AUTUMN WHISPERINGS. Tell It Not That Our Southland Is Prosy. We Will Tell You About Many Im portant Happenings That Have Occurred During- a Week. VIRGINIA. Toli:i. the condemned murderer of M'-j 'i. tlif- Italian, ia Botetourt county, Lai confessed. Minnie Grevy, an old mare who went IhroiKdi the war. died, aged thirty-live, (!; i'-ature of the exhibit of natural and arti-au jiiudurts made by Buena Vis ta ;tt the t.-ite Fair was that of marl, of which tl;er" are extensive surface beds in Ilnciia Yi-t i near the lines of the rail It ;U;'aeU'd much attention in rom.'-rtion with the weld V will make v,h n burned into lime, and its value for a'Mi' ultural jiurpo-us. I'ndcr the old methods of making iron with charcoal j'-i-J t h j- marl w.-.s u.-ed as the fluxing mate: ial. L'-e Hoilia and i?or; Dye arc under a;:c-t at 'aivej 1o:i. Fanjiiier county. ( harmed with hein implicate ! in the minder of Mis. nines and her three chil dren near there Wednesday morning. 1 1 ;!;:) i- t!.- iaan. who, on seeing the h !;-' ia tiiini--. went some distance to the i:ei-.-d,"i, to ;;ive the alarm instead of ';!:.:;' to ih- huniintj le.'iisc. A ))! !a:i of .Jc'TVr.son Davis, painted Ji ii i t;:. (Jail Browne, for the Wtst i!,' -l-'ad ( '!ub. of I'ichmond. is said to a p.-ifc-t likeness of Mr. Davis as he :!pp'-:iM-.i ;t the time he took the reins o tin- ' )'.: ' a!e Government. The pie- ' ; i i- ;i : .'1 t !n. e-quartcr length, the r mva-- e. a-;;, in' o feet (1 inches by .'5 li f t I ia; h Mr. Browne in paint-ia-tlii- purti'.dt had nothing t. work i'roai 1 a;t tiie Gait bust, a detective pho-to-i vn!i and his own recollection of Mr. ";.:'. Ti.' b ij lid- met at Norfolk. Ale p :; - liiat during the past .year ;;;''. ;ivr missionaries occuoicd tv, .. iniadied and twenty two .stations, i.n !i d i;,:a;t) tei ;nons, "bnpti.ed 1,01 .::. :! -, ahicd pastor's meetings 1, .187, mi'i" l'.'.'dl vi.dts to families for rc i i , e. .n as al io:i and prayer, organiz ed l;!'!y !;i w Sunday Schools and fourteen nvw i !.::n la's, were en'-Med in buildum m; -efe- a p , uses ot Vidr hi, complct d twelve i .'ra-vhes and sustained one hun dred aad i i-hty-iie Sunday Schools at i Lei!-- ia! i' a;--. The total amount con-tiiini'e-l f.:r raissions during the past ten yeas, h s been $ l:.2;:! 1. '1 he eleo lio.. o! ot'.Vns resulted in the re-election of ah...-. . .ai of i in; old officers, the lion. .!. Taylor Fiiisov. of Richmond, rccciv ia- ! h unanimous vote of the body for a : .-.ii!eiit. WOUTII CAROLINA. Alter a very ;:ay time in Raleigh the Fl;;h MarvSand lleL'iment left for home T...;:.!ay." 11. I'. ( heatham, of North Carolina, die only colored member of the next Congress, is a college graduate, r.nd is said to be the best educated negro, with a single exception, That has yet sat in the House. The Maryland Steel Company is nego tiating for a regular 'arge suppiy of I Jes semer ores in North Carolina. The election on the proposition of issuing $-lo,0(j() bonds for the completion of the Charlotte city hall and f-trect work was carried by a large majority of the vote polled. William Huberts Weatherly, a promi nent n.e;eu int. committed suicide at Tyro Shops. Davidson countv, Wednesday night. License has been granted in Anson county by the commissioners to Samuel Sheppard. The tax collector of Burlington, Iredell county, has defaulted. Work has commenced on the new Nor mal School Building at Greensboro, near the Female College. Charlotte is becoming the musical center cd the State. The new School of Music there has met with wonderful success V. President Cleveland cannot attend the Raleigh Exposition. lie writes: 'T know I should enjoy a such a visit tj my No; tli Carolina friends and their neigh bors, ami I am entirely certain that 'my l'-etption ;ind entertainment would fully aee,,:-.I v, ah the hospitable disposition which distinguishes the locality. I there fore regret that ! am obliged to decline the eouru-oiH invitation you transmit, for t-e reas.,n that my engagements and oc--npat:ons f",,rl,'ul Vly lL-aving liome dur ti;e pre-e:it mouth . ZZ'Jxll CAROLINA. 1'.-. K;vi-.