The Corse oi Mankind! The most horrible disease to which the human family is subject is conta gions blood poison. It Las always baffled the doctors, for notwithstanding the progress made in some branches of medicine, thev have failed absolutely to discover a cure for it. Whether in the form of powder, pill or liquid, the doc tor's precripticn is always the same potash or mercury. Mr. Otto II. Elbert, who resides at the corner of 22(1 Strtet, and Avenge N., Galveston, Texas, had a severe experi ence with this dreadful disease, and under date of April 5th, 1S96, writes: "Several years ago I was so unfortu nate as to contract contagious blood poison, and was under treatment of the Lest physicians continuously for four years. As soon as I discovered that I had the disease, I hastened to place myself tinder the care of one of the foremost doctors in my State, and took his treatment faithfully for several tnon lis. It was a very short time after he i re nounced me'well, that the di ease broke out afresh, aud I was in a far worse con dition that at first. Large lumps formed 1. ' 1 MR. OTTO II. ELBERT. on my neck, my throat was filled Tvith Eores, and a horrible ulcer broke out on my jaw. After beiu' treated a-a:n with no success, I became tlisusted and channel doctors. I was ai,aiu given the usual treatment of mercury, and took enough to kill an ordinary man. Of course, I was pronounced cured half a dozen times, the disease returning each time, until my physician finally admitted that lie could do mc no good. X am sure that no one was ever in a worse fix than I my hair had fallen by the handful, my feet vere so Bwol'en that I could scarcely work, and I was in a sad plight. ' I had seen S. S. S. advertised as a cure fortius disease, and determined to try it, and before I had taken one bottle I felt much better. I continued to take the remedy, and a dozen bottles cured me completely, so that lor five yeais I have had no sign of the terrible disease. S. S. S. is the greitest blood remedy of the age. and is truly a Go-'-ser. 1 to those afHicted w ith contagious blood poison." For fifty years S. S. S. has been curing this terrible disease, even after all other treatment failed. It is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and never fails to cure contagions blood poison, scrol.i'.a, eczema, rheumatism, cancer, catarrh, or any other discise of the blood. If ycu h ive a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware o i:se:c:irj; don't do vio lence to your system. Our books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to ar.v address. Swift Specific Co,, AtL'.-i. Gi. POSTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEAL For Barb V"ire Cuts, Scratches, Raddle and Collar Galls. Cracked IIccl Lurus, Old Sores, Cuts, IImIIs, Bruises Piles and all kinds of inflammation 01: nun or beast. Cures Itch flange. Til Ssra, Cat or Sari -s'.'.l i:r:r z. Met 5ter ti sit til teen ii;liei. He prepared for acci Jcnts bv keeping ik in '-cur hour.e nrttalil;. Al! Druggists sil iton a guarnr.ies. ho Cure, No Pay. i'rice cts. and 1,00. if youi lrugist docs not keep it s.-nd us 2, cts. in pos tage stamps and we will send it to you by I-.!:, Tenn.. Jan. D:th. 1-!M. Pear Sir: I have u-l Ar.ttrpi; lli-aitos Oil f.-r lUrnruand,-:..!N.s..r:.t-i..-.ia.l ltrh Wire Of with iMTfoct ;i-i!.n ;;..n, and 1 Unruly nscMi..c!.d it to ill Livery and li-vck:::-n. C. H. IP.VINT. I.ivery anJ Teed S-.-.bic. EA3Y E'JRNF.D. Gontlcmen . I am pleasc-l U, ?.-..!: a word for forW. l-ttU(iillo lli-allntr Oil. V.v I il.r was .'lrn,-.l a fvw Tim. II . atio. an.l aftor trvin - a'.l i i- t.-i:;. hk s I a;;'!i.-l your anil the first appiii ati., v.:i- r iirf, ami in a t-w iv ti-r s..rc was wvll. I ais.. iis.-.i tit,- .-il n-v ,-;.), k and fniii tint :t lithe Ul f..r-'i'.i jju.Uut I liavr v,-r i.s. J. Vu-r, C 1. LEWIS. Paris, Tcnn , Jam-arv -J-. -'.' UaNi'I A! TI Ki.'l ET PARIS MEDICINE CO., SC. LOVIS, EiO CTor sale ami guaranteed bv all drui.. HE IS DEAD! To his own interest, who is in need of TIN ROOFING, PLUMB ING, STOVE and LOCK REPAIRING, in fact all kind- ..f Tin and Sli.-.-t Metal Work, and does not call at TAYLOR & LANE'S TiNsuor, (S. I. Parker' -s old -land. ) We guarantee ciliei.-nt work, (jiiit-k serviee and;.t al (out ion. Charges always rea"!iai!'