("f THE HEADLIGHT. rUHLISIIEI) EVERY THURSDAY. SUItscitll'TION 1.00 PER YEAR. A. KOSCOWE It, Editor and Proprietor. Coi.dsboro, N. C. March 23. 1893. moyim; for mood roads. In almost all the States, North Carolina excepted, where the legis latures have been is session this winter ac tion has been taken in re ference to road improvement. Mas sachusetts, for example, h; work ed out quite an elaborate system of State aid in road building, and a plan has been developed in Ohio which has some excellent features, lioth are interesting as offering possible solutions to this much vexed problem in North Carolina. The Massachusetts plan provides fo- a larg State loan, the bonds to run thirty years and to be negotiat ed at the lowest rate of interest probably ; per cent. In applying the funds they are to be distributed among the various counties accord ing to the road mileage of each. Steam road-rollers and stone-crushers are to be purchased first, as the county commissioners may think are needed. Then the money is to be expended in a survey, straight ening, grading and (training of the highways by a competent road en gineer, and the unexpended bal ances are to be used in actual road construction. The Ohio plan has been growing up for years, and is the result of continued experiments in various parts of the State. Ohio presents a great diversity of soil and topo graphical conditions. Identical methods of road building could not be applied on the lake ridges, on the bottoms of the Muskingum ami in the hills of the interior counties. Therefore, the Ohio law recognizes the principle of home rule in road building. A majority of the land-holders along any highway may petition for its improvement. The town ship trustees then employ a sur veyor or engineer to make a com plete survey, to estimate the cost of construction and submit it to them. It is sent by them to the county commissioners, who assess a tax on the property abutting upon the road to be improved, or that which lies within a specified dis tance on either side. This tax, with a poll tax, constitutes the available road funds, and it may be worked out or paid in money to the supervisor in charge of the work. One or two points in each of these laws should be emphasized. They apply to the whole State, and they recognize the necessity of the road engineer in road improvement two principles which ought to become the corner-stones of road reform in this commonwealth. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. "We don't believe it will pay us to advertise," is a remark we frequently ;hear merchants and other business men make when you approach them for the purpose of soliciting an advertisement, but we have yet to hear the first man say, "Our advertisement did not pay us."' Are you aware of the fact that your local paper is regarded abroad as a type of the town in which it is published? Such is, nevertheless, a fact. If you wish to build up your business, enhance the value of your property, induce public spirited men of energy and capital to locate in your towu, and if you wish to build up and pro mote the interest of your town generally, you should let the public at home and abroad know what you are doing, by keeping your business ever before them in the columns of your home paper. The man who lost money by ad vertising in his home paper is yet to be found, and besides you not only advertise your business but you advertise your town. Don't imagine for a moment that you are a man (if so much importance, in Uuence and popularity that every body knows your place of business and will call on you when they come to town, whether you adver tise or not, for such is not true, and besides don't you feel it your duty to contribute your mite to ward the sustenance of your home paper, that is earnestly endeavor ing to promote the interest of your town and community t Advertise your business no mat ter how small it may be and it will lie sure to pay you in the long run. Let the public know, at home and abroad, that you live in a live, wide-awake, energetic, go-ahead, thrift' business place, that sells more goods for less money, and handles more cotton and other country produce, and pays the best prices for the same of any town of its size in the South. Mrs. J. Watson, 1022 Arizona St., Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I think Dr. Rid I's Cough Syrup is si splendid remedy, I had to eoiigh night and day and one bottle relieved uie wonderful v.' ' OTHER PENS THAN OURS. When Cleveland surrendered the Presidency four years ago, the question was:'"AVhat shall be done with the surplus : .now me ques tion is: "What shall be done about the deficiency in ihe Treasury i" Pittboro Record. There is plenty of evidence that the more cotton craze has struck North Carolina with great force. This is lamentable. Plant