- t . - . - , ;. : . . . ' Y-'; : ' . - ' ' ' ''-.'' Y- ' . -: : ' - " " Y:'; i , . ' Y' J " ' - ' . "' ' " :, r ' Oh. II--NO. 85. DURHAM, N. C., TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1889. S5.00 PER ANNUM. la. The hU.UJiivxvi. MR. 150ULANGER explains his rea- Funeral of William Halliburton. itorm of last Saturday was the se- sons for leaving Paris between suns -The remains of William Hillibur- . ir,,.un in tli( lrrinia reninsula. Vt r,..: it,- ii . , ....- rwr i a. v,ttveruv" - o Uy Baying uiai as me leader ol the auic u" uuuu train io wlown- ow,n fV7 National Republican party in France mom)W' and e funeral will take ,The Maryland Methodist Protes- " Py in r ranee place to-morrow afternoon at 3 i , i . I mews i-i in uulv lii nrpsprvp a vatr a i m . Conference has ueiernnueu u v a vuie ui -. - - - "v o ClOCK, irom trinity Uhurch. , : to support absolute prohibition. carcus and as his life was in danger community invited to attend sorted that M. Boulanger has been in France he owed it to his party to I i t. the Rfl?ian eovernment to leave seek a satp rptrpit Wo Kaim V.o.l ,n,mtrv. IleisgoingtovEngland. offinnh talfc hpfnro Knf nmrnr c L wa"ant was issued to-day .for n- (iermanv, is excited over tnemur J abov, Sunday night, committed in .ame 'manner as the White Chapel mur . were A coal barge foundered in tware Bay, Saturday night ; the captain, wife and two children were drowned. 1 1 . ,...,..11 iLr. t, men nai a iAni 1,1 a B,-"aii Business Men iu Council. Plant Pliotoerraohs AV e are gratified to be able tore- Mr. Thos. DeverCux, of Raleigh, port that the meeting held yesterday passed down the road to day aiternoon. lor me purpose oi organ- Col. II. P. Jones, of TTillshoro. izing our business men into an asso- came u0wn 0n the nooii train to-day. ciauou ior iue promotion oi uur- ham s I weiiare, was a success. A arge number of representative busi -rc, uut ucycruoiu a B. Price to answer the charge of ob real DraVe manl, tainincr mnnptf under falco nrotonoa W.v f u x. " 18 Saitl tnat 1 flCe PaSSe(1 an adver wxx "uw iue ranroaus 10 t g nffb n imitMinn of a film bill run tracks all about town so that of money, upon the clerk at Vickers' merchants can have their freight bar at Hickstown, and obtained I A. l C 1 1 unloaded. from th hnr ooro .-:k. M-uereior one pint oi liquor ana rars rioht a ; in i . j. at their doors? This would save the ""'r;"1" Uiliars anu se.ni nvT wnw iu nuuu uiuiitiv. rrice iiuu at i Louis, yesterday ; on fell, over li and the other rowed to land, allowing expense oi urayage, and it would autagoniit to drown. l he bill to pro- add to the looks of the to wn to' have . the sale of tobacco to minors has passed eteam engines rmffirifr nnd hTnwincr o sr o " " ' fci up and down all the business streets not been found at our latest advice. -third reading in the Michigan Legis- re. ajul will probably become a law.- Assiniiient. We were surprised to learn this morning that Messrs. Bowers & Ar l.vm, Ky., had a $oo,ooo fare yesterday. . " A io oMUUT enaeii, dealers in dry goods, nad BigtireatSmithtield, N.C.,Sunday. 1Dg oeiore me doors oi tne business made an assignment. Mr. B. W. iT .-i. w ci,ntfi.; loAhirar rr Anc;. hoiifipa all Aupf rkcim Trrvnl1 nAA o I Ma.t.thftWS is thf nsfii'ornpp Thp rrp- 'tilllll ff. lit 1 1 J i IttlUlVl VIA . WlJObl I mvwvw V f Vi b W 1 11 ffVyi41V& 411 VI LA I w wmv. - EDITOKIAL. BIUEFS. tout on the new railroad stopped morning about as suddenly as ferred credits amount to over five thousand dollars. Twenty-five hun dred dollars of this amount is for balance due Mr. Matthews upoti real estate of three thousand dollars value, recently purchased by the firm, upon which five hundred dol- pose to make the farmers pay us lars has been paid. Mr. Bowers re $3,000,000 this year for bagging in cently returned Irom the JSorth, exoosa of what thev naid last vear u puruuaae - a bprmg . . , . , and summer stock, and we could levy twice as much if . . . we wanted it.' That is what thev $25,000 Lost in a Blizzard. foal law at the Washington and Lee variety to the scene that would be ivity, died suddenly at Staunton, yes- striking and pleasing to the eye. lav morning. lire nuuse at yjuiuvy I Ln, Caroline county, Va., in which Gen- T he News & Observer says: "The T. J. Jackson died, is offered for sale by farmers are duly warned by the jute- er, Mr. . 15. aughn. 1 he prop- bagging trust as follows : 'We pro ij oiiereu io me iiacKsou lueiuuriai v- ition at a trifling price. lesran. Rues rival railroads-fall out and to lighting mi i . - say. l ney are bold, to say tne least, or, rather, the best of them. They give notice a year ahead. Last year come down. 1Ia(;;ie Mitchell, the well known ess, has just secured a decree of jorce from her husband, Henry T. Jock, in a New Jersey court. Read the letter of Mr. Frederick lor to the Manufacturers' Record, un in to-day's paper. It will run i'ugh three issues of The Plant. We have heard it stated that Mr. Robinson said on last Thursday, standing on Peabody street looking .westward : I would give 2o,000 for the Drivileere of running mv railroad This year they come with loud sound Up this street." This was Thursday of war. They should find no farm- evening. Saturday night brought a freight rates gener- tuey stole a march on the farmers er napping, armed.'" 'Forewarned is fore- TOWN TAL.K. severe blizzard, and five of our repu table City Aldermen met and voted the franchise worth, according to Mr. Robinson s own statement, $2o, 000,free gratis and for nothing, besides pnfominor dam naps amonnt.i nor in -bometimes it don t pay to be thousands of dollars unon the nron i lOO Smart. ortv nf onm o nf rnr Kpaf m'fi7ona -A railroad on every street. How Our advice is to resist the will that do ? What street and what night in VKRY town in the State seems to , . " I. -11 .1 il piva boom. Most of them are tne weeK will next oe : appropriated Z solid foiindationn of mills. tion until hausted." innova I n- I tne liidiciarv is ex- ones and other such good mate rs have Main street for the use fie Lynchburg railroad. It should e.a line of track a double one if red, running from Mr. J; S. Lock- to-Main Street Church. to the railroads ? Regular meeting of Alma Lodge, No. 5. Daughters of Rebekah, to night, at 8 o'clock. Durham beats the world wrong- insr its own wortnv citizens io benefit some one else. How Is It? If a man locates in Durham am makes ''our people his people," and spends his money developing our re sources, why is it that there are to be found those of us willing to take what a Durhamite native, and to the manor born, accumulates and divide it out to H'kk who are interested in pre- ung 1 eabodv street from being pi had better keep their eyes ears open along that street in From blizzards and Saturday strangers, and that too, without giv nieht meetings of City Aldermen, ing the Durhamite a chance ? Fie "Good Lord deliver us !'' for shame! Keep on, gentlemen, ant Let -'every business man in Dur- you will tind these persons you trea ham become a member of the Cham- so rudely, looking elsewhere for in lw of Commerce and Industry. vestments. You may form Chambers The Durham Board of Trade Commerce and industry every day will go to Henderson Monday . - "X" ness men asembled at the appointed time, and it was evident irom the deep earnestness manifested that Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cheek have two children quite sick, we are sorry to hear. Hon. John Robinson, Commis sioner ot Agriculture, was on the thev had come together to work for east-bound train to-day. the upbuilding ot Durham. , iir. jonn li. JNiorns, a very clever Mr. W . E. Foster was called to the memocr or the grip sack lraternity, chair, and Mr, J. J. Mackay was re- is in town this aiternoon. . quested to act as secretary. . Col.