In announcing the arrival of our Fall and Winter Stock, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we have a larger and better assortment to offer you this season than ever before. Quality, style and price are a study with us, and we know that you cannot find any place where the' will be beat. . , . Our Dress Goods Department . . cannot be equalled by any store in the city. We have an (deoant line ot Henrietta Cloths Call shades), Sbastaprd Suitings, Princess Casshneres, Ladies Cloth, Dress Wanned. Fall Satines. Also a full assortment of late novelties with trimmings to correspond. "We have marked the prices down to reason's figures, and we invite a fair comparison of the prices with those of any other house carrying the same line and class of goods. OUR LARGE VARIETY OF CLOTHING must be seen to be appreciated. We have them to fit and suit the most fastidious. In quantity, quality, variety and cheapness they cannot be surpassed by any leading house in the State. Every single garment wo keep will compare favorably with the best tailor-made gn'ids. In the line of GENT S FUUXISII1XG GOODS we of fer this season many novelties and attractions. In this particular line we have always been leaders. OUR STOCK OF SHOES - for Ladies, Men, Misses and Children, contains only goods especially made to our order, hence we are in a position to fully warrant every pair. We have them in all styles and In Carpets and Oil Cloths we have many novelties. This department upstairs, is crowded with roods from the best manufacturers in the world. Every gentleman in G'oldsboro should make it a point to call and inspect the different styles and varieties we are showing in the lines of STIFF AMD FELT MATS. It will do your eyes good to look at them, no matter if 3011 are not readv to buy. Everybody is Treated Alike it our establishment and an- representation made by us will be promptly fulfilled. You will find every department complete and all vou have to do is to ask for what you want. That the goods will be sold to vou at an enormous avmg, you need not hesitate about. B3 Orders by mail will receive prompt avid careful attention. G. THE LARi IN EASTERN -:0:- H. WEIL -:o: FALL AND WINTER -:c: Merchant Tailoring made a .Specialty, :o: We have recently made arrangements that will give us unprecedented facilities for the manufacture of Merchant Tailoring work which we et up in first-class style and cut, and made by some of the best talent the country affords. Orders will be filled with all possible dispatch. We will save vou from ten to fifteen dollars on a suit of clothes Unless we give absolute Hatisfaction wo don't require our customers to take t lie goods. We most cordially invite you to give us a tidal older. OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING AftJE Furnishing Goods Department, is replete with all -the novelties ot the season. We are determined to "el our share of the Clothing Business this fall, and in view of this fact we make our prices do the work. Itemcmber our goods are all sold strictly on the OXK PUKH SYS TEM. We are at present selling an all wool Cheviot .Suit for $7.r,0, Now York Mills Muslin Shirts at 75 cents, Ce:it"s Merino Undershirts at 50 cents, and an abundance of rare bargains which space forbids us to enumerate. is now complete for the fall and winter trade. Ml the osls we veil are SOLID and will give entire satisfaction. Our Mo-J: i. immense. We can suit everybody. EaT We draw out weekly odd lots of goods at about halt price, 'f hex are not shoddv nor old goods, but only such in which our assortment , arc broken. It will pay you to examine them IN THE LINE OF DRY GOODS we have an unprecedented large and fine stoci: to offer. PliESS GOODS, SILKS, LADIES WRAPS, HOUSE FURNISHING COODS. CARPETS AND RCCS All Sold on the One Price System, which means that no one can undersell us. Be sure and attend our weekly CLOSING -OUT SALES. which takes place every Monday morning, on which day we always ofiVr tir.e M-.eciid bargains. KERN & CO. CAROLINAI & BR ANNOUNCEMENT. I DEPARTMENT II. WEIL & BROS. THE MEKRY SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PxiESS. furn About is Fair Play A Hopeless Case Eager To Social Amenities The Place for Him, Etc. When vve are young we cut our hair, Thea why tio we all cuss Because, when we are sisty-three Or more, cur hair cuts us? Truth. A HOPELESS CASE. He "What way shall we go home?1' She "The shortest." Then he gave up all hope. Yankee Ula-U. KAGER TO. - - 'We are organizing a piano club? Will you join?"' "Cheerfully! What pianist do you propose to club first?" Pack. THE PLACE FOR HIM. 