THE HEADLIGHT. OFFICIAL ORGAN of WAYNE COUNTY Goldsboro, N. C, Feb. 2, 1893 LOCAL NEWS- Lent begins on the 15th inst. The Board of County Commission ers will meet next Monday. We regret to learn that Sheriff Grant is critically ill with pneumo nia. The public road3 leading to this city are in an awful bad condition at present. We regret to learn of the illness of Mr. J. M. Ilollowell, at his home in tli is city. Yesterday being the first of Feb ruary, the collectors were on their usual rounds. New subscribers continue to come in. We already have booked 03 new names this week. Mrs. M. C. Walker, of University, is in the city on a visit to her niece, M rs. A. Koscower. The County Alliance met in called session at the court house yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Market men complain that beef is scarce and of poor quality, while pork has jumped out of all reach. Prof. Eugene Werner has gone to Fayetteville and taken the manage ment of the Singer sewing machine office there. We are in receipt of the biennial report of the State Library by Mr. Jas. C, Birdsong, Librarian. It is a well jn'epared document. Marked improvements are being made within the store of Mr. L. Ed wards, preparatory to his removal from Pulaski, Va., to this city. Our trucksters are taking advan tage of the beautiful weather, now prevailing, and are putting the ground in order preparatory to plant ing. The organ for the Hebrew Temple arrived Monday and was placed in position yesterday. It cost $850 and is warranted as a fine instru ment. Our young friend, Tom Hyman, is having a commodious house erected for himself at Dover, which means that he doesn't intend to remain sin gle long. Eggs are still scarce on this mar ket and command almost'any price. From eighth and one-third cents in the Summer to -10 cents in January is a big jump. The fifty-eight anniversary exer cises of the Literary Societies of Wake Forest College, take place on Friday, the 17th inst. Thanks for an invitation. Miss Ella Crawford, who has been teaching in the vicinity of Mrs. A, B. Thompson, near this city, left for her home at Lexington, Tuesday, to the regret of her many friends. Our townsman, Mr. N. Schwab, has been appointed general agent of the new American line of steamers, to ply between New York and South ampton, beginning the 25th inst. The death of Mr. John 11. Hood, Jr., occurred at his home in Grant ham's township, Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, after a lingering ill ness with consumption, aged 28 years. The champion hog raiser of this section is undoubtedly Mr. A. T. Uz zell, of New Hope township. A few days ago he killed ten porkers, only 17 months old, weighing a little over 3,000 pounds. We learn from those who know that the chances of Dr. M. W. Parks, of this county, for securing the de puty collectorship in this district, are most excellent, he being backed by several influential Democrats. As already announced last week, we shall remove from our present quar ters to the spacious Messenger print ing house. The various offices and printing departments in our new home will be found the most conven ient from any in the State. Drop in to see us. We move to morrow. Mr, Harry Edwards left for north ern markets Tuesday night, to pur chase a complete stock of millinery and fancy goods. The marriage of our young towns man, Dr. Will J. Jones, Jr., to Miss Fannie Broadfoot, of Fayetteville, occurred at Wilson, Monday after noon, Kev. C. J. Wingate, rector of the Wilson Episcopal church, offici ating. Our Kegister of Deeds issued the following marriage licenses during the past week: II, L. Deshong to Miss Catharine Klinert; Eugene Grant to-Miss Hosey Callows; Wm. L. Hudson to Miss Louisa M. Smith; Robert D. Loftin to Miss Clara A. Smith. The buggy business conducted by Messrs. J, F. Southerland & Co., has undergone a change Monday, by the retiring of Mr. K, E. Jones. The business hereafter will be conducted under the same firm name with Mr. J . W, Lamb, who has bought a half interest, as partner. We are glad to see the millinery establishment of Mrs. S. I. Griffin open once moie and trust that the ladies of Goldsboro and vicinity will continue to sustain her enterprise by liberal patronage. Miss Pattie Foote, to the delight of her many friends, continues as manager. In a difficulty between Mr. Gray Speight and a colored railroad em ployee named Jim Moore, Monday night, the latter was shot, though not seriously, by a pistol in the hand of Speight. Both had a