THE HEADLIGHT. rrr.i.iNiii-:) v 'i -iinrsiUY. si. nscinri ion $i.t.n n:ji ykak. A. KiSSCOVi'i:", Ksliltu- Uiii! Proprietor. (;..i.5,sis..r... X. ('.. J ;ily 1 -i ll i: may takiff now a i.wv. Tin' Dinii'V Tarill liill was p.-iss-cil I'V tin' Senate at .":".s i. :i.. Sat unlay. and after another peit'mi---tory visit to tin-House t!ie niea-ure was t:-an-ii:ittfil to liu- 1'iv-Men!. by whom it was siirned at 4:r j. in.; o that it is now a law of the land. The country will not take loni; to find out its invidious and iniquitous character, de-pile Un careful cll'ort at concealment 1 V niakinir soine of the ino-l import ant schedules entirely ininU'lIiirihlc except to the ltciietieiaries and the experts i;i their employ. As a whole, the new law may -ai'eiy he pronoun. -cd tic nio-t dra-ti jrni-piiiLT measure ever put upon the statute hook-: and that ii was j intentional . ,;,.! i'.is ele.r.-icler is : th" ine italile oa.-Iud. -n from the ! fact that the miuoiiiv wa- practi- ; eallv u i'.houl ,uv voire in t!ie mak-1 . inir of it, and Inat even tne cnane- iuiielled bv a x-iise of dei-euey in j the Senate were sui t-ei jilen! iy re-j ( lilted 1 -V the ci rrc- anddoul.t-i sat the diclation of the imlurir-es j iracti-.-any ii'e-i of liie whole bill lai .inir o! liie wliole bid, ,-um wlucii : took Csperia! care that il recoup to them tin ir '.-amp anres. However, the tariil hill is now out of the hands of the legislative audi cecuiie bran-'ln-s of liie piv ernnienf. and -loii'itle it w il! m-xl fall into the hands of the judieiary. ( )ne of the lir.-t point- to be deter mined is as to the time a! which the law became eilective. Seel ion ''') of tin- act itself contains the phrase, on and after th dav w!i"ii this ;irt : . : sliad r'o into en I'liras.-ol-.--Vil Uliioo'i .i.i'sso.- a.-ei. that lie- 1 on l-'rida thus s(-t f Di-es,: iw took hold a! u -ousts, tietore we wib starve. U e v hist. , the prineitileluive-ot the best wheat crop in the; . N- ' , 'Siutli 1 ever saw e;row. Thev have ' : of Kiinois. Missouri, hnva. soutla-ru The statue impiwin-'- a new rate! ' ' . I ..r- or . ;i - nil ii 11 o 1 1 1 )e I n 1 lion and after the passage of tin- ad" applies t "foods imported upon the day w h'-n the art SltpU'Mle ( '1 isirt . 1 v i ' k cheet A nil ii! l lilted States. . ' t i This would Mvin t.ihe coneiiislvi' of t'ue points that ail p.ods with drawn from bond Salur.lav were siiba-ot to the new duties. 1 he mi-; . .,, , . porters, however. wnl ivs;s! J'''" nilinir a- lx'hiir retroaeli e, if tln-v j eon ibol o l,..."il t'oot'io'd for their ! 1 1 ,1 1 ,1 d:un,: :ml ,hi'1V ,U:, W'1' a plenty lor the judiciary ill the near future ' 1 Iowcvcr, let us be thankt ( 'oiieffess has adji niriied. 1 . i' , , 1 ,'..,( ! ! ;OI.I Hl M INb. j ; , ., . , ! -.videiice cimtinues toaccitmulate . that the uold discoveries in th Klondike reoioii ot Alasxa nave:i.nv;l are thirty cents on the hum ; been little, if at all. exa-ru'erttteil. jdred dollars, in Croivla about sev-' The lll'.eoillradiep'd t : sfi mi :i y of scores of reliable witm's-os is that the ileposils are of wonderful rich ness and probably of e-reat extent. -The exeitemeiil created by the state ments of returniiiL;- prospectors is spreading to ail parts of this coun try and Canada, and it i- evident that there will be a tremendous rush from all quarters toward these llCW fields. Vet it would be well for all who are thiiikinir of r-oinef there to understand the situation tin rit --lily liefore they set out. ' business 1lmt he may accumulate ( 1 1 .M ii"-vin'- is pot an easy life, I v;ist prepert v, or that his family mav even un-h-r the n.M i'avoraMe eir- : V Jf "'7' i,l idle lives, has no i riirht to .iea.l want of time tor other eiinislaiiees. In me Klomlike near-! ,-iaims. It is not true that he can ly everytliinef eoiiioiiies to make it nt comply willi them, but that he peculiarly trying : u i I lianl. The and intense cold ot winter j lraetieally cuts oil' the miners fori the year from ' 1 ' : the outside woi-1,1. and the ilisconi - forts of the . short siinnni-r are said to he scarcely less formidable. , . , . I lie ill llieilll les ot e-et t stipjihes il.,.. i, i.. ii, up after