'Where's Blithers? I've been looking ill over for hiin." "Did you look under Mrs. Blith ;rs's thumb?" Pack. EVF.X. Brief No. I "Sir, you're no lawyei." Brief No. II "Sir, you're no judge." Brief Xo. I "I never wished to be." Brief Xo. II "Which prove3 that ,ou, too, are no lawyer." Puck. JUST the Tinxa. "We have no use for bear stories," ;aid the editor, "our readers demand something spicy." "Well," said the inau with the manu script, "this story is about a cinnamon iear." Truth. SOCIAL AMENITIES. "Jack said I was the brightest girl in :he room last night," said Ethel. "You were," returned Marie, "but it .vas rude of Jack to say so. The room .vas so warm you couldn't help getting ed iu the face." Truti. AN ECONOMICAL DESPOT. "The jails are filled to overflowing, roar Highness. Shall we build new "Most certainly not. Proclaim a gen eral p irdon of the oceupa its. Tiieu we Mil till 'em up agiin." Epoch. EASY WOUK. "We've got to economize, Miud'said ri'jury. "It is absolutely necessary." "Very well," returned Maud, "I shall jive up your cigars." "Aud I will do without a wiuter bon iet," sail Henry. Tlirpcr'a B.iz tr. an ardent love a. Mamie "Papa, doa'i you think r-Tj:rge is an ardent lover?" Papa "Yes, my deir, he is au ardent lover .1 lover of the ardent, and think you hid better giv.; him the mitten without delav." Yankes JJl.tde. deserved to wln. He "The artists say that five feet four inches is the divin-j height for a woman." His Darling (crossly) "You know I an nve feet eight inches." II'j (ipiic'-vly)---"You are more than divxue, dear." Biayhu nlo.i UcpuAic in. too much. "I must give her up. I can never marry a girl who stammers." "Yhy not?" "Why not! Do you think it's pleas ant to be made sheepish by being called Ba Bi Bob? or "to feel like a college cheer when she calls me Rah Rah Robert":. THE IRREPRESSIBLE BOY "You didn't bring your wife with you, Mr. Jones," said the small boy of the house, addressing th? guest. "Xo, my boy. Would you like tc see her?" "Yes. Leastaways I would like to see her thumb." "See her thumb? What do you want to see her thumb for.-" Well, ma says your wife keens vou uader her thumb an. 1 i'd like to see it, for it must be a prettv big one." Sew Yovk rrsss. INCOMPLETE. Uazzim (lj.;irjgup from the newspa ;.ei'j "That's the longest sentence I ever heard of." Mrs. Gazz-im "What V G.izzaai "Fifty years." Mrs. Ga..a n (who was once a school teacher) "It isn't a sentence at all. It lias no verb." Jilie. a hint. Papa tu:j stairs) "3Iaude, is that old man go:;t yet? " Maule "Whom do vou mcani'' Papa "CAolIy Hicks." Cully Hic'.is "I'm not an old man." Papa--"You weren't when you arrived, I know but time Hies, Mr. Hicks, time iiics." Xc.c York Su n. ASKINV TOO MUCH. "O: coarse it hurts, Josiah," said Mrs. Caug.vater, as she applied the lini unt aud rubb.'.l it in vigorously. "II iL-amatism aNvays hurts. You must riu and it." "I'm willing to bear it, Samantha," groaned Mr. Chugwater, "but blame me if I'm going to grin." C'tic:ij) Tribune. a fair financier. Cubwigj:er "The material for this quilt must have co-t a pretty figure." Mrs. Cobwigger "How can you say s K-h a thing? Auyone but a mau would know that it is made of pieces that were id: c.vr. Why, ever since we were liiarritd, whenever I bought a new dress I got aa extra yard or so for this very purpose." Life. THOUGHTLESS MAN. She was very rich, but slightly passe, and he was poor. "You are so beautiful," he whispered a3 they sat out in the lambent light of the harvest moon, and the languorous music of the orchestra in the distant ball room wa3 wafted to them, sweet and low, on the evening sir. She did not take her hand away as she felt the warm pressure of M3 upon it. "But beauty fades," she sighed re gretful'ty, and there was a touch of bit terness in her tones. "Ye?," he said abstractedly, "I had notice I that." fcjiie snatched her hand from his and with a scornful look froze him to the spot, so that the iceman picked him up with his tongs in the morning and de iivered him at the kitchen door. Detroit Free Prea. AN AMUSING FABLE. Traveling through the sagebrush country a Jackass met a Rabbit who ex claimed in great astonishment . "Good gracious! how did you grow so bi? You are doubtless the largest rabbit living." "Xo," said the Jackass, "you are the smallest donkey." Alter a gooU deal of fruitless argu ment the question was referred for de cision to a passing Coyote, who was a bit of a demagogue and iesiious to stand well with both. "Gentlemen," said he, "you are both right, as was to have beeu expected by persons so gifted with appliances for re ceiving instruction from the wise. You, sir" turning to the superior animal "are, as he has acutely observed, a rabbit. And you" to the rabbitt "are correctly described as a jackass. In transposing your names man has acted with incredible folly." They were so pleased with the decision that they declared the Coyote their candidate for the Grizzly B-arship ; but whether he ever obtained the office his tory does not relate. S.11 FrancUco Ex a.nintr. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL. A pneumatic shoe sole is new. Sydney, New Sauth Wales, has a 12, D00,000 electric light. A company has beeu organized at Grand Rapids, Mich., for the manufac ture of paper matches. Many metals, such as gold, silver and platinum, are now caused to volatilize by means of the electric current. Concentric wiring for electric work is rapidly gaining grouud, it beincr re garded as safer for HghtiDg purposes than the two wire system. The new system of transmitting power by means of compressed air, which was receutly tried in Olenbaeh, showed a loss of but thirteen per cent, in the daily output. The recent losses by fire in the cargo of ships carrying cotton has shown that cottonseed oil, when held in the cottoi on the outside of the bail, rapidly oxi- -dizes and generates spontaneous com bustion. A disinfectant which combines cheap ness with general worth is found in permanganate of potash. One ounce will make a bucketful of disinfectant. It is a crystal and can be kept in this state un til ready for use. The Cambria Navigation Company, of Wales, has recently build for one ot its coal pits a ventilating fan which is claimed to be the largest ever construct ed. Under favorable conditions the fan will deliver 500,000 cubic feet of air per minute. As an antidote for a consumptive ten dency cream acts like a charm, to be used instead of cod-liver oil. Also aged people, invalids, and those who have feeble digestion or suffering from dull ness as well as growing children, will be greatly benefited by taking sweet cream in liberal quantities. An ingot of nickel steel weighing more than twenty-five tou3 hasbsen cast in the Homestead Steel Works, audit is to be rolled into a single armor plate for the United States monitor Monterey. It is the largest of the nickel steel ingo.s yet cast in the mill, but au effort is to b made to cast an ingot to weigh more than fifty tons. France is fortunate in possessing 1102 mineral springs, of which 1027 are turned to account, and Algeria has forty seren in use. Of the total in France 319 are sulphurous, like that of Amelie-les-B tins; o34 are alkaline, sucn as Vichy; 135 are ferruginous, for instance Orcz za, and 219 are of varioas sort3, sm3 containing common salt, others sulphate of sodium, aud a third group sulphate of lime. A California physician ha3 invented au attachment for gas burners to stDp the How of ga3 automatically when thj gas is blown out. The device accom plishes its purpose by means of tha ex pansion and contraction of a liquid in h hermetically scaled receptacle, so that when the gaj is extinguished the contrac tion of the liquid operates levers which control a safety valve, thus closing and shutting off the ga. The Prussian Government his mile a report upon its buildings struck by light ning between 1877 and 1S36. There were 53,502 buildings used for official purposes in Prussia; 254 of these were struck, or one-half of one per ceot. per thousand annually. Of the total uun ber, fifteen only were fitted with con ductors, aud only one of these escaped injury. Generally the conductors were found to be either dangerous or useless. In six they were not touched. .a veritaDie curiosity ha3 been captured iu Africa. It is an elephant larger than the late lamented Jumbo, pea-green in, color, truukless, and has tusks that branch :ut something like the horns of a deer. It is m p'!."S;ion of a nutive king, who will l.,: L with it. 'ihe actual length of the r.e .v St. Clair Tumid is t026 feet. It cot .T,460,-000. WAY BELOW COST! MY ENTIRE BUSIKE This i not to mislead you in order to get you into my store, and then mean something else, as it is often done by parties Wbo Lave oremovko ! themselves, but in my ease IT IS THE WHOLE TRUTH!! AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. Althongh I have been in this city for several years, where by toil and faiand square dealings towards all, I have built up a very -oo-l tralc that extends throughout this and adjoining counties, circumstances compel 1 iu to leave thisuty immediately after Christmas. In order to accomplish this, I shall throw this day MY ICIMr STOCK ON THE It consists of new and reliable goods in the line of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOE?, HATS, TRUNKS, etc, I have a tremendous stock on hand, and as I do not intend to cany a single article with me I decided NOT TO ANY REASONABLE OFFER. I will allow any customer to learn my private mark, and, furthermore, the original bill will be handed for inspection, if desired. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! The Shelves Must 5e Emptied! THE MONEY MUST COME!! When 3-011 come to my Store, examine the handsome line of Fall and Winter Goods And get my figures. You will readily confess that this is the ever known in this section. You may go to all the stores in this city those especially that are claiming '-not to be undersold" and get l'"-' r prices, and then come to my establishment where you will soon tind or.' that you saved at least 50 per cent, on all your purchases. My Entire Real Estate, consisting of STOKE HOUSE, on East Centre Street, and DWELLING HOUSE, corner of John and Mulberry Streets, will be sold, to tLc; meaning business, at very reasonable terms. The Storehouse was lecci.t'' erected, and as it will be generally conceded is the finest business LuiMifir and best stand in Goldsboro. THIS 16 NO FAKE! NEITHER FALSE PRETENCE ! ! I Mean What I Say! Don't miss this rare opportunity, as such will never c efifered to you again. L. EDWARDS, THE FATHER OF LOW PRICES- T -:o:- :o: -:0:

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