THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY A. Prfscowcr, Editor and Proprietor (ioLDSBOKO, N. C, Nov. 1S01. THANKSGIVING DAY. Our .annual national festal ilny is to-morrow. IMenty and pros perity abound and health and happiness are ours to enjoy. Let it, then, be made a genuine Day of Thanks. Let us bo thankful for the blessings of heaven, in the varied contents of "basket and store," for the fruitage of the orchards, the holdings of the granaries, the friends that are with us and the tender memories we have of those" who have gone beyond'. Let those who have plenty give thanks that they have much to enjoy, and thanks that it is their privilege to give of their bounteous store to those who are less fortunate, and thanks agiiin that it is not only those who receive, but those who give who are blessed. Day of Thanks to those who have but little, that it may be made the means of comfort and enjoyment by the mingling of what little they have with the leaven of content. Day of Thanks to the sad and sorrowing, to the needy and unfortunate, to those who suffer from wroug doings of their own or from others, that dark clouds often have silver lin ings and that the gloom of night is always followed by the light of day. Day of Thanks for the life that now is and the hopes and promises of the life to come; for the life-giving, health-giving and wealth-giving elements so posi tive and plentiful on every hand ; for what we have and for the much more that we may have, of our own choice, in the way of careful, conscientious and pru dent living. Day of Thanksfor the precious memories of the past, the tender ness of affections and endearment of the present and for the rich promises of the opening future of the Home Life before us. Day of Thanks for the loves of our homes and the endearing tie of kin ship, for the occasions of family reunions, for the opportunities of mingling together of the old and the young, for the loving embra ces of parents and children, for the ample means afforded for the bestow men t of blessings of the aged sire and mature matron upon the children and children's children of their day and gener ation, for the giving of benedic tion s by 1 1 1 e gr a n d -s i re a n d gra n d -dame upon the little ones of the family Hock, for the privilege of being recipients of such blessings and benefits. Day of Thanks to the lofty and lowly, for the freedom of thought and action which is their heritage in this land of liberty; for the protecting care that our national, state and local governments af ford us. Day of Thanks for the "olive branches'' that may gath er around the Thanksgiving ta ble; for the circumstance that briugs so many who have stray ed from the old roof tree back to the embraces of loved and loving family circles. Day of Thanks for the old who are still with us, tis we reach one hand backward to them and another forward to the little ones who are the con necting links of the lives not onlv of those who have gone before us, with our own, but of our own with those who are to come after; for the duties that these little ones demand at our hands, and for the lessons of life that they teach us as we go on our way from one Thanksgiving Day to another and making each one, as it comes in its turn, a genuiue Day of Thanks. The Greensboro Daily Record has entered the second year of its existence with brighter prospects than ever. It is a newsy paper, carefully edited, and is clean and neat in its typographical appearance. STATE NEWS. "i he recent, Motz trial cost Lincoln county nearly SG,00O. counsel fees included. The six-year-old son of G. E. Woodruff, was killed in Mecklenburg county Saturday by a falling limb of a perdiimnon tree under which he was playing. An aged colored woman named Hammond was burned to death at Fayetteville Sunday, by her house catching fire and she being helpless in the bed sick. The wife of James Anierssoii, of Black Creek, was bitten by a mad dog Friday evening. The dog bit several others and much stock be fore he was killed. A white man named Barbour, who lived near Four Oaks, was found dead on the "short cut" track near Benson Thursday night. His body was terribly mangled. Two freight wrecks occurred on the 11. & D. 11. li. last week, one on "Wednesday and the other Sunday. One colored brakeman was killed and several