THE HEADLIGHT. CHEAPEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM LOCAL NEWS. t ;,,. wailrf of the cotton factory lire j..ti,;aiy uis up. 4 Don't forget the poor to-morrow. T;. v ;i!v always with us. Time is a great ilcmaiul for dwcll j, Lr j10u:s in this city, there are very ft-u to rent. ? Tliere were only a few bales of 'cut ton in this market yesterday sell iirfr.,1,1 ti to cents er pound. ? Then- will he a marriage in St. I'.uil M. K. church to-night, lie v. 31. M. McFarland is to tie the knot. ; Miss Mattie Oettinger, of New .ty.ak, is in the city visiting the fam ily of her uncle, Mr. E. Rosenthal. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pincus, who have been spending a few pleasant days with Mr. and Mrs. I. Fuchtler here, left for their home in Norfolk Mon day. The Spirit tine Chemical Com pany, of Wilmington, is being adver tised in the city this week by its effi cient representative, Mr. Otto L. Kelson. The jio-tullice, bank and all busi ness houses in the city, will strictly ohs. rve Thanksgiving Day to-morrow. Services will be held in all our churches. . Mr. (i. A. .Junes, editor of the Old Kort h State, a new industrial month ly recently started at llaleigh, was in the city yesterday in the interest of his journal. f A colored emigration agent was put in the county jail yesterday niorning, in default of bond, for en ticing colored labor from this section to points South. We are requested to give notice that KMer P. II. Wooten, of Pender county, will occupy the pulpit of the Primitive Baptist church in this city, tin's niorning at 11 o'clock. The Kaleigh train again changed its schedule last Sunday. The mail train now leaves here, at 12:15 p. in., and the freight train at 1:35 p. m. There is no change in the incoming trains. v A long felt want in this city has been supplied by Mr. W. II. (Jriflin, in establishing a wood and coal yard. He has all the necessary machinery for sawing wood, both for kindling and tire place. A white man under the influence of liquor, staggered into the Mayor's oflice Saturday evening and remained there until Monday morning, when, after having sobered up, he departed for parts unknown. A dangerous but successful opera tion wa performed yesterday upon a whit.? citizen of Magnolia who came to this city for treatment, by Dr. John St.'icer, the young but efficient County Superintendent of Health. 1 lie Hebrew Fair to be opened by the ladies of the Hebrew congrega tion un December 14th., will be for the purpose of raising funds to buy a parsonage for their rabbi. We trust that their enterprise will be liberally rewarded. ; A large number of delegates passed through the city yesterday bound for Greenville where the North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church, South, convenes this morning. Bish op Galloway, who is to preside, left the city yesterday noon, A petition is being circulated in this city and largely signed for the pardon of a white boy named Beuj. Smith, who about a year ago was convicts of breaking into the Wayne Agricultural Works and sentenced W hve years in the penitentiary. A Acuity occurred in Brogden township Saturday night between 0 .ltocs, Shep Piobinson and Ab Anders which terminated in A:i- uerson sr:(t,i.; ii shoulder and cutting .1,, rr.,d, -"-""a liouuison in tne m u-u sute from which the bowels projected. A woman was the cause ot the trouble. Anderson made good ms escape so.,,1 after. The United States Circuit Court, convenes at Kaleigh next Mondav. The following jurors have been drawn from this county: W. R Hollowell, John II. Powell, W. R. Moore, Moses B. Farmer, 1). W. Kel ly, W. If. Hooks and Henry Bhtlard. The festival given at the resi dence of Col. Jas. A. Washington Friday night by the ladies of St. Stephen's Episcopal church for the purpose of raising funds to buy a parsonage, was a success in every respect. A handsome sum was rea lized. An oldllint-and-steel musket, car ried by the grandfather of Henry Ivey during the revolutionary war, is still preserved by the latter gen tleman at his home in Greene conn ty. It has a big bore, seems to be at least C feet long and is quite a curios it v. Our Register of Deeds issued the following marriage licenses this week Micajah Eason to Miss Martha Price, Isaac A. Lamb to Miss Cornelia Smith, C. C. Outlaw to Miss Maggie Ward, Jas. B. Radford to Miss Piety J. Mitchell, Rufus E. Smith to .Mrs. Mary A. Raiford. The county printing to be let out at the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, is engaging the attention of our tax-payers just now. If the Board will act in the manner as the Board of Education