THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY A. Roscower, Editor and Proprietor Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 10, 1890. THE FORCE BILL. The Republicans have made up their minds to pnns the force bill if thev can. Heed, Rowell, Hoar and other bloody shirt congress men are verv sore over the defeat of their party in the recent elec tions, and they propose to get their re venire bv fastening that v.- ininitous bill upon the country and the President applauds them and urges them on. If the bill should be passed the Democrats of the next congress although they have an immense majority in the House, could not repeal it, because the Senate is Republican, and is likely to be for several years. They would have to appropriate the money required to carry the provisions of the bill into effect. The Republican leaders are des perate. In a fair and square elec tion in 1892 they would be over whelmingly defeated. If they are permitted, however, to do the registering, counting and certify ing, they hope to get a majority in the next electoral college and in the Fifty-third congress. Beat en at the polls, they hope to re tain power by manipulating the bnl lot-boxes. They are prepar ing to resort to questionable means to gain what the people have denied them. Of course the Democrats in the Senate are not going to let the bill pass without a fight. They will block legislation. And the bill cannot be passed unless Reed's tactics are introduced into the Senate. Perhaps there are Republican senators enough, who cannot be bulldozed into sanc tioning tactics of that kind, to defeat the bloody shut pro gramme. The Republican leaders are the only ones who want the force bill. Southern Republicans don't want it. In the November elections thousands of them, it is said, voted the democratic ticket be cause they wanted to protest in some way against the bill. No where in the North are the people holding meetings demanding the passage of the bill. Indeed, in all parts of the country the republi cans are remarkably lukewarm with regard to it, and not a few of them have spoken strongly against it. Reed, Hoar, Rowell, Lodge and others, however, would not be happy if they were not doing something to injure the south. STATE NEWS. His Daughter Suffered from Eczema. My daughter suffered five years with an attack of Chrouic Eczema, that baffled the treatment of all the best practitioners. I then concluded to try a course of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) She began to improve from the first dose, and before she had completed the second bottle the irri tation had disappeared, and she is now well and enjoying unexcelled health. These are plain and simple facts, and I will cheerfully answer all inquiries, either in person or by mail. V. Vaughan, Druggist, Sandy Bottom, Va. It is the Best. I have used Swift's Specific from cleansing the Blood of impurities, and find it to be the best in the mar ket. It not only purifies the blood, but is a most excellent tonic, and builds up the general health prompt ly. J. Mtjnday, Litchfield, 111. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. One dose is worth 1 00 dollars. For horse-colic Simmons Liver Regu lator is known to be the best remedv. There are now five gold mines in operation in Burke county. An incendiary fire destroyed the gin house at the State farm near Weldon Tuesday night, causing a loss of $6,000. The regular annual meeting: of the Board of Directors of the Western Insane Asvlum was held at Morgan ton yesterday. John Harris, of Pittcounty,stands at the head for yields of cotton per acre, xrom twenty-two acres he has ginned and packed forty-two bales of cotton. During the eighteen months end ing July 1st, 1890, 10,427 persons were tried for criminal offences in this State. There were of this num ber 3,318 convictions. Wright Medlin tried to end his life at Durham on Friday but failed. He took an overdose of laudanum but his life was saved by his drinking too much of the poison. Revenue officers Dale and Ward, of Morganton, and a party of officers from Cleveland made a raid in Burke county Monday night and destroyed thirty-two barrels of beer. Mrs. Bettie Wilson, aged 70, was burned to death Friday at her home in Mecklenburg county. It is sup posed that she fell asleep while smoking and caught on fire trom her pipe. Jim Peeler, aged 35, who attended a negro festival in Cleveland county Saturday night, was shot and in stantly killed by Babe Borders. A mixture of whiskey and jealousy was the cruse of the murder. The divorced wife of Dr. Burgin, living near Andrews in Cherokee county left her home Saturday, the only occupants of the house being a six-year-old child and an intant. When she returned the house and children had been consumed bv fire. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that canuot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chexet & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kiss '.s & Marvin, Wholesale Dni-gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting diwlly upon the blood and mucous surface of the sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Forest fires which have been rag ing around Morganton this week, de stroyed millions of feet of valuable timber. Rucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetters, (hajtped Hands, Chil blains Corns, and ;illS!;:;t Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeet satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price "2 cents per box. For sale by John II. Hill & Son. Yet Ada E. "Was Pronounced Hopeless, Saved. From a letter written by Mrs Kurd, of (Jroton, S. D., we quote taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally ter minated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up saying I could live for a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank (Jod I am now a a well ami hearty woman.". Trial bot tles free at Hill Sc Son'sDrug Store, regu lar size, rOe. and $1. Eupepsy. This is what you ought tohave, intact, you must have it, to fully enjoy lift. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thous ands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to di rections and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eu pepsy. We recommend Electric Hitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at "0c. ami 1 per bottle, by Hill & Son's, druggists. Cora Davis, the colored postmis tress of Halifax, was arrested Tues day for embezzling one thousand dollars and placed in jail. Her hus band, Henry E. Davis, who is impli cated in the robbery, has made his escape. Stephen J. Daniel, of Greene coun ty, committed suicide Wednesday by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. His farm was sold under execution at Snow Hill Mon day which is the cause assigned, for the rash deed. He leaves a wife and eight children, The Southern Inter-State Immi gration Convention meets in Ashe ville next Wednesday, the 17th. Mr. Robert Haydn, of the Charlotte Chronicle, and Dr. Walter C. Mur phy, of the Burgaw Herald are the delegates appointed from the X. C. Press Association. Albert Cowan, who belongs to a gang of rowdies who infest McDowell county, was shot on Saturday by Capt. J. C. Mills of Dyartsville, re ceiving wounds from which he may die at any moment. At a political speaking there some time ago Cowan nearly killed Capt. Mills. Josiah Stancill, late postmaster of Selma. who in November 1889, was arrested charged with embezzling $200 which he extracted from var ious registered letters rassin? through the office, was tried before the U. S. Court at Raleigh on Satur day and found guilty. His sentence is imprisonment at hard labor for two years. Ia a quarrel about a gun between Joe Shields and Tom Carden' near Durham on Thursday, the result was that Shields jerked an axe out of Carden's hand which he was whet ting and struck him on the head several times, cutting off one ear. breaking his skull and collar bone. As the affair happened on the Orange county line, Shields was taken to Hillsboro jail Saturday to await the result of his bloody work. Miss Lizzie McMurray, formerly of Durham, but now of Roanoke Va., was wooed by Mr. Lankford, of that city, and had promised to give him her nana on the 3d of December. But a Mr. Thacker had won her heart. and one day when her parents were guarding the only entrance to a house at which all were visiting, Miss Liz zie blacked her face with a burnt cork, borrowed the wrap, apron and bonnet of the colored cook, took a market basket and walked briskly by her watching parents in the porch. met her lover, and the two were soon driven to a pastor's, where "the twain were made one flesh. Misses Nellie Crumpler and Oc- tavia Wellons, the daughter and step-daughter, respectively, of Mr. Jas. M. Crumpler, of Salem, whoi I JTi- XI - I A I leu, ixieir noine two weeKs ago, re turned safely Tuesday night. Thev left with $200 which Miss Wellons drew out of the bank in her own J name, and visited New York, Wash ington and several other cities, till they reached Covington, Ky., when I their money gave out. The young i taking an injection, until I took your adies cost their parents about $300. 1 Microbe : since then have had nn no- besides a great deal of trouble. The j casion for anything else where I took ove of adventure and a desire to I -Microbe properly. Restieclfullv travel, some times makes girls, as 1 J. N. Edwards and M.Edwards. There's the Dinner Bell. What a claf tering and a chattering as the children answer the dinner bell and rush into the dining room. Oh ! the gratification, a good appetite affords as our noon day's meal is set before us. But this vacant chair, what does it mean? "Oh, that is Uncle Charley's seat, (iuess lie don't feel like eating, he's got dyspep sia, you know." Dyspepsia! horrors! Deliver us from dyspepsia. What's the use of being plagued with such an nil ment anyway? What's the use having a stomach so irritated and sore that even one bite of food gives it distress? Why not heal the soreness and allay the irri tation and strengthen its muscular pro cesses, by using Botanic Blood Balm. Will it cure? It certainly will. Many, many a former dyspeptic owes his enjoy ment of life to B. B. B. Give it a trial. S. J. Chandler, Richmond, Va., writes : "Xo one can afford to be without B. B. I?, who wishes an appetite.. I could scarcely eat a single biscuit for breakfast, but since taking B. B. B. I clean the whole