-s v, a wealthy and promi re;.t ariesion meichant of ante-bellum ,i:-v- ,lird at Ed;;ei-;d last week. M in . I,;:;- (. J making a strong t:'it :i-i"-'b:--t the pioposed new county of Calk 1 lie s;:;!t' Aiiiaia e Exchange, at a mi etir.u'. ednoday. determined t move the hca-iquarteis ot'tha Exchange to Co limihi i, lhecha:;ee be 'made on Jaau.-.ry 1. A i , inmi-x!..,! f(,r rliaiter has ben is " ," i,u 'Waierlo) Loan and Savings l':mv. Cai.iial. S'OnM. dhe U-: -. i.-t Aiiiam e hcturers of the ' !!:" - 'ohnnbia. lavt week, to di- ( II-- ; , State. (.. ami f;,tuie work in this the meiiibcis said thnf. tlw ' i g.t .iiat ir -I v. as ;:i excellent order and J,;h;;ur1 "-k v.,.uld be pressed as vig " ' .' '' ber'-te-!.-.rc. e-piadallv the cam-1--m ,.. i du. a:iea. !k a a;s n ri- I 4 ., i. :.. . 1 1 "'' ('"';( ,' ehurclu-s through the State to T-vocure counsel to defend the ten negroes V--'J were convicted of murder in Lau ( uunty. on September 1st, and sen '' 'al to he hanged. The governor has yk-'"'l the men and the movement is v',?r 1 row lrial So far about i i-ie .-,oo needed has been secured. ( :i u!r ston News and Courier: Lving -I'.M-al wharf is the brig Bessie" E. ( '' ' '''"'"t from Porto Rico, with a ' , ' ' : units, which she was busily ' " Thi Is the largest cargo " :i;..;t. ever vet cived at ' t hk port. J' Of r,(;00. The South Carolina Historical Society, being desirous of extending its opera tions over the whole State and enlisting the aid of all who are interested in them, has called a meeting, to be held in Co lumbia on the evening of December 1st next, to c-tablish branch societies iu every county, and to appeal to the Gen eral A. ssemby for aid ia prosecuting its work. The committee which was ap pointed to arrange for the meeting con sists of Messrs. Edward McCradv, Jr., Johnson IL-igood. John Johnson. "Wiili .m II. Grier, Ellison Capers. John L. Weber and G. Vv. Holland, and these gentle men have a printed - a circular letter of invitation which they have sent to many persons, begging them "to extend the in vitation to everyone interested in the preservation of the history of the State " The co lector of ihe port's statement of the exports from Chaileston far the month of October .shows a gratifying increase in trade. The total value" of the ship ments was .HV.iCi. The Custom House figures so far recorded this month, show that the bu-inessof the port will be far in excess of hist month. The official statement for October is as follows -Value Sea island ttotbui. bags 028$ 27,813 Upland cotton, bales' 0220:) 2,812,451 Phosphate rock, toes 100 TOO Kosin, barrels 2. GO I 4,000 Spirits tuip'tine, gal's 18,C00 t;,-J00 Cotton seeds, pounds 210,8 ;7 15,000 OTHER STATES. Fannie Edwards, the girl preacher, has closed a at Bristol, Tenn. Flames destroyed apart of the busiuess portion of Tampa, Fla., last Thursday. Loss i?S.",000 Texas wants to rai-e 0:100,000 for its exhioit at the World's Fair. The lum ber dealers and manufacturers have sub scribed about $:(', 000 worth of lumber of various kinds towards the construc tion of the Suite building, ami to exhibit the wealth of Texas in timber. 1 ak- Palmyra is a part of the Missis sippi Itiver at high water, but at present its bottom is dry. w ith a thin upper crust of dry ca-th and a deeper lower layer of soft mud. A half-witted negro who tried to walk across to an island broke through the crust. In one day he sank to the wa st, and i'i two days to the neck. On the night of the second day he was pull ed on!. Some time ago C. P. Goodyear and other cute rpi ising of llrunswick G i.. undeitook to deepen the harbor a that place by the use of dynamite. At ; cost of a few thousa d dollars they se cured an increased depth of 2 J feet, th ugh engineers had estimated that hundreds of thousands would be required. Not satisfied with this Mr. Goodyear and hi associates have off-red to the city council to guarantee to secure 2.) feet. Mid a contract w ill doubllcs be made to that effect. OUR APPROPRIATIONS. What tlx Government Will Spend for Coast and Har'oor ImprovomentB. Washington, I). C, rSpecial.lThe annual estimates of General Osev, chief oftngin ers of the United States armv. for the coast and harbor improvement for the year lsC-2 contain the following recommendations : Virginia Cape Charles City harbor, f 20,400: James river, ft 3.7:irt.000. of which $100,000 can be profitably expen dodials02; Ocoquou rivtr, ".