did, there would be no room for com plaint hereafter. Deal justly, gentle men. We are reliably informed that the gate receipts at the Raleigh Exposi tion on Masonic day last Wednesday were $337.50, out of which John T. Patrick and his partner Chilton pocketed 253,13, leaving for the maintenance of the poor orphans at the Oxford asylum only $84.37. And yet Patrick, Chilton & Co., claim to have a soul. The Sampson county Fair begins at Clinton to-day and will continue until Saturday. Senator Matt W. Ransom will deliver an address to morrow and Col. Harry Skinner of Greenville, will speak on Friday. which has been set apart as Alliance day. The round trip fare from this city is only 1.45, which includes admission to the Fair, The marriage of Mr, Matthew E. Best, of Stoney Creek township to Miss Mary M. Bardin, daughter of our esteemed countyman, Mr. Jas. W. Bardin, took place at the latters residence near this city, on Wednes day evening at 0 o'clock, Rev. M. D. llix, officiating. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was given to the happy couple in which a large number of guests participated. On Monday night, Mr. Richard Harris, who lives near Princeton, ou the Wayne county line, was aroused from his slumber by the presence of some one in his room. Springing from his bed Mr. Harris made for his gun and started in hot pursuit of the burglar, but fell over a chair, which gave the robber an advantage, which he improved by making good his escape, but fortunately without securing anything. The address of Bishop Chas. B. Galloway, of Jackson, Miss., deliv ered at St. Paul M. E. Church Mon day night has received the highest praise from all who heard him. He is indeed a tine pulpit orator, and from the beginning to the end of his discourse he engaged the undivided attention of his hearers. While in this city he was the guest of his cousin Capt. A. J. Galloway. His daughter, Miss Willie, accompanied him on his journey. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., in this city, will hold a very important meeting Friday at 4 p. m., to consider the question of making a special effort to extend the usefulness of the society which. since its organization in July 'S8,has done so much towards bringing up the As sociation to its present progress. At this meeting letters will be read from the Auxiliaries in Charlotte and Winston and it is hoped that it will be largely attended. Ladies who are not members, yet may be interested in the work of our young men are cordially invited. Some one who thought that he needed wood worse than we did, walked off with an entire load from the rear of our office Thursday night. The next fellow who steals our wood will be a subject for the coroner, be yond any doubt. We notice that a good many pa pers throughout the State, are fol lowing our advice given the editors at the last convention by adopting the cash-in-advance system. They are about to Cud out that with in creased patronage they have been getting poorer every year. We hope that every single paper in the State will inaugurate that system with the beginning of the year as from our own experience we can assure them that it will be to their benefit, A late issue of the Xew Orleans Picayune refers in highly compli mentary terms to Mr. Richard M. Xelson, son of our venerable towns man Col. C. J. Xelson, who at the seventeenth annual convention of the American Bankers' Association, held recently at Xew Orleans, was elected president of the Association for the ensuing year. Mr. Xelson who is also the president of the Commercial Bank, of Selrna, Ala., is a Goldsboro boy, having been born in this city in 1843. Rev, B. R. Hall, pastor of St. Paul M. E. church here, which po sition he has filled for the past two years, left the city Monday for Greenville to attend the Conference. Mr. Hall is a good man, a good preacher and a faithful pastor. He is greatly beloved not only by his own Hock, but by this entire com munity, and the Headlight be lieves that it expresses the wish of his church and the community gen erally when it says that his return to us for another year is greatly de sired bv all. After laboring faithfully and dili gently among his llock for the past four years, Rev. M. M. McFarland preached his farewell sermon before a large congregation in St. John M. E. church Sunday morning. Under his pastorate the church has prosper ed, he having raised 2,800 during his term, paying off all indebtedness on the edifice and a greater portion on the parsonage. The report shows that during his term 88 members connected themselves with the church ; he also married 1G couples and preached 2i