- E. J. 'Parrish went Pigeon On motion ot Mr. J. S. Carr, a River last night and will return with committee of five was appointed on the remains of Mr. William Halli- permanent organization. burton to-mqrrow. The chair appointed Messrs. J. S. mp npn nroon nf A'mr Knmn Carr, R. D. Blacknall, S. F. Tomlin- who has been iYms: a few days Manning and Leo U. in town, returnino- from thp Xorth , 0 . ; lpft. for linrnn to.dnv ' TheChamber of Commerce and T T)- c tl Industry was adopted as the name "V V-VnL p , i . ofthP omanization Llackwe 1 Baptist Church, lelt yes- The membership is to be com, Jerdf y atterppon to assist in a pro posed of white persons, of good uiceuug-at iiuisooro. son, J. S. Heartt as said committee. moral standing over twenty years of age. The membership fee was fixed at oO cents. tVbout forty persons enrolled their names! and paid the entrance lee ua. A-. . A Ul QO (.111 VA . If AO. 1 . A A A . Jones, of Hillsboro, are in town to day looking at our "Moonshine" railroad and smiling. Mrs. Perkinson, of Richmond, Va., nee Miss Langhorne, of Iynchburg, The following officers were chosen Va., is visiting the family of our es for the' first term President W. E. Foster. 1st Vice President L. W. Wise. 2d Vice President J. W. Jones. Secretary and Treasurer H. E. Seeman. Executive Committee J. S. Carr, S. F. Tomlinson, J. T. French, A. E. Lloyd, E. J. Parrish, G. C. rar thing, R. I. Rogers, C. C. Taylor. lheExecutive Committee was re quested to draft constitution and by-laws and report at the next meet ing. to teemed citizen, Mr. J. B. Cobb. That Meetiusr. Not only is the action of the Com missioners in the right of way mat ter condemned, but many ot our people think the way was not right in which it was done. They are at a loss to understand tne secrecy with which the meeting was guarded and the hasty action which trans pired. "Public office is a public trust" and it occurs to us that the fore legal action could be taken to call a halt. It seems that they Hit off more than they could chaw"," and about 9:30 this morning. Superin tendent Bridgers, of the Richmond & Danville road, had secured & war rant for trespass, when a number of the workmen were put under arrest and the work stopped. ine lorce ot sixty-hands and six two-horse team's, was" put at work at iz o clock last night. There was no grading done, the track following tne grade oi the street, up and down hill, with very short curves in one or two places. Oh, it's a daisy ! The mere sight ot it is enough to shockv any citizen who cares for the beauty v and utility of our streets. When the work was stopped, rails had been laid nearly to Corcoran street and there were cross ties placed a- short distance bevond this. i The warrant for trespass was, made returnable before Esquire A n- gier at -2:30 o'clock, this afternoon. The case was called about that time, when counsel fof the Durham & Northern stated that a civil action would most likely ensue and ob jected to the case being tried before Esquire Angier, as he was a direc tor of the North Carolina railroad and would of necessity be a party to the action. The 'Squire stated, that if the mat ter would result in a civil suit" he prererred not to try it, whereupon he withdrew and Justices W. T. Red- mono anu v . u. .wiimns were ap pointed to sit upon the case. The trial was in nrogress. at the fcourt- louse, when we closed our columns. Maj. W. A. Guthrie appears for the Richmond &' Danville railroad and Mr. R. B. Boone