injured. After being married for 20 years, W. H. Lee and Ursula Lee, of John ston county, were re married Satur day, because no record of their mar riage could be found. While workmen were repairing an old building at Asheville Monday, a large iron bar accidentally fell to the sidewalk strikingMrs. B.J.Alex ander on the head and Killing her almost instantly. While John W. Jones was driving a wagon across the 11. & I), track at Greensboro Wednesday, it was struck by the incoming vestibule train. The horse was killed, the wagon wrecked and Jones seriously hurt. Josie Wheeler, a young white wo man, aged 18, daughter of Mrs. Sal lie Wheeler, of Winston, and niece of the postmaster there, committed suicide in a disreputable house at Danville, Va., Monday, by taking an overdose of laudanum. A frolic at the house of Mose Bow ers, in Stanly county, Monday night, on which occasion mean whiskey was freely dispensed with, ended in the killing of Frank Almond, who was carved up by a man named Fair. The murderer is in jail. The Hail way Commission, Tues day, adopted a package rate on ex press matter. Packages of five pounds or less, and of 5 or less in value, to go to any point in the State over any one system of road for 25 cents. Kc ductions are made for larger pack ages for short distances. The ginhouse of W. L. Smith, to gether with 17 bales of cotton, a lot of seed and farm implements, were destroyed by lire in Pitt county Sun day night. In Halifax county, the gin house of Sam Thorne and 40 bales of cotton went up in smoke Friday night. No insurance in eith er case. The Presbyterian orphanage at Barium Springs, Iredell county, was destroyed by tire Thursday evening. There were 40 children in the build ing but all were safely brought out and carried to Statesville, which town offers a free site and money for re-building. The loss is $G,000 with $3,000 insurance. The trial of D. A. McDougald, a prominent young business man of Laurinburg, for the brutal murder of his uncle, Simeon Connolly, in Iiobeson county last April, is now engaging the attention of Cumber laud Superior court at Fayetteville. The evidence, though purely circum stantial, is very much against the defendant. Nathan Boyette, a well-to-do Wil son county farmer was swindled out of $300 by a New York green goods man last week. Other farmers of Union county are out $1,000. They went to New York Wednesday to purchase counterfeit money "but when they returned home on Satur day they found by opening their packages nothing but sawdust and paper. Catarrh Can't be Cured with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the dfsease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purillers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such won derful results in curring catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. A colored brakeman named Ed wards was killed at Wilmington Sat urday night while coupling cars in the A. C. L. depot. Chas, Chancy, postmaster at Elk ton, Bladen county, was called to his door Friday night and fatally shot by an unknown person. Chas. Williams, a colored driver, was killed at Charlotte Friday by being thrown from the wagon by his runawav horse, which was also killed. Of all the liniments, oils, and lo tions upon the market, (and their name is legion) Salvation Oil is the best and most popular. Price 25 cents. Ellen Laurens and Carolina Shipp, two colored women of Gaston coun ty, are to be hanged at Dallas on De cember 18th. The first killed her husband's paramour, Sophia Boyd, while the latter poisoned her own child. Hneklen's Arnica Salve. The Iiest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chil blains Corns, and allSkin Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perl''ct satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Guaranteed Cure. We authorized our advertised druggist to sell Dr. Kind's New Kiscovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition if you are afliicted with a cough, cold or any Lung, throat orchest t rouble, and will use this remedy as di rect, giving it a fair trial, ami experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. Kings New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at J. II. Hill & Son's Drug Store. IS:iipy IIooirM. Win. Timmons, Postmastcrat Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Pitters has done more for me than all other medicines com bined, for that bad feeling arising trom Kidney and Liver trouble." John Les lie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric IMtters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me fel like a new man." .1. W.Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Eln-tric Hitters is just thethingfor a man who is all rundown and don't care wheth er he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 5()c. a lot tie, at J. II. Hill &' Son's Drug Store. At the annual convention of the National Alliance held at Indianapo lis, Ind,, last week, Col. L. L. Polk was unanimously re-elected president. Piles-Blind, Bleeding and Itching Positively cured bv Darbvs Prophvlaetie Fluid. Bathe with a littie of the Fluid added to the water. A single applica tion will allay the itching, soothe all in flammation, deodorize all olTensiveness and staunch the bleeding. Tetter and Scald Head are quickly cured by Darby.s Prophylactic Fluid. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint is a quick cure for Corns, I .unions and Warts. Cure your Corns by using Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint for Corns, Pun ions and Warts, it is great. Headache is readily cured by P. P. P.; which tones and regulates the digestion and creates an appetite. The best spring medicine in the world is P. P. 1. If you would be well and in good spirits use P. P. 1. If weak and debilita ted and run down take P. P. P. For a spring medicine to cure and tone up the general ailments of the system take P. 1. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium. Flcerated sore leg, with a running sore of several years' standing, which the doc tors thought incurable, and amputation was regarded as the only relief, the pa tient scarcely able to walk before, now runs, apparently well. The cure was made by P. P. P., and is known through out Savannah as one of the great cures that P. P. P., the wonderful blood med icine, has made. The Hustler Still Leads! Look below and see at what slaughter ing prices we have marked goods down this Fall: An ordinary suit of clothes for a good suit for s4.NO. Pants for .oJ. A good hat for 45 cents, a fine hat for $1, children's hats for only 15 cts. A pretty good Men's Shoe for !5 cents, a fine shoe for 1.45 A good Woman's Shoe for 1)5 cents, a fine shoe for 1.25. Children's shoes for only :0 cents. Pant (Joods from in cents up. Bed tick from 10 cts and up. Calico 4 cents and up. Pleached Domestics 5 tents, unbleached 5 cents. Suspenders 10 cents, wire buckle sus sen ders, warranted 2 years, U5 cents. A Big Lot of Notions. Shirts for L'5 cents and up, crockery, glassware.tinware. wood and willow-wnr.. (iood tobacco from 20 cents per pound aim up. miuii, ugars, etc. t akes and candies 10 cents per pound. Starch 5 cents per pound. Soap 2 cents a bar. Flour, lard and molasses. Sugar 5 cent coffee 2o cents. lOOO Matches for only 5 cents. Everything else in proportion. Come and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. HI). L KDMUNDS0N, Ipposite Hill's Drug Store. v 111 i II M Br BALM Pure blood is what oils the machinery of life, eases every movement of the body, removes stillness of the joints, drives out pain from t he nerves,stimulates the brain, protects the liver and kidneys from irri tation, enables physical exertion without fatigue, prolongs life, and makes men and women perfect in health and feature, (iood blood and good brain are insep arable. Aim to keep the blood pure by using the only true blood remedy, li. P. P.. (Botanic illood Balm.) Miss S. Tomlinson. Atlanta, &a., says : "For many years I have been afflicted with rheumatism combined with severe kidney troubles, indigestion and nervous prostration. Several phvs RneUIIiatlSIIl icinns were employed and numerous patent medicines resorted to without benefit. At last I began the use of B. B. B.. and its effect was like magic. Rheumatic painsceased, my kidneys were relieved, and my consti tution improved at once.' Z. T. Hallerton, Macon, (Ja., writes: "Three years ago I contracted blood poison. I applied to a physician at once, ami his treatment came near killing me. I employed an old physician and then went to Kentucky. I then went to Hot Springs and remained two HOI SpriDgS months, but nothing seemed to cure