THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED KVKKY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIl'TIOX ? 1.1)0 PKIL YEAR. A. ItOSCOWEi:, Editor and I'mjiru'tor. Goldsboho, X. C, Jan. 28, 1897. I.ITHKK IN AI.I.F.GOIIY. The prevailing incident of next week in (ioMloro will he the pre sentation of the '-Story of the Ke formation," or "Life of Luther," sit the Opera House on Monday ami Tuesday evenings, February 1st and Jnd, under the auspices of St. Stephen's Kpiseopal ehutch. This production i- very unusual in its character. It is an illustrated, musical and spectacular production of century events. Mrs. II. E. Monroe, the distinirnihed l'hil adelphia lecturer, who i theoriri nator of this eiitertaininent, and under whose management it is riv en, tells the story of Luther's life with the aid of eighty-five superb stereopticon views. The views are as tine as any now made in this country. The leadinir events of the period will be represented by l. persons, carefully selected from the various churches of the city, attired in the Ulth century costumes. The rep resentations will be Luther's fa mous trial at. Worms, nuns leaving a conve4, Lrftirth monk and choir men, two allegorical processions, etc. The central liure of tin; rep resentation is Luther's famous trial at Worms in which sixty ejeinle nien appear. Details from the (ioldslioro Kiiles will art as Kin peror,EIectorandCardi:i:i!s' (Juards of Honor. Others in the caste rep resent peasants, States of the Union, States of the German Empire, knights, courtiers, priests, bishops, etc. The nuns scene is one of the most impressive representations. The indications are that this en tertaiment will be presented with an elaborateness seldom, if ever, equalled by home talent. The en tertainment has been endorsed by the leading cicrry, and columns of favorable criticisms have been pass ed upon it by the press. It lias at tracted laiLfe audiences in lo-ton, New York' city, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington, Chicago, Pilts burjr, etc. In Philadelphia one rendition was witnessed by :. people and in Ilrooklyn by -1,.M i persons. The Baltimore Lvceum Theatre was crowded for three nights. Last year when presented ill Wilmington, Paleigli, Charlotte aid Columbia, S. C, the crowds were so large that shortly after n p. m., the doors were closed, the houses being crowded so that not even ticket holders gained admis sion. The entertainment is religious in character and undertaken for the glory of God. St. Stephen's church has attempted the presentation o' this entertainment, lir-t, because it will no doubt prove itself one of the finest entertainments ever wit nessed in Goldsboro, and second, because they hope to raise funds by this means. There will likely be reduced rates on the railroads from all the surrounding towns. The reserved seats will be oO cents, general admission ."." cents and gal lery 2." cents. Keserved seats will be on sale at Miller's drug store, beginning to-morrow morning at o'clock. The demand for reserved seats at Ealeigh, Wilmington and Columbia, S. ('., was so large that not a reserved scat remained to be taken on the days of the entertain ment. The indications are that the entertainment will lie very popular. To comprehend its excellency, it must be witnessed. FALSE TEACHING. A preacher in New York recent ly preached a sermon on suicide. He aflirnied that occasion might arise when self-destruction would not only bo noble but would be a duty. Even if this is true, what good did the preacher expect to ac complish by such a sermon '. If there were any considerable num ber of persons in his congregation who the preacher thinks should kill themselves, would it not have been better to advise them private ly rather than suggest the idea to morbid minds of people who have families to support and cannot pos sibly be under any obligation to kill themselves Jf there was no one in the congregation that the preacher desired to kill himself, then he was wasting words. He was doing no good and possibly sow ing evil seed. If his proposi tion is wrong, and almost everv person of ordinary common sense will so consider it, the preacher was without any excuse whatever. It is an excellent thing for people to devote themselves to doing good rather than to producing a sensa tion among silly seekers after false notions. Tiik Durham Morning Herald has been enlarged in a