the mi ,a"'' "'r'"! die of Septeiiiher are allllosj in- siHH-raliie. and if a l:tr-o nuniher of n.en su.ree.l in reaehin- it 1.,-fore . . ! the winter sots in most of them ; will have lo carry their own pro-' visions hundreds of miles or run 1 : Ihe ilanevr el starving. On the whole, the rrc:it n i-i i ri I y of "oI.l , hunters would act w isely to wait ' . -. I till next spring l.etore lryiitir their , luck. Few of them will irain any-i thiiiir hy endeavorinir lo reach the irromiil hefore the cominir winter, i Many of them will timl themselves strandeil far from home and friends. unahle to reach the ohioctive uoint 1 and eomnelh,! b, ,v, ., 1 nil t heb- i i resources while waiting for the op- porttuiity to resume their journey; anil others who succeed in making 1 ward mr any case of Catarrh that can- the trip l.efore winter w ill i.rol.ahlv n"t ' i-U t -v" ! ':?-;rvl 'UI'"' . , , . . ; - I-- . v libN hi iV ( ().. Props., w ish lliev ha In !. (i.) to Klondike, ' Toledo, o. youn-nian. if v.-u must, hut e-o1..,'' "'ideisined have known l-.j. ' HelleV tor the hl-t l- Vears. ,-in.l believe slow- and Lp. n;-. J; Uot always him perl'eelly li.ui.iral.i.' in all business the earliest l irospect or win . lim Is t ho 1 1 1 '" V'"'1 lji"-''lly ah!.-to i-iir- 11 , rv out any dliliation made hv their linn l'lclicst nuo-o;e. I vi:sr i Tiu ax, Wholesale l)ru.-Nt, .'niNn'tl,, way Tillman "t O. talks there mip-t he Very little a'.out ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak.-n internal that suirar h.isiness that he does not V1" SV' 71? :,'ul i niiieiioiis siirtaci-s ot ilie system. 1 rice already know. Tiiey miirht inves- j ?-".e per buttle. Sold by all Druists. tialc hint with sturess. ' ' aJe the best.' ' S.iia Jones on Hit Tina's. In !iiv peregrinations throughout the country this tiucstion is perhaps risked nie alnost as often ns "How is your health."' -Mr. .Mc Is in ley and a Ilepv.'olk-aii Congress have leen driv ing the nutchi'iery now a little over four moiilhs. The people are watch ing for a cloud the si- of a man's kind. The heavens liave .seemed a brass for four years ami more, and ii' there le any clouds they have not a silver liniirr. I have heeii through several of the northwestern States in the last oi daws. I have talked with the farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer, the lawver. the doctor, and the gentle man of leisure. About half of them talk hopefully; the other half say we are in the .same hole we have been in for five years and the sides ox'tting slicker ail tne time. The free and unlimited coiner, wherever you. strike him, teems to be utterly hopeless of his country. Thegoldbugs say, ''ffive us time, gentlemen, tfive. us time, the problem cannot be worked out in so short a space of time." I have, personally, lost hope in the abilitv of either political party to give prosperity to this country. The politicians of "this country are pro viding pap for themselves and the fellows who help them into oi'hce, ! i and if thev t an stay in oince, and the pap-si rs can he leu iney are nil- wiUi iney uae accomp 1 in Coiunvss." The dickering witii t:lC tai'l this talk about inter- national mmeiaiusin, cs mun- a more harm than it is doihir good. Ce.i-ress is not helping matters up to date. 1 wish Tillman would take his liitrii-fork and Ciean ut tl;e whole aiul tlln (.', himself up. This much 1 know, things are J,et- tine: no worse, stoews anu oonu.s. ate I :..?... I .,., ot o (r.wiil livinir '-p ;iv,s.ana' c-attie "vield some uiai-oihs of : profit to the farmer, and ;l( ii;;. a., m a.i ev.-rv lnuustiious. ixummii , ", i eal man in thfs coimtrv who has work ,, . .,1.,,,,, f., ;, Wrl! Things can't last as they are now. Soinrthinr- will bend or break one before lonr. When the ieop'e evt thoroughly tired of rowiin ami start out to accomplish someihin''. then the maehinerv will beir'ni to ! move, but we can no more rrowl Ives out of present dillicultics than a bov lost in the woods can hoi- let himself out of the woods. The fiht against the confirmation ."o danger of starving in this conn-! of J. V. Howderly to be Commission trv. oent 'emeu. If a man will ride , or Coneral of Immigration has be throueh the northwestern States on ooiue so warm that .Mr. M civ in icy has the rival: trunk lines and see the cribs ,.f corn, the pastures full of cat- j tie and hos. oats at eirht cents a I .