hearing be fore the Mayor Tuesday and bound over to court in the sum of 8100 each. The Newborn Fair begins the 20th inst. and ends the 25th. A special train will leave here every morning at 8 o'clock, beginning the 21st un til the 24th, and return the same day. The round trip, including ad mission to the Fair, has been placed at $ 1.70 from this city, $1.50 from Beston and 1.45 from LaGrange. At St. John M. E. church, in this city, on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Mr. Henry L. Deshong of Paris, Texas, was happily married to Miss Emma C. Klinert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Klinert, of this city, Kev. M. D. Hix, officiating. The happy couple left for Paris, their fu ture home, Monday evening, with the best wishes of their many friends. A good many of our farmers are complaining about the law now pre vailing which empowers each mem ber of the Board of County Commis sioners to elect their favorite for cot ton weigher. They want the law changed by which the election would fall into the hands of the Board of County Magistrates. If any one is opposed to this change, we should be pleased to hear his reasons. After a short but painful illness, Mrs. Charles Dewey departed this life Saturday at one p. m., at her residence in this city, in the 40th year of her age, The funeral was held from St. Paul's church, Sunday evening at 4:15 o'clock, llev. B. B, Hall, officiating. Her remains, fol lowed by a large concourse of sorrow ing relatives and friends, were laid to rest in Willow Dale cemetery. The remains of Mrs. A. M. Vail, of Newport, R. I., who died at Chap el Hill, Thursday evening, where she was visiting her niece, Mrs. E. Westcott, were brought to this city Saturday evening for interment. The funeral was held from the Baptist church, Eev, J. H. Edwards, officia ting. The deceased wrae S2 years of age and was a native of New Hano ver county, but for the past fifty-two years she has been residing in Rhode Island. Marion Butler's "nigger promot er," alias Caucasian, will be issued for the first time in this city this week from type and presses bought by unclean hands with Republican boodle. Unless Democrats will give the paper, which was moved here for the only purpose to create strife and discord between our people, a wide berth, the calamity may befall us that we will have to harbor the pa per and its anarchistic editor for times to come. We are in receipt of several com- munications applauding our action in the Brogden affair, but desirous to give this unfortunate occurrence for Wayne county a final rest, we re fr ain from publishing anything more concerning it. The Second Baptist church was organized Sunday night with 33 members, who unanimously called to their pastorate, Rev. G. L. Finch, of LaGrange. We now learn that Mr. Finch has accepted the call aud will at once make this city his future home. The teachers of the various local Sunday schools met in the Y. M. C. A. hall last night, immediately after prayer meeting, and organized a Teachers' Normal class for the study of the Sunday school lesson. The class will meet each Wednesday night after prayer meeting, and Rev. Jonas Barclay will have charge for the pre sent. An elopment,- in which the bride stole the groom, occurred at Indian Springs township, Friday, the fugi tives being Miss Mollie Grady, daughter of Mr. Daniel Grady, and Mr. Robert Walker. It is reported to us that the young lady, being op posed in the marriage by her parents, secured a neighbor's buggy and drove several miles where her lover was at work, and after securing him drove him into Lenoir county, and had the nuptial knot securely tied by Squire W, S. Uzzell. Board of Education. Goldsboro, N. C Jan. 20, 1S93. At a call meeting of the Board of Education to-day, at which all of the members were present, C. B. Ay cock and George W. Langston, were elect ed to fill- vacancies in the Board of Graded School Trustees. C. B. Aycock was appointed com mitteeman in No. 40, white, and No. 1, colored. Nothing further appearing, the Board adjourned. OBITUARY. It is acknowledged by all chris tians that an Alwise Supreme Ruler, who doeth all things well, is above all and He giveth and taketh away, according to his pleasure. It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst the old fa miliar face and chrisflan woman, the dutiful and affectionate wife of Mr. John M. Uzzell, Mrs. Annie Uzzell in the 79th year of her life. She had been a consistent member of the Primitive Baptist church for 25 years