. We do not believe, eitner, that property owners will submit to this unwar ranted interference with their rights without determined litigation. He cannot conceive upon what ground the Board can plausibly de- v"h ; T r ,rv kVv ii.eui.ieis win laasm.uuioug!! and repeal the resolutions which they so hastily passed on Saturday night. i Death of Or. Pride Jones. We learn from Mr. Allen Ruffin, whb came down on the noon train, that Dr. Pride Jones, for many years Clerk of the Superior Court of Or ange county, died at his home in Hillshoro, on Saturday morning, at G:3p o'clock. Dr. Jones resigned his position a few months since on ac count of failing health Stand Finn! A petition is being circulated ask ing the Uountv Commissioners to call an election upon local opt-on tor ine second Monday in June, when the election was held last year it was thought we would have no further election upon this oues- tion for two )ears. This was the law at that time, and it does not ap pear right to force an election upon a people upon any question before the! time has exnired for which il was carried. But a recent enact- : . T . I l ' l. I 1 meni oi me legislature gives mis le- ell right, and we will have to take the! matter as it 18. We ; are frank to say we are sorry an , effort is being made to have an election this year, and we want it understood that it is not the work of the prohibitionists. When our oppo nents get to talking about such an election ''stirring up (bad blood."' etc.!, they can't shake their locks at us and say, "Thou did it." The is- sue! will not be of our choosing, but, neyeriueiess, nine iigiit is lorceu 'J .1 1 IP. I iti ' I- 1 upon us we shall give Our opponents the; best we have in shop. ve now want to say to tne prpniomonists : - . .I - i - i - - Prepare lor the battle and stann firm. ;A3 we see it, the issue in- vol yes a great moral question and is a -contest between right and wrong, L.ec no sine issues cause you ion men i...r ir. " r ... an morality. The prospects of a ...... , j r --- I II IIII I III I 1 1 II I III 1 1 r I t'l I l . I II l II 1 1 I I'l triumnh are bncrhter than' when vou nphoro.! rniir lost viptnrv Priont a solid, unbroken front! to your oppo- nerits and you need not fear the re sult For Rent. I A dwelling with fire rooms, on Pine street. I Apply to ABE IxOLDSTZiar. Plant Photographs. Mr. W. O. R:iin Mmpdntrn nn thp nnnntr!,;n n.fUv Mrs. W. B. Oliver left to-dav on a vis to relatives in Raleigh. Prof. W. B- Royall, of Wake Forest College, officiated at the First Baptist Church 'yesterday. Col. W. T. Blackwell. who' has "t-u ijuuc oiviv, . is uiij-iuci txuiy nu i proved, we are glad tp hear Mr. William Halliburton, who died this morning, at Depot, Havwood county, had $2,000 life insurance. Mrs. W. A. Guthrie is confined al home by sickness, being threatened Lwith fever we are very sorry U- Messrs. A. K. Umstead and W. L vvaiser, we Jearn, contemplate at tending the World's Sunday School yonvenuon, 10 oe neiu in London. m J u,y- Mr. W. W. Fuller left yesterday aiiernoon 10 anena ine u.o LMStriei Court at Green-boro. He was ac- companied by Mrs. Fuller who wil visit relatives in Greensboro. Mrs. Clowse, of Waterbury, Conn Mr. Washington Bryan, President o the A &. N. C. Railroad, and Dr Geo. W. Blacknall.of Raleinc-wer. in town thig morning, the guests o Mr j.y. Uar The party lett 01 thp noon tr;iin Commonwealth Club. There will be a regular meeting the Lommonwelth Club, at thei; rooms, to-night, when officers fo the ensuing term will be elected. A mil attendance, is desired. An Act to Ruin a Larjje Portion ot l'eabody Street. At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the town of Dur ham, hLld April 6th, 1889, the fol lowing resolutions were introduced and on motion were adopted: liesofved, That the Durham & Northern Railway Company be per mitted. and they are hereby expressh authorized by the town of Durham tn nr Pf;ihnilv etront fur t lir mimnM 0f Extending their track from', a point just west 01 tne electric ig it house, where their present righto way stops, to a point on said streei opposite the eastern end of the lac tory building of W.. Duke, Sons & Co., and that they be permitted to grade said street for said! purpose Frocided, that said Railway Com pany put said street in as good order as it now is;. and, Prodded further, that they put all street crossings now exisung or here,alter to be made, in good order, so that vehicles can con veniently and safely cross; and -also rroctded, that they shall so construe! their track where the same may nas in iront ot any store house, that wagons can get access to said stores Heoird, ihat whenever on said street the said Railway. Compan snail lawe up any pavement the shall replace the same in as good order as the said pavement now is Itesolced. That the