-.!,..! le.v il,e.... ,1,,::ii-s o ton nnd ! ..f..iM-tl i.-v.f o's.-. in lii-iit ii iPtiotl ( J od m, (iod i nt itpon: t Willi's , '. lanself must send his iud'tnn! ; r r i.s m tiv wav (o ire-rs ami Minnesota and Wiconsin I have ever S....M r'MW ill 1 Ill's.. Statl'S. lfrill'll-L' . - ltir,)iii;h tin' country and looking at the wiu ai i'u-ids. not half of the fields haviiio; a l.a'.f stand of w lieat on the oround. indicates the shortness of ti;e crop m these states, wheat wi.i 1:0 to a dmar a biishoi, out J rec-ion i,; it will be after we sell out what we tl have on hand in the Sauth. In everv eommunitv into which 1 -o 1 find 'ome merchants properous. ; s"ine iarnu-rs 111 spieimut shape, so. iawvers with a bu practu-e. so dootors doin- well, some preach, with crowded houses and line salari Also in evei community there are; 'Honors uniiuui iiucuce. ia ei s , rom .i cell is 11 .-.1 more tor everv ' without clients, farmers t.avinir more! leathrr satchel or trunk: from 15 to! intetest on mort-a.e;es and on otherjiT, per cent, advance in price of belts, j i debts than their net income is. some ; st.-ips. harness and oth-r leather ....... a ,., ...I J 1 . , . . . - " e.a in-1 s u on eonipai a 1 1 e v i.n o i enure lies, some doctors who liave j turned their last, patients over to un-; derlakers. and so it ,'oes. I reckon soon t ist s would ntil this state i.f thaurs. "'the survival 01 tie fittest. . ., I suppose we win survive the Mtua-; tion until the fall of the year when 1 taxes become due. State' taxes in ' enty cents. Jt (.eoi-'Tia Keeps muiti- plyinj; her taxes in the in. xt five 1 ears as she has in the past, a fellow ! will have to move out of the State in ' self-defense. San 1'. Jonhs. j Take JOHNSON'S ' j CHILL & FEVER TONlC.szZ V;mt of Time. Tlie m:m who imtiresses himself in nas chosen ma lo no so. iue woman who, absorbed in a round of jayoty i and ; society, declares that slio has no .time to traH1 ,ier children and super- intend her household is utteri eveuse as vain :w it ? fn'sn Klir. ; .simply decides to uso her time for ''''" '" purposes. And this liberty :fehoi,v bel m f, every one in spite of an v desire or attempt to dis- m it. -A little ne'.iiis. v.h Lrrar.d-chiid of ITuoh lives in Meckienburir ceeiity. not far from the L'niou coun- ,y "-VV 11 1"' da-Vn tiL'o ami bit oil the head and a small portion of the stem. The child's irrand mother discovering blood in its ,mnu,th' ,mi' ""m- ami to her horror found that the child had bitten off a snake's head and was -l!cvin,' it with the onion. The stem "f llu 'T la.-o and hol- low and had been broken oil some distance from the top and the snake had crawled into the hollow of the st(Mn - -,, m A. II. (Junter, of .Moore count v. has a hen that he thinks is cei4a"mlv Republican in .olitics. She came oil with a brood of chicks, some of tin- l,t'"u: l.'ack and some white. Sh ' 1,UK 1 ulc' 1 iM (me ljul t f" the whit. How's This ! We direr One 1 1 1 1 n ,1 1 H..1I.,,... !.. CORE GOfjSUMPTION, T. -A. K'.oeum, M- -. thr ;rf:it (liemist ail Seien! isf, (liter- to Semi I ree to t li . tliielel. Three Cittlesof UN New ly IHirmmd Kenn-ilie, to l ure ('on-'iiie,i: ion :ini All,' 'l i-iiillilis. -...ill hi . 'Ticro vhn.uitlir.'jii- r;l ITV l:i".' j"' ill ilw.ll..- t.i.lll Ii ll-Tel 1 M, .::,. V. '!. 1.1 i'liti. o; . I. N-.-.v ..iki ity. I ..ulid-ni Ii.. ! .-...-i-. f.-..,. an. I all 1 nil :u t.i ni:i !, it iiP'Sit ii .-in tn.m ii. j tin- , I...HI... Oil.- si new sys 1 ii Ills, and -,,-iicl. tr...-. Hie.lieiliel t.. :,i.v r.-:i.l.T ..f 'I i..' li-n-ilii'M lm is In. -n .''! t.tliroilt mid i u i t r. -tj s,.rr.. li iiiui.lieli. II.. iuvit -s tlioM- ! sii-.iis .f .I.Miiiinir the remo di.'s to sini! v st ml liim tl.cir exeress mid .o-.t. .llii-o ad.ln -. an I'lvc-ive in i iii:-:i tin- Lottl.-s. A ireuly (!.is "new . i nlitir ooiirs;.1 'f llieili. -in.-" lias ..rii'ia!H.!iUy ciir.'