$"3o,000; Aquia creek, .0,00((; Noini creek, $30, 000; Frbana creek, tJUi.OOO; York river, "vlmUrOO; Mattaponi rfver, $220,000; Pa munkey liver, -tl 0,000; for Norfolk har bor and approaches, estimated, $4 .17,000; approach to Norfolk harbor and United States navy yard, $108,000; Nansemond liver. i:;2,."00; from Norfolk harbor to Albemarle sound, N. C, through Curri tuck sound, s,077, estimated, but $25, O'lO could lie profitably expended; Staun ton river, $.10,000. North Carolina Koiuoke river, $131, 000, of which (;i),000 can profitably be expended in 1802; Ocracroke inlet, N. C, $r,10.)00 of which 100,000 for expenditure iu 1801 ; Pamlico and Tar rivers, N. ('., $;, 0o0; Neuse river, N. C , ?10G,.')0u: inland water-way between New Ecrno and Eeaufort, N. C.,$"7,000 ; Heaufort harbor, tS23,OO0; water-way between New river and Swansboro, N.C. , $38,r,00: Caj.i- Fear river, N. C.,!?25,000; Iilack river, N. C. O.-lOO; Cape Fear river, above Wilmington, N.C, $173,000, same river beh.w Wilmington, $1,055, 000, f which $300,000 is to be exjiended iu 181)2; Yadkin river, N. (.'., $5,000. KE DEFIED THE SHERIFF, And Drove Judgo Bynum From the Bench. The Asheville, N. C, Mountain Home Journal reports that a most disgraceful and daring occurrence took place at Eurnsville. Yancey county, last week, and says the facts are these: One of the best citizens of that county, Solomon Carter, had died very suddenly, and was being buried. Garret D. Ray, another leading citizen of the same town, had not. lived on good terms w ith Mr. Carter during the latter' s lifetime, but as death had removed one of the two, Mr. Ray thought he would aid in paying tho last tribute of inspect to his departed ceiglj bor and attended the burrial. This" so enraged the son of Mr. Kay that he shot at his father several times, whereupon Judge liynuin ordered the arrest of young Ray . lie defied the sheriff, but walked into the courthouse, and. with his double barred gun, drove the judge from the bench, cleared out the assembly and de liberately walked oil. ELOPEMENT ENDS IN DEATH. One of the Elopers Was a Cousin of President Diaz of Mexico. Ei. Paso, Tex., Special. Ramon Gandara ami Mis Perez eloped from Quadrilla, Mex., fifteen miles below this city, and boarded a train at the Rio Grande station on the Southern Pacific Rail way. Jose Perez, a nephew of Miss Perez, also got on the train to stop the runa ways. Gandara opened fire, shooting Perez iu the hip. Perez returned the ire, killing Gandara iustantly. Miss .'Vrez is a cousin of President Diaz of Mexico. BANKERS AND SILVER. I Free Coinage Discussed by the Con vention in New Orleans. "Is it Practical to Have a National Rate of Interest?" Discussed. New- Orleans, J,a , Special. At the Bankers' Convention W. P. St. John, of New York, read a piper on the silver question. He urged the reopening of the mints to equally restricted coinage of gold an 1 silver. lie says his plan will tend to unite the currency by providing a sin gle automatic issue in lieu of any capri cious issue of circulating notes. These no'es would be redeemable in coin, the coin reserved for them being at face amount of the notes. Hou. John Jay Knox, ex-Comptroller of the Currency, replied to Mr. St. John, arguing against the free coinage of silver. Mr. Johnston, of Birmingham, spoke in favor of an honest silver dollar. Mr. George Rutlege Gibson then read a fancy descriptive paper on "Wall Street." Mr. Gibson briefly reviewed the history the history of stock exchanges and devo ted much space to ihe principles and benefits of speculation; the ethic9 of speculation; the utility ol the middleman or broker ; the community of interest be tween Wall street and the country; the influence of the Stock Exchange and the international relations of Wall strcct. Mr. Gibson treated his subject from a Wall trect standpoint. Speaking of the rela tive value of railroad and farming prop erty in the West, he claimed thatto the railroads, in