-. A HAPPY WELCOME is guaranteed to tlnwe w ho w ill ; call at )ny saloon, which is stock ed at all limes with tin' choicest of Pome-tic and Imported Liquors and Wines. All tlu) latest drinks compounded and manipulated by skillful men. DOMESTIC AMD IMPORTED CIGARS, and a a large lot of FITsTE TOBACCO, MY PLACE IS IIKADQL'AKTKKS FOK Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey. KTMr. Cullen Howell i.s with me and would be pleased to oee his friends. James L. Dickinson. 1. Miles' Nerve I'lastors 2.M-. at all druggists. IS- fk ft? v.ftK 2 A Colony of Evangelists. A ooloiiv of evancrelists has purchased a tract of land at Ormond, Fla., and will locate their winter headquarters there for evangelical work throughout the State. Tin; tract is the finest body of land in that section. It is located 1--tween the Halifax river and the Allan tic ocean, and fronts on both. It is cov ered w ith a heavy growth of plants and live oaks, and lias Ion? borne the name of "Hunters' Camp'' from its inviting and favorable situation and convenience for such parties. The evangelists are an incorporated society, holding large property in Jersey City, of which Pastor M. Ilanox is president ami 11. Jackson is s-cretary. Preparations for extensive building are now going forward, and thev expect to develop the natural ad vantages of the place into the finest camp-ground of the South, where a sim ilar work to that in Xew Jersey cent. -red for advocating non-sectarian and scriptural piety. Drought livery .Nineteen Years II. ('. P.u-scil, a .-eieutilic man of New South Wales, announces as a result of a prolonged examination of history, from the earliest times that seasons of drought recur with unfailing regularity at inter vals of nineteen years. Of I'os droughts recorded since t lie year WM. all but lift-en conform to his theory, which is that there ate every nineteen years one long period of three year-, during which the rainfall is somewhat deficient, "and a shorter period between each of the long periods v. In n the deficiency is excessive. He even iimis a continuation of the Kible chronology in the fact that the dates of the Kgvplian drought during King Da vid's reign, that told by Kii.jali ami that predicted by Klislia all fall into the nineteen-year period. TIIK lKi:.Il;l I'llXSl MITION CAN KK cihi:i. T. A. Klix-uin. r.l. C tiie rent Chemist ami Sfieiitidt, Will Send. Free. Three KoUies of His Newly Diseo . -ereil Kemelt-s to Sufferers. Kiuroi; I have discov ered a reliable cure for Consumption ami all lironchial. Throat and I.unr Diseases, (ieneral Decline. Lo-s of l'lcsh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. My ils timely use thousands of apparently hope less cases have been cured. So proot postive am I of its pow cr to cure, that to make its merits know n. I will send. free, to any alliicted reader of your paper, three" b.ittles of my Newly Dis covered Kelliedies upon receipt of Kx-pi-css and Postollice address. T. A. Sl.o ( t -i. M. '.. US Pine Street. New York. Whcu wi-.tiim the l.H.-t.-r.-lease meii$i..n tlii er. Weariny; Out N edlessly. Many jieople wear themselves out needlessly: their conscience is a tyrant. An exaggerated sense of duty leads- a person to anxious, ceaseless activity, to lie constantly doing something, over punctual, never idle a second of time, scorn to rest : s-n-h are in uncoii-cioits lien e tension. They say they have no time to rest, they have so much to do. not thinking they are rapid iy untitling themselves for probably what would haebcci! their best and' greatest work in after wars. If we could trace Dyspepsia to its souree. it would lead back to our kitch ens. In fact, the secret of good health iso-o,,,! cooking. If well cooked, foods are paitiahy digested: if poorly cooked, th -y are less digestible than in their raw -turn. If you are a victim of faulty cooking: this is. ifyoiisiilTcr from Dy spepsia, the rational cure lihi-l be look ed for in an art'.lical'y digested food, and a food w hieh w ill at the same linn. aid the digestion of oilier foods. Sm h a preparai ion irtually rest t he tired di gestive organs, thereby restoring them io t heir natural strength. The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon, is just such a preparation, and a single pi cent botttle will conduce you of its value. If your druggist doesn't keep it. hew til be gia-1 to get it through hi wholesale house. 