funerals. The rev erend gentleman leaves for the Con ference to morrow and to whatever church he is sent for the next year, the heartiest wishes of all our citi zens for future success will accom pany him and his excellent family. The wide spread fameof Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is justly won by its own merits, and the reputation it has gained has been secured by its universal use, Without Knife or Fire. Mr. S. E. Carmichael, a prominent citizen of Henrietta, Texas, writes : "I wish to tell you what Swift's Specific has done for my wife. Sev eral years ago there appeared a splotch on the corner of her nose which gradually increased in size, and became quite painful ; on wash ing her face it would frequently bleed. The doctors called it cancer, and advised that it be removed by the knife or burning, stating that it never would do to neglect it. My wife refused to have it cut or burned, but at the same time it continued to grow worse. After a time she com menced taking S. S. S., which effect ed an entire cure. She used a half dozen small sized bottles. We both think there is no medicine in the world that will equal Swift's Speci fic, and we would like for all suffer ers to know the benefit she has re ceived from it." S, S. S. cures blood diseases of this character by forcing out the poison ous germs and the poison also. A val uable book on blood aud skin diseas es will be mailed to all applicants free. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Special Prices in Crockery at the Xew York Bar gain Store. The Soma Plant. In the Aryan religion the chief offering to the gods was the foment ed juice of the Soma or Moon plant, which, being a strong drink, gave new excitement to those who partook of it, and was believed to impart power to the gods. It was believed, moreover, that it wrought miracles, and for this reason, perhaps, it after wards became the chief god of the Hindus. In a vedic hymn the wor shiper says : "We've (juafted the Soma bright, And are immortal grown ; We've entereed into light, And all the gods have known. What mortal now can harm, Or foeman vex us more ? Through thee beyond alarm, Immortal God! we soar." No such power as this is attributed to any plant at the present time, and yet many of the cures performed by S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, seem almost to border on the mira culous. In contagious blood poison scrofula, skin diseases, some forms of cancer, etc., it is the remedy par excellence. Treatise on Blood and Skin Di eases, mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. A Chance of a Life Time. 1,000 Men's Suits, nearly all wool, in cutaways and sacks, either black corkscrew or casemere, regular price or each .sio, now going at $4.00. I will put these suits against any $12.50 in the State for 'comparison. Beat this if you dare. Joseph Edwards, Champion of Low Prices. Beat This If You Dare ! 900 Ladies Cloaks, first price 18, now selling at $3.50. They must be examined and then you will be as tonished to know how first-class goods can be sold at such an enor mous sacrifice, Joseph Edwards, Champion of Low Prices. 150 Silk Umbrellas at the Xew York Bargain Store. A Second Hand Piano In first-class order, recently tuned by an expert, is for sale at very rea sonable terms. A. P. Holland. Ladies ! Have you examined Crossettes shoes which are on sale at the Xew York Bargain Store? Shoes ! Shoes! Shoos! 25 cases just received at the Xew York Bargain Store. Never Heard Of ! Buggy Harness from $5.75 and up at the Xew York Bargain Store. They are genuine bargains. Good Shoes! Cheap Shoes ! at the Xew York Bargain Store. Warranted Every Pair! Crossetts shoes for gentlemen at a low price. They are line shoes and we warrant every pair. Xew York Bargain Store. Crockery ! Crockery ! At greatly reduced prices at the Xew York Bargain Store. All Kinds Toilet Soap, At reduced prices, at the Xew York Bargain Store. Our remaining stock of Slippers to be sold at cost, at the Xew York Bargain Store. Don't Do It Again. Why pay 35 cents for cotton flan nel shirts when we are selling them for 25 cents at the Xew York Bar gain Store. Ladies Vests only 25 cents at the Xew York Bargain Store. Must Go. A few more suits of Clothing left must go regardless of value at the Xew York Bargain Store. TO THE PUBLIC. Having formed a co-partnership, we have opened a first-class Iiutchers' Es tablishment at the Old Stand on "Syca more Corner," near Post Office, when we will be pleased to meet our many custo mers and friends. Thankful for past fa vors, and with strict attention to busi ness, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. Parties having fat cattle or pork will do well to see us before selling, as we will pay highest cash prices for same. Remember that we keep on hand nice Allegheny Heifers which we give our cus tomers and friends the benefit of some thing lit to eat. JONES .V KELLY. Rm You a JVIoney Saver? If so, you cannot help from visiting the stoie of The N. Y. Branch Clothing Co., where you will lin.l in every department 1 1 1 - Prices Down to Almost Nothing! We shall raak' it to your intere..t to trad' with us and trnarant.