becoming new dress. It is newsy, ably edited and well gotten up, and is a credit to hustling Durham. National Capital Matters. Washington, D. C, Jan. 23, ISO". From Our Regular Correspondent. Senator Cameron,' who has only a few weeks more of public life and who considers himself entirely out of politics, and who consequently does not care whsc political toe, he treads on, is doing some very plain talking like his father, the late Simon Cameron, he has an expres sive vocabulary about the flip-Hop certain Republican Senators have turned on his Cuban resolution. He is especially bitter against John Sher man, who he says assured him be fore he was compelled to accept the position of Secretary of State in Mc Kinley's cabinet that he was for his resolution and .vho has since then used his influence among Senators who wish to be solid with McKiuley again? t the resolution so industrious ly that if the resolution was now brought to a vote it would probably be defeated. A Washington real estate agent said, speaking about John Sherman and how he acquired some of his wealth: "It maybe only a coinci dence, but it reminded me of a form er transaction of the wily Sherman when I saw that just about the time it became certain that he was to be the next Secretary of State he took out a permit for the erection of a block of dwelling houses in East Washington. When he became Sec retary of the Treasury under Hayes he built a block of houses in au un desirable section of East Washing ton and they were all sold to em ployes of the Treasury. I cannot say, of course, that Mr. Sherman made those Treasury employes buy undesirable houses at a big price, but you can imagine how it worked when the real estate agent who handled the property approached a Treasury employe with a proposi tion to buy one of these houses, which everybody knew belonged to the Secretary of the Treasury, and gave him a general hint to the effect that the oeeretary would not be like ly to discharge a clerk who was buy ing one of his houses. I shall keep my eye on those houses Mr. Sherman is now having built. I have a curi osity to know whether any of them will be bought by State department employes." Czar Reed is nearer to having an I open revolt on his hands than at ! anv period since he -became the au tocrat of the House. A respectful petition signed by 208 members of House has been presented to him asking him to suspend his arbitrary rule against pui-iie bui'din bills and to allow a time to be set for the con- sideration of twenty-two those bili.s now on the calendar. II timated quite plainly to the commit tee which presented the petition that he didn't wish to grant the request, -although he took it under advise- jment. If he grants this request, there will be r lain sailing for him, and not much show for the bills to get through the Senate during the reniaini time of this session; if he refuses n, there may be a very lively row. Two hundred and eight members- almost two-thirds of the House, can easily uncrown the Czar, if so disposed. The members of the House com mittee on Public Lands declined to follow the wishes of Speaker Reed concerning the Free Homestead bill. The bill lias been reported to the House just as it was amended by the Senate, and the House will be given an opportunity to vote on the Senate amendments, just as it might have done when the bill first came back from the Senate had not Speaker Reed ordered the bill r ferred to the committee. The committee refused even to accept an amendment, ex empting from the operation of the bill theiands which the government is selling as trustee for the Indians. Representative Swanson, of Vir ginia, one of the most prominent ot the younger Democrats in the House, has this to say in a public interview about the future of the Democratic pavty: "There will be no reorgani zaJon of the Democratic party. It is to-day stronger and more com pact, more aggressive and buoyant than any defeated party c,er was before. Without intimidation, coer cion or corruption a vast majority of the voters of this country to day are in accord with it. Having di vorced itself from the present ad ministration, it is building near the affections and the interests of the masses. The Democratic party will continue its aggressive fight for both gold and silver as legal tender money and against special privileges to trusts, combines and corporations. Those who failed to act