and wTas an honor and credit to the Church as well as to her num erous relatives and friends. She leaves a husband, worn out with age, over 80 years old, three loving children and several grand children to mourn the loss of so good and faithful a friend of them all. She lived a christian life always and was true to the end, and always put her trust in God and realized that He was God and her onlySaviour, She died happy and seemed to be at rest, yes, perfectly at rest in her last hour of sickness. A Feiend. Goldsboro, N. C, Jan. 30, '93. Keep it in the house and it will save you many an anxious moment during the changes of season and weather; we refer to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the best remedy for cough and cold. g?"For special bargains in the dry goods and grocery line see Mr. E. L, Edmundson. To Close Out! The entire stock of over coats at Southerland's Cash Store. At Way Down Prices ! Bleached goods, etc., at Souther land's Cash Store. Down They Go ! Window shades from 25c up at Southerland's Bargain Store. Clothing! Clothing! A few suits left, will sell at cost at Southerland's Cash Store. Greatly Reduced ! Heavy underwear at reduced prices at Southerland's Cash Store. Must Be Sold! A few cases of boots must be sold at Soatherland's Cash Store from $1.25 up. JGSTThe Boston Bargain House is offering unusual bargains at present and at prices lower than ever. Goldsboro Market Report. Corrected weekly by B. M. Privett, Cotton Buyer and V holesale Provision Dealer. Cotton 9 Mess 1'ork 15.50 Rico, rough CO X.C. Hams 12,13 Meal per sack 1.35 Flour 4.00 5.00 Sugar, granulated, .5 G Corir 50 D 55 Oats 50 60 Hay 1.00 1.10 Eggs 25 Rice Meal, ier 100 lb $1.00 Peas GO 75 llegular Bowels follow the use of Tutt's Pills. Covington, Ky.. Feb. 17, 1888. Pond's Extkact Co. "Having used Tond s Extract for a number of years, I fully endorse all you claim for it, but have used it successfully in a way I have never known you to recommend it in your advertisements. I have five children, and have used Pond s Extract with each one when teething, simply rubbing the swollen fevered gums with it. It gives al most immediate relief, and seems to be so soothing, and evidently allevi ates the pain. Please don't use my name publicly. Jobs In Tobacco ! At Southerland's Cash Store. Big Bargains In Shoes at J. F. Southerland's, Bed action in Price of pant croods at Southerland's Cash Store. Take Your Choice, Umbrellas from 35c to $1.00 at Southerland's Bargain Store, Buggy Harness! Big Bargains at Southerland's Cash Store. A Large Variety of Collars, Cuffs, etc., at Souther- land's Bargain Store. For Sale Cheap ! Two Milch Cows. One can be seen at my farm, near Fremont, and the other at my residence on William street. N. W, Muserrave. FREE TO ALL: jJ Our New Illustrated fj Catalogue of Plants, f? Koses, Bulbs, Vines, n Sunt'BS, Ornamental n Trees, Small Fruits, fj Grape Vines, Seeds, h etc., will be mailed fj Free to all applicants, fj 100 pages. Most com- h Vloa Mont CnlnU,,. r- published. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 20 Rose rj Houses. 45 Greenhouses; 30 acre3 Nurseries, fj Address U NANZ &NUNERlLouisvillEj Ky j) DR.B. f.arrington, SURGEON :. DENTIST. Office rooms over Music Store, West tent re Street. tSfFillinir teetli a snecialtv: also treat ing diseased truras. and all diseases per taining to the dental structure. Do You Want a Public Office? There are 180,000 offices within the gift of the new Administration, and now is the time for those seeking public employment to take proper steps to secure one of these lucrative positions. All who are interest ed should at once send for a copy of the united btates Blue Book. It is a register of all Federal offices and employments in each State and Territory, the District of Columbia and abroad with their salaries, emoluments and duties; shows who is eli gible for appointment, questions asked at examinations, how to make an application and how to push it to success and gives besides a vast amount of important and valuable information relative to Govern ment positions never before, published. Handsomely bound in cloth. Trice, 7o cents, post paid. Address J. II. Soule, Publisher, Washington, D. C. DRESS MAKING ! Parties wishing any kind of dress mak ing done at very reasonable figures, would do well to call on me. MRS. BAYLISS, Near Graded School. Dissolution of Partnership We beg to announce to our friends and patrons that the firm of I. Summerfield & Co. is dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by II. Summer field at the old stand. All accounts against the firm of I. Summerfield & Co., are assumed by the successor, and all ac counts due are payable to the succeeding firm. 1. SUMMEUF1ELD & LO. Announcement. Having succeeded to the business of I. Summerfield & Co., I solicit a continu ance of the cordial and valued relations with you, hitherto maintained by my predecessors. I shall endeavor to merit your confidence and business by carefully considering and supplying the needs of the furniture trade, both in regard to prices and styles. R. SUMMERFIELD, January i, 181W. Goldsboro. X. C. flffiti IS Foiis. 