for the Durham & Northern. week. be held on Tuesday of next people have a right to know when tne commissioners, wno snouid be servants and not masters of the people, will meet and to attend those meetings if they see proper. What was the situation in this instance f- No public noiice is given The Visit to Raleigh. The Durham Knights of Pythias went down to Raleigh yesterday evening-, leavinsr here about 6:30. on a fraternal visit to Centre Lodge. of the meeting and it is held on a The party was thirty-six in number, dark, dreary Saturday, night, with as follows the wind; howlijjg almost a hurri- " i. Ill Southgate, G. W. Watts, T. cane, and the sleet driving into the itCHi"., t u m u.n.tr.,, faces of pedestrians a night when ll.lUillUli, 1W. Xt. 1JUU11C, AlUClt JLVia mer, C. A. Jordan, R, W. B. Happer, J. P. Monroe, A. E. Llord, E. G. Lineberry, J. C. Burch, R. F. White- hurst, C. E. Henry, J. C. Bowers, J. W. Markham, J. S. Burch. WYE. Foster; WH. McCabe, R. E. Lyon, T. J. Lambe. W. L. Walker, W. R. Israel,' L. D. Heartt, J. M. Manning, C. H. Norton, W. B. Allen, W. M. Yearby, J. H. Sneed, W. J. Exum, W. H.j Belvin, J. D. Pridgen, P. H. Dalton, F. M. Carlton, T. J. Muse, W. A. Slater and T. J. Crews. The Knights returned this morn- dead hours of the night to-night. April the loth, via the "Moonshine." this, that a citizen, when he lies.down n & & npuiiuc . ' . . . to peaceful slumbers, after a day - rP,.T-i Tj r -.Tm i o fr I In y h o m o rro mat ... ' . . .... . Guild of New York citv A1Ui,,"1"'VV 6" of honest toil, is not certain but that 1-oses to rnio snffiYiont monpv "7 i V 1 T V to-morrow's sun win snow mm prop- l to laiae sutiicient money Durham first, if vou please, gentle- Lt i u i,. the ew l ork centennial to men. UP nnwPr t.hnt he.rest assured that 1 a handsome monument to' Mrs. Have private citizens any rights th0Se persons who can, will think of ' asmnirton. whoso o-ravo is tnat rauroaas anu vity aiuciujcu theneld beiore invesuns ineir money, where they are not consulted about when it is to be damaged. pedestrians a nigl nothing short of urgent business should have induced a person to brave the elements of one of the most disagreeable nights in our history. V e say we are at a loss to understand why it was of such vast importance that the Board should be suddenly called together at such a time and final action taken upon this matter that will tend to damage the prop erty of our citizens thousands of dol lars, and these same citizens utterly ignorant of what was going on. mere were present at tnis notable meeting, Mayor W. J. Christian, That's the ' - ' I . 1 .-AO quesuon. said in Washington that Mr. Elder J. S. Dameron will preach ne has snnhl,ni TKf rr T in. in the Primitive Baptist church to- This can hardly be true. Mr. moiww night, at 7:45 o'clock. v-i uiilic ami m.1. ijiu- The represeiits most this government in important foreign mission. The Proposition Has One Merit, to Say the teast ot" It. Suppose now, right of way be voted the Lynchburg fc Durham Ilailroad to run up Ramseur street to Dillard, thence up Dillard to Main, thence up Main. We know not what a storm v Saturday night -An interesting programme is iu , , . f h d bul we preparation for the monthly meet- , -iut ih( hove nronosition f . -tr - T 5,. nUnciinn IV" """" f r " T public is cordially invited The Durham & Northern tried to split the town wide open. Jt hasn't succeeded yet, but there is no 'HKflu ,f Tr T. , , telling wnat an igut uia uiiiSivi.ia. -b1 ui avl. isouianger nas Udly Saved Franpp from nnothpr Wf(i:. t t , ., . rvi"".-: "r i a -a.-- oo Know iu . ar. nad ne laced tne ncr of the loung Aiens uonsuau , , . nna u . s . 