more cotton and eat the bread of sorrow, bought of Western wheat with cotton at five cents a pound. Wilmington Messenger. It was hoped that this Legis lature would take some favorable action for dev'sing :i system for the improvement of the public roads of this State, but that hope must now be abandoned. If the people want good roads they must depend upon themselves and make them. Wilmington Star. A trust is no better because it is controlled by our neighbors and friends. It is not a thing to be praised-even if its promoters are men who are liberal in giving ami upright in their personal life. The nearer it is to us, the more baneful is its shadow and the more to be denounced. Raleigh North Caro linian. We received some days ago some clippings from Marian Sut ler's paper signed "A paid up sub scriber," with request that we should publish lliem. In the first place we do not pui!ih matter without having in our possession the name of the one sending for publication and in the second place we take no stock in Hutler or his paper. Marian Sutler or his paper are not in our opinion worthy of the respect of any well-wishing man and the few good men who have strayed oil after such strange gods are to be .sympathized with. Washington Progress. The crime is on the increase, the legal executions decreasing and Judge Lynch on the increase this is not complimentary for the great est country in tin- world! There is a cause for this bad showing for doing business on this line. Why are the lynchings on t he increase '. Why are murders on the increase? Why are the legal hangings on the decrease? Are the courts and the ofiicers doing their duty? Is it right that so dangerous and barba rous a law, a is lynch law, should be on the increase and not have the check thrown around it that ought to be? There is a remedy, and why not find it. Concord Stan dard. WEAYKRISM HENS 3IAI). The Salisbury Watchman, hav ing bathed seven limes in Jordan and come out clean, the constitu ency which followed it when it was in the gall of bitterness has begun falling away. It prints from Meck lenburg county, the following which, it says, "came sparkling into its sanctum like a sunbeam:" Mr E.I -ateliman My time haser.t expired yet I am Peo ples Party to the enar i; doant eair to read your paper any longer. So you can slop it at onee I dont lielollg to "the gauge iV mean to raU my hoys the same. And the following, which, it says "was evidently the result of a big debate in some Alliance hall:" Huntersville X C Mareh th 4- Watchman !i:5 We the undersigned fanners subscribe of the Watchman belong to that design ing crew and We Stand in eomin w ith Marion Riitlcr and we are taking his paper and are all agents and are going to get another subscribe and we do not expect to let u) ii nt i 1 1 this county is out of the hands of gold bugs and other scoundrels we do not belong to any Cleveland or Republican greshain Eaves Rosses and you will pleas discontinue the watchman. TIIIJKE OPINIONS. The enterprising Goi.dskouo Ukaw.ioiit is out in a new dress, and having discarded the patent feature is now an all home print. The paper has been greatly im proved. Henderson Gold Leaf. TllK (ioi.OSiidlio IIkadught, pays us a wei-oine visit in a new dress and also enlarged. Mr. lios cower has now one of the brightest and handsomest papers in the State, and Goldsboro should be proud of it. Rocky Mount Argo naut. The greatest improvement wrought on a North Carolina paper in a long time is on the Goldshoko IIkadught. It has H.(.n enlarged, has a new outfit of type and isfill ed to running over ith news, all of which is fresh and crisp. Brother Roscower has our hearty congratu lations. Newton Knterpriser How's This '. We otTer One Hundred Dollars lie ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured l- Hall's Catarrh Cure. i' J. CHKNKY& CO., Props.. Toledo. O. Y e the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last l." years, and believe him periVetlv honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to earrv out any oblig ation made by their 'linn. West&Truax. Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo. (). Walding. Kinmm & Marvin. Wholesale Drin'o-ists Toledo, Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 17h-. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. There are iieonle who iii'vi-i- ,in. nli h ativtliinir because tlicv :m. f.i .!.. too much. The drippe is a disease with so serious an ending possible that its sligbtest at tack should have the immediate atten tion of line's iilivsici:i n. :oil it sli.ml.l I... treated by remedies dispensed under a pnysiciau s prescription alone. Its most characteristic and painful symptom, however, the terrible aching pai ns, can lie greatly relieved, and the patient made very much more comfort able, by a thorough rubbing of the body, wherever nainful. with Pond's Evtr:ni diluted with hot water. This treatment will also tend to prevent catching cold. NATIONAL CAPITAL MATTERS. Kroni our Koguhir Correspondent, j Washington 1). C, ) March 18, 18i3. )" Senator Gorman, who was chair man of the caucus committee that made the Senate committee assig ments, and therefore in a position to know whereof he speaks, said, I am reliably informed, to a per sonal friend: "There has been a lot of nonsense talked ami printed about the positions upon the pro minent Senate committees having been purposely arranged by the caucus committee so as to be ant agonistic to the President. There is absolutely no foundation for any such statements. The assigments of the old Senators were made ac cording to the well-known prece dents which have governed such assignment, ever since I have been a member of the Senate, and for many years before, and of the new ones according to the best judge ment of the committee." Although Senator Gorman did not intend his remarks for publication, it is but justice to him and the members of the committee that they should be made public. This caucus commit tee had no authority to say that this or that Democratic Senator should not have committee posi tions to which they were entitled by seniority, because of theirviews upon this or that question, and had it attempted such a thing its work would have been repudiated by the caucus, which had to approve its report before it went iutoefi'ec!. It is only in Republican papers that there is any antagonism between President Cleveland and the Demo cratic Senators. No administration ever assumed ollice with a more harmonious party at its back than the present, and neither the Pres ident nor any prominent Democrat in Congress expects or sees any indication of anything to disturb the present pleasant relations be tween the President and the party, in and out of Congress. Statements to the contrary, if run down, will be found in every case to have orig inated either with a Republican or a journalistic sensation monger. Certainly no one can raise any reasonable objection to the rule made by President Cleveland that no person should be sent as V. S. consul to an important commercial place who is not a thorough busi ness man. It will not be necessary to go outside the Democratic party to find capable business men to fill every consulship maintained by the Government. Democrats should be extremely careful about accepting as true statements concerning the inten tions of President Cleveland which appear in Republican papers. A little consideration will convince them of the improbability of Re publican editors and correspondents beinir taken into the confidence of Jlr. v levelaiKl. A case m point was the sending broadcast by Re- ! puhhean correspondents a few i days ago. of the positive statement ; that Mr. Cleveland had said that : Democratic editors need not apply for office, as he had made up his ! lniiKt not lo appoint lliem. -Now. Mks Ressie intimab-s that she is Mr. Cleveland never said any such j plentifully supplied with this thing, and the nearest approach to i world's good, and that the man a foundation the story had was the ; u applies for the place of hus Presidents jocular remark to a l.an.l to hi-r viil have nothing to lo Congressman that editors must take j m enjoy life. their chances with otherapplieants i Chief 'Connolly was -ivatlv In order to impress the falsity of ; amused Monday when he received this statement upon Democrats Mr. Cleveland took especial care that the first nomination of a postmaster sent to the Senate by him should be that of a Democratic editor Mr. Robert 1. Rrown, of Mcadville, Pa. A funny incident intervened the otherwise somewhat monotonous reception of Congressmen and office-seekers at Washington Mon day. Representative Rroekinridge. of Kentucky, brought up an old friend to introduce him to the Pres ident. They were shown in the reception room and Mr. Rreckin ridge made the introduction. As the friend took Mr. Cleveland's hand, he asked: "What is the namef" The laughter which greeted this sally, somewhat astonished the Kcntuckian, but when the situation was explained to him, he retrieved himself by saying: "Well, Mr. President, I did not recognize you, because you don't seem to be as large as your pictures make you," at which the President smiled. The best evidence of the confid ence of the business men of the country in the Democratic admin istration is furnished by the steady increase of gold in the Treasury, which began with the swearing in of Democratic officials and has con tinued right along ever since. Now that the crowd left here by the inaugration has almost entirely gone, the President and the mem bers of his Cabinet will have more time to devote to their official duties, and the result