.d tli.nii.iiuN of HM'UrfiiUy ili.ii eases. II,. I. -is it !.N religions duty- a duty wliicli lie owes to hiiiiianily !o...nati. liN infalliiile run'. tillered freely, ai art from iu inherent strength, is enonuli to e mend it. and more so is the jielfeet eontid.'iire of the creat ehenii-.t maUini; the oiler. He .roved to he a turahle dis- 'I'l.ere will he no n, Ntake in st'n.liMg t!ie inNtak.i 11 i,e in overlooking the l.vtor"s ceneroiis invita-I!.-hie. on liie in his American anil Hum an lalioraMii.-s thousands of testimonials of i. v rieliee from tiiose cured, in all (.arts of the world. I It-lays are daniieioii.-M mail your addreNs to T. A. renin. M. '.. ! l'iue Street. New York, and when i'.inthe Iiortor. dea--e mention reading this ar !r in The 1 leatllisla. .Nati.mal ( ;iii!al attt'rs. Washington, I). C, Jnlyl'l, 1SD7. From Our lii-itjUir i' Tre-;.. n lent. The Senators who opposed the ta riif bill bean their kic.dn s-'vera! weeks too late. If ail they not al lowed themselves to be tricked by the trust-bound supporters of the bill while it was bein.e; considered in the Semite they mi-dit have had ev erything that they kicked too late for, and tnirrht even have succeeded in defeatine; the bill. When cotton ties, cotton b.'ir'rm;' ami burlaps were put on. the free list, and the duty on white pine lumber was re duced to SI, the trust-bound Sena tors did it merely to keep the opposi tion uuiet and with no intention of a imviiii' them to remain JIad the kirkiti" been done at that staev of the r-ume it wou.d have been easy to have secured pledges that would have insured those items bein' let alone in conference. To kick on the conference report could accomplish i.othlni,r, unless hacked by votes enough to reject the report, because the report had to be accepted or re- iected as a whole. The new tariff will do more for the Democrats than any id kin;r on the floor of the Senate could do. requested Republican Senators not j to have a Vole a upon the noaii- nation until the regular session of! I re, T! ,i- !.. i . es u !.. -m-. i li-htin coiitirmati-m sav thev have. f,o:n a ,f.k let ii u.u! ,,r of j s;, 1 .... tl.o r i-liiiil in--! I. .rl 1 1 I e r o : em ' ' ei eii- tluM- iei. if the vote were taken now, and ! Mr. MeKm'.oy re-an Is rejoctioii as' lu-obab'.e that he has promi-M-ii to 1 IN.wd-rlv to hold it dunmi the recess of Coni ,.f l.e-.m oll'i r-l i n pavmeiit 1 r Ti'ihnau was a very mad man when Car R--ed ma-'e the House C..;:;ai:.ttee on R..lcs rrfa-e his re-: ,p.ot for a -p- cial order for the ; ........ ( . House, to vote i ;-.. a las P.-iieiisirv realty J.assru i.y the Senate, at ssioa. J: .preventative Khiott, of South Carolina. opiosed 5 ho .'rant- in ' of S..n:itm- Ti'dman's Acconiiair to an expert business the iohowin" is the tax t hat : vi'd be paid to thesii;ar. and eat'te-r trusts. 0:1 account of the new ; teiiuii.ican tarill': An a vera ire of ."0 ' cents, more for ea-h pair of shoo: ' e r0 r ; s o ' 1 Cell I a KlUlllI IIKHV ill'i sa'ar. and a viu-i-al advance in prh-.-s ami deterioration in qualit v of ; iull cand'u-.s and proerv.-s: an advance' : ,,f .,0 c-i.ts a box on imported cLrars : and a 'nera' lo-.vorli-" of ou-cit v in i i oiqua.nv in ail rra a-s ; euars and ciiraivt tes. ; Some of Sp. aker R.-ei'.'s admirers are verv sore b.-eaus,. i!.v .,,.,'...',...,1 i that litt oo:1f-re. i i .': Hit the I louse i at for a s o- i .-ehe-lule that would 00, rate a'ai:it the trusts, and p laved MiL'ar stock p, fall. Its t rei.i.-i.V,..r., Use. which is row List. c,.tul.t ihem lor lanv amounts. (-u ,,.,;,!tr-s f,,,',,,1,,!,',;'i''' stna:! uenommat 1. n,s. 111 anticipation of a larjre ditnarai for currencv to be used 111 inovii: the crops. The extra session of the Fifth fifth Congress came to a iitial close to nirht at ! o'clock. .Di.iiMioiiii mai:ki:t la roiir. .n re te.l Weekly I.y H iker, Isler i d W luilesiiie mill lletiiil (.roi-crs. (.'uttnll liulk Meat I'''' V Salt Uiee meal X. ('. Hams . . V. Shies ?-!e.-tl p.-rs:ick L'li.ur ..j(l(('SI . . . .'.'to l.(M) I.IKI .r).()(l - Sl'.ar, r:imil;tteil t'orn . Oats. Hay.. Suffered Eighteen Years. 1'ains Drp.irtPd and Sleep Came. Jlrs. Julia A. Drown, of Corincrton, Tonn., w!u-( litwhur.a lian chsir-o cf the electric lH-ht plant :it th-tt l !, 1,,-is been ;i preat su.Ter.