'i. is t lie best medicine for chil Doctors recommend it in place or Oil. f Ca- Stinginess ahvuvs pinches its owner the hardest. d have been a victim to terrible headaches." writes C. F. Newman. Dug Spur. Ya.. and have never found any thing to relieve them so quickly as AV er's Pills. Since I began taking this medicine, the attacks have been less tre- quent. till they haw ceased altogether." Our neighbors are t hose who need out help most. The difference between Pills and Sim mons Liver Regulator, is just this: Pills don't go dow n very eay with most peo ple, ami you leelthem atterw ards. . hile Simmons Liver Regulator in liquid or powder is very pleasant to take, and the only feeling that you have afterwards is the great relief that it gives from Con stipation. Piliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. It is a mild laxative and a tonic. You will find friend of labor. verv candidatt MOOD'S Sarsaparilla has over an,' over again proved by its cures, xvhen ail other preparations failed, that i.s the One True BLOOD Purifier. Some people marry bad luck, and others inherit it. n For Infants and Children Ths fa:- The body of Mrs. Mary S. Albertson. of Columbia Slough, iiear Portland. Oregon, was being prepared fc.r the grave w hen a friend noticed the tint of life on the cheek. The burial was de ferred, and in a week the woman recov ered from her trance. Toil's Pills Liver 'Ilk Secret o? Beautv is hculih. The secret Ofheakh is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper cuanity of food. This c:;n never be dene when the live '- does not act it's part. Doyoa know this ? Tutt's Liver Fills are an abso lute mre for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills l'ain has nosliow with Ir. Miles' Pain Tills. How Shoes Are Made. In Procliton, Mass., the queen of all our "Shoe Cities,"' stands the massive framework, glittering with myriad win dows, i the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co.'s factory, where hales of leather change with marvelous rapidity into famous shoes. The shoemaker's bench of "ye olden lime" has disappeared, and in its place ponderous machines stamp and growl and toss bunches of leather from one to another like a pack of dogs w or rying some hapless little animal, till the shapeless leather that the cutters pounc ed upon in the long room at the top of the building comes riding into the pack room, a rack for its carriage, a polished and shapely shoe. Probably no . place in the world offers such a splendid object lesson in shoe making "as does the Douglas factory, w here everything has been systematized down to the minutest detail, ami so carefully arranged that a walk through the streets of this busy little world of a factory illustrates clearly the develop ment of the shoe. First comes the cutting room. Here is little machinery, but leather is every where, from the scraps that litter the iloor and till the bins, to the neatly piled "vamps" and "tops" arranged on racks, each pile labelled w ith the name of the cutter. The most marvellous thing in connection with this part of the work is the ingenious system w hereby every bit of leather is kept track of. The foreman maps out the work: that is. he deter mines there shall be so many boxes of shoes cut that day and each box shall have so many pairs of a certain size. The cutters, each one doing hut a single tiling, such as cutting a "vamp" gets his leather and goes to work, trimming the leather with a curved knife, according to a metal pattern. His work passes un der the experienced eye of an inspector, w ho, at a single glance, judges the qual ity of the leather and sorts it into differ ent grades.- It seems hopeless confusion: vet every hit of leather inevitably finds its mate-of the proper grade and size when they all appear ill the sewing room below, pur sued by a relentless check list watchful to detect the slightest deviation from the right road, hi this room is a wild erness of maeliines. many of w hich are run by women. I'p at one end of the room the cut leather starts on a rapid journey. One machine seizes it and bites it a few times and seems to toss it aw ay spitefully. Immediately it is thrust into the claws of another machine that stitches is in another place until it conies out at the other cud of the room in ihe shape of a shoe top. Then the iasters seize upon it, to lit the top to the inner solo. Some of the shoes are lasted" bv hand, ethers bv a peculiarly vicious looking machine, that spits on, tiny nails, ami pounds the im- fortunate shoes wiib aii the energy of a chairman calling to order a caucus. The j Douglas people never hesitate to buy ! the most improved machinery, and all ! the latest methods maybe seen in this room. I Down this room. too. the h.ilf-linis'ued j slices pass rapidly. On goes the outer sole, .sometimes by sewing machine, j sometimes by a machine