with us in Hie last election w ill most of them return to the party. Many have al ready done so. Xo concessions in principles or policies will be made, though, to gain the support of these. Shorn of their power of patronage and discredited as loyal Democrats those who do not return will not be potential for evil in the future." Static ok Ohio Citvof Tolkho, ) Li cas Corx rv. ( s" 1'uankJ. Ciiknky makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the lirm of 1'. J. Ciir.NKY & Co.. doing business i the City of Toledo. Countv and State aforesaid, ami that said linn will inu tile sum of (INK HUNDRED DOL' I RS for each ami every ease of Ca l -li I hat cannot be cured liv the use of Catakkii Ci i;k. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before nie and subscribed in my presence, this the tiih dav of Decem ber, A. D. 1-ssii. -IsKA... j- .. W. (iLEASON. Xotarv Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood ami mucous surfaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by drur;ists. 7ik Ilall's Eaniily Pills are the best. Some Odil State Happenings. The Newton Enterprise says that a man in that county was fined a penny and the costs for "an assault with intent to kiss-' a young lady. In Henderson county, says the Charlotte News, negroes refused to help one of their race shuck out his corn because he voted the Demo cratic ticket. A cow of DoWitt Wagoner, of Davidson county, came to her death from trying to feed herself through the crack of the barn. Her tongue was thought to be a blade of fodder by a horse that was on the inside and was bitten off. The cow had to be killed. Asa Phelps, aged 84, a well known farmer of I Jertie county, is death The deceased began life without a dollar and with no education, and though he never learned to read or write, and always made his X mark to all documents he signed, he left an es tate of more than $50,000 in value. A case of cruelty to animals was tried before a Greensboro magis-i trate. The party indicted was charg ed with kicking a dog down stairs and breaking one of the animal's legs.' The Record says the dog was in court as a "witness,'' but before he was examined a flea bit him and he got up and scratc hed himself with the leg alleged to have been brok en. This was considered evidence enough and the defendant was dis charged. In strange form indeed does death come when life goes out in laughter, but in such a manner death came to Dan S:'Tord. -He was at the store of William Thompson, in Gaston county. Of a social disposition he was enjoying conversation and com panionship with friends and neigh bors who were present. He threw his head back in laughter at some jest or remark that amused him, when it was noticed that ke kept on backward and fell over dead. The Wilaon News says that A. M. Garber and Miss Hattie L. An drews, an eloping couple from Man chester, Ya., arrived at Weldon on the noon train, Friday, and after ob taining the necessary papers, were happily married. The groom is total ly blind and is the organist of a Presbyterian church at Manchester. The bride is unite pretty ami appar ently about 1(1 years old. She has been acting as a sort of guide to the blind organist for some, and their friend'hlp ripened into love. The Ashevilie Citizen says that a few days ago in a certain store in that city a discussion arose as to the weight of victuals a healthy young man would oat at one meal. The discus-ion became animated and finally one of the young men w agered that ho would weigh, after dinner, five pounds more than he would before sitting down to the meal. The bet was eagerly snapped up by his asso ciates. Tuesday was the day for the decision of the wager, and it is whis pered that the young man didn't eat as heartily at breakfast as is his wont. When the dinner hour came he went to a Church street restaurant, first weighing and tipping the scales at 141'. pounds. He ate with intense earnestness, and when he had dined to his satisfaction and weighing time came, it was found that his weight was 14S pounds. The Whole Story Of the n-reat sales attained and great cures accomplished by Hood's Sar-a-parilla is ipiiekly told. It purities and enriches Uie blood, tones the stomach and gives . strength and igor. Disease cannot enter the system foriilie.l by the rich, red blood which conies by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ac ie, indigestion, biliousness. All drug gists. ") cents. lillLDSHOi'.O MAKKKT KKi'OUT. Corrected Weekly ly linker. Isler A Wholesale stud Ketiiil ( roeers. Co., Cotton ilulk Meat Salt Rice meal X. C. Hams N. C. Sides Meal pur sack Flour Sugar, granulated . . . Cora Oats Hav Eggs Beeswax, Peas . . . n SO . . .