the increased transportation facilities furnished, the farmer owed most of the increased value of his farm proper ty. Mr. Gibson expressed the opinion that the bankers of the interior of the country wc it to themselves as inlluential citizens f the com i. unities in which they live to combat the feeling of hostility in many soetio:s to capital and to Wall street. He aid a high tribute the morals of the '.Vall-street banken and brokers, especial ly as to their integrity in linaiieial mat ers an 1 their scrupulous regard for the inviolability of contracts they make, even i the hurry and bustle of transactions ipon the Fxchange. A paper was read by William C. Coru vall, of Buffalo, X. Y., on "Canadian lank Currency," and one by Hon. P. W. 'eeples, of Jackson, Miss., on "States manship in Finance '' The topic for discussion was: lIs it practicable to have a national rate of in terest?' TRANSACTiolFRAIN"MAKING Sale of a Rain Company's Secret Process for $50,000. Temple, Tex., Special."! Rain link ers have been at work here. They came from Kansas, are called the Inter-State Artificial Rain, Company, and have their headquarters at Good land, Kan. This company, of which E. H. Murphy is President, was negotiating a sale of their secret to a stock company, and the expe riment here was the last of a series that resulted favorably. The stock company, through its agent accompanying the pait', signified its satisfaction with the experiments. The party, consisting of President Mur phy, Messrs Smith, Bush and Morris, arriv ed in the city on Nov. 1, and commenced operations Monday evening in a small outhouse at the edge of town. The con ditions were extremely unfavorable for rain. No results could be seen ht iirst, but on Friday the sky lecanie overcast with clouds. On Saturday a high wind pre vailed, and on Saturday night some rain come from the southwest. On Sunday rain fell all day and at night a norther arose. Roports from 100 to 150 miles rouud the town shows that rain fell on Sunday in most localities iu considera ble quantities. The rain makers are jubilant and claim the rain fell on account of their efforts. They closed the bargain for the purchase of their secret upon the results here and Tuesday left for home. It is understood that $.)0,C00 was the juice. Th-i process is claimed to be that used by Melbourne. KNIGHTS OF LABOR. The Meeting Adopts Two Important Resolutions. Tolkdo, Ohio, Special. Knights of Labor convention settled the contested case of district assembly l'j." by restoring eighteen local assemblies to good stand ing and sea' ing all five delegates. The following amendment of section fifteen, article three, was defeated unanimously. "All general officers shall be elected for two years, but. no general officer shall be eligible to re-election for more than two consecutive term-." The following amendment to lth ar ticle was unanimously adopted: -And all children over the age of seven and under fifteen shall be compelled to attend some institution of learning at least ten mouths of each year, or such part of the year as may be offered them. ' An amendment, intended to place the s.-lecfion of the executive board in the hands of the General Assembly, instead of the Master AVorkmen, was "defeated, another victory for Powderly. A number' of letttrs were read from the order in south Africa and New Zealand, where it is growing rapidly. The board complains that the labels of the order are counterfeited systematically, and that, as the law atiurds no sufficient protection, aks the appointment of a special com mittee to devise means of remedy. The Liquor Question in Charleston. Charleston, S. C, Special. The piohibition question is revived here, and the legislatuie will hear from Charleston when it meets. The advocates of prohi bitionists have prepared a petition, which has qiiitt: a number of signatures. The autrs say, however, that they are mostly signatures of women and children, and on the other hand, the wholesale liquor dc ilers and the retail grocer association and the German Turn Yerein are prepar ing couuter petitions, and have a joint committee, one charged with the man agement of the