'nd been condemned to imnris- Association, on Friday night- H ur- ,QXT n:hiu nmpppdinsare wholly . KT I I 1 A VA.CA UACUWW K wwww-- - j fent-by theSenatP tbpVp is hard- ther particulars to-morrow. dptitute of. to wit : The owners of Prison in Fninnp Wat wnnld The Plant will christen the rtv along the supposed route Held him - Durham & Northern the Moon- ave a chance to say whether or not flhinft"' railroad, since daylight is ti. :n be damaged, and whether -a our window nn.i door fns. found not good enougu iu upcittic nr nnt thpV wln consent to it. iiii I - v uiiv vwmk i qj I w www j us. r;i- , . . . u,r T.rtrtb' rnt. tor tne eclipse. iAvn.oa;H Hnr nr hp war "lake all IT I M 1 1 I 1 1 (rTAll AnH I lhAWIAtrA I LI V . A1VVB. v w A I f A 1 u QbtVI v be.n . .. i. I Thp Durham & Northern was mv relations and put them in the oft roZ I0 , late getting in, but when she came fr0nt, fight to the last man and the renontn i i . ; late getting in, but when she came front, fight to the last man and tne upeated burglaries, and , e..uf ,iiar hliyyard and hCf Ath hnt don't forre me to eo. wo l,nn i. i, . . . . sue orouKuip 6ui. - -:..;.- ;. .. . "va I ill Thotn m if r mi rrit I i . t a .' oi. ni ' in-ii i r l ' rt i, i-iai-o i em rir lnnr m mM ll - -"v,ui in iiaivj li11- I captUreQ IUCWWU. xco, cif " i xuc nuciai opum" L 1 1 rim,. 1 - T I - . I niay look out for them next, wp r here, with both feet, and don't fested toward his kinsfolk seems to r-r... I " I . . i.i l A 1 . ' uur ot guns ready. you forget it - have permeated tne Dreasa uu au- - J n j:jh u r'W.r Aidprmpn atpd the votincr of our worthy Lity foUTaare still being made to take out of the custody of Constable Aldermen, Saturdaynight last,when Fnat)ar, , , . ke.OUAl k. r,nrtip nn- thev exhibited such wonderful lib - iwi vscar ieeue, tuc iyavia, iuo u"6i i avis, iiiia luuiinuRi - y . . , . , Mket .,.,., u ..i' lrarWfor building the "Moon- era ity mlh otber peoP1e8 ngo '"4V"wt nuu wao u- i - - , U: onH nrnnprtv i tnr iciea. iias ueeu .v" voi i rnon rf.i ini 1 1 ivr lu iucu uw -ww-, . Nil I lir AftX A, WWV wiwww 1 . ei to tifte 1 The the the Isi"aVA" 1 I rl IH.I I 211 .1 All 11 wV -w r K . - en yearsV imprison- i r T wr to n if thev had heretofore that our Board of AIder- -Prosecutinff attorney K.: u.UnMa tn rnnt th rmht of men were the custodians of our 1U(Wtk a i fcUO T t a a u unA (ho trhta and nrivileeres. even to . -6v .tuu sentencea mm Wav tney ougai vu xiuvc un. ; to T, V rr w k i Tho i! fr rrnTPP.r. Tnpir irieuua. i uuiuun wi v. application. i uuuiugu w av.w. - ing, on the early train, and are loud nnmTn;M;nnP4 R CI T.po W T.,,lrp in their praise of the hospitality of j Corbett j w Carleton and M their Raleigh brethren. Ihe isews n TTornjAn igi (if Observer ol this morning, gives the following account of the interest ing occasion "Last night was an important oc casion with the Knights of Pythias C. Herndon Commissioners T. D, Jones and S. F. Mangum were absent. There were also present Messrs. W. W. Fuller and John Devereux, Jr., counsel lor' the -Durham-& North of Cantre Lodge of this city and the ern railroad and Mr. W. J. Exum, Lodge of Durham. At 5 o'clock town attorney. yesterday afternoon the Richmond All of the Commissioners present and Danville railroad sent a special voted for the resolutions, except train to Durham, which brought to Commissioner R. G. Lea,who wanted this city the members of the Jean to postpone action in order to have Nicot Lodge of Durham, the party time to give the matter due consid- consisting oi Detween iorty and nuy eration. We understand now, how members, with Chancellor Com- ever, that Mr. Lea approves the ac mander J. li. fcouthgate in charge. tion. "The visiting Lodge was received Such is a brief synopsis of the bliz at the depot by a special committee zard meeting, at which franchise ol Centre Lodge oi tnis city