-p. II--r aiJii,, nts ami rji-eay cure arc best rlcserUV.-d !.y h--:-;r if, n-ifeliov-s: tort y.'-tirs I p;i'T'-p 1 f r-m nervoenrss nri'l ir..!i.-. ai-,.-,. i ; . i,...:.v reric-y ree-or:iT;ij.-u..e-l 17 i,t1 fri.-t:.!:!, lmt I CO'.ii.t pel no re!,, f ;. ;l;1. 1 wo yenrs :i"0, ciaus, Lis. hariet, Mi-i-y I'ii.l'f.iwwd!' tie Mrs. Julia A. Brown. informed me that I ha.i become dropsical anil that there was litilu hope for iue. I Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, 1 then unablo to pet to sleep until well on toward dayli-ht, and during all this tinic I had a deep, heavy pain in my If ft side. uas tn..t miralls, indeed, but after takinsr one-half bottle of the Amine I could sieep all ni-ht just as well as lever tIKl. iho Afri-iiH! 1 tlie only remedy that gave mil any relief whatever. I am now waiani stron-,', a-id I thank d-d. every dan of my Itje fur Ltr. MiUs' Atrvine." " MRS. JULIA A. BROWN. Dr. Miles' Neryino is Fold on a positive puararitee that the first bottle will Vnefit! Alldrui-?istsscllit!itjl16 bottles for?",, or It will be sent, prepnid, on receint of nrien by tiic Dr. ililes ii'edicLl Co., Elkhart, PInd! Dr. xniiles' Nervine R?.ffiu, Every woman ueeds Dr. Miles' Tain Pill fif'-'J'- &jij , I hW,fC -4 hi (Jiiahit ami ( iirir.iis Male Hems. Durham now has a lady doctor, Miss Clara .Martin, who is a graduate of the school of ostecpothy, of Kirk? ville, Mo. Henry Williams, a five-year-old Ilowan county boy, is a musical gen ius, bcin able to reproduce on the piano any tune he hears. A 'Jreensboro contractor tells the Ilecord that VM houses have been completed within sixty days or are in course of construction in Greens boro. It is said that Dare county has not a single farm and every house may be reached by boat. Pamlico county has neither railroad, doctor nor lawyer. J. Tj. Wilkinson, of Vance county, has a curiosity in the shape of a four lerr,'cd duck. All the le,rs are per fectly formed, but the front ones on ly are used in walking. Mrs. Mary McCoy last week re tired from service; in the 1 to bedel cotton mill, near Roekinhom, after having worked steadily in a cotton factory for more than fifty years. J. II. IJrinijle, of Rowan county, while plowing in anew ground, Wed nesday, ploughed up an old army fjun, which had probably lain there, concealed since the close of the war, 3'2 ears ao. Sol. J. Jones, of Wilmington, has the largest Chinese balsam farm in the world, containing about five acres, from which he ships to the lar;e cities East and West and ob tains fi.r this balsam from 10 to -I cents a pound. He has a Chinamen with him to cultivate this truck who is well experienced in the business. According to the Monroe 1 In quirer, a certain Union county farm er has a clock which is a true baro meter and foretells rain more accu- rately than the oldest weather prop het, liefore a rain the strokes of the clock become indistinct andean scarcely behead. In dry weather the strokes are very clear and dis tinct. The Lincoln Journal says that a younj man named James Ilamriek, died at Iron Station last Sunday, un der pi culiar circumstances. He was convalescing from an attack of fever. Saturday a work train on the Caro lina Central was en-.'aed in loading and unloading railroad iron in front of his house. That niht he dreamed that he. was lyin on the track, un able to move, and the train was about to run over him. The fright lirouyht on heart failure, and he died, 4tlt- T?i- L: (X I llC T OOt :'.'' ' l: ''A -v ;'' W i l j-'-1 f; ,, Oi G, 1 IV 'v';.-l d-'Zj sa-vs an .tnent English coctor, "wt. ill carrv enougn poi; ison to infect a house- hold." In summer-time, more espee- ially, dis ase germs rill the air, malti- tudes are infected, tall ill, die ; muki- tudes escape. These messengers of m;i0h?et do not exist for millions. Why not ? Because they are healthy and strong protected as acrocodile is against gun shot. It is the weak, the wasted, the thin-blooded who fall ; those who have no resistive power so that a sudden cctath or co.d develops into graver disease. We hear of catching disease! Vhy not catch health : We can do it bv a'.wavs mainuininz our health veiohr. tV & " .f C0lv5 GintU&tCTU .fP.I 1;.,.. r:t . . J :.u "t u iuimhii:cu iiuuiu.l ment; food for the bui.d:ng up of the svstem to resist the attacks of disease. It should he taken in reasonahle doses all ,uinmer long by all those whose .