( 1.00 o.oO ..."() . . :v l.oo ..10 ..10 ... .)) Ql Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of Health. Mr. Baird's rapid and marvelous recovery from a mere skeleton to his normal weight. 2.0 pounds, w as surely the fulUxttrst of the grandest strenjrth-trivin!? and building-up medicine ever produced, namely: Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. ecn1,officn I wish to express to you my pratitude for the great pood that Dr. Zn-yt' Acrvine bns done for me, I was taken sick with typhoid fever and 1 laid in bed for seven months. After getting over the fever 1 was thin, nervous and tired, and did not regain my lost strength. I tried several proprietary, medicines, and finally, after havius; bee a reduced in weight to pounds, 1 becan trying yonr jXVm'iie, and at once ocean to improve. Was finally entu-cly cured, and today 1 can say I never felt bet ter in all my life, and weigh 270 pounds, lids is my normal weight, as I measure 6 feet 5!J inches ia height." South Bend, Ind. J. n. BA1ED. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at SI, 6 bottles forS5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Ur. ililes Medical Co., Elkhart, ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Reglth Every woman needs Pr. Miles' Pain Till J. II. Laird. Popping Hie Question in Surry. There was a rather peculiar court ship in this section a few days ago, says a correspondent of the Elkin Times. A widower went to a widow's house and told her t' at he had plenty of green beans for them all ana would like to get her to cook them for he had no cook. She would not consent to this proposition and he tried her with another scheme. He bought one of her children a book, but the, widow told her lover that he need not have bought the book, but the old man said he lelt he ought to do something for the children and he thought a great deal of her, too. I guess he got nearer her heart to wards the last and her love kept in creasing fintil one evening of the 24th, Mr. Oliver Couch, aged 7i5, was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Darnall, aged 33 years, A. H. Lyons, Esq., officiating. G. H. Clark, a native of Halifax county, a traveling salesman for a Chattanooga house, committed sui cide at Valdosta, Ga., Saturday, by shooting himself with a pistol. v like a dog's bark, is a sign that there is something1 foreign around which shoul3nt be there. You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there f.tst the same. SCOTT'S ETIULSION cf Cod-liver Oil i; not a cough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms but h iocs ?.ive such strength to the hrdy that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old proverb of "the ounce of prevention ?,f Don't neglect your cough. A book which wi'l tell you more on the subject srnt free on re quest. Your druggist kvrps Scott's Emol of Cci-Uvcr Oil. Put up in 50 c ts tu.i i.if vres. .. ..r (own:-, n.w W.L Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish, durable, perfect fittincr. Endorsed by over i ,000.000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and SS.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2 50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, 2 and $1.75 Boys V nseonlv the best Call", KtKslaCa'f. French I'iiti-iit t'alf, l-'reiu-h Kn.iuul, Vk-i Kill, rtc, pr:iclil t convsponil ith prices ol thoshoes. If d.-aicr cannot Mjpp'v ou, write Csuioff free. W. L.DOUG! .S, Brockton, Mass. MJLU lit' 110 01) A: Ml ITT, - (JoliUhoi o. HEXISV T. HAM, .Mount Olive. AT COST! AT COST!! AXYTI IIN1 .1 KWKMJV For Ten Days AT COST ! WATCHES,- JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES, CLOCKS, Etc., AT tvrvo inrin nr tvrnnn M ALMUU MUitr,. West i ii , Street. M CROP GARDEN SEEDS ! Just received 100 pounds of New Crop Cabbage Seeds to b" sold by weight. Also received new crop of the well known LAXHRETH seeds-in palt ers. t3fExtr.i earlv Alaska Peas, -.2." per bushel, cash. Shannon's Drug Store; Under Opera House. Goldsboro. DRS. PAIiKER A: (iKEUOKY. OCioe Honrs, S;:() a. in., to 5 p. m. Ollice over Miller's l)rn; Store. Badly decayed and broken down teeth and roots crowned with Porcelain and gold, and made as good as sound teeth. (STA11 charges ery reasonable. Notice oi Charter Amendments. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the General Assem bly of Xorili Carolina, now in session, to amend the charter of the town of Mount Olive. X. C. James R. Hatch, Mayor. This January I'llth, lsu7. WOMANSWORK?, U, - j V::. - -tt,iN y Ol severest trial nnV test prove in regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla fist, Greatest IVIerit y f retired by a peculiar Combina tion, Proportion ami Process unknown to ethers wliiell naturally and a'tn Uiy produces d, Greatest Cures DtS Shown by thousands of honest, v limitary testimonials which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements of driiPii'sts all over the country, in these three points Hood's i,irs:iji! ill;i is peculiar to itself. Sarsaparilla Is the bost It is the One True F.lood Purifier. ij ' r-b'ii rip the only pills to take llOOU S FlliS tv ith I load's Sarsaparilla. LEVY FOR TAXES. This is to give notice that I have levied on real and personal property of the par ties named below, who have failed to pay their taxes for 1 !., and will sell such property at public outcry at the Court House door in Goldsboro. on Monday, February 1st, 1'.7, at noon: Atkinson. Nathan Anderson, E. T Alston, James l'.rogden. W. H ISadger, Oliver Uarnes, Lovctt llrock. Henry Iii'tinson. C. R P. iss, J. T Reard, Calvin Hryant. George Co, Joe Capps. J. P Craw ford. Ceorge Crawford. W. li Crawford. P. H Craw ford. M. K Dillard. C Kxiun, Ishain Evans. Charley Everitt, Need ham Everitt. Eli ja J Griflin. Jesse Green. A. A (arris, I'reemaM Howell, A. li Howell, John Howell," Franklin Ilinnaiit. Toiiey Herring. !.. Hawkins. William Hiiies. F.e.l Hin-on. llenrv Hodges. John." Hooks. Elizabeth liinton. Henry Ireland. Sam Kennedy. J. R KeiinedV. J. 15. (for Mrs. R. 1 Howell. Kornegav. Met "ov. I.ocklear. I-raei." z ;r 1 ! 2 10 1 !H o. '. 2 40 1 its . 1") :s." l ts . 2 in . 4 22 1 ITS ; us . 2 2:1 . 21 77 71 1 '.'8 2 Oil 1 sis 1 !IH 1 !t . 2 Si 1 '.I 2 02 l :i'i 1 1H i :) 17 l si 1 its . 2 o: '. 1 its . 2 14 . 10 l'.t . 2:J !'.- 1 its 2 :;o 1 '.i 2 :u 1 !s 12 : H3 "i 10 j 1 its . 2 12 1 !s 1 '.i 1 o:; 1 Its '. 1 17 . 2-" ."-2 1 7s 1 Its . 12 !'. 1 Its 1 '.is . li ;u . 2 14 1 Its 1 !' ."0 Little. Jacob Moore. Frank Martin, iiliain Moses. .John ( Hi vcr. .llenrv Pearson. J. L.. Pale. John. . . . ,pai 1'owcll. Oallaw Powell. Charlie Kichard-on. Ru'lin Smith. William .... Smith, RutVm Smith. John R Si ricklaml. ( 'harley Tiner. John. paid ; Toh r, A. H . . Toler - Kennedy. . Tnrnage. Tom Whitley. C. A Whit lev, John Whit Vv. George. . . WhitleV. Monroe. Whitlield. Wilev.. . Wilford. M.... ... WomMe. harlev . . Woml.le. John W. I Tax Collect- an Foi A XT. k To AM. nship. M. SHERMAN, Su(v".v.r to II. .1. Han. i ikai.i:k in Choice Beef, Hutton, Port, Saiiwic, I )i-e.el loultiv, Kt-. K-' Highr.-t market price paid for fat cattle, turkeys and all k in-U of poultry. Market in Arlington Hotel. (.nliKlxiro. N. t'. Telephone No. 71. Free delivery to any part of city. DRUMMER'S :: CAFE, JHON A. KING, ilaH'iMKToi:. We-t C. iilre Street. - (.oMsboro. X. C. '-xt Il-Hir to Nash ltros. Tables Supplied With the Best THK MAltKF.T AFFORDS. Kvery effort made to insure satisfaction. FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS, DAILY. Ol .tll. OX TOAST A SI'Kt l AI.TV. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. HOW TO l IIK VUl KSKI.f Willi. K ( S INU IT. The tuliurco li:ilit urons on a man until his ner-vi-us sy-U'in i': seriously afTeclyd. inii:iirinK health, comfort and hai i.inesH. To suddenly ist.) se verea sli-K-k to the systein, its tobaci-t to an invet erate user 1-ioonies a .stimulant that his system eolitimia'ly oraves. "liaiii-l'uru" is a scientific cure for the toleieeo habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the f-innula of an eminent Ber lin I'liysician who has used it in his private jirac tico since 1S72, nithout a failure. It is purely Tea table and fiuarantei-d perf-'ctly hannlcs-s. V i can use all the tobacco you want while taking 'j!:ico t uro." It w ill notify j.jii w hen to stoji. We pive ! writti'ii ctiarantee to cure ernianently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with !0 per cent, interest. Ilaeo-Curo" is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of w ill power and with n inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Cured by 15 ico-t uro nl ;;iiiiel Thirty fount s. From hundreds of testimonials, the" originals of which an' on file aud open to inspection, the follow ing is presented: Clayton, Nevada C o., Ark.. Jan. 28. Eureka Chemical A Mfc, Co.. La Crosse, Wis. (rt'titlemen: For forty years I used tobacco in all its forms. For twenty-lite years of that time I was a great suflerer from general debility and heart dis ease For fifteen years I tried to quit but couldn't. I took various remedies, anion others 'Xo-To-Hac." "Tbe Indian Tobacco Antidote." "Double Chloride ol (..ild. " etc., et-.. but none of them did me the least hit of food. Final!), however. I pur chased a box of jour "liaco-) uro'" and it has rn tindy cured n-e ot the habit in all its forms, and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and am re lieved from all the numerous aches and pains of body and I could write a uire of paper upon my changed flini;s and condition. Yours resK. tfully. I'. II. M Alilil HY. Faster C. 1. Church, Clayton, Ark. Solil by all dniireists at 1.00 ptr box: three boxes, (thirty days' treatment), ;.."i0, with iron-cla-l! written guarantee, or si nt direet upon rec ipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical A Mf. Co., La Crosse. is., and H-ston, Mass. hi TAFT BROS.. ROCiLESIiH. N.X.I" Kfifc Special Clubbing Rates, Tim Headlight offers exceedingly lilieral oluliliinir rates with a iiiiiiiIkt of good papers. Note tlu'oo: The Headlight and Atlanta Journal I (w eekly), both one year, for only $1.40. The Headlight ami Washington Post (weekly), holh one year, for sfl.oO. The Headlight and Atlanta Consti tution (weekly), both one year, for $1. To. The Headlight and Memphis Commercial-Appeal (weekly), oneyear, $ 1..30. The Headlight and Cincinnati En quirer (weeklj), both one year, .1.30. The Headlight and Southern Culti vator (monthly), one year, only 1.50. The Headlight and Home and Farm (semi-monthly), both one Tear, for only $1.:50. The Headlight and New York World (Thriee-a-Week Kdilion), both papers one year, for the very low price of 1.70. Take advantage of this oiTer at once anil send your subscriptions to this of lice. The Headlight may be sent to one address and the above papers to an other if preferred. IT WILL PAY YOU To call at my store at once and see how cheap goods are being sold' at present. Recause I Am Closing Out my remaining stock of Winter Goods, ((insisting of Clothing. Gents'1 Furnishing Goods. Shoes, Hats, etc. It will, there fere, be To Tour Interest to favor me w ith a call, even if you don't intend to buy You will keep yourself posted in regard to my prices as compared with other stores. EVERYTHING MUST GO ! and ray intention is not to carry over a single article, the goods will Ik sold at any price prolit or no profit, which is of sullici ent inducement to you to lay in your Win ter supply. J. B. SHRAG0, East Walnut Street. Goldsboro. ls'j;. is:; THE STJIST ! li t l.T I MOK I". Mi). :o: THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPLE AND WITH THE PEOPLE. llone-t in motive. Fearless in ex pression. Sound in principle. I'n swcr ing in its allegiance to right theories and right practices. Tin: Si publishes all the news all the time, but does not allow its col umns ft be degraded by unclean, immoral or purely sensational mat ter. Editorially," Tin: Si n is the consistent ami unchanging cham pion and defender of popular rights and interests against political ma chines and monopolies of every char-act;:-. Independent i;i all things, extreme in none. It is for good laws, goo.1 government and good order. Py mail Fifi Cents a month. Six Hollars a vear. The Baltimore Weekly Sun. Tiik Wekki.y Si x pul.Hshes all the news of each week, giving complete ac counts of all events of interest through out the world. As an agricultural pa per Tiik Wkeki.y Si n is unsurpassed. One dollar a vear. Inducements to relters-llnof el.llU f.irllie Wwllv Sum j F'.otl! the Daily and Weeklv Sun niaileti free of postage in the I'nited States. I Canada and Mexico. Payments iuvari i ahlv in advance. Ad-Ire'sss A. S. AUELL CoMTANV. I'ultlishers and l'roirietors. ISaltiinore, Md. ,V v ', L '.r's Cataloetie of 1'i.ants, fj vOit xjC3 Ko.-ts. I'.fi.r.s, VlSr. H AJ - mtt as.OKXAMKSTAL fj .KArr isis, fj etc., will be mailed fj Fi:ef. to ;ill applicants, f. ir " k-v paces. 3iostcom-n :j V plete i'lp.nt Camlocue fj fj nuDlisne-l. Satisfaction (.iuiniee5. 