and es- was given away to a railroad rom corted to the Castle Hall in the Bag- pany to ruin one of our thorougfares ley building, where speeches of wel- and entail great damage upon some come were made by supreme nep- of our citizens resentatives E. G. Harrell, . G. Se park, C. C: C. W. Lambeth and Another Stunner other membersof Centre Lodge. Re- Yerily do we live in a time of sur sponses were made by Messrs. South- prises. Yesterday there was com- gate and other members of the Dur- motion and astonishment over the ham Lodge. action of the Board of Town Com "The special work of the evening missionere in so hastily granting the was conferring theAmplified Knight's use of Peabody street, one of our Rank of the Order, after which the principal thoroughfares, to the Dur visiting brethren were duly installed ham & Northern railroad for the ex as Pnnces3 of the Grand Orient with tension of their track. This morn all the imposing forms and ceremo- ing the state of astonishment was in nies. tensified when it was found that the "The party was then escorted to construction corps came, "like a thief Moseley s dining hall where a sump- in the night," and between the hours tuous lunch was served, after which of midnight and daybreak had cov the exercises of the evening were ered about half the distance of the ended and the party returned home right of way with cross ties and by their special train, having spent rails, and was still hard at work try- a most delightful evening. I ing to cover the entire distance be- Vicws ot Property Owners. We interviewed a number of the property owners along the (line of moonshine railroad and give below he substance of answers j to our questions : MR. S. R. OARKIXGTOX. I own property on Peabody street. I had no intimation whatever that application would be made by the T 1 P. xt. .1 e "S . lurnam cc ionnern ior ngnt oi T 1 , - way. l knew nothing about it un til I came down this morning and saw. the track. I am decidedly of the opinion that property on the street is considerably damagedby the track. The street is ruined. Don't know what the Commissioners were thinking about. If I had been on tne uoard I would not have dared to'vote for the franchise with out consulting with the" property owners. - MR. S. R. MAXfil M. lam a member of the Board of Town Commissioners. Received no tice Saturday afternoon of a called meeting oi tne lioard lor Saturday night. I did not go. Wish now 1 had gone. My father, Mr. W. Man- gum, and myself own property on Peabody street, which, I think, is damaged by laying this, track. I think it will keep people with teams from trading on this street. I think the street is damaged. MR. 8. F. TOMLIXSOX. i I am Secretary and Treasurer of the R. F. Morris & Son Manufactur ing Co. Have not consulted with the Company and prefer not to ex press an opinion as to damage to property. I think the street! is dam aged. I was approached upon the subject on Saturday by Mr. John Devereux, Jr., attorney for the Dur ham & Northern. I told hinr we would not consent to the track being laid. I had no idea that immediate action was contemplated. MR. V. BALLARD. I am agent for Messrs. Black well Carr, who own the Hotel Claiborn property. I am satisfied this prop erty is damaged thousands of dol lars. The damage to the street is very great. MR. LUCIUS GREEX. I can't tell what effect the action will have upon property. There is no doubt that it will injure the street. ' ANOTHER GEXTLEMAN who is one of our leading business men and a capitalist, pointed to some property along the line of the track and remarked that he had thought of buying some of that property but he didn't want it with that track along side of it. t - ! I i 4

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