mo permanently, al though temporary relief w as given me. I returned home a ruined man physically, with but little prospect of ever getting well. I was persuaded to try B. B. B., and to my utter astonishment it quickly healed every ulcer." Fire Insnranc (Notice! I am still in the field. Only Good Companies Represented ! Will write on Cotton (Jins and other COUNTRY PROPERTY, D.J. BUOAD1IFBST, Agt. Office in Court House, Goldsboro, X. C. CASTEX'S SPECIALS! Dress Goods Trimmings can be seen in all the new weaves and all the new styles of the season and all the new trimmings to match, also .any kind of Dress Silks desired, at Castex & Co. Ladies' Fine Slioes. The new fall shapes now ready. CHILDKLXS' FIXE SHOES. New stock, reliable goods, all sizes and the prices very low. Underwear for Early Fall. We are now showing new lines of meri no and wool underwear for ladies and children, intermediate weights and adapt ed for fall wear. Kid Gloves. Xew shades in Kid (iloves, new shades in Suede and (Jlace Kid (iloves for this season, now open. Curtains. Chenille Curtains, Lace Curtains, Dra pery Net and Scrims. Carpets. Brussels and Ingrain, all prices, from 5c up. Moquette and Brussels Bugs. Shawls. Black and Colored Wool and Cashmere Shawls an elegant assortment. Millinery : Department ! fashions' sway. Bibbons more than ever, brocades, satin royal, velvet, gros-grains, plain and satin edges. Feathers and velvets in great profusion. Jet trimmingsthe pop ular fancy. In this department we lead, we are second to none in our State. We have two northern milliners, and a larger stock than ever before. We will not weary you with reasons why you should deal with us. We rest our case on styles and prices. If we can satisfy you with goods and benefit you in juices we ask a share of your jtatronage. Thanking you for past favors. M. E. CASTEX & CO., Goldsboro & Kinston, N. 0. TO OUR ALLIANCE FRIENDS and our farming friends in geiiornl e give notice that we l,:,Vl. JUST RECEIVED: FOUR GAR LOADS HORSES & MULES which have been bought by Mr. W. Host at his recent Western trip. They were bought close ami it is our aim to sell them close. WE DEFY COMPETITION! We shall make it to your interest to trade with us and if you aiv j.. need of stock be sure to call on us. We can assure you that it will be to your advantage to do so. EHZ--ZMI (HIRAM J. HAM, Stables on E. Walnut Xj-ZD. G-IDZDZEZDsT DEALKK IX Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Watches and Clods of tin: blst axi Novelties ami Sovenir Spoons. Solid tind Plated Jewelry of Latest Styles. Spectacles and Eye Glass es, best made, Lamps, Chamber Sets, Tea Sets and other China Wares. Repairing the Cheapest and Guaranteed ! Sign of Street Clock, 88 W. H III X 0ex ZEozr Casli ! argains in all goods, such as EATS, FLOUlt, HAY, jpOUK, FISH, SALT, ROSENDALE and POUT LAND CEMENT, JNDIAN HOOK LIME, IKGIXIA MEAL and HAMS, EXTRA C ami GRANULATED SUGAR, fJJlIMOTII Y and CLOVER HAY, f10I3ACCO AND SNUEF, ALSO Heavy Bags, Bagging, Ties, Strips, Corn, Oats, Rice Meal, Rye, Soap, Starch, Buckets, Brooms, Etc. IB. IMI, PRIYETT. New Store ! New Goods ! Best Quality and Lowest Prices ! This is to inform rny friends in this county and surrounding section that I lav; itock of n Ktm,t (Mrs- U- C'- Prmnan's old stand) a well seL-t Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes, which goods will be sold at all times at the lowest living profit. With variety in every department I am sure that I can please all who are seeking The Best Goods for the Least Money mv mono1 "US! t , ,,lak7slow refits but as it has always m motto. Quick bales and Small I'rofits, Have also A Well Selected Stock of Millinery SUai?Dtee t0 dtirie at neatly reduced piK-es. Now i the w time to purchase your Fall hat at a verv small outlay anVSIti011 tC,V ai,1 Vllri'"l ot of Shoes, for Ladies. M'11 of mmte which wilU ln 3' U L"athr e0,ls from "t',nsi've manufartun-r-01 if pure, wiiw.ii will be sold at way down prices. J. S. BIZZELL. Fast Tent re Street, (lilne Front So'i" cfe BEST GEO. W. BEST.) St-, ne.vt to Post Ojjice. iii:.ri:sT makes. Plain Gold ami PiainouJ Kinrs. A full line nf Musical Instruments and Strings. Dressing Cases, Albums, Manicure Sets, in plush and leather. Howard's Knifes and Scissors, warranted. Engraving by an Artist! Centre Street. (Soldsboro, X. ('.