- u .u j j u i Wea:at is bdow the standard of i .'. . , i . . 6 t,wu-'"' " " u"llc now- i'"or sa'-e b' aU druists at 50c anJ " " " ' " " THE NEW Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine VriTH Rotary Motion ar.d Ball Bearings, Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid, and Durable. Purchasers say: " It runs as light as ;i feather." " Grent improvement over anything so far." f " It turns drudgery into a pastime." 'The magic Silent Sewer." , All sizes and styles of sewing; ma chines for Cloth and Leather. WESTBROOK 5 CULBRETH, Sur.r. Ai.kms Mot-vr Oi.iyi:, X. c. E. 81 CUTHBERT & CO,, Uankcrs and Hrokers, Street, - - - N,.w Vrnk. PRIVATE :-: WIRE. Krimili )Ui UalciL'li, Wilson, Fayette illc, .Monroe, Ifiniiam, (iililslniro. . VaiIehoro, (liaiiollc. Cotton, Stock-, (Jrain ami Provisions bought ami sold for cili or on margin. JOHN E. CROW, Manager," (;I.IiSi;oUO (KKICEi ALLEN & DORTCH, ATTuUNEYS AND COVXSELLUUS AT LAW. (JOLDSliOIU), X. c. THE ( NEW HOOKryvSSiv , J.-W r-. p ; I hunt " I - .s il ssj "M i " SPrXIALjMESC JroUSK I-OK SALK Located on cr 1 nor of (Jeore-e and (ak stiroN, two stories, coiitaininir si con veiiieiitly ar ranged rooms. For terms apply to this otlice. SADDMiKV. r,n;cY i;o;:ks and Whips, in hut.''' variety, an ! at al most your own price, at Sol Tlii:!;i..M. Ri.lNKI.KV & Co. IOI1 l'ltlNTIN't; NKATRY AND ,J cheapiy done at this oliiee. lisii mates f iiinishe.!. Troofs sulnnilted. Mail orders will reo ive carefii! atten tion. D( )NT i ( i;i ; i: r i i ; at ( k k r n-rs shoes are t he hesi for the money, livery pair u arratited. n sale at ( luirn only, at Sot TUKi:i.Ni. ri:iNK!.i:v &('. lTKAD(rAKII-i:s r 1I raikjains I I in Drv (in.ids. Notions. Shoes ami (.'lolhini'. Whell com 111' to toWII lie tire to call on u and save iiionev. Sot i uiau.AM.. lil.-INKI.KV A: Co. KKSS (iooiis AND MlOliS AUK ; low er than evt r before at our slorc. .Now is tiic accept. '! t inn' o ;et what von want. Money acil is money made. Sot i n KiM. am. I:i:inki.i-:v Co. To Water Consumers! Owinto the siekni ss of the sliper iutell.lelit of the Water Work-, the Usual waiter rent n.-tiecs have lmt hceu seat out till the l-'.th of this mouth instead of the 1st. the hills have all h.-en made out out lie .piar terly payment plan. All ilcsirinir to retain use of t lie Wat.-r Company's water w id pl.-a-e pay or send lh.-ir rent to the ( '.'iiip;oiv;s..ilee. Walnut -t if t. OtlicO Itot'.l-s fie Ml !' 1" i.' a. ill.. - to a p. 111. Frank Evans A. ( ., Will carry a -a: !1: .-.i-k of linii.os and i'pe la .-,;, .1 !..- water e. ii-um-ers and hopes I.y pi ..nipt aileiaiuli tc. Old.-! - ail. I mod.-! Ue eh. i;o-es 1,. olitain a siari-'.' the liu-inr-. SALK T,l TAX KS. 'I'his is to o-; ,. ,,,,! I have !,- i ed on the property of he parlies named helow . w ho failed in pay 1 ii. -i r t a v for IsiMl, and w id sell -cell at ptih.-o otiterv at the eotin house in ( ioi 1 -! -, ,. on Mom d..y.A,:,i sl,,:.a!, n: ( V-KKr; kVxV -m T.tN( ol. Indian SpiinsTowiisnip. .irsT i;i:ci:i vi:d 200 -:- POUNDS OF LAHDRED"S-:-SEW-:-CROP Turnip Seeds. ISrOlNTE BETTER.- -A 1" Mils. VWIKIAI ci:i-:coi:Y. -.--5 V All K Oliiee over Miller's Dvuz Non IVlilly ilee:i Ve.I :un liruken i!nwn teetil ami runts er m-.l wit h l'm eelaiti ami jjol.l, anil ma.le as g, i. as s..iiii. teeth. All eliartre- i-l-v l easi.nalile. f JT 1 rXt-it-i J IjIJIJI - Am Ukuiksm Vm i;ki.k At tiik Ni.w I'm niain 1 1" E. W. EDWARDS. -Ml -:- liie- -:- I i .. 1 1 : 1 e -:- 1 i-ii.IM. Fancy (Jrnccrics. ( 'uiifecti.inarics ami l-'ruits in lare variety ami ciieap. Kast Walnut St., opposite Mayor's ollicc Summer Meats, Ice-Cold Meats, Served Our Patrons Daily. Only the Best Brought to Market Sol.l at our I'lahlisliinciit. kisi:i: ciTV nr.i, i:i.'v. A'0111- 1 i-oii:iii- il el. S. Cohn & Son, CITY HUTCH KKS. -DO YOU Contemplate Building ? If so it will In- lo your interest to have your tinniiig ami gut tering ilone liy ns. for weTiim To Save You Money. Call on tis ami nl.tain our esti mate ami weare certain l hut t!ie wortc u ill l.c ours. WE DO PLUMBING, lock repairing, in fact, all kinds of tin ami sheet metal work, ami fully guarantee our work in ev ery iiistatice. Taylor & Lane, (at S.l15. Parkers old tan,l.) ! ';... -T.P j'' f r ' J CZi" ft I Z C '.Jiil-lo. Seraciirnes they s:.y t: apaUe:.'