A GRAND DISPLAY OF Spring Summer Goods AT ASHER EDWARDS, The Original Leader Of Low Prices. -:o:' THIS SEASON find me better prepared than ever to offer my friends and pn trons the most beautiful and attractive stock of goods that has ever been xhibited in this city, and at prices that will astonish everybody. I hT just returned from the Northern fashion centres where I received REAL AND GENUINE BARGAINS In every lice of goods. Bj paying the cash down I received a remunerative dis count on the transaction, which fact alone enables me to sell my customers ever single yard of goods in ray vast establishment at the exact wholesale figures, tQat means at the identical figures as they were billed to me. My Dress Goods Department, which comprises all the new novelties and latest designs with beautiful assortment of trimmings to match, must be seen in order to be appre ciated. My lines of White Goods, Cliallios, Lawns, Embroideries and Fiouncings Were never prettier than at this season. It will do your eyes good to look a, them. SILKS and SATINS in every imaginable color and at prices to suit evtry body . IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT You can find almost an endless variety of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoe . Any style or quality that your fancy may require you will find in this depar tment. All you got to do is to ask for them and I guarantee that I will suit y a in the pri e. I don't keep any shoddy goods, every single pair of shoes tha leaep my store will be fully warranted, as I deal only with manufacturers of we' known rerup. I HAVE READY-MADE CLOTHING Sufficient to clothe every mm and boy in Goidsboro. I have them for me:, youths and boys, and I have them this season in larger variety than it has ever I een my pleasure to exhibit. If you want a real nobby Spring Suit of Clotles, any style, aod at less money than you ever bought it before, you will be in duty bound to call on me. Suits which you ma? think cheip at $10, I can sell you for $ . STRAW AND FELT HATS jn the latent shapes and ii endless variety, at prices never before heard of G nt'a Furnishing Gjods in the latest styles and novelties. if you will only visit my c mi in dious establishme it you will r a lily confess ii you take a look on the overloaded shelves, that I keep the Ingest aod best seltc -f( stock o! g ods in the cry, and perhaps a the State, and will sell as low or tower than any house that dot s an Honest, STB AIGHT-FO R W A RD BUSINESS. We don't mislea I the public by promising to sell gojd at half their value, any person nith common senee knows that can't be don-, but we do promise to sell tbem at. wholesale prices, and will guarantee satisfaction in every instance Whit we offer yen is n o! I f-t ek or auction goods, but articles of legitimate falue, fresh from the factories or direct from the hands of importers and jobbers. Gal! and Examine my Stock. No trou' li to shew good', tor 1 am fully convinced that if you look you will buy, and that is what I want. My motto is to deal fairly acd honestly with all our customers and to treat every ote right, from the poorest to the richest. That h:s ben one of the mainsprings of my success. It will be of interest to dealers to call and examine my stock. In variety and price- I am taabkd to ofler better inducements than heretofore. mu Emris G&idsboro, N. C. THE MERRY SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. My Visitor No Discrimination Brief Preparation Until the Next Make-up Satisfied, Etc., Etc. He comes and taps at my study door, My neighbor's youngest boy. And he takes my mind from a tedious task To bow me his latest toy. He prattles on in an artless way; He sings rae a childish song; An1 I think, as I watch him lovingly, rhat he scarce can stay too long. He ha a cherub's face and voice. 