'I have been apreal s offerer from Torpid Liver and Dyspepsia. Every tnlngr I ate disagreed with ine until I began taking lift I ran mow dlgewt any kind of rood; never have a Iieadarlie. and have sain ed fifteen pound In elKht.' W. C. SCHVLTZE, Columbia, S. C SOLD EVERYWHERE. Practical Horse-Shoeing, Repairing of Buggies .Wagonsts, &c. feS-'Everything in the Blacksmith line, done on short notice and at lowest living prices. Give me a call when in need to have repairing done. i,. e. joiirvsox, opposite John G inn's store. DON'T FORGET that you can get anythingiuthe line of I School Supplies and Fancy Goods at our place. "We keep also a choice line of Ladies and Gents Pocket Books, CARD CASES, Children's Games and Picture Books. Nicely bound novels and all the leading poets works. Artists Materials, Mucilage, Inks and lnctures, framed and unframed. Come to see us before purchasing. GOLDSBORO :- BOOK -:- STORE. J. F. Milder, Proprietor. Dental Prosthesis a Specialty. Nitrous Oxide Gas, the greatest anaes thetic for oral surgery known, always on hand. Charges liberal. Dr. J. M. PARKER. Office: Centre St. West, Goldsboro, X. C They Were Bought Right is the reason why they are at the follow ing low prices : TINWARE ! gallon coffee pots 10c, 14 quart dish pans 25c. Almost any kind of tin. GLASS-WARE. Sugar bowls, butter dishes, cream pitchers and spoon-holder only 25 cents. Come in and see our new glass-ware. GROCERIES Sugar 5c, starch 5c, rice 5c, pearl hom iny 8 lbs 25c, good flour 3c. A complete stock of Groceries,' all cheap. A Complete Stock of Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Pants and Pant Goods. TRUNKS and VALISES A nice Zinc finished trunk only $1.25. Wire buckle suspenders warranted 2 years only 20c. Call and see and be con vinced. Boston Bargain House, T. Hunter Hall, Frank B. Edmundson, Proprietors. SCOTLAND NECK MILITARY SCHOOL, Scotland Neck, N. C. A SCHOOL OF HIGH GRADE FOR BOYS. LARGE AND GROWING PATRONAGE. Healthiest Section in Eastern Carolina. Grade of Scholarship High and Work thorough and practical. Write for catalogue, W. C. ALLEN, Sup't. A Happy Welcome is guaranteed to those who will call at my Saloon, which is stocked at all times with the Choicest of Domestic and Im ported LIQUORS & WINES. All the latest drinks compounded and manipulated by skillful men. DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CIGARS, and a large lot of fine Tobacco. For Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey is place is headquarters. tQTMr. Cullen Howell is with me and would be pleased to see his friends. Jas. L. Dickinson, At John G inn's old stand. StationerViSchool Books You Are Welcome -AT THE- NEW YORK Bargain Store ! THE ACKNOWLEDGED Greatest Bargain House EASTERN CAROLINA. The old year 1892 is past and gone, and the New Year 1893 has come in, and now while many of the merchants are thinking over their past year's work, some of success, some of failure, and oth ers crying out "too hard times," and go ing out of business, we are proud to greet you A Happy New Year. and tell you with nerve and grit and with the power of THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR down, we propose to secure the Best Goods -FOR THE- Least Money ! and continue to stick to The Lowest Prices ! which we have adhered to since we com menced business in this city. At reas onable profits we have enjoyed, the most successful year's business we have ever had and by the same low prices we shall promise to offer Greater Bargains Than Ever During the Present Year. YOU ARE NOT LATE, we still have pretty and desirable goods on hand, and as our shelves are replen ished weekly, we are enabled to offer you nothing but Fresh and Seasonable Goods! jQTRemember us when you start out buying! II, Y, BARGAIN STORE, J. F. SOUTHERLAID, Proprietor.

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