will be a huge number of appointments in the very near future. As soon as till of the assistant Secretaries in the various departments are nom inated and confirmed, the appli cants for position under them will have a chance to get their claims considered. It is expected that the Commis sioner of Pensions will be appoint ed before the first of April, as it is known that Mr. Cleveland is par ticularly anxious for a speedy change in that office. Mrs. Cleveland is more popular than ever before ami about the first question the stranger asks is how he or she can see the President's wife. She has held no public re ceptions yet, but there is no trouble in seeing her. Twelve children, were found frozen to death Monday, in a school-house at Kaluga, Russia. x F-iiiiile WVakm-ss I'osilive ( are- To 'Eli E EniToit: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged female organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkee to any lady if they will semi their Express and P. (). address. Yours respectfully, Di. H.,D. Makcuisi. Utica, N. Y. SOUND ADVICE. We commend these words of wisdom from the New "Orleans Times-Democrat to the farmers of North Carolina: Some of the sensible Southern papers are calling attention to the fact that arguments in favor of a reduction in cotton acreage for the coming season are increased by the present high price of food products. Pork, which constitutes one of the principal elements of Southern plantation supplies, is higher than it has been for years; and the indi cations are for an advance in beef also. There is every reason, there fore, why the Southern farmers should put more land in food crops and reduce their acreage in cotton, for the price of the former is high, and that of cotton will be very low if there is a heavy planting. Could the Southern farmers do worse than to grow a big cotton crop this year ? It will probably cost them more per pound to raise cotton than for some years past, because of the high price of pork and other food productions. - Cot ton raising has been somewhat dis couraging for tin-past few years, and has returned little profit be cause of the low price prevailing for the staple. If, in audition to that low price, the cost of production is increased, it is easy to see that the farmers will be in a worse condi tion than ever. There are, therefore, two argu ments against a big cotton acreage the low price of the staple, the high price of provisions. The lat ter is a further argument in favor of increasing the acreage in food crops. During the war the South raised its own meat ami bread, al though nearly all its able bodied men were in the field. It can do so to-day and with profit and ad vantage. The market quotations, not of cotton alone, but of :dl pro visions, are a strong argument against a big acreage in the South ern staple. , SIIK WANTS A HI SIJAND. Cpon dainty, sweetly perfumed paper, nicely embellished with pretty pictures in the uppercorner. Chief Connolly of Atlanta, received a letter from a young lady who is anxious to marry. In all his official career the chief has never received such a unique epistle as that which came in his mail Monday. He has received many communications calling upon him to aid in running down and locating some desperate criminal, but he has never vet been request ed to find a husband for a young lady who wants to marry some nice young man, who has no home, and who would make her a irood hus band. The votinir lady is Miss lassie Starnes. of Rose Hill, S. C, and s. rivi.s a verv graphic, and at sainotimeverv'ilattorimrdoscription f herself. If she measures up to tlu-picture she draws of herself. siu. (),lirht to meet the ideas of even t1(l most fastidious Voun man. ithe letter, and begin running over : in his mind the young men of his (acquaintance with the view of plac j ing some one of them at Miss lles isie's disposal. He will endeavor !to fill Miss Iiessie's request, j Her letter is as follows: j Chief of Police Dear Sir: I write von this letter to ask a favor of you. I learn that you have a good m.niv young men in Atlanta that would like "to" marry. I am ready and waiting for one, and I am right in tin- town where I was born and raised. I can gie a good name and a good home. I ask you to pick nie out a young man that wants to mar ry bad. Let it be a poor boy that has no home ami you arc sure is in bad condition. You will confer a favor by getting him soon, and he will never re gret starting here to many me. You must have a good looking young man for my sweetheart, for my hands is white and my eyes are liquid blue. My heart is kind to all dear friends. You will not need to answer me at all. You can tell the young man that my name is I'.essie Starnes. I en close paper for him to write on to nie. (let a pretty young man soon for me. Hkssik Staknks. P. S. Please get a young man. I will lie a good wife. Have him to write to me soon and tell him to send dear Words. P.KSSIK. The chief has placed the letter on file, and will not allow-the very earnest request it contains to pass unnoticed. He will recommend some young man for the highly desirable place as soon as he can find one whom bethinks will fill the bill. Atlanta Constitution. Several eases of cholera have ap peared in the prison at Moscow, Russia. I.KJHIX KMX IK. A I'lcsasant I.emon Tonit-. For P.illiousness, Constipation. Mala ria. Colds and the drip. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For Sleeplessness. Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, ( 'hills. Debility am! Kid ney Diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir is prepar ed from the fresh juice of Lemons, com bined with other vegetable live tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named disesaes. 50c. and $1.(10 bottles at druggists. Prepared onlv l- Dr. II. Moslcv, At lanta. A PnoMINKNT MlMSTKlS W After ten years of great UTES. sutTeriiiii from Indigestion, with great nervous prostration. biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir and am now n well man. Rev. C. C. Davis. Eld. M. E. Church South. No. 2S Tat nail St., Atlanta, (iu. (ili.VTlTl I)K. Dn. II. Mosley Dear Sir: Since us ing your Lemon Elixir. I have never had another attack of these fearful sick headaches, and thank (iod that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. Mits. Etta W.Joxks, Parkersburg, AVest Va. THE TtlLLYILLE BANNER. The ciillville contingent has not returned from Washington yet. This is a great surprise to us, as the walking Ls splendid in this brac ing weather. , There is a new arrival at our house. lie is little but loud, and cost 630 and prescriptions. The Lord help ns all ! We are going to the World's Fair in May if collections con tinues to come in. That is, we May go. The song of the plowman is heard in the land, and oacon is ten times higher than cotton. Spring is here, and there is one liar catching fish and another dig ging bait. The sweet txlor jessamine is in the air, and the mule and the mort gage are mightily in the cotton business. e have been Uirrinr in our garden for a week past. There is enough bait in that garden to keep a moderate family in fish all sum mer. WHEN IT LOOKS DARK to any weak or ailing woman. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cornea to her help. For " female com plaints " of every kind, periodical pains, internal inflammation or ulceration, bear ing-down sensations, and all chronic weak nesses and derange ments, this is the remedy. It's the only one so sure that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in the case of every tired or afflicted woman, she'll have her monev back. The " Prescription'" builds up and invitro- rates the entire female system. It regulates ami promotes tu ine proper luncuuus, im proves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength, Nothin else, though it may be better for a tricky dealer to sell, can be " just as good " ror you to buy. Use the great specific for "cold in head" and catarrh Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. LARGE ADDITIONS TO OUK SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK KECEIVED DAILY IN Every - Department ! COME AND SEE THEM. H. Weil & Bros. Welcome - You - Are TO SEE OUR NEW SPRING MILLINERY ! ALSO FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Silk -:- Hosiery ! SPECIALTIES IN VEILINC. Stamping Done ! With Neatness and Dispatch. teif We will be more than pleased to show you what we have, tu quote you prices ami post you on the prner thing to wear this Spring. J. Henry Edwards. pi THE N. Y. RACKET STORE Just opened on East Walnut street, next door to Dr. K. A. Smith's oflice, makes the following revolution iu Clothing ! Whole suits for men from $2.75 to $12.00. Pants for men from C5c. ami up. Roys' ami Youths' suits from 2.25 ami up. Coats from $1.00 ami iiji. Dry Goods! Checked Homespun 5c. ami white, at 4c. ler yard good quality. Colicoes, standard, at 5e. per yard. Notions ! Handkerchiefs 2c., hose 5c., socks oc, needles lc, 1 card agate buttons 144 buttons, for Sc., good scissors for 3c. Gents' Furnishing Goods and Shoes ! At prices never before heard of. Men's white shirts double front and back, onlv 33c. Colored shirts only lilc. A. M. SHRAGO 4 CO., Prop'rs. PONDS EXTRACT CURES Piles Catarrh Bruises Colds Wounds Sprains Chilblains Lameness Hoarseness Backache Rheumatism Sore Eyes Sore Throat Hemorrhages Infla mmatioii AVOID SUBSTITUTES GENUINE MADE ONLV f POND'S EXTRACT CO.Sok ll'UNITUHE of every description for every purse and every per son. u R ncipiallod assortment of line cheap i unfit tire, and cheap Fine Fur niture. eliable Furniture of every grade. in all the