THE HEADLIGHT. runiJsm:i kveuy Wednesday A. Hoscowcr, Editor and Proprietor GoLDsnouo, N. C, August 19, 1891. PRESS CONVENTION ECHOEJ The nineteenth annual meet ing of the North Carolina Press Association held at Winston last week is a thing of the past, but will be pleasantly and long re membered by those of our breth ren who had the good fortune to to be present. It was one of the largest of conventions ever held by the editors of the State and considering the number of brainy men present, the most successful one. We are almost sure that every one who could possibly at tend was there, for all had a de sire to be eye-witnesses to Win ston's pluck, progressive!) ess, en terprise and last but not least Winston's hospitality. That the brethren were rovallv entertained while there, is an indisputable fact. They w ent there, saw a good thing and like the Queen of She ba, are willing to tell it. From every corner of this vast State, for weeks to come Winston's praises will be sung and heard, for t he editors, whom, as charged by J. C. lhixtou, Esq., of Win ston, in his admirable and elo quent address of welcome, are the moulders of public opinion, have come t o believe that Winston is is the biggest town in the State. There is not a city throughout the State, or rather in the South, that has made more rapid strides in the past ten years than Win ston. In 1881 the population of Winston-Salem was 4,1 1)1 , to-day it numbers nearly 1 ;"),()()() inhabi tants. Would you believe it? Ten years ago the taxable value of property there was $900,000, while to-day it reaches nearly six million dollars. Its banking cap ital in 'SI was 2r0,00() to-day it is over half a million dollars. Ten years ago there were only eighteen tobacco factories, to day they number fifty, composing plug tobacco, rigar, and smoking tobacco factories. In addition to these extensive manufactories t here are cotton and woolen fac tories, hosiery and flouring mills, iron and machine shops, foun dries, agricultural works, fertili zer, buggy, basket, box and can dy factories, and several oth er manufact uring establishments too numerous tomention. I n all therearelOO factories in actual operation with five now in course of construction. There are (,500 operatives employed in these fac tories, who, during t he past twelve months received 1,21)0,000 in wages. Over one million of dol lars are yearly paid to the r. S. government for revenue stamps on tobacco. An admirable man aged telephone exchange, under the supervision of our former townsman, Mr. W. .1. Crews, has been recenty established there and already it numbers over 200 patrons. Its electric street rail ways, electric lights and water works are the pride of the town. From the number of excellent schools in Winston-Salem, wecan judge that education must be at home there. The time-honored Salem Female Academy, estab lished in 1802, is undoubtedly the largest college for young la dies in the South, Last year's record shows an enrollment of 'ir( students who came there from all parts of the Fnion. The buildings which are located on a beaut iful spot, fronted by a spa cious park, form a small village in themselves ; they are all well warmed and are lighted with both gas and electricity. The rooms are furnished with all the comforts of a home, the dormi tories are under the supervision of teachers, but each pupil has a private curtained alcove. Rev. J. II. Clewell, its principal, is an educator of no little renown, and him the editors will always pleas antly remember for the grand banquet given them Wednesday night. The Davis School, the largest military school in the State, has been located there. Last year's enrollment shows 27o students. Its bindings are all new and commodious. The city also enjoys free graded schools, for white and colored, with an attendance of 1,400 pupils. A carriage drive which was given the editors Wednesday evening showed us w hat 1ms been done there during the past twelve months. We have it from relia ble authority that 11 miles of new streets were graded on which 140,000 were spent for improve ments. Its residences are a mod el of architecture and in that re spect it is a head of any city in the State. A fifty thousand dol lar residence is an ordinary thing there. The Hotel Zinzendorf, lo cated in the "West Hud," w ill be completed by December 1st, at a cost of 100,000, not including turniture. it is a magmnceni structure, and is most beautifully located. The whole city is alive with masons, carpenters and street workers, and even at this season Winston looks lively. There is no more progressive city of its population anywhere than Winston, nor is there anywhere that we know of a population more thoroughly in accord on all matters involving the interest of the community, or the prosperity of the place. They believe in Winston-Salem, and that is the main secret of their success. We spent two days in her midst and we have only the most pleas ant recollections of Winston Salem and her charming and cul tured people. Any one who fails to enjoy himself with them must be built the wrong way, or has no appreciation of whole-souled hospitality. To note the Twin City's push and enterprise and failing to notice her excellent pa pers