20 Kosk fj fj llorsEs. -ijGKKcyuuvMcs; aa acres NTEsEiaEs. fj U A3Jres j NA?iZ S. f.'EUNER, I.nrisTiu.t!, Kv Your address, with six cenm in siami s, mailed to our Head quaiteis, II tliot M.. lf.wtoa. Mass.. will bring you a full line of samples, and rules for self, measurement, oi our justlv fa mous S.J par.ts: Suits, J13.25 ; Overcoats, 5 10.25. and up. Cut to order. A-cnts wanted every where. New Plymouth Reck Co. llfANTKI) -SEVKKAL FAITIIFL'L men or wimicn to travel for re spnnsible eta!lisliel house in Xoitli Carolina. Salary $70. payable ei'Kly ami 'ienses. I'ositioti jterina tient. Kefert'iife. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The National. Star Iitiildinp;, Chicago. REPAIRING WANTED-ON ALL kinds of Furniture, also the mak of Mantel-pieces and other voo(I work iitsid-' of house. Satisfaction jrnnr anteeil: prices reasonal'le. II. E. El'TINC. HKAIMH'AKTEUS FOR I5AHGAINS in Dry Goods, Notion, Shoes and Clothing. When coming to town In sure to call on us and save lnonev. Sot I5UIXKI.EV Co. 1 NT Vi)lU 1 ET THAT CIU )SETTE'S J shoes are the best for the monev. Every pair warrantetl. On sale, at Golds boro only, at SolTHEKLAXD, IJlCINKLEV & Co. pOItN WANTED-1 WILL PAYCASH J market price for twelve barrels of corn, delivered at my house on William street, Goldsboro. N. W. MrsriKAVK. YTEW STOKE-JUST OPENED 11 i North of the Iiaitist church. 01 John .street. A full line of groceries fruits and eonfectionaries. Prices low A. S. Pkaksali. & lliio. TOI! PRINTING NEATLY .) eheajtly done at this ollice. AND Wit- mates furnished. Proofs li,11ii'.. .1 Mail orders will receive careful atten tion. riUP.KEYS WANTED-WILL PY 1 lngliest market price for dressed or undressed turkeys, in any quantity. S. Coit en & Sox, City Uutc'ners. Vr A prevail, taimw HT. ZLZl'ZS.7,' LEV .r.tTT vrvrw Bm.HJCl lor PUR1II Lkmerns for Hom . mini mi hi i ,i - r .... I MCALLISTER. lPtoiriflii,aIS.?u,a I o w jjj IUIilU.l! M k k m lU hi A HORSES AND MULES just received from the stock-rai-ing centres of the WeM. a:! . Ml'ST be sold, w hich means a saving of at least 2" per head, a- . .. edwilh other prices. A CARLOAD have just reached me. and they. too. will be sold at comp.-iiiin.r , , Have also all kinds of Fertilizers and Farmers' Supplies, all ! . be sold ON TIME AT CASH PRICES, pnvable next Fall. Will give a pound of meat for a pound of . von need not worrv how low cotton will go next Fall h t iik- a::--: ,i , Joseph Edwards, The Champion of Low Prices. Alt fttTlci an4 Sn for A T! On-rc a't which wo guarantee - rant Backs WE THE -:- WILSON -:- AIR-TIGHT -:- HEATER, which is the best and most economical Ilt-a i iiir Stove on the market a veritable fuel savt r. Our Stock of Hardware is complete in every detail. Farm Implements iw. Builders' Supplies in endless variety. A coiiipMe stock of Lime, Cement, Hair, Plaster and Laths. We Can Save You Money. Smith & Yelverton, East Walnut Street Goldsb-.r... X. C. 'm& Horses and lute ALWAYS Sold at All Times -:- WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. BL W. Southerland & Co., (Vitberinrton's Old Stand, Walnut Street, Goldsboro, N. C.i &orThoe indebted to us will please come and settle at once. tlon. W. J. Bryan's Boek LL who are interested in furthering the sale cf Men. W. J. Bryan's new book should correspond im nediately with the pftblishers. The work will contain tK An account cf his campaign tear . . . (pJfcj His biography, written by his uifo . . ei :W vt "'S tnost impcrtant speeches .... 'SVlJ The results of the-campaign of ISSG. V A review of tha politico, situation . . S AGENTS WArslTEZCD .r Mr. Bryan has announced his intuition cf divctin Dne-half of all royalties to furthering the cause ci bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. 3. CON KEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 Dearborn St....C::iCAGC. A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Made, Tin. way you do this is, if you buy your Household and Kitchen Furniture of every description, Crockery, Lamps and Glassware JOSEPH ISAACS THE LEADING FURNITURE HOUSE OF GOLDSBORO. The-:-Largest-:-Variety MOST SELECT STYLES OF BABY CARRIAGES Ever Exhibited in Goldsboro at the Lowest Prices. O 271 - OF BUGGIES "W"E O-AJRY A FULL LINE OF TIIKSI-: Celebrated STOVES in every instance and for fifteen years. ALSO -SELI A CHOICE LO'i () v OIST HEA.ITID. Very -:- Reasonable in Price.