.: ..oc. u-.:st.-::.c.- v.-.Il avail. V. u r.-.i-ht :: wdl rccoac;!. - 1 1 y. -::r will." 'I !: r.-i.r laany iastaaef s e tl.::: 1 t!:e:i th.' r::t:c-::ls a-stonL-lieJ even LsVdaj v. cll after ta'.l::.; FT7s r. ffi -rs. r- Wtn. V. T?7? Ave., r;.. -lost t. '-: N V.. ii.:.oiH!- o. ii.- Miiirret a-oi-i.s ei "i.s:-: 'I kiJn y .:... j T.'.e sur-.n s:iJ I..- i:..,t:::t--"""Vr. r.--. nit tj 1 cr I. .-v. ;:'.i surt'v .tl.---!':. t r'' t:i l::: : 1 v I. I.o-en Dut .".r ..! ::rs wiellr J :-.:!;r;t. I..' 1 .-!: i 'r. DaviJ I.onae-y fav.- !-. p.-r-o.ivn-J CT'Jt : 11. This e -.rr..r.n-Jy aii) cures ut.-rs. s..r.s. s-r'if:i-.i. --sit rh-:en. rlvHirr.-.ism. ccz I. r -n-ila-.-'i t':; !-.-. !. arl curss hanirt.S'.f tl. tliit u:.,o t:;. cj.i-.t:.-a:i.n. 5 1 A IlOTTI.' X irOTTLl S. i j. AT ANY DK. 1 'JMMO I'XIVKl.'SITV. 7 Teachers. 1 1 :J Students, (Sum mer School l".si total, ."il'.l. Iloard ss a 11, out h, :! Rrief Cours.-i. .', J-'ull ('nurses, Law and Medical Schools and School of l'liarmacy. (Jradtttite Coiii-ses ojii-ii to Wotn.-m Summer for Teacliers. Scholarships and Loans for the Needy. Address. I'll! SHHAT Al.l.l lfMAN. Chapel Hill, X. C. ELOH COLLEGE, K. C. i::..n i ..:Vu. vi.liie.'. nt I'ftv t!i..nui. .L.llars. j.-.. .,...;;,-,.) ii,,. Cl.risiian hie. li. I.- al .1 en Hi. Southern r. .ml. six lv-li e miles nest of Hal eii-le I uresi wilier; nl.-t s..lul.ri"iis eliimil.-: r I l.iiil.liiiirs: c.-e.liu-ali..nal; elli.-ielit laeillO of . I.a. m: tl.n-e i;...l lil.-r-.rv s.H-i, li. s an. haa : n I lil.rarv an. I rnelin..' r n: -e.-I lent moral lone; Iul'Ii lira. I. of work; lioim-liki in ll.aiia'e.i.elit. Oir. is ti.e f,.IIo ini; .l.xrees I'll. U. . . I. .air I A M. i:xi.e!.-s l.-rate: i I' to ln r er miiitli: tuition. !.-. 1.. f-j .:ill v.-ar: miisir. i is t i 1 1 ir. .M-ntioM, i-oa; j ;nU i-n-vunilory ,l-.itrt.n.'lits. I 'I a. K..r eai;.!. i'iie and other information, avi'ly to Il!. . .1. O. ATKINSON. M. A. ,llarvar,.l I liairni-in of Family. KI..11 C..llei.v. N-'. THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE, ; i;i:;-:ns;ioi;o. N. C. Offers t:i(- voting noliiell ef liie State tliorolltlll Vrol.-.-ioiii'il. literarv. r!a m.-.U. vin-.tiir,. ami ii..!iotri .1 .-,..i.-:iti..i.. Aemial exe.-ns.-s :l to fll". I'ariilly o "J.. iii..iil,.rs. More tliail I.KI re-iitar stu.l,."its. rraela-e s,-..,l of r; ii.ils I-..- l.-aeliers. More than l.-.'nc inatrieiUiites re.-resciiiniL- every eeiinty 111 the stat.- i-xi-e.t three. i rrri-oii'lelHV inva.-il tiios." ile--iriiii; ei.i.).e!rllt trail:. -.1 t. ael Tl ., cure l.o.,-il in .1--i :iul. rl all fr.-e-tiiil...n :a ( lie if:, ns must lvf..r- iii i.-i s. I .'.r c:Cal. .mie ami liil ..l.:.;i ..II. a.!.:;e-s FRESiDEHT Charles D. L'cIveb. GOILF0RD-:-C0LLEGE. !" i n: s :i 1 .x l'iv.. larefe and we'll ;ll-l;lll;'.-.l hliek he.iidiliLr-. hesides new ( i V It 1 ! 1 :t i II ! 1 1 . Seieiiee 1 lall I10W I illi h 1 i II IT. Co-cthl- eatioiiah r.iii'.dimrs specially plan ned for 1 1. .t li s..,-. Location in h.-ailhtu! l'i.-.iiiccit sfclioii. :',iiu acre 1 la i r v farm. Three i-hiums leaI iaj :.. -l.-j.-ees. A!-.. M'lsie, Art and rhvsicai 1 raining. ( en cspoinlein-e sol'icite.l. I'mis. L. L. Ilniiis, luiifol d ( olie'c. N. i '. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE MECHANIC ARTS, "'11.1. Ol'LN Slil'T. 17. i Tiioroiuh aeademie. scier. t i lie and tech j Iliea, colli ses. Lperiellce.l Spcciit!- is;, in every d- pitri nienl . r.Xi-l s.s ; : -n Including Board: l .ir Cniiiity Mii.l.iits I l'l.r nil lltlier s,,,, ,,t. ;.:i.iii l -.'.. no A;:y .. ri .-.:. s ,.. ; . Al.!: WI'Ki: 11 Ili.I.l.AHAY. 1.1.. I.. i-i.. n . . i i. . ..I. nt. EAGE iiin-itn-r V'.uiiir I.ailii-s, INS I ITU IE ..aiei.ii.N l"e. Il.-sit liiii!.l:n-s ami I.ear.tiful e;i-..-uii.s in ;l Healthful l.iie:iti,ii) wilh sp'em'i.leliiiiate. Man. Is :it tin-ei-y ;n Female K.Iiteutioii. 