campaign iu Columbia- NEWSY GLEANINGS. Corea is bankrupt. Fiji has 123,000 souls. Germany has 10,000 Iccomotivei. California has a big potato crop. Uncle Sam has 30.000 millionaires. Canada has an enormous apple crop. Returns indicate a moderate apple crop. Forest fires have been raincr in In diana. Apples are beinj cxporte-i ia lar-a quantities. The pecan crop ia Texas U uu usually large this year. The public schools ia tho Unite 1 States Lave 12,500,000 pupils. Russl. has prohibited the exportation of all cereals excepting wheat Huoini is framing a bill to reduce tt number of holidays in Italy. The cranberry crop will be twenty per cent, smaller than that of last year. The newly adopts 1 small bore rifle, ha3 been introduced into actual use in the Italian army. An English locomotive has completevl its miilioneth mile and is 6till in good con dition. A late estimate placas tho peach crop ot the Delaware Peninsula for 1S91 at 6,000 tXX) baskets. ' ' Thb estimates for th Police Department of New York City for 1802 amount to So, 01f?,601.(5. The United States Government is about to make a geological survey of the Stap of Washington. There is 509,531,000 deposited in New Ilamphire savings banks. There are lt5, 264 depositors. The Board of Lady Managers of th9 World's Fair will probably employ a num ber of Southern women as guides and inter preters. It is proposed to close all liquor stores in the famine-striken districts of Russia to pre vent peasants spending their relief money for drink. The Government Engineer of Honduras, who regulates the mahogany cut. estimates the value of the trees now ready for the mar ket at $200,000,000. Ground has been broken at Brownsville, Texas, on the Intercontinental Railroad, which is to conuect the United States with Mexico and Central America. The Argentine Republic has sold one thousand square miles in the Grand Chaco, the Northern part of the Republic, to Baron Hirsch for the establishment of a Hebrew settlement. One million dollars in gold has beou paid . TRAIN ROBBERY FOILED. An Interesting Story From Down in Alabama. Birmingham, Ala., Special. A story comes from Collinsville, on the Alabama Great "Southern railroad that sounds very much like an attempted train robbery. The agent at Collinsville heard that an attempt would be made to rob the Southern Express which passed there about twelve o'clock. Shortly aftenvard fifteen men, nicely dressed, came in and took possession of the Station, refusing to vacate when locking up time came. The agent tlen called on tho local au thorities, and the mayor and inarshall, police and a posse of citizens came to his rescue and drove the men away. The gang was well armed and left threaten ing vengeance. The train at Chattanoo ga was notified and left there with all the train meu armed to the teeth. As it puiled iu Collinsville, four of the men reappeared and attempted to board it, but the citizens fired on them and tlley fled. It is said one of the fellows was hit and fell, but got up and made oil again. It is believed the at tempt was planned to have been made below Col iinsville, but the train came through without being molested. All the train men on the division are now armed and an extra lookout is observed. One of the gang has been arrested, but his story has not vet been obtained. He Has Taken His Last Degree. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Special. The Hon. Samuel Chipman, who celebrat ed his 101st birthday on OetO&CY I S, died this morning in Cornwall!?, Kings county. He is believed to have been The oldt Free Mastfu in the world, taking Bis de gree in 1815. REV.SAtVi.P.JON! REV, J. B, HAWTHORN WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT DR. ICING'S Thf- following i an c-xtrart from h l-tt-r writ lMi ij tin World m-oowiii-il Kv:iiiKeli' I ri-turiM-tl fr to Tyl-r. Texas, on tli.- 1-t'u iiiNt. 1 lin l luv uif- Iih-s I .-.