said Railway Company only be allowed to lay one track over the street hereby granted to them lor the purpose oi extending their track. Revolted, That the road shall be run up said street as follows : It shall I ; : .1 .'I r i run up ine soum siue oi l'eaoody street from their present terminus to a point nearly opposite the western end of the Hotel Claiborn, where Corcoran street crosses Peahodv street, where it shall cross to the northern side. of Peabody street and continue along the .northern side ot Peabody street, as near the northern edge thereof as possible, and as is safe for the buildings on the north side of Peabody street to the west- ern limit of the portion of said street I 1. " L .1 I 1 - ' 1 y-M uu wuicii uiu nanway company is authorized to lay its track by U113 resolution. i n i w rr i wsotva, mat . me. permission hereby given shall in no wav inter fere or betakenasrepealinganyfran chise heretofore granted to the Dur ham Street Railway Company. . , 7.7,..,. . I f A ClllHl Killed. I 1 11 1 mi 1 mi 11 . 1 Anninw rni n k 1 1 1 -i nvmo me rf nm ates Ki?en in the form of' Soothina sttod nvny mo-hers enve their childrm such poison i snrprising whf-n thev cn u in Acker's Baby Soother It! contains noOi-im or Morpuine. Sold by R. Black- Blank Books. Various bookstore Various sizes and qualities, at the Durham okstore of J. B. Wbitaker, Jr, & Co. $5.00 PER ANNUM. i i BUSINESS NOTICES. Rubber Stamps, j Orders taken f r Rubber Stamns. of all kind, Seal Presses, Ribbon arid Seal Stamna. etc, at the Durham bookstore of J. 1i. Wiutakkr. Jr.. Co- Rogers & Co. are niovinir to the midiv on Maneum btr tt. one door iitli nf .Tnhn T. cneaper man ever. rriiiiiiphaiit Songs Just received. Sold at publishers' prices : 5 cents each; $3.00 per dozen. At the Durham bookstore of J. B. Whitakkr, Jr., & Co. The BunCOmbe TobaCCO Stick. Invented It S. B. Went. August 14. 1888 la now ting manufactured in Durham. N. o.. and will be on exhibition at all the warehouses now doing uuBinesa. mastratea catalogue lurnisued and cor respondence folicite l. Farm righiH Bold upon the most reason tble terms. Agents wanted in every c unty where tobacco is raised throughout the world. 8. B. WEST. ProDrietor. apr8-tf P. O. Box Durham. N. C Valuable Residence for Sale! At the Courthouse door in Durham on Tuesday, May 7th, 1889, t 12 o'clock m. pursuant to the provisions of a ertain mortgnge execute l by Frank P. Puryer nd wile, dated March ICth. 188K. reg-ntered in iook So. 11 (mnrtgage-). p igt'S 7i and 80 in he office of the Kegitr of Doeds lor Durham ounty, i he undersigned will sell at public auction o the highest bidder the lotjand premises therein escribe I. the same bt-ing 5 the lot known as the ani'ly rcfideuce f sai I Irauk P. Puryear. adjoin. ig tiie lots ot A K. Umstead. Ferrell and otiiera. e r the eastern A)iuudat v line of the town of Dar- am. The dwelling is new, the surroundings desirable n tn prop, rty valuable. Terms. Cash. W. A. GtjTURlE. Atttomey for Mortgagee. DurLam, X. C. April 0th, lb8y. LAN GSHANS ! Too much cannot be said in favor of the Lang. han Fowl, when bred PURE. They are large, beautiful, hardy.'quiet, easily confined, stand the coldest weather well, mature nearly as early' as Leghorns, make good setters and mothers, are easily broken up, make the finest table fowl, AND MLL LAY AS MANY EGGS IN ONE YEAR AS NY OTHER BREED OF FOWL8. I am not speak ing of a large per cent, of the so-called Langahana, which ire nothing more or less than a cross be tween Laugshans and Black' Cochins, but the Purt ' Langshan, as bred by me. The chicks are hardy. Krow fa8t aUfl mature early- i believe the Lang -han to be the best every day fowl we bave in this country. Eggs for batching, $1.60 for 13, 12.60 for 2G. Send for free circular. Address. CD. WHITAKER. Durham. N. C. ST0EEE00M WITH ELEVATOR T the store room at present occupitd by Messrs. T. F. Cheek & Son, furniture dealers, (perhaps the best stand in town) is for rent after Jan- j uary lfet. iiie &r&t, second afld third floors will I U- l-.l ?i it ue reuieu en buh, or inenrsi and third floors, i M-n building is fatted with a first clasg elevator connecting the 3 floois, and to parties Representing a desirable buBiness, I am prepared to offer most satisfactory arrangements. 1 ' Private rooms or rooms for offices for rent upon the second floor of this buildingj to parties giving good ref erences. E, A HE AR-p", AGENT. ATTENTION. i The Dnrhm Liod utd &pcrrlty Co. hM tome of the mot valtuible R-Ai tht In town nd la wt iTO'tutm od Wett Dnrhxm for 49Tbex mke a pcli of collecting account, and rent. i I Thej alao rent, bay and jaeU for ethen on co in miMin. 1 O Second floor WrigM bnlMlng. corner Ma1 B. I. BOOEB8. Sec. fOI S-ATaTu J Eight raluable build lu low in the wertera Lof f0"1;!' 1 u-tf. iSSl76o. ad- u L