fashionable woods and linishes. N ew stvles and new designs constant ly brought out at Sinnineiiield"s and well worthy a visit. I niiumcrahlc Furniture bargains in every Department especially pleas ing to close buyers. n to twenty-live per cent, always saved on Furniture, if you buy at Siiinmertield"s. u nique novelties in great variety es pecially adapted tor wcddnigaml anniversary presents. R ight in price is Sunimertiehr.s Fur niture ami no misrepresentation is ever permitted. E xcellelit values, excellent stvles and excellent workmanship are charac teristics of Summerheld s furniture R. SUMMERFIELD, EAST CKNTItK ST. THEY WERE BOOT lilCIIT! Is the reason whv they are at the follow ing low juices: TINWARE ! One-half gallon coffee p..ts 10c. 14 quart dish jans 2V. Almost any kind of tin. ( LASS WARE ! .-Migar now is ouner tiisiies. cream I'ilchcrs and sjioon-holdeis only 25 cent. I ome in ami see our new glassware. (JR0CERIES! Sugar 5c. starch 5c. rice 5c. jie.ui Hominy m jioumls 2.ic. . good tloiii.V. A complete stock of groceries, all cheap. A C OMPLETE STOCK OF DRY (J00DS, Shoes, hats and eajis. Pants ami jiant goods. TRUNKS ANT) VALISES ! A nice zinc finished trunk only $1.25. Wire buckle susjicmlers warranted 2 years only 20c. Call and see and Im convinced. R0ST0N - UARUAIN - HOUSE, T. Hunter Hall. Frank P. Edmiindson. Projnietors. OUR SPRING STOCK HAS ARRIVED ! And if you desire to secure first choice, doift put it of! but come at once and inspect The Beautiful Goods on our shelves, which are va ried in every department. Those who have visited our store have the unanimous ex pression that we "have out done ourselves this season." The Prices Are Captivating as the styles, and every sin gle article will be found to correspond with the hard times. MILLINERY! This department will be found most complete, both in trimmed and untrimmed hats, and at prices to defy compe tition. Don't fail to take a glimpse of the Handsome - Novelties We offer in this particular line. ISflii shoes we continue to lead, by keeping renowned makes at rock bottom figures. J. W. BIZZELL 4 COMPANY, EAST CENTRE ST. GREAT - SLAUGHTER - SALE -OF- WINTER A.sli.er Edwards' Preparatory to our annual inventory and the new arrival of our spring stock, we shall close out For the Next 30 Days Our remaining stock of Winter Goods at a tremendous sac rifice, as we don't tare to carry over a single yard of this season's goods when our Spring trade begins. New and Seasonable Goods- At One-Half Their Value! By examining our stock you will find no shelf-worn goods ofFered for sale, as is done in other houses, when a closing-out-sale is announced. The goods we offer you at such a saving in cost, are all this season's goods, fresh from the manufacturers and of the latest designs and fashion. You will simply pronounce it as i The Greatest Bargains Ever Known ! Do not fail to take advantage of this unprecedented ofFer, which is only a chance of a life-time. We guarantee to sell you everything you need a great deal less than cost of production. THE ENTIRE WINTER STOCK GOES WITHOUT RESERVE ! Don't hesitate and put it off, but come at once in order to avoid the rush. Remember that the Closing-Out-Sale only lasts for Thirty Days. After that time you will never be able to secure such enormous bargains again, as they are offered to you NOW. UNPRECEDENTED SACRIFICES ix -: DUES CIHM CLOAKS. FUNNELS AND BLANKETS ! :- You will find these goods worth at least double their value than we are offering them at present. Bear in mind that they are all this season's goods, and only reduced in their original value for the benefit of our enormous trade Prices Down to Almost Nothing ix Clothing, Boots and Shoes. It is useless for us to attempt to siiy anything more. You will have to come in person and convince yourself of the truth of our assertion. You may rest assured that the goods will be sold to you. NOTK. Farmers desirous of buying their supplies on time, or are in need of ready nisli, ran be accommodated in any quantity on the most reasonable terms. I also keep a full assortment of all the leading Fertilizers. It will there fore be to your interest to consult me when in need of suj plies during the spring and summer. ASHER -: EDWARDS, The Original Leader of Low Prices, Goldsboro, : Don't Forget the Fact When You Want Spring -nr.illin.ery- In every conceivable shape or fashion, ours is the place to obtain it. -- Notions and Fancy Goods -:- In the latest novelties in endless variety, at prices that de- iy competition. OUR -:- DRESSMAKING -:- DEPARTMENT Just added, will be presided I'lMh Yliose aim it will be to keep posted in the latest and correct stvles of feminie apparel. :?rOUR OPENING DAYS are Tuesday and Wednes day, next, March LSth and 29th. HVLrs. S. I. G-riffin. V GOODS AT : : N. C. over by A BALTIMORE MO-