-! i tiikiiikf Koviii itri.. til. i to th'- HKKAT I'l'Hl ll.Iil.Vti t 10 r ical system. She N now aliou-t li t e 11 om the iiitle-sim hetidiH hi-s with liit ll she ha-, lieeii u M A It 1' V It tor iwei.l v wars. Surely II hu ti. nie wi. rulers i r her : I W'lsll I'VKKV I H M FFKlllMi WIFK HAD At CKsS'iU 'I'll AT MKDll lM;. lte. .1 H llawllii ttif. Pastor Fir-t F,ai t;-t eiiiiivh. Atlaiitit. ia., w as i iired .if a; staiul-lhk- fas" of Waturrh. His wife lial heeii an I'l aliil from liervoiis lieu'laehe, ueiiraltria. anti rheumatism Hill THIUTY V 1 A Its. M-areely iiavnii; ilav'-i exemption from pain. AfW im; l:.i :il iei m el lie i' 1 1 o ii i on lli. Ire write": ' A I haeneer EVEKY SYMPTON OF DISEASE HAS DISAPPEARED She u..ears to lie twenty year-viiiint't-r. uii-l is as happy an l .!afiil a a health V chiM. We have lersit:ulel many of oil! fi leii'ls" to take the meiliciiie. am! the testimony Vf all of them is that it is a -;real remedy." It. Kiiik's Koyal liermetiier is a hoon t.. Women. 1 1 I mi I. Is n t he st reni;t li. i to leases t he Uppetite. ul"N ingestion, relieves thtm f the ;tise of disease, uii'l iiislirt-S health. It is an mfallihle i-iire for Itheimiati-iM. Xtu raliiiii. I'aralvsls. Insomnia. 1 s-ifi;i. lu-Ji-t.-U'iii. Palpitation. I.iver. P.lmi.ieraiel Wi-lm-v disease hills ami 1-Vvers. 'atarrh all P.iol and skin i'iseases. Female 'I rotihles. ete. Prompted hy a !eiie to reai h more suirering people, the price has lieeii reduced Irom 'J.. to -I -vi per concent rated Lottie, w huh makes one --alloi. of medi. hie :.s per d i reet ! his uco.mpa " im.' eri: hoitle I or l,v the ATLANTIC GERMETUER CO. Atlanta. Ca 'and ly I 'n. 1:1-1-. if otir I iruiru ist can n- mi j. v voii . it can ! cut hy e. press. KfJf'Seii.; stamp for full particulars, eerlil Ivatesi f womJerful ci"-:i. etc. Price reduced to 1. per bottle. For sale by J. II. Hill & Son. A CTUtUl A DR- TAFTU A8THMALENE - O I niwlM-ABCnnevr tills. "! us yo.r a 1 ir,s. e will mail tnal bUflCUBOTTHf Wtf f THE DR. TAFT IROS. M. C0..80CKSTR.N.t.r KCt SAW THROUGH HIS DISGUISE, A Reporter Assumes tho Role of a Servant and is Ejected From the Kaiser's Train. A cablegram from Berlin, says: Are porter disguised as one of the imperial domestics smuggled himself aboard the Kaiser's train from Potsdam for Kreuz, and was taking copious notes in his ca pacious brain ofjthe royal sayings and'do ings en route, when he was detected by the vigilant Baron Lyncker, of the Em peror's personal entourage, and jofC ed t j admit his identity and xSiOn. Some of the eminent persons on the train thoujht hanging would be too light a punishment for the intruder, but it was finally decided to put him oil the train at a lonely snot in the woods, whence he TT0;:ld nave a long walk before reaching a placo of habitation. This was done, and when the Emperor inquired the reas on for stopping the train and was told what had occurred he laughed heartily find expressed his approval of the punish ment inflicted upon the enterprising young man. For Camden's Winter Visitors. The Richmond & Danville Railroad Co. has placed on sale at its Northern of fices through tickets to Camden, S. C. Passengers can now ride from Washing ton to Kork Hill, via Charlotte, on ihe Charlotte & Augusta division of the sys tem, and there make close connection with the paenger train of the Three C's Railroad. This saves them the tedious roundabout routes heretofore followed via Charleston and Columbia respective ly. The traveling public will appreciate this arrange:! ent. La Grippe Revisits New Ycrk. New York City, Special. La grippe, or Russian influenza, has made its appearance in this city. It leaked out at the health department that among the deaths reported lat week was one "from la grippe. Watson-fe PnxTON, Attornfynt T,.w ( Winston, N. '., St j't If,, lsi'i. ' 4 Js. II. Weiiii, jSer'y, Wa-Iiinnton, I). ('.: I)RAIt Silt I liavy bei'ii Uriilin- lie of yovr Filer! ropoiMH for lour years, u:mu a liiilr in valid i-'im, ho lias hrt"n atUirtrd v. ith a ii:l monary trouMc mi l 11 'ro-iral tendency. 1 have found t;i t at relief for .rt i.i I he us.-of the KlectropoiM', v. In 11 tin' doctors hal failed to jriv him any )t rr.-iant iit. i t-ii 1", und 1 am ratified that but for its wo should lo-thiiii. I have never M'i'ii il fail to red tiro i his fever, or to liriitu: oillid s'Wt'et sle;. 