that screws the , sole on with little bras screw -, that the dron monster has swaiiowed voraci-uis-! Iy. With a single stamp the heel goes ! on. the rough edges being shaved off j by a v. hiriing knife. The channel made j along t lie side oy the stitching machine is tilled with cement, and under the an ! gry stamp of a metal boot the channel if made Slat again. ' Now we have the c-mph teil sh,. in th-' rough. Hut there are a dozen more maeliines-. and a doen more processes to be applied in the way of lini-hing touches. Finally, the shoe, resplendint in polish, neatly shaped and tini-hed to the hist detail, is wheeled nil a rack be fore the eagle eye of the t'mal inspector. If ho passes it. the shoe is finished, and having followed the leather through the hands of live hundred and sixty work men,! he check list triumphantly receives its final endorsement, am! we have a per fect shoe. Fifteen minutes is all the time they want to make 'a shoe, when they hurry matters. I 'ostoti Watchman. "Where Doctors Disagree." There has been a great deal of dis agreement from time to time about the therapeutic value of sarsaparilla. In the main, authorities deny any particu lar medical value to the plant. "It's just an old wive's remedy," they say. Ami in the main they are right. There are about a dozen varieties of sarsaparil la. scattered through various countries, ami of this dozen only one has an real curative power. So a man whose ex perience might be confined to the eleven other varieties might honestly say there was little value in them. 'The one val uable. sarsaparilla is found in Honduras, C A. Monardes, u physician of Seville, records the introduction of sarsaparilla into Spain as a result of the Spanish discoveries of the New World, between 15;!'i and 1 .!.). Hut the root did not ac complish much. Hut he adds, --a bet ter sort soon after came from Hondu ras." It is this "better sort" that is used exclusively in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. And it is the use of this "bettor sort" that has given Ayer's Sarsaparilla prom inence over all other varieties by reason of its wonderful cures of blood diseas es. Send for the Curebook, a "story of cures told by the cured.'" Free. Ad dress J. C. Aver Co.. Lowell. Mass. .Most Wonderful City. The most wonderful city within the limits of tha United States, and w hich has no existence whatever during the summer months, is Pish City, Mich. This municipal oddity is built on the ice of Saginaw hay regularly every win ter and is occupied by men anil their families who are engaged in catching, cleaning and packing lake trout and white-lish for the market. Fish City is situated in the same cove nearly every winter and i.s built of rough pine hoards. In the winter of ls",to-!)t it had a popula lation of nearly 3.000 anil in lsj4-),- almost twice that number. Why will you buy bitter nauseating tonics when drove's Tasteless C'liii Tonic i.s as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the monev in every case where it fails to cure. Price, oO cents. Never denounce vice in a way that will advertise it. Aver's Pills are constantly advancing in the estimation of those who use them. They improve the appetite, promote di gestion, restore, healthy action, and rec- u late every function. They are pleas ant to take, ffentle in their oueration. and powerful in subduing disease. - 3) ' i . .i i it:"5iE -J"i t :' - - 1 V'JPr A woman's noblest tvork is a baby into life and health. She is committing: a crini'e when she helps a sickly baby into the world. It is a crime because it is wholly within her power to make the baby strong and healthy. She can do it by Ihe proper preparation by taking proper care of her self during the period of gestation. Mary babies die early, or at birth, or are sickly all ths-ir lives because of their mothers' ignor ance or neglect. Neither is excusable. Kvery woman may be strong and well, and so insure the health of her baby. If she will take Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip tion during the period of gestation, she w ill find that she will have none of the discom forts incident to this condition, and that parturition will be free from clanger, and comparatively free from suffering. This medicine is the greatest remedy in the world for all the forms of weakness or dis ease peculiar to women. It is the only medicine of its kind prepared by a regu larly graduated, experienced and skilled specialist in the treatment of diseases of women. It is the only medicine in the world that will make the coming of baby safe and easy. You can get it at the drug stores. If you want to know all about it, address Dr. RrV. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y. All those who suffer from biliousness, headaches, heart-burn, flatulence, palpita tion of the heart, and a generally sluggish action of the digestive organs should take Dr. Pierce's I't.easav.t Pellets. They are tiny, sugar-coated gianules. Forty in a little vial. One " Pellet " is a gentle laxa tive ; two a mild cathartic. By druggists. The IJuhimic Phwiie. The plague which has been raging for six months past at Bombay, and to some extent at other places in India, is eon ceded to be "the true plague." In its general character it is identical with "the Black Death." which in the four teenth century destroyed, it is said, luO.tHH) lives in London, the lives cf seven-eighths of the population of England and some .'2.",0!'(i.i)(i() persons, or one fourth of the population of Europe. Hut sanitary science is supposed to have mit igated its virulence or lessened its op portunities. In Bombay, with 7-"(UH!) inhabitants, t he mortality is kept dow n to about 1. (XX) per week. Calcutta, w ith a million inhabitants, owing to efficient sanitation, is substantially free from the plague. At the lirt outbreak in the past, year marly every ease was fatal. Up to the third week of November persons had been attacked, and of these oil died. Its victims are almost uniformly very poor and ill-fed natives. 'Pin- English seldom or never take the di-ease. The step, taken to pnril'y the cities of India, in order to protect them. consist chiefly i:i cioanitig t Iii-iii by a liberal Use of water. As in fighting tin- famine, so in lighting the plague, the Hindoos are indebted to I the ails ami s(.'i( -n. es of Europe. lb t I f'r the foreign government, with its railroads and advanced ideas, the mor i talitv of India would during the presort i allliction , f famine and plague be ii: j creased doubtless by many millions. I The plague is a glandular fever, attend Jid with a swelling of the groin. It seems to be mi know n w het her it is due to a microbe or to insanitary conditions. It ravaged hong-Kong a fe-.v years ago. destroying many thousands there. It is endemic in China and the Euphrates Valley, ju-t as cholora lias its homo in the delta of the (ianges. London suf f -red from it in P'uMaud again in 1T"J-'. All i!d IJali' (if Cotton. W.C. Mills, of l'loyd nullity, (iror brought :x lialc of cotton to Uoiin-rcn-ntiy w liirli li:ul Imth lyinj; mnli r his fat lu-r's ii:i house ever Mm-,, the fall of 1ST-'. John Mills prow tho cotton on hi i ti in Cl.attoopa county dur ing that year, ami in the fall, after it was picked and ginned, the price went down, and the old man decided to hold il. feeling confident that it Would go up to I'll cents a pound. Instead of that, the price continued to decline, rtnd dur ing all these years it has lain there wait ing the rise in value that never came. Last winter the old man died, and his s ion took charge of his estate, ami among the assets was the old hale of c ttoii, much weather-beaten, with the bagging very badlv frayed and ties rust ed, hut the lint as white as on the day that it was ginned. The son tried to sell it, and it w as purchased by Kas Bros. & Co., for " cents a pound, a fraction more than one-fourth the price for w hich the old man had held it so lonsr. EXPECTANT Offer Vn.i KhMEUY Which MOTHERS, INSUkES Safety Of Life to Mother and Child. OTHERS' FRIEND" Robs Confinement of it3 Pain, Horror and Rislt. i,,f -V . 11 sue am not f! ei,-:lt1t,,?crlUcalh"r suff.-rinsr hut , iituosuo lmd do jwin.s afterward and her ' recovery was r.iniU. iu. i.. Johnston, Eufaula, Ala. 1 Spnt, nv ATnil nr Vv-ofc. ... . nriri. l W1 I ii t, ', rrctMpi I'l . 4rS nailed Free ' o aiow- BRADFIKI.T)-RM;ruTOB CO., AtlanU, Ca. tOLU s x ALL DRUGGISTS. Domestic Joy. The charm of ilomestic joy will be preserved, if those parents, who fear the early death of one of their loved onc3 when attacked whh a serious throat or lang li oul le, k : . t once to Dr. Bull's Vor.-:i Syi:--, r. --filing remedy. "J u; J I:;-. I'i.:i'& Coi:li Syrup for my son, v; '...- wa.; ci-l.t years old. He has hecn trc-uMeu with a bron chial cough since he as two and a half years of age, and I have tried every thing, hut found Dr. Bull's Couji Syrup does him the most good." Mrs. A. Geih, 317 Demott St., Vest Ilobo kea, X.J. Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup cosis only 25 cents, and ia cheaper than tuhe dealer's big profit making substitute, because Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup always cures while the substitute does not. STKS on WOMEN make tlO.OO a day Kellin? the "Wonderful Christy Bread Slicer." Wrae quirk tor territory. . Chbisti Kmifb Co., Fremont, Olilo. L. J . tV :n What a "Wed"' Means. Among the Anglo-Saxons the bridge groom gave a pledge or "wed" at the betrothal ceremony. This "wed" in cluded a ring, w hich wns placed i n the maiden's right hand, w here it remained until, at the marriage, it was transfer red to the left. English women at one time wore the wedding ring on the thumb. Many portraits . of ladies in Queen Elizabeth's days arc so depicted. In the reign of (leorge III brides usual ly' removed the ring from its proper abiding place to the thumb as soon as the ceremony w as owr. In Spain the gift of a ring is looked upon as aproinise of marriage and is considered sufficient proof for a maiden to claim her hus band. It is a custom to pass little pieces of bride's cake through the wedding ring, and those to whom these pieces are given place them under their pillows at night to dream of their lov ers. These "dreamers," as they are called, should be dra a ii nine liities through the ring. Many brides, however, are so supersti tion t hut neither for , hat pm posclior at any other time wiU they take the ring olT their linger after it Las once been place there. .Vaa's Share of the .lobe. There i-iiio immediate prospect thai the lauded surface of the giobe will be divided up and allotted in e;jual shares to each of its human inhabitants, but if such a time ever does come it will be found that each will get a little truck farm of 'J.'i; acres. The landed surface of the globe contains, as near as it i.s possible for the geographers to ascer tain, :5.).lini).0ll(l,(i(i() acres which, di vided among the l..M,()00,0H inhabit ants w hich t hi' world contains, accord ing to the iate-t of.ieial estimates, wouid give each of them a tract of land of the area mentioned above. Taking the entire population of the world into consideration there are al most exactly .'sT inhabitants to eaeli square mile. The following ligures show ing the number of persons, omitting fraclions, to a sipiare utile in the several divisions of the globe are from the best authorities on himia.i family statistics: Europe, sx: Asia. 4(5 : Africa. 1: North America. D: South America. 4: Oceanic:! and the point' regions. . The I.oiure-t Railway. The most gigantic railroad enterprise ever undertaken is the Trans-Siberian Hailway. which the H issian govern ment is building from the Eastern bor ders of the empire proper to the Pacific coast. . When completed, which it is calculated w.ili bo in PKir. this line w ill b- nearly ."..'Ml miles jn length- the longest in the world--and will have cost more than s jua.uoo.ouo. It-completion will c :l the minimum schedule time of a journey around t L' w rM more than half, a::-! w'.il make it pos-il ! to cir etimveut tie- l!o!.c in sonc-thing like :l(l days a fea t s-u-pas-jng all the dreams of the th '.ili.eii-ls. ((( )3V2d Life" A VETERAN'S STORY. " Several years ag while in Fort ."Miclling, .Minn., 1 caught a severe cold, attei.dcd with a terrible cough, 'that allowed lue bo rest day or iighr. Tin1 doctors lifter exhaust ng their remedies, pronounced my f '"N ease hopeless, say- they could do no t"l vA ,ili,ro iv U)0- -xt Yv-'-VisA thio time a bottle of AYER'S Cherrv Pectoral w as 7A s'i:t to rue by a h ' Vv'tT-J friend v.'uo urged me to take it. which I did, and soon after I was greatly relieved, and in a short time was completely cured. I have never had much of a cough since that time, and T tirmly believe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." AV. II. Waiu), S :iimlv Av., Lowell, Iass. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache M. S. Witherington, -ukau::: is HORSES and MULES, Buggies, Carts, and Kai-ness. Fine Livery, Single and Doable Teams. Corm-r Wist Centre mid Mullx-rry Streets. .wt.isi:i i:. X. c. DECKMUEi; 1st, lS'.'o. ' Leave I'ETi:i:snri;r,, Daily: South and Wksthoi-sd. No. 1. 12:10 at night. No. a. 10::;0a. m. East and Xoianr,rxi. Xo. 2. "-..V) a. m. No. 4. 0:20 p.m. Xo. 22. 