'Twixt heaven and earth a link; But, oh! I wish he would not thrust My mucilage brush in the ink. America NO DISCRIMINATION. Tramp uWill this dog bite a poor old tramp?" Hired Girl "Just as quick as a fat young one." Epoch. anti-fat remedy 11UUUU3 tU 11 jr - j and she sicked the dog on ine. York Recorder. HER TEST. 3Ir. Pleecker "My adorable one! will you be isine?" Miss Emerson "Do you pronounce the 'c' in ceramics hard or soft?" 3Ir. Bleecker "Soft." Miss Emerson "Then I cannot wed you. Our natures are incompatible. We should be unhappy.'" Judge. BRIEF PREPARATION. "Now," said the carpeuter to his wife, "we'll be off to the party as soon as I get cut my claw-hammer, brush my nails, and clean up a bit." Puck. A MODERATE REQUEST. Ethel "Twenty-rive dollars, please, papa I'm going shopping to-day. " Papa "What are you going to buy?" Ethel "Nothing. 1 want the money for cab fare." Munaey's Weekly. A HAPPY THOUGHT. "I hate this house cleaning business," sighed a discousolated husband. "Wife, let's go live in a tent." "Better live in con-tent," suggested his wife meekly. Detroit Free Press. PAPA COULD PAT FOR THEM. She (during the conversation about art iu dress) "I have had no experience with American dressmakers. Papa al waja buvs my gowns in Paris." He "How delightful! May I be al lowed to express a wish?" She "Why, certainly. What is U?" He "That he will always do so." Cln, ik lievieic. Commissioner "Yes, that's it. Sup pose you paint us a figure of Speech!' Kate Field's Washington. PERSIFLAGE IN THE MEN AO ERIE. "I wish you monkeys would quit your everlasting chattering!" exclaimed the lion. "What do you want to put in your roar for?" asked a giddy young simian. A LITERAL INTERPRETATION1. Mrs. Sauso "My deai, though yon complain about me upsetting things while housecleaning, I see by this paoer that out West the men and not the wo man, attend to that work." Sauso ' 'Indeed ?" Mrs. Sinso "Yes. It tells of how Blizzard Bill entered the house and cleaned it out." New York Herald. CHOSE THE LESSER EVIL. Miss Kate "I hope you won't think me inquisitive, but everybody is wonder ing why you married Mr. Brown." Mrs. Biown "Well, my dear, I don't mind telling you. He was forever call ing on me, and he became fo tiresome that I concluded to marry him. You can't imagine what a change it has made in him. I now have my evenings quite Kt my own disposal." Boston Transcript. The Broadway xtaoi is now packed to overflowing with the pretties SPRING AND SUMMER Go0, ever offered in this market and at such prices that will e, , chronic grumbler. We have the goods and we know th can pkase you. The goods which have just been unpacked aM shelves are THE PICK OF THE MAM and upon examining them you will find I he 'assort the styles correct, ana tne various am 3 P1U THE PRODIGAL FAMILY. Prodigal Son "I come to you with b heavy heart." Prodigal Father "And a light pock et-book. I know all about that. How much do you need now?" Texas Sift" ings. NOT PRESSED FOR TIME. The train made a stopping at the twenty-ninth crossing, and then the mild looking passenger turned, and blindly inquiied of the conductor what was the matter ith the train. The Conductor (surlily) "If you don't like the way this train runs, you can get oft and walk." Tlse Eland Passenger (more affably than ever) "Oh, never mind ; I'm in no special burry. Kate Field's Washington. FN'TIL THE NEXT MAKE-TP. Mr. Grump (old friend of the family) i "Is Miss Giddy disengaged?"' Norah "Disengaged, i? it-? 