-e to save vou money on cvi'ry single purchase. We Have Clothing For Everybody ! Hoots and Shoes, (lenfs Furnishing (mods. Hats and Caps. Trunks, Valises, Etc.. in endless variety. In Overcoats We Are Headquarters. We have them at any imaginable price, style or size. We defy comjtition. fcafDon't forget the place : N. Y. BRANCH CLOTHING CO., H. GUTERMAN & CO., Proprietors. Northside East Walnut street. (Joldsboro, X. C. 3 r m STtla. OIF1 ITOVEMBEIS I Any one wishing to buy will do woll to wait, stv them and get prices before buying:. We Cannot Be Undersold by any one. We bay low and sell for small profits. Now is your opportunity to secure a good horse or mule at a small outlay W I IMS LOW BROS., Goldsboro, W. C. K. Walnut Street, Front of Court House. The Great Wonders Of the world will never cease, neither will people ever stop looking for P.argains when they want to buy goods. This is why we have opened the Poslon Bargain House. Everything in our line is 0-exx"CLln.e Bargains I and our line consisting of nearly everything you want. ur buyers on the Xort hern markets are hustlers and we are moving things at this end of the line. When they send us Bargains our customers get the benefit of them: they ju-e coming every day, and are Messrs, J. T, and F. B. Edmundson, who are connected with this store, need no introduction to the people on this market They will treat you right, All of our goods are Pig Bargains, and we guarantee entire satisfaction. The BOSTON BARGAIN HOUSE, Walnut Street, near Post Office. A FERTILE FARM For Sale or Kent ! Mv farm located about two miles from (Joldsboro, containing over 200 ACRES OF CLEARED LAND, is for sale at very reasonable terms, or will be rented to a responsible party. Die. JOHN I). SI'ICER, (joldsboro, X. ('. -THE- Goldsboro Steam Bakery -MANLI ACTl kKKS OK- Bread, Cafces, Sofia Crate, Etc. Cakes for Parties and Weddings Made to Order on Short Notice. Special attention paid to orders from along the line of our several railroads. COGDELL & BARNES East Centre street, (Joldsboro, X. C. Just received car load of those celebrated Clipper, Boss, Dixie & Watt Torn Plows, ALSO, Stcnsall and Carolina Cotton PIotts, All best Northern make, with a full line of those best Norfolk Castings. New Lee, New Patron, Selino, Seminole, and Times Cook Stoves. Farming Imple ments generally. In fact everything per tainingtomy line. Call and s me. I Jest attention. Quick sales and small profits W. H. HUCCINS, Next to Bank of New Hanover, Cfl$ liOflDS -OF- Horses and Mules bought direct from the largest Stock raisers of the West will arrive for us on or about the TAXES ! All taxes due the State and County for Wayne County MUST BE PAID during the month of November or eo.-t w ill be added "W-bZbLO-ix-b ZFad-l. Then will Ik no extension of time or exception to this rule. W. T. DORTCH, Tax Collector for Wavne Count v. FARM FOR SALE. The farm known as the Warren Place situated in .Johnston County, on the .Midland Jiailroad, one mile from Prince ton, containing three hundred and forty six acres, eighty of which are in cultiva tion, balance in pine, oak and hickory All upland adaptd to cotton, corn and tobacco. leajf'Xo better Tobacco land anywhere. I will sell for part cash, balance payable in one and two vears. Address, Dir. It. A. SMITH, (Joldsboro, N. C. Fire Insurance. Having sold out mv entire Insurance business to Messrs. It. P. Howell and W. K. Stanley, of the bank of Wayne. I take this occasion to thank my many friends for their past generous patronage, and to solicit for the above named gen tlemen a continuance of the same. Itesiftfully, (Joldsboro, N, C. IK COCDKLL. i 1'ursuant to the above announcement j the undersigned l g leave to say that they represent only reliable and standard i fire insurance companies, and that they j will always cater to the best interests of j their patrons. j Persons deiring fire insurance are so j licitM to consult us before placing their j policies. 1'esjK", tfully, j HOWELL .V STANLEY. GANGER nil Tumon CVIti.r no knifr: book f r--. I ir (ik.Ti-iNY A Vmi .W Itl Kiiu hit. , I. ilu. iDiimti. O.