'rimriuieji, ii, it C(,Hl-es. Ili.jr, , lis St-ii!,!;!!.!. 1'Ns l;rsi;, JN i ts 1IK.1! MUK-AI. KINK A M 1 ns N. Ti:t.l.i: I I AI. AH MielAI. IXKI.f- iai r.s. T riity-oiit' oiueers .-un t.-aelii-rs. Vt-vy ii-as.inal.le jiriees. Semi l'.r eatalnejue. TRINITY COLLEGE. Next Nessnuis Opens ejit. SI li 'I'liree full courses nf sf.11.h-. Lai-.'e I nmi.l.el-,f eleetixe,. Twn full chairs in ! all classes One lliin.lie,! ;in,l ,. TIi.iii,:iihI l,.ll:lrs a-l.le.l to the cii.low ment ilurin the ju escni year. Only male literarv college in North Carolina that is loea'tcl iiTa city. '1 he ln s litlsim-ss cojirst' offelCil in the State. Semi for all. tun an.l cata logue. A.l.lrcss, C. KIL(,(). : : li ijiiam, X. C. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, PAYiiis, in. -. ( Kixly --,.Jir - Si-pLiHL.-n;. Ten l'l-ole.sois ,,:i. A-si-t.-mts. Four Seieiitilie Lalioratoi ies. Three ( 'olll'ses for Degrees. CI;issial, Malln-iiialiral, Lilt'ranr, Si-M'iiUHi-, Iliblical. IVrms Keasonahle. -m:m r.i a ( ATA i.ik. ri:. J. 23. SKCTTl A t? Trvra ----1 J'l.'KslDKNT. Fremont -,- AcademyT A IIOMi: S('()(Ij. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 6, '97. Send your daughters here, where tliey will have the advantages of s.hool coniliined with home lif,. Diseiphne.nililont liriii.i ustr.icl io' thorough, rates low. a school Foil tiii: tliii-s. I'.ates f.,r school year, from Sept,.,,,, ner to .June, i Literary dep: ,eellt t1 '" I',"IMt' Miss :" i1i' ient and a, con,j ,sh(,i ,,.,. lf Ulll. as just enjoyed a curse of special trauung , i;sto. will . in t our music department. " t:F.a- further partietilars write to I the principal, AUi. AV. II. SlM:i(iUT. FUEMT, X. ('. I'uiu has i..,t.!,.nv wit), I r. Miles' I'aln PlluT" i A LARGE LOT Ce- tadebaKer mm anu to fu'.M vWUi-v f'i--"!' til1,1 ; otiods villi I'" f)oi::.dit elsewiien- 1 -; -, WILL SAVE YOU .n evefV II!'L'' orMlllTOtl .,n,l I.esi.L's I iim tliy sole ouee JOSEPH edwa: The Champion of Low Pri WE WANT MOX.-ii AS VK INTKND TO T,T. "31 Ta"i VY SY ii y AT som 1: FiMCi:. Cost Guts a Small Figure Willi It Is Money We Want, Money We Need, And Money Wo ! Every Article in Our Store Has Been 8re.?;' 11'' rents :ui l l." triiN ( );' imlies nn.l Ks;.i.;-'s : , per!. I.m'.ies" Fine Sliirt Wtiists. ,,!.! 7.. iiiiT :it ."' :i!pl L'-V-ts, Stiilisiir -.'i' sM :tt I:';, et-pi -. ;: EVERYTHING ELSE IN ?R0?0 Remember the MOUNT WESTBROOK & GULBHETH, Prop (Sc -ei's--irs t, C'.'.Y u-: 'li Il.-t.s. I -sjf-'- 1 1! rum itu re or every iJosonp.'on, CHINA, GLASSWARE, and CROCKERY, Tlie Leading Furniture Store of Mmi PRICES ALWAYS AND JOSEPH ISAACS, prcpiicto, Special - Sales are,,,, ev.-rv dav at our esia!,- i A A fjf vJ'A :h We Are Selling Cheaper; T"'"t ' !!:;:;i:;;ICril:iSiJ; Our Prices Tell the Tale and weare selling j.hkIs fusi.-r than we can get them in. Anoth.-r m-w lille of Mimiili-r goods jut leceh e.l. Come ipiiek and secure our enorm ous ltartrrrins. Dennis W. Cobb k Coj mm "' K. w: s. ...-. v ..... 1 " "'v'- :' STLER ALWAYS LEADS, DRY - GOODS. i'Myar.lsimi.(;illi:i1:Uusfl.1,uir(li( cents lorpard::.i'oo var.NCali., extra. piahty. only .Vts.,' I.imo vards l:uit goo-.Is liought low. from to ""cts. per van!.- NOTIONS ! - NOTIONS ! Toweling.-,,-, yard: good socks and stockings .,-. pair. I,cst ,-..!, -.Mic. i .wu.,. nne .ircss Imttons on!v .V. :i dozen. HATS and TRUNKS. A lino straw hat only le i;..,. ,':'!-0V'-Vr",r - I'':lile leader tos I .,.. latest stvles. A ,..,. J., ,,.t. trunk $1.1.-,, ,). si.pjV;,1,.,.,-;-1 GROCERIES and CROCKERY. Just look colTeo II) .,.nS s,,,r iiov I ,,,Ia 'lv i;,.. i x Lorax soap and, t,1(: sp,.,,,, .-.. I J and samvrs i'et, J A glassware and almost? ilM kJ llN .- F. B. EDMiiNIISliN. lii-l Walnut M,Vl,.T:,,,K.,,, ;V ,. I I.nilirlil tle-M ; ... . e:it firs tills ! , - e:it f.n- tin iu. - 'ioct my st iv. SOUTH IX Till OF OTJIo Goods Must Go! OLIVE, N. C, : JiOi N tL K ' o r A T RIGHT THAT TIIK i.uW !! .veeping RedLiclio!! i:i BUCK'S GOOK S fOYES anl I irtii iTv-s- A mcnt .f L::i i- : LOW PRICES Oil AL! Cm-nl S -e. A ; w u unoQlM CLEVELAND ; ' " ' -:.-V..).- i. -J -AM' Westfield :-: Bicycle ai;:: ti;f. :' -: r.-r s:. : I GIDDEKS' -:- JEWELS if t 4