1' shouldn't wondher, sor; her young man jist wint out wid a face black as night.'' Judge. AN ETHICAL POINT. La Fiancee "I am sorry to hear p-apa is speculating so heavily." Le Fiance "By Jove! it is almost criminal for a man to speculate with money thatoupht to be saved for his son in-law." Life. SATISFIED. Johnny (sobbing)-- "Does it really h-h-hurt you to wh-whip me, M ima?" Ma "Yes, my son ; very much more than it hurts you." Johnny (drying his eye) "I'm so gad Puck. SHE PUT HER FOOT IN IT. The wife of a country minister sat in he front porch mending clothes. A leighbor stepped in for a friendly chat. A basket half full of buttons was on the floor of the porch. The visitor said: "You seem to be well supplied with button-, Mrs. Goodwin. My gracious! if there ai n't two of the same buttons my husband bad last winter on a suit." "Indeed!" said the minister's wife, calmly. "I'm surprised to hear it, as these buttons were found in the contri bution box." Dry Goods Chronicle. A NATURAL AFFINITY. Day "The spirit medium I saw last night had a wonderful affinity for tht other medium." "Weeks "What other medium?" Day "The circulating medium." Munsey's Weekly. A TRAITOR. Mr. Giltman "What have you done with ray wife's pet poodle that I paid you $26 to steal ?" Sneak Thief Bill "I returned it this rooming and got the $50 reward she of fered for it. " St. Joseph JS'eirs. ALMOST A WRECK. Conductor "What do you mean by blocking travel like that? You've nearly run the car off the track!" Tramp "Dat's home-made sponge cake I struck at dat farm-house. I wanted ter soften it a bit." Judge. BOSTON STYLE. Arabella "During your visit to Bos ton did you encounter Cupid's darts?" Bertha "Boston enpids do not use darts." Arabella "What then, do they use?" Bertha "Bean shooters. " Pud. HE RAISED THE BID. The room was crowded and the collec tion of furniture, art and bric-a-brac be ing usually choice the bidding had been very spirited. During an interval of the sale, a man with a pale and agitated countenance pushed his way to the au lioneer's side and engaged him in a whispered conversation. Presently he stood aside, and the au tioneer rapped attention with his little hammer. "Ladies and gentlemen1 he said, in a loud voice, "I have to inform you that a gentleman present has lost his pocketbook, containg three hundred dollars. He offers fifty dollars for its return.11 Instantly a small man in the back ground sprang upon a chair, and cried, excitedly, "I'll give one hundred!" Youth's Compa nion . Very Much Alike. Sa&CS J. VV V CRUSHED BY" A MENDIC ANT. Well-dressed Party--"No, Eve got nothing for you. Ain't you ashamed to be begging?'' Beggar "You are the one to be ashamed dressed up like a gentleman and never: nickel in your clothes.'' Texas Siftings. OFFENDED THEM. Ryman "Poor old Bqueers, the hair dresser down the street, has lost the pa tronage of most of his lady customers." Cornwallis "Did he make a bad break?" Ryman "Well, he put out a sififn, 'Hair dyed while you wait.' " Munsey's Weekly. MOVED IN A SENSIBLE CIRCLE. Customer (who has just had his whiskers dyed) "Yes, that'sa good job. It's a rich, glossy black. I should think you would use it on that gray beard of yours." Barber "I have a position ir. society to maintain. Next!" Chicago Jfeux. HAKD LU K. "When were you in business, my poor man?" asked the lady of the house of Bootless Bob, the tramp. "Yes, madam, but I was too honest. I asked a woman who weighed Juggins "Look here, if you can't trot out anything better than that we sha'n'l deal. You don't suppose I'm going to bid for an old rack like that, !o you V Coper (with sarcasm) "Well, I should say you can'l do better. You're both a tiille weak iu the knees and would pair well. " Judae. Astonishing Feeandity of Codfish. It is said that between 60,000,000,000 and 1 00,000,000,000 codfishes are taken Irom the sea around the shores of New foundland every year. But even that j ouanlity seems small when we con- :-!! r that a single cod yields something like 3,500,000 eggs each year, and that over 8,000,000 eggs bare been found in the roe of a single cod. A herring of six or seven ounces in weight is provided with 30,000,000 ova. After making all reasonable allowances fu; the destrur-tion oi ggs and f the young, it has been calculated that in ihrec years a single pair of herrings would produce 154,000, 000. Buffon once said that if a pair of herrings were left to breed and multiply undisturbed for a period twenty years", they would yield a dab-bulk equal in the size of our globe! St. Lou'u fftpwitfii Lord James Douglass, of London, has been arrested for not properly filling out the census blank. nmy se ronage lMy ah we aK you is to come in and see our new . If that we are disposed to make it an object for mage. WE INVITE Till; LADI to rail and examine our varied stock of Floum in- . v. . . f.ices and Embroideries. We nave tnese goons at jusj . . a it is our aim 1 sen 11 p 7- mimi iaai' n. silk, in every imaginable fchade for trimming dr MILLINERY, DRESS G0( IDS j Notions will be found at such figures that even the p 1 p to buy what he wnts. We have Bilk Gloves and Silk M f, J men. misses and chrildren, Pants and Hats 111 straa ; . . ; to enumerate all the goods we carry; suffice it to i WE HAVE THE GOODS YOU I nnd we have made it a fixed fact that there will be 1 anywheie. simply because ww carry in our new Block ive made it an annotate cerrainry mm uo uetter prices shall ho . heie, simply because we can and do sell those goods as close aiit they should be soli. WE WANT YOU TO READ everv advertisement in Ihis paper. We want you to visit even n in our line, get their prices, examine their goods, th You will then be posted, and can better appreciate th G .rMns we are offering to all alike Afraid of losing ustoiMn bv vice? Bless you no! It is just as natural for you to drift baek a harbor as it is for rivers to seek the sea. Igf.tfrs. Joyner will pr-sio over the Milhnei y m D, R : and whoever will favor her with their patronage can rest . value for each an 1 every dollar. No trouble to show goods. THE BROADWAY RACKET, W. S. JoYNEB, Proprietor, East Center St., ono door Soutb of LI 1801 Sprin or AN O AND I desire lo announce to mv many friend and 1 t rerath: returned from the N"i brrn Marfcets where I have been S weeks watchinu the market very closely, and hy paying foi all purchases made, 1 am enabled thereb : gi ! Unusual Bargains in fe3 . . . nAHQ 7 i ;ruu 1 J which comprise the moet fashionable rd sessonab 6 g mislead the public by pnimtoian to sell gco-'s a half their J person with common smse kuowa that can't, be done: butIF te i them at the lowest living prbfita MY - DRESS GOODS - - BT com;i"-?s many novelties in t!:s lines of "WHITE GOODS, I LOUNCINGS, CKALLIES, EMBROIDERIES. It will do your pit good to lock at them, whether yon buy or not. Tf you will only examine the qualities and very low pnees these floods are offered at, I am Bun will be induced to buv. IN SHOES i TAKE THE Li I cin sell you a better and finer shoe for the mom J "' 1 chaie elsewneie. I have them for Ladies, Men, Mm! t. hildren. , ,v - Every pair wa? esj ecrally made forme outof th- best 1 am In a petition to arrant every siogle pair that kv(- I HAVK CLOTHING TO ,1 the or' and suit the mot fastidious. In this linr I secun petitors this sea-cn . While id New York a first ; lishmnt was s Id oot under the Sheriil's hammer, ." : . - - - - ..... . ... . . Luh Hf Tire crrrif nr itt'u mu n t, ;.,nni' vnii , . i . --. . . . u ' irjir'iil l.'j'l l" ( 3 1(11 am nnolilf..) t n Dl ! 4 C-.- ft A Il.i1ctitll ffftrtD V , ,4 " ' r. " r ' v" r"w ""j" ... w; 1 .(I . . ' t 1 1 t . ... i .. -i can't be beat, 'these are indisputable facta, an DTS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CARPE1 , torn fo" AND TRUNKS in tar je variety and at cut-rate !The Goods Must be Soli And 1 o' a s'nsle c ts'omcr shall leave mv store witce r . will tin 1 my shelves imply over loaded with new r . aie ies r'is i s ur:: u s: cuoic, oon c put -- - once. Accommcdatioj; lady and gentlenMB c"r ready to seve you. U msrs mrw. m SB W A 2 Father tw Iric

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