'J :33 a.m. TICKETS all'fcnts OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS. NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS. CALIFORNIA, fc- TEXAS, The WEST, H0RTH-WE5T, SOUTH-WEST FIRST CLASS, SECOND CLASS AND EMIGRANT TICKETS. THE BEST ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST. ULLMN VESTIBULED CQCHrS A "H SLEEPING CB SEE THAT TO'JS TiCUTS REAB OVER THE 'lORFOLKWESTtFiN RAILROAD CHEAPEST, BEST i.t. QUICKEST LINE. Write Tor Ratrs. Mnjw Tim- Taliles. Descr:pti a m ph lets, lo auy on Agei-t, or to V. . BEVILU, Atlf HULL, M. F. BRAGG, n Ps. Aft lixr. T---S. A.'t Trr. P. Art USCKE, VA. ROANOKE, VA mm All Cleaning ssCs-wsv -sSs. fVfes, for Infants Castoria Isso well adnpted tochililren that I recommend it as suieriortoany prescriptiou known to me." IL A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, 2f. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of suix-rerojration to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CiiiLos Mahtts, D. P., New Yori City. Tint Centaur iiMi TSie Happy Now Compared with The Melancholy Past. xyis XT MRS. CHAS. LA PCI.NT. It's the old, old story, told over and over ajain since the dawn of crea tion. The story cf the heart. It's a theme that never wenries. And yet the saddest stories of the heart are those of its disorders. It has been the most neglected organ in the body. There arc thousands of cases of heart disease that never receive the proper treatment. The average doctor knows little of the heart, and treats the cases presented to him, as some other dis order and in this manner, patients, instead of being cured, are made worse. The testimony of the lady w hose port rait appears above is pertinent. Dr. Miles' discoveries, relating to the heart and nerves, mark a new era in the treatment of disorders of these most vital organs. Heart disease, formerly considered beyond the pale of medical aid, has at last yielded the victory to Dr. Miles' !New. Heart Cure. The reports received by Dr. Miles' Medical Co., of eases where special advice is asked, show conclusively that in a majority of cases complete cures follow the faithful use cf Dr. Miles' Restorative Remedies. The few failures are generally due to negilence on the part of the patient in not taking the remedies as directed. "A severe attack of typhoid fever left me with heart trouble of the most serious nature. Nothing the doctors gave me seemed to have any effect. They gave the very strongest of heart medicines, but to no avail. I had severe pains in the region of the heart, and was unable to sleep or lie on my left sido for more than three minutes at a time without great pain. J!v heart seemed to miss beats, and I had smothering sjxjIIs, in which it seemed every breath would be the last I should draw on earth. We accidentally heard of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine, and as a last resort we purchased a bottle of eaci-. Alter taking the remedies a week, I could be lilted in a chair and sit up an hour In two weeks I could walk about, and in a short t ime I was able to do light house work and I am now well along on the road to health. I shall be ever gratefnl to you for your wonderful medicines and will praise them to everyone I know. Truly they saved my life. Hopim everv one who uses Dr. Miles Remedies will derive the same benefit that I have I rcm:ln:'TT uiic- Mrs. Chas. LaToint. ol2. Ilumbold St., Denver, Colo. Sold by all Druggits. Book on Heart and Nerves. Et ee by Dr. Miles Medical Co .Elkhart Ind Dr.Mcs'HeartGairc RtS.' G0LDSB0R0 jr MARKET to bring your cotton and tobacco ami after obtaining highest prices tome to L B. FONVIELLE'S. AND BUY YOUii SUPPLIES OF HEAVY - AND FANCY - GROCERIES. OUI! STOCK IS VAUIEI) AND COMPLETE OXi: PRICE TO ALL AND THAT THE LOWEST. ORDERS" FROM A DISTANCE SOLICITED. I. B. FONVIELLE, West Walnut Street and at the Unlucky Corner. about the house, paint, floors, pots and pans, dishes and glassware, silver and tinware, can do aone better, quicker and cheaper with E7 Washing PoWdEr than with any other cleansing compound. Largest package greatest economy. THE H. K. FAISBA5K COMPAITT. Chicago. St. Loul Sew York, Boston. Philadelphia. and Children. Castoria cures folic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, lliarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- pestLin, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin- F. Tardee, 31. D., liMh Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Compaxt, 71 Mureat Street, New Yorr City. AT COST ! At Cost! At Cost ! ODR :-: STOCK -0 F- CLOTHING AND- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! -A.T- MAXUFACTUJIKKS PRICES ! To BUSINESS THE GOODS . MUST GO! Southerland, Brinklev I and Company. I GOLBSliOKO, s.t T

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