table, so to speak." Grenada, Miss., June 27, 1889. W. McBride, Esq., with Radam's Mi crobe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn.: Dear Sir Yours 12th received ; truly glad to hear from you, and the wonderful success you are having with your Microbe Killer. It is in deed a most wonderful medicine. It has not cured me but it has cured my wife, and has kept me alive for one year exactly. I have taken it regularly since June last and would not be without it. Mrs, J. G. M. Buffalo, of this place, has been con lined to her bed for years, and after taking a few doses "of the Microbe she has got out of bed, where they thought she would die, daily. Now she is able to sweep off the front porch. You can use my name, or my wife's name to anything in nraise of the Microbe. You know I am as low as any case that ever kept up I am nothing but skin and bones, yet I eat anything I like, and work every day. I had not had an action of my bowels for one vear without Kidney affections of years standing cured bv .Simmons Liver Regulator. .1. W. Poynts. A stitch in time. Take Simmons Liver Regulator and prevent M'ckness. The Goldsboro Storage AND WAKEKOUSE CO. Is now prepared to receive on Storage at their Commodious Ware-House. C0TT0X, FERTILIZERS And -lasses of Heavy Mc-ichaiidiise. on reasonable terms. CASH ADVANCES Will be made on Storage Certificates if required. For further information apply to i:. r. iki;ih:x, or II. WEIL. i Headquarters tor bt. jj When you start out looking for Sanr i Clans don't iai' t Store as" they have something nice for you all. A FULL to '. t W. H. HUGCIfiS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEU IN' PLOWS, CASTINGS, Agricultural - Implements! stoves. Tinware. House Furuisbin;? 'iooils, Sash. Doors. l'iini. Mas. White L-aJ. Liuseeu Oil. Mixel Faints, (,'olors, etc.. et. Next to liank of New Hanover, GOLlSUORO. N. C. ran "-in"- all the way from 1 cent to $3.0. Stoves from from 7 to 7 cents. Drums trom "2-2 to i f cents. loll carii;!-. ;i, s-' J dier Suits from 40 to OS cents. Pianos from 4U to Us e, ,lts ' f trom into 4 corns. Fancy Cologne of Every Descrip in bottles and vase. Masks from 1 to 0 cents. Horns and t..;,s ; , 'v line of Hassocks whHi we havejust received will be a nice jiivs..,,, !u,. Boys Look out for Fire "W0l at the Racket Store this week. Look at our clot ks, watches and jewelry, endless variety and lower than ever. vali, When vou start out buying your Christmas iiiesents, rem...,,!, The Racket The Greatest Bargain House in V Eastern k The Finest Beef From Alleghany Heifers weighing 400 pounds each, two years old, can be found at any time At Jones' Market, at the Sycamore tree, He also keeps regularly the finest PORK and SAUSAGE which can be found anywhere, and at prices which defy competition. For This Space PpnTiQp I have somethintosav that is UGldUoO ofinterest toparti. -ulari.eoj.le, Because I want to reach ami jU'Ofi essive vicinity, the knowing peoj.leof this People of thisclassarethe peo ple whose trade 1 desire to win. Because The Best People Are the thinking people. They know what they want. They are not to be won by mere irresponsible cackle. Pair dealing wins them. Once won they are staunch customers, not to be budded by bluster. All Thinking People Are invited to make an examination of my stock. In order to be convinced ot the fact that my low prices are consis tent with a High Grade of I am offering just now the finest Winter Cured Hams Choice Fat Mackerel, Shad Boe, &c, &c- , E. Cast ex & o M HOLIDAY DISPLAY! Toys, Horses, Dolls, Tops, tituiios, Hooks, Wagons, ('arts. Ye')-i.e,.U Musical Instrument, Mechanical To vs. I DOLLS ! DOLLS ! dol: Dolls Fairyland for the million, from the small 1 iusn loilet Nns ami oik ooxes, Jewel ( bums. Screens, Uisque Figures, &e. t to i! tscs. Nl 1 i irrca Yeare closing out our Fall Dress (loods at juices. Also tloaks. ( apes and Jackets. It will p;n v.i;: ;;oods and prices before you buy. Kespcct fully. 5V3. E. OAST EX & CO. JTJST - RECEIVE' 50 Head Fine Horses & 1 Quality, If you want the finest ernek ate trv you ever Our Cream Lunch. which wiu, m: sold at isottom ruin -grjg- SEKTSiTSJ r,?cst-Coupr1?, M,odiSino- Ke.?ommor:dcd r Phyieia;;- tj 0 al1 CH fsiIls- I'asant and agreeable to the A PROCLAMATIO Mr. SANTA CLAUSi on, missions us to tell you that his hea.hjua rtcrs for 111- roadway RacK . B. FONVIELLE Cor. West Centre and Cfeestnut Sts,, ,J!.,.'i,-VS ,M'"S r,1!'1-I,,vtt.v 11 w to .utend to the distril.uti ' V" nis ijj;-(iit lor Chri Our sloek of .fnias (Jilt W ,?!;T- GOLDSBORO, - NT. BUGGIES harTFess at 4 PRICE At Prices Never Before Heard Bmj Dlret from FACTORT nd Te MIDDLEMEN'S Profit. A O.AO LEATIIEK TP BfCtY. St..l xIe A U""' 1,okory WheekWrritd, $45.50. Pm. gon, $36.50. 2 Mtn Open Buggy, 118 60 t Man Cfcrt, $9. CO. A good $10 Bnggy Hrneu, $!.$.' W. S. rianton, ' harlotte, Jf. C, writes, Am well pleased with Phaeton reeeivetl me time ago. Can work up a business for vou m this county. Dry Goods, Notions, St' CLOTHING, CROCKERY, &c, IS OOMPj well as bovs tilings. do some Tery foolish For sale by Miller Goldsboro, N. 0. & Shannon, ( all to ee us ami sec tor v. "iiH'lvc:,. HesjHetruily, WIS. JOY3STER, Propria U. S. B-iggy & Cart Co., Cincinnati, 0