1 woiiiit iioi, uu v. niin'ii il jur in:i ii 1 1 !ii n s rost. Voiir". truly, .1. i"l'X'H)N'. Mr. Hnxton is :ilo J 'resident of 1 irs! N'i iial Hank, Winston, N.C, ami i.iOi-oof ti.j Inrrmost men of t lie South. J-'or idl information uddio?3 ATLANTIC ELECTflOPOJSE CO., No. 1405 New Yoik Av., Washington, V. C, or 222 King St., Ckahlcuton :. c t The Ladies 'I hat we alwas CALICOES, GINGHAMS and DOMESTICS j They ran find in the city, but this time we l.av' t xceede l all our former efforts. Our Mr. BRITT ha? just returned from the Northern markets where he se lected them ia person, and now we hive The Largest and GOODS THAT AVE HAVE EVER SHOWN. . fm, mmmm . AVhen you want a sjiirt call for the "DIA- yl PTI JH O I K CJ MOND SHIRT, ' which has such a reputa-ATiVvAi- a VO.JL1.KJ tjQn tnat we Eeecj not gay anything about it. When y u want something to keep your pants up, buy a pair of "WIRE BUCKLE SUSPENDERS" they will do it. y gJmt Whc.i you want to make a carpet remember that we have jLQlGS'thc WARP already prepared in all colors and KNITTING COTTON by the qu'iLtity. Celebrated W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes, Tlie best Shoes in the world- Every pair wananied and we are selling piles of them. Respect full v, Hood & Britt, Wont Ccnhc St., GOLDSB0RO, N. C. IxT JL l DRY GOODS. TO SUPPLY TIIE GROWING demands of cur lrae, we have opened in the store a'djoining us a FIRST CLASS STOCK of staple DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC., and we respectfully invite your inspec tion of our stock, before making your Fall purchase. "WE WILL Guarantee satisfac tion in goods and prices. UUKJ PST" WE have enlarged our s:,ck of Groceries, aa l ire betr prtpsred thaTever to give the LOWEST WHOLESALE I' HICKS and it wodd be to the interest of merchants to fee o before buying. tZj.f IF you want a gxd bsrrel of Flour or anything c's? ia the Gro cery line, or if yem watt a g03d Shoe, or anything iu the Dry Gaods line, all we ask is, examine our good and prices and we ire sure of your trade. APPRECIATING pait favors of our friends aud c.ntomers, wt are, Very Respectfully, BEST Advice to Tohes If you would protect yourself from Painful, ProfuseScanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Cartersvh-LE. April 2r5, I This will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for years from ?leiistrual Irregularity, beiii treated without benefit by physician, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Bradtield's Female Itegulator. Its effect is truly wonderful. J. v. Strange. Book t " WOMAN' " mailed FREE, which contain! valuable luformatlun uu all fem&lo dUeaac. SRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA. GA. FOB, SALE BX ALL JJItUOQISTS. Dr. James H. Powell, Dnuo Stoiie in 'Law Bcixdiko"--(cor. store, north end) Keeps constantly in stock Fresh Drugs, Patent Med icines, Etc., Etc. PRICES AS LOW AS AT ANY DRUG STORE IN THE CITY. Also offers his professional services to the surrounding community, at any hour in the day or night. Can be found at the drug store, unless professionally en gaged. Residence on West Centre St., between Spruce and Pine. A Safe Investment IS (INK which is guaranteed to bring satisfactory results. liny from your Druggist u bottle of the : Spintine Remedies, which are a Pure extract of the Pine und Cedar Tree. It contains No Mornhitip, No Opiates. Spiritine lial- cure? Rheumatism, relieves all Pain?. Sniritine Inhalent for Consumption, Asthma, Catairh and La Grippe. Spiri tine Ointment, the Great Skin Cute. Try a bottle and be convineed of its merit.. Manufactured only y SPIRI TINE CHEMICAL CO. HANSEN & SMITH, Managers, "Wilmington, N. C. ; Sold by all I)iuggists,Goldsboro,N C. ;ae: AGENTS Say have the Prettiest and Best Ghsa GROCERIES. (o o o o) fig- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 200 'Jairels Flour. 2 44 Sugar 10 Suks Coffee. 2't CVe Soda. 31 44 Sop and Slur- n. 20 '4 Oyster?, Matches and Hon ford's Powdci?. 25 Iioxts Cakes and Crackers, r0 B xes Tob irec. 2! Birrel9 Snuff. 230 Rolls Bigjg. y.jO Bundles Ties. Eags and Digging Stiips, Meat, Lard, Pcik, Cheese, Silt, etc. & THOW3PSOW. -A (stio For nt-.L lwJti peat Sfockof

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