w ould be doing great injus tice to that hustling city, as a town is generally judged by the local press. The Daily Sentinel, Tnion Republican, Southern To bacco .Journal and the People's Press have done much to the ad vancement of Winston-Salem, and we a re glad to know that her citizens are appreciative of the fact. More anon. STATE NEWS. The ladies of Salisbury have es tablished a charity' hospital. Ruck Sally, colored, was run over and killed near Gaston by a train from Raleigh Friday night. A Statesville merchant the other day paid a security debt of 18 yeais standi njr in all to with :101. interest, amounting A young daughter of T. B. bitten, was killed in the Monbo cotton mills, near Newton on Saturday, by being caught in the machinery. John Jones, of Alamance county, was killed Friday by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of his brother-in-law, George Hughes. Jackson Brown was killed by his brother-in-law Sandy Walker in Vance county Sunday. A family quarrel was the cause of the homi cide. S. R. Lewis, depot agent at Fish Dam, Union county, committed sui cide Thursday, because the "course of true love" was not running smooth with him. The 3 year-old child of Walter McConncll, of Gaston county, being left in the house alone by its parents on Thursday was found 'burned to a crisp upon their return. George Dudley who in May killed Redmond Blow over a game of cards in Greenville and made his escape was captured in Richmond last week, lie is now in Greenville jail. Capt. T. F. Kirklaud, conductor on the Seaboard Air Line, while at tempting to eject a white passenger, named Martin Meeks, when near Hamlet Friday, was shot by the lat ter and dangerously wounded. The N. C. Dental Association at the meeting at Morehead last week, elected Dr. C. L. Alexander,of Char lotte, President. Winston wa3 chosen as the next place of meeting, and and the time set for the fourth Tues day in May. Lanie Moore, a young colored wo man, of Wilmington, committed sui cide Sunday by taking laudanum. The Ked Springs Fair held last week was a grand success. Gover nors Thomas M, Holt, of North Car olina, and Benjamin 11. Tillman, of South Carolina were among the speakers. While Thomas Ledford, a young Cleveland county farmer was hitch ing his mule Wednesday, a bolt of lightning struck the' tree under which they were, killing him and the mule instantly. George Gilligan was brought to Wilmington Thursday from Angus) ta, Ga., and jaded on the charge of bigamy. Wife No. 1 is living in Virginia while wife No. 2 is a resi dent of Wilmington. A union county preacher who'was thought to have reported the block ade stills recently destroyed by rev enue officers in that count', was hunted by a band of White Caps Friday night but could not be found. A certain town in the western part of the State which recently gave $G50 to Evangelist Fife, gave the magnificent sum of 10 to a class of orphans from the Oxford Asylum who gave an entertainment there a few days ago. E. M. Pavie, chief engineer of the New hern Fire Department and a prominent contractor and builder, was found dead in his bed Tuesday morning. While attending the fun eral, Joe Augustine, of Newbern,fell dead upon the .streets of that city Thursday. The infant child of Willoughby Ilansley, near Wilmington, that was left by its mother in the house alone on Saturday, with one end of a chord tied around its waist and the other end to the bed-post to keep it from tumbling out of doors, was found strangled to death upon the mother's return. The wife of Burton L. Pharr, who about ten years ago was murdered in Haywood county by an unknown as sassin, made a confession on her deathbed Thursday, that she con spired with a neighbor G. M. 8ma thers, to get her husband out of the way, in order that she be enabled to marry Smathers. 1 BALM How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, AVholesale Druggists.Tole- do, o: Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. The Farmers' State Alliance after a profitable three days' session at Morehead City last "week, elected State Senator Marion Butler, of Sampson county, President of the Alliance for the ensuing year, to suc ceed Hon. Elias Carr, of Edgecombe. Mr. Butler was a member of the last Legislature, and was one of the framers of the Railroad Commission bill. lie is also editor of the Clin ton Caucasian. Hucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chil blains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is lniaranteed to irive nerfec't satisfac tion, or money refunded. Trice cents per box. A WOmlei- Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states" that he had been under the can; of two prominent physicians, and used their treatment un til he was not able to get around. Thev pronounced his case to be consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to trv Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and ('olds and at that time was not able to walk across the stm t without resting. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better; he continued to use it and is to-day enjoying good health. If you have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottles free at Hill & Son's drug store. IHectric Hitter. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to imnl no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pim ples, boils, salt rheum and other a fic tions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the svstem and pre vent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or monev re funded. Price ."() cts. and $l.oo per bot tle at Hill A: Son's drug store. Help in Time of Need. When a man is drowning he will grasp at straws, but straws will not save him Extend to him a lifeboat and ins rescue is certain. Mr. James A. (Jreer, of Athens, (ia. (en dorsed bv the editor of the Athens Ban ner-Watchman) makes Ihe .following statement: 4'I am first cousin of the late e-(!over nor Alexander H. Stephens, and have been postal clerk on different railroads since 1S(N. For fen years I have been a P A WPli I? sufferer from a cancer on my Villi UUll farf wind, grew worse until flu discharge of mailer became proftist and very offensive. 1 becamethoroughly disgusted with blood purifiers and pro nounced them humbugs, as I had tried many without relief. Finally I was induced to use Botanic Blood Balm (T,. B. B.) The offensive dis charge decreased at once and the hard ness disappeared. It became less and less in nize until nothing remains except a sear. I gained flesh and strength, and all who have seen me bear testimony. I cannot say too much in its praise." Wesleyan :- Female -:- Institute, Staunton, Virginia, Opens Sept. 17th, 1M)1. Oneof themost thorough and attractive schools for Young Ladies in the South. Conserva tory Course in Music. 2" teachers and officers. Situation beautiful. Climate unsurpassed. Pupils from 20 states. Terms low. Special inducements to per sons at a distance. For the superiorad vantages of this celebrated Virginia school, write for a catalogue to the pres ident. W. A. I1AKK1S, I). I). Staunton, Ya. J. E. EPPS, House Painter, GOLDSBORO, N. C- PaperHanging, W all Painting, Calsomining A SPECIALTY. ' Satisfaction -:- Guaranteed.' gsT'Orders sent through post-oflice will receive prompt attention. the earth is Hat is believed by some peo ple. It matters little to me if You Don't Believe It. but if yon give me a call I CAN CONVINCE YOU that you can get a bargain in any article found in my stock. Live and Let Live is our Motto, SpH-ial inducements for you to try my brand of Obelisk Flout It is, I believe, the best on this Market. TEY IT with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, and if you are not happy this earth (be it flat or round) is no place for you. WHAT ABOUT a few bars of Frank Siddalls soap, Ivorv soap, SapolioParson's Household Am monia, Polisliine, Pea rline, they are just the thing lor housekeepers at tins season. Will Save You Lots of Work. My stock of ('aimed (Joods, Jellies, 1 'reserves,-Sauces, Arc. is complete, and I am anxious to "run them oft"' and will make you lower figures than you can get else where. It w ill be worth your while to call and st' w hat you can do at my place. . B. FONVIELLE, Cor. West Centre and Chestnut Sis., GOLDSBORO, - N. C You Want Bargains, Dontjj Our Prices CXlill Surely White Shirts 4N, ."(), 05, ST, !, and Sl.lo, uting Shirts ?,.., Bleached Jean Drawers only 27t a pair. Suspenders at -i,,ltv Hosiery all grades Lowest Prices. Straw Hats at and Below Cost Bargains in Shoes for everybody! Umbrellas from lV 1,, sL s- . v Yest Se worth VIK. (Jents (iauze Yest lr,c worth .'I.V. BUGGY -:- HARNESS Have reduced the already low price of our Buggy Harness. c.-,i! . ,. Stationery and Blank Books for just about one-half the region- ,;;,... White (Hoods. Pleached (joods, Sea Island (loods, I'.ed-Tik. . -.. SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRCJ Do You "Want a Trunk or Valistf If so; don't buy uutil you have examined our stock. Clothing! Clothing! Clothing We will close out our remaining stock of Clothing at greatly n-.lwv.lvv order to make room for our new stock. 1 "OWE PRICE CASH HOUSE." Occupying 2 Stores under Armory BiiiWimr. LiOUlSBUG FEfMkE COIiliECE, LOU IS BURG, X. C. I y" wW ? 0' Pi mm .Yext Session will begin September 2mh ISM Pull Faculty of efficient and experienced teachers. All the EngU 1,rillf' Music, Art, Elocution, Ancient and Modern IJanguages,StenognM,l, J,.;,!; ing taught by the most appro v'4m1 methods. Calisthenics fn-e. Nopliysi' -uni" '. .. the ( 'ollege the past year. Board, washing, lights, fires, ami tuition in Utf. 5? I4i per year. Special studies at reasonable rates. Send lorcain'r S. I). 1UGI.KY, A. M., RUTHERFORD MM ITARY lfJSTITUT g. ICutherfordton, LIIHlll Xorth Carol bOARD ON SUPERVISED MESS PLAN. rseW liUUUin Ttfiri-fV Mnce TT.ti c j n,,nrtn. ftc. FULL OF TEACHERS. Open Seotember ist. iSqi. Send for circuu W.T. R. BELL, A.M., Superintendent, RUTHERFORDTOM Sou venit Spoons of To-Day Can be found at the Old Reliable Parlor Jewelrv Store of & WATTS, with a new line of Watches. Diamonds, Silver Jewelry, just received. B. S. Campbell of Norfolk, Now in Golds FOE, A LIMITED TD$ will give 12 best finished Cabinet photooraphs and a lifc trait for ' 12 Second Finish photographs and a handsome (lilt W1